lSHOULD THINK OF ROADS IN TERMS OF MILLIONS. realize than only inâ€" terms of hg money can many big problems be proâ€" properiy attacked. In the case of the North Land‘s need for. roads, the truth of the fact that so big a problem can only be handled in a big way should be ~apparent Millions â€" are eoolly spent to enforcee the Ontario Temperance Act. , Why not a few millions for the development of a ereat and promising country ? Nothâ€" ing will ever be accomplished by a policy of dabs and dribbles. Let the Government think in terms of milâ€" lions« of dollars on this problem of roads for the settlers of the North! Let the people think in the right terms of big money ‘well spenut. And for every dollar so expended there will come back two in greater prosperity and advancoment and true vrogress No one denies the idea that this country should be settled No one disputes the fact that agriculture 13 the basic industry. There can be no progress without roads. The settler must have roads to get his supplies in and his produce out â€" He must have roads to be able to get his children to school. Without roads he can not truly live. But roads mean millions of dollars! Then are we afraid to ecourt our destiny? Let the Governâ€" ments and people alike face the facts fairly and bravely and think in terms of the millions of dollars that are necessary. _ Queen‘s . in terms realize °t money ca properiy North L truth of 1 canâ€" only ernmninent 11 question 1 IaÂ¥ts. â€" For g00 d ludd for the g€ the bis i Queen‘s P Some weeks ago thele was one of those ‘flag mmdents in â€" Toronto. and The Toronto Star had stern reâ€" buke for a policeman who took a forâ€" eign flage from a motor car where it was being flaunted without a British flag to protect it. The Star had not a word of censuré for the thoughtless foreizners who thus unduiy flaunted their flag in glaring discourtesy to the eountry that was giving them hospiâ€" tality. In regard to another flag incident, Maine but hb erow d moved Shtï¬ alongs equal emlty WEDNESNAY, JULY 8th, 1925. In othe severely British # Canadian yesen! flaunt tish â€" think: be re foreis Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Canada « United States Fublished every Wednesday by S THE STAR NO PLACE FOR THIS COUNTRY‘S FLAG. Owner and Publisher. Subscription Rates: zard to another flag incident, tar last week says:â€"*‘*Two Nova Scotians motored into with their flag on their ear, in ‘t gone far until a village rathered, ordered the flag reâ€" ir trouble would result. These uns men were wrong. They not have earried their flag the border without displaying le it an American flag of ize." As at was they were censured Tor LC lag, and at the same time is are to be seorned if they 1 any measure the senseless â€"of foreign flags in this Briâ€" ntry. Apparently. The Stï¬ar lat only foregn flags should cted, and that compared to rs, Canadians are always in anvwary. â€" It passes the love n affront.""‘ words Canadians nsured for displ *. cand at the s Telepuones : Residence 70. is a stretch with about and all pracâ€" $2.00 year $3.00 year he Assocâ€" are to be aving the ame time d if they reside in this country, belicving as it | evidently does that Canada is the; only land on earth that deserves no| respect, and that Canadians are the, biggest boobs and the rawest toughs | on earth. Perhaps, The Star remains here just to punish what it believes to be a rotten country and a seurvyy peoâ€". ple. If so, the punishment is almost more than we can bear. As an aftermath of the breaking of a number of windows in the Moneta School some days ago the parents of several boys will be in court toâ€"morâ€" row (I‘hulbdm) to see if they are not entitled to pay for the damage done. One local firm will face a charge of fast driving of a motor ear on one of the main streets of the town. Dome Tripods.. Dome Athletices Hollinger .. Schumacher So. Poreypine . So. Poreypine .. 3 1 :2 . d4d3 TS .. ./ d () o . 000 The last team in the league has had some tough luck but they‘ are deterâ€" mined to climb out of the cellar. BOYS BROKE WINDOWS AND PARENTS TO BE IN COURT. PRESENTATION MADE TO MR. M. TONKIN ON SATURDAY toâ€"morrow FIRST DEGREE PUT ON THIS WEEK BY THE K. OF C Sunday evening the Timmins Counâ€" cil: of the K. of C. assembled at the church and marched in a body to the St, Charles School where the â€" First Degree was exemplified. There were sixteen candidates faking this degree. SOFTBALL LEAGUE OF THE PORCUPINE DISTRICT. ~The Cornish QOneâ€"andâ€"All Football Club held a very pleasant social evenâ€" ing at the Hollinger Recreation Hall on Saturday evening. The event was made the occasion for the presentâ€" ation to Mr. Martin Tonkin of a handâ€" some gold tie pin as a mark of the ecstcem and regard in which he is held. Mr. Tonkin has been the outâ€" side right on the Cornish Oneâ€"andâ€"Al Football team and has been a valuâ€" able man in the line of football. In cther cireles he has also enjoyed much popularity, and the appreciation and good wishes expressed on Saturâ€" day evening were very sincere and general. â€" Mr. Tonkin leaves on Thursâ€" day for the Old Country and he car ries with him the best wishes of aitf. At the event on Saturday evening which took the form of an Ice Cream Social and Dance, there were about 150 present. Mr. . Jenkins supplied the best of musie for the dances. The gathering was delighted with the solos by Mrs. Richards, the selections on the piano and cornet. by Master Carl Johns and the guitar music by Mr, Poad. All present agreed â€" that the programme was an â€" unusually pleasing one and the evening throughâ€" out a very enjoyable one. «w James Gordon won the annual Y.M. C.A. race around Cobalt Lake on Dominion Day, making the three and oneâ€"téenth miles in 18 minutes and 21% seconds. The Sudbury Star last week says :â€"â€" ‘‘Mrs. J. J. Kehoe will be at home to her. friends Thursday afternoon, July 9th, from 3 to 6 o ‘clock, in hmmur of her daughter, Mrs. F. J. Kehoe."‘ taking part in the recent pmbentdtum of ‘‘The Hottentot,"" enjoying the hospitality of the 1.O.D.E. Toâ€"morâ€" row (Thursday) the annual, Baptist Church picnic will be held, and on Friday of this week the Presbyterian Church picnic will be held, both â€" at Golden Cityv. This looks like Picnic Week. Un Tuesday the I.O0.D.E. had a very enâ€" joyable picnic at Golden City, those ; Work is in progress on the beauâ€" fying of the Hollinger â€" Hospital ornunds Preparations gre under way tur a large lawn, flower beds, driveway etc., and the layout promuses to be very attractive,. An iron railing gives a finishing touch to the grounds The grounds around the Hospital prouu% now to be one of the beauty spots of the town. Standing of the teamsâ€"un to date Played. W. L. P.C £TY Notes of Interest ast weq ifield f: kiifeq | s a report around North ek to the effect that the farmer, â€" Genereaux, â€" had by an explosion and not ais first reported. Investiâ€" 800 500 for the ‘ THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO NOTICE TO ATTEND COURT OF REVISION Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and including Wedâ€" nesday, July 15th, 1925, for the cutâ€" ting, stumping, grubbing and burnâ€" ing of the right of way, starting on Line between Lots 4 and 5, Mountjoy Township, to boundary line between Mountjoy and Ogden Tounships, then westerly on boundary line, a distance altogether of two miles, more or less TAKE NOTICE that the District Judge will sit at South Poreupine_at the hour of 10 o‘clock in the forenoon of Friday the 24th day of July A.D. 1925, to hear and determine the apâ€" peals from the Court of Revision in the matter of Assessment Roll of the Municipality of the Township of Tisdale for the year 1925. Frank C. Evans, 27â€" Clerk of the said municipality Tenders will state price per acre for cutting and burning; also price per acre for stumping, grubbing and burning. Cutting to be 66 feet in width; stumping and grubbing to be 33 feet. f DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Lowest or any tender not necessarâ€" ily accepted. LV x% Notice is hereby given that the busiâ€" ness partnership known as the Timâ€" mins Laundry Co., heretofore existing between William Patrick and John W. Noble has been dissolved by mutual consent. All liabilities of the Timmins Launâ€" dry Co., will be assumed by William Patrick and all accounts owing the aforesaid firm are payable to him. Timmins, June 16th, 1925. Signed William Patrick. 94. .97 . Jolin W. Noble. Notice is hereby given that the partnership, heretofore subsisting beâ€" tween us, the undersigned John Aspiâ€" nall and Alfred Lmeas, carrying on husiness as Second Hand Dealers unâ€" der the firm name. of The Reliabie Furniture Company, in the Town of Timimins, in the District of Cochrane, has this day beei dissolved mutual consent. All debts owing to the said partnerâ€" ship are to be paid to Alfred Lucas at Timmins, Ontgrio, and all claims acainst the said partnership are to be presented to the said Alfred Lucas, by whom they will be settled. _ Ddlultt 7T'i.mmins. this Seventh "d of July, A. D. 1925. â€"27â€"28p NOTICE is hereby given that Byâ€" law Number 308 was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Tisdale on the 19th day of June, 1925, provided for the issue of Debentures to the amount of $200, 000.00 for the purpose of the construcâ€" tion of a system of Sewers and Waterâ€" works, serving the eastern portion of the Township, and that such Byâ€"law was registered in the Registry Office of the District of Cochrane at Haileyâ€" bury on the 26th day of Juge, 1925. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. l.lllb‘y h. _4 .. MB # Any motion to quash or set aside the same, or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice, and cannot be made thereafter. se us 2o _Dated the 30th d â€"27â€"20 Fran ‘*+Willâ€" you drink 2‘ ‘«With pleas crapher‘s customer. When the photo was taken the sitter said: *‘But what about that little invitation ?"" ‘‘<Oh, sir, this is just a trade ruse of mine to give a natural and interâ€" 1020000 ns c n t ind sir, this is just a trade ruse of mine to give a natural and interâ€" ested expression to the face,"‘ replied the knight of the camera. j â€"Illustrated Leicester Chronicle. Sheâ€"‘‘Do you know where all the empty bottles in the cellar come from?" f Heâ€"‘"‘I can‘t say. I have never in my life bought an empty bottle." â€" Kasper, Stockholm. Northern Development Timmins Ount. NoTICE TO CONTRACTORS PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER NEW EMPIRE HOTEL tladysâ€"‘* Mother, here‘s a note left Joan to say she has run away. 7\Iodem Mother (to parlourâ€"maid)â€" Oh, Lollmsâ€"â€"-tell cook onl\ three os this morning, please.‘‘ Same men TOWNSHIP OF TISDALE has PUBLIC NOTICE (Assessment Act, Sec. 69) ~Bobk-keeping also donzs OFFICE IN ROTUNDA. otners it now opened an office in the vleasure,"‘ replied the photoâ€" 24th day of July A.D. and determine the apâ€" L)th day of June, 19: 25, Frank C. Evans, Clerk. ire bent . with toil and xet crooked trying to have something to Alex Stirling Jolhn Aspinall Alfred Lucas Branch TO RENTâ€"Furnished Room. Light housekeeping will be allowed. Apâ€" ply 51 Third Avenue. 20â€"28p. TO REN‘I FURNISHED ROOM TO RENTâ€"all FOR «RENTâ€"3 roomed apartment. Water and sewer. $18. per month for young married couple or 3 bacheâ€" lors. â€" Apply to 155 Pine Street, Ssouth.. 27â€"28 p. POR RENTâ€"Small__ twoâ€"roomed Shack. Surmble for friends, Engâ€" lishâ€"speaking. â€" Apply 184 Spruce Street north. â€"26 p. POR RENTâ€"One furnished with all conveniences ; private Apply No. 3 Elm street South d pzâ€" caay uojoppIW® iT Atddy ‘LNMM OlL YHSNOH UMHSINMN SHACK FOR RENTâ€"Apply B. Lenâ€" nan, 60, Corner of Elm and Broadâ€" wayv. o. TO RENTâ€"Small â€" House at 46 Bannerman Avenue. Apply to M. Greer, 38 Fourth Avenue. â€"24, FOR RENTâ€"Store with upstairs, at 123 Spruce Street South. 6 rooms with all ecanveniences. Apply to 110 Spruce Street South. â€"21 p. STORE TO LET in Maple Leatf Theatre building, Schumacher. Apâ€" ply Helperin Bottling Works, 74 Fifth Avenue, or Phone 518. W. â€"27â€"30, FPOR RENTâ€"5â€"ROOMED â€" HOUSE, with store front, at No. 9 Cedar St. between Third and Fourth Avenue. Apply at 11% Balsam Street North TO RENTâ€"Building â€" suitable _ for garage, â€"warehouse or workshop. Close to tracks. Apply _ Ludford Skelly, 134 Spruce Street south, or P.O0. Box 903, Timmins. Phone 200 Wâ€"2. Residence phone 258. THREEâ€"ROOMED HOUSE FOR REN‘T.: Apply 115 Pine Street north. â€"27 p. TO LETâ€"Threeâ€"roomed house, with water and other eonveniences; also furniture for sale. Apply 83% Hollinger Lane. ~27 TO RENTâ€"Would furnish a good bedroom and house privileges to a quiet and refined married couple, middleâ€"aged preferred, every conâ€" venience provided, at reasonable monthly _ rates. Apply â€" Lady Laurier Hotel, Timmins, Ont. 24 tf. MATERNITYâ€"Practical nurse open for engagements. Terms reasonable Apply 25 Laurier Ave:., Timmins, Ont. â€"27 p. IN LOVING MEMORY of Charles Grey, who was drowned in Miller Lake on Sunday, July 6th, 1924. Remembered with affection and esâ€" teem by all his friends.â€"P. M. Doâ€" lan. â€"27 p. Christian Science Meetmgs will be held in the ODDFELLOWS‘ HALL On Sunday at 11 a.m., Sunday Scho at 10 a.m. Sunday, July 12â€"Subject will be ‘‘Sacrement.‘‘ Wednesday afternoon at 4 p.m. 49 Tamarack St. OR RENTâ€"Store, corner â€" Fourth Avenue and â€" Balsam. Apply 11%» Balsam Street, North. 21..p. conveniences and phone 70 Third Ave. * ed room in Reid Block J. M. Belanger, Office Reid Block. ) LETâ€"FURNISHED ROOMS Apply 11% Balsam Street North. Will suit oneâ€" or two â€" genflemen All conveniences. Private â€" home Apply 3 Elm Street South. â€"27â€"28 to B. F. Lennan, 60 Broad ner Broadway and Elm iSt. Opp. Woolworth‘s, 12 Third Ave. Phone 77 IN MEMORIA M UNT IL SEPT; ESpecialist in Plate Work Crown and Bridge Work. â€"Furnish Apply t« RNoom 1: Apply to Tâ€"Apply way, corâ€" Room home. School at TWO HORSES FOR SALE. _A real bargain for anyone who has cash. Epplett Dairy, 77 Cedar Street. â€"27 FOR SALEâ€"Horses, Wood Sawing Machine. â€" Bargain for cash. Apâ€" ply to Alt.hur Goulet, Commercial Avenue. FOR SALEâ€"One stove, and Congoâ€" leum Rug, practically new. Apply to‘ No. 27 ~Fim Street North, d{ter 4 a‘celock. 21 %p. FPOR SALEâ€"Ford Used only 2 mor terms. . Apply P 1766, Timmins, Ont FOR SALE Ford Truck and Gasoline Boat for Sale. Both in firstâ€"class condition. â€" Bargain for eash. Apâ€" ply to 118 Elm Street south. 27 p. FOR â€" SALEâ€"Portable phonograph, practically new. Also handâ€"power Washing â€" Machine, with Wringer, in good eondition. . Apply 120 Maple Street south. 27. FOR SALEâ€"At Sacrificeâ€"4 rooms of Furniture, practically new. Two Bedrooms, 1 kitchen and drawingâ€" room â€" complete. Call at 3 Kirby Avenue. â€"27â€"29 p. FOR SALEâ€"Farm Collie Pups; FOR SALEâ€"Piano, Radio, Chesterâ€" field and Stove. Apply to Mrs. C. R. Ferguson, over Bank of Monâ€" treal, Timmins. â€"24, FOR SALEâ€"1 Threeâ€"burner Perfecâ€" tion coalâ€"oil stove. Almost new. Also 1 small cooking stove. Apâ€" ply to 3 Elm St. South. _ â€"26â€"27 p. FOR â€" SALEâ€"1â€" Evinrude Outboard motor. â€" In perfect running order, Trialh on request, $55.00 Also smmare stern_ Peterborough canoe £55.00. _ Apply to P.:O. Box 9858, FOR SALEFE "‘OR.SALEâ€"One pump, slightly used. A bargain for eash. \ppl\ 111 Maple Street, south. â€"27 p. CABIN CRUISER FOR SALEâ€" Cabin Cruiser, 39 feet long, twin engines (new), fully equipped for passengers; â€" carryving between 30 and 40 people. This launch is in firstâ€"class condition. â€" Reason _ for selling: going out of business. Alâ€" so, 4â€"cylinder, 4 eycle, 18â€"horse powâ€" er Buick engine transferred into marine engine,. to be sold echeapn for cash. Avply for further particuâ€" lars to Haileybury Boat Livery. Hailevbhury. â€"27â€"29 p. IMPROVED LOTS FOR SALE OR SALEâ€"Slabs, 16 inches, green and dry. Green, $4.50 per load. Dry, $5.00 per load. _ Guaranteed every load over two cords. Apply Jos. Gowlet, No. 80 Fifth Avenue, or Phone 584 W. â€"22â€"29 p. Mrs, Lamore w mznvy friends and st during the firstâ€"class Cambrai Smit} Axminster Street South excellent sleigh dogs and watchdogs $3.00 and $5.00. Apply W. A, Mac Kenzie, Kapuskasing, Ont. â€"27p condition; good ‘bargain for cash buyer. Apply J. K., P.O,., Box 168, South Poreupine, Ont Phone 128, South Poreupine. 27â€"29 p. Town Montgomery Ave. Also one 40‘ x 90‘ building lot on Way Street. All elose to Timmins High School. This is vour opporturity to secure one of the most reasonably priced lots. on terms, in Timmins,. â€" Apply 28 Cambrai Ave., Hollinger Townâ€" site. â€"27.20â€" 2 ae illnes nghter,. condition. _ Apply Avenue., 1 Electric Washer and 1 rug. Apply to 5 Elm TV ~27° p. Pool tables. In good d Roadster, 1925. months. Cash â€" or Postâ€" Office~ Box hes to than iequaintaned (Mrs. ( in 19 HORSE â€"LOSTâ€"Lost about J 1ith Brown Horse; weighing ab 1400 lbs; mane standing on le white star on forehead; one wl hind leg. Reward for informat leading to recovery. E. Trepan Melntosh Springs, Ont. â€"26â€"28 LOSTâ€"Thursday morning last, tw Black Pups with white breast Will finder kindly return them ; once to 67 Fourth Avenue. â€"27 j STOLENâ€"On Sunday July 5, Black and white husky dog, tag No. 210. Party detaming the dog after this notice will hbe prosecuted. Apply to P.0. Box 1401, Timmins, Ont., T. Richardson, at Hollinger Reserve RUSSELL HOUSEâ€"ROOM AND BOARDâ€"Hot and Cold Water. Rates $9.00 per week and up. Good accommodation. Phone 275â€"W. No. 2 Wilson Avenue, cor. Mountâ€" joy, 4 â€"53â€"3p. YOUNG LADY WISHES POSITION AS â€" BOGQGKKEEPER. Can _ do Stenography, or any office work. (Good education, â€" and _ references. 103 Van Horne Street, Toronto, Ont. ~24â€"27., WANTEDâ€"Experienced Cookâ€"(Generâ€" al, with references. Apply Mrs. Loring, 2 Second Avenue. â€"~24 p. V CANVASSER WANT ary. Apply Birrell Academy, St. Onge EXPERIENCED â€" LADY BOOKâ€" KEEPER WANTED. Apply Helâ€" perin Bottling Works, 74 Fifth Avenue; «27â€"28, MAID WANTED FOR GENERAL ~â€"HOUSEWORK. Must hbe. experiâ€" enced. â€" Middleâ€"aged ‘woman preferâ€" red. Apply â€"to New â€" Ontario Machine Shop and Garage corner of Spruce Strect and First Avenue. HOUSE FOR SALEâ€"5 rooms and bath; small cellar. Easy terms, if desired. ~Apply 166 Maple Street south. â€"~â€"20â€"27 1. HOUSE FPOR stable on 1 Hollinger I PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR SALE OR RENTâ€"18 Cedar St., suitable for machine shop, garage, Dlacksmith shop. Size 28 x 42. Apply B. F. Lenman, 60 Corner Elm and Broadway. 12 FARM â€" FOR SALEâ€"161! $500.00 cash. 3/ acres ‘ large house;stable for five and other bhutdings. Appl Smith, Veteran House., Ti PROPERTY FOR ENX â€" CITY, noxt Hall. An ideal HIGHâ€"CLASS SALESâ€" MAN to sell our beautiful line of Hosiery. Nixtyâ€"five (65) different shades in line. Excellent remunerâ€" ation to right party., Apply by letâ€" ter to The James Horn Knitting Co., Lindsay, Ont. | â€"27. Mine work POSITIONS WAN SNDERS WANTEDâ€"Tenders will be received up to July 12th, 19235, for the erection of a School House at Connaught Station. Plans and specifications can be seen by applyâ€" ing to F. Burt, Connaught Station, (Ont, 27 . * ud % 4 OUSE FOR SALE IN HAILEYâ€" BURY. Five rooms; all conveniâ€" ences; facing lake. Also, two extra lots with it. Decorated inside and outside,, To be sold‘ cheap for cash. Apply for further particulars to Haileybury Boat Livery, Haileyâ€" bury, Ont. â€"21â€"29 p. Hall. An ideal summer resort or for a summer cottage. â€" Fiveâ€"roomâ€" ed house and large shed on propâ€" erty. Will sell all or part of the property., Big bargain for quick sale, Apply on premises, â€" or to F. E. (xerwaxs, Porcupine P.C., Ont. CA iITVATE LESSONS giten in | and Higsh School subjects in paration for fall term. Apply Box 923, Timmins. Ont. JIGINKRIENS, Professor forte, has returned from and chas resumed his cl Students wishing to tak liminary or advanced : 1Iorie 10 o als FOR SALE: 2â€"storey, with on lot; reasonable price., 63 Apply to saAne bhould for general houseâ€" 53 Kirby ‘Ave. 27p. anced [ applv to G. A IJ 1‘: to the hrâ€"â€"l61l‘/g4 acres acres â€" cleared: for five horses: Apply to Mr use, Trnamins. ~26â€"28 p Dâ€"Good salâ€" Bell, _ Violin Block. North. Pi attent ing aboul on â€" left; one white \â€" GOLDâ€" Masonic¢ resort or ublis pre her A 1 3\