.\\‘ ' - ' x“ .5 ’2’ .2, (9677213? (2.901219% ,1; Mile ï¬ï¬oz‘ograp/zcar {,3 1'01 0000 0000 0000 0000 O. O. O. O. O. O. .0 O. O. ,0. O O O N 0000 O. N o 99.0 vnvcc "‘V V". WE FIXTRE 153mg Mr. Stone Age and family, astride the.baok of the clumsy dinosaur rode forth from cave to glen â€"â€"Says Taxi Tad. Thankful we are, that “them days have gone foreverâ€-â€"NOW emsny pleasant rides through the parks and suburbs can be en- joyed by your family or guests. Call No. llâ€"the cost is small. fl'he best of sole leather and a shaping of your shoes that gives your footwear a fac- tory ï¬nish. Invisible patches that pleases everybody ex- cept members of the shoe trust. We’ll repair your savings account also. Our work gives lasting Satisfaction. The Queen of the May should have her photo- graph taken. , It" you were born in this month it is the time you should be ï¬lmed again. A photograph is the one real expressive birthday gift. Portrait Photography Will make your family History Complete Wt: UPON A TIME - V V 0.0 0.0 V U 0.0 0.. 9:0 0:0 ' C 0.0 go 0:0 0:0 V U 9.0 0.0 .1‘ A" Timmins and Falls Will Contest for Honours of North. Cobalt, Haileybury, Liskeard and Kirkland Lake Form Southern Group. Winners of the Groups to Play Off at End of Season. Falls and T immins Baseball~~+-. Group to Play Off With South As «noted in The Advance last week there was a plan under way to form a baseball league to include Tim- amine, Iroquois Falls, Cobalt, Hailey- bury, New Liskeard, and Kirkland Lake in one big Nonthern Baseball League for this summer. On account of the distances to he travelled and the consequent expense of a schedule to include the six towns, the plan was found impractical. Instead, it was decided last week to have Kirkland, Cobalt, Haileyibury and Liskeard form one group, and Iroquois Falls and Tinnnins another. At the end of the baseball season the winners of the two groups will 'play off for the honours of the championship of this North Land in baseball. In consequence of this decision the district baseball in this section this year. will be between the old rivalsâ€"- Timmins and the Fallsâ€"as in past seasons. In addition to the district championship there will be the incen- tive of the play-off for the honours of the two groups. Mr. G. F. Summers, of Haileybiury, is; the 'President of the Temiskamihg Basehwll League this season, and at a meeting held in his ofï¬ce it was (13- Miss Mary Sneddon, of Toronto, is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fell. What might have been a serious ac- cident 1vas narrowly averted by good luck on Saturday. Mr. A. Tomkinson was driving on the hill near McDon- ald Lake and through the condition of the road caused by the unseason- able snow and a too sudden applica- tion of the brakes the car turned over Next to come was Mr. J Robertson, 11ho just managed to stop in time to avert a collison with the overturned car. Then Mr. H. J. MacDonell came along and after safely p‘aSSing the first car had to take to the four foot deep ditch to miss the other. \Vhile chains would undoubtedly have help- ed and possibly prevented the mishap, the main point is this: That the Mc- Donald Hill is D A\GEROUS. and with a combination of 11eatl1er haz-: ards and bad luck another such fata- lity as took place on another hill near the \IcInt11e 11 ill be next on the list. As a pre1entati1e 11e 11ould suggest that the P1111 ers that -Be in the T1111 n- ship take a look over the dangerous possibilities existing at that place, and then, no doubt steps 11111 be tak- en to erect some such cable fence as is now on the McIntyre Hill. “’l1en this is done, or some other expedient a- dopted, motorists will have more conâ€" ï¬dence that their car will not land in Dome Correspondent Points Out Danger and Suggests Remedy. Dome Gets Two-goal Lead on Kirkland Lake in Dickson Cup Game. Soft Ball Away to Good Start. Other Items of “Dome Foam†This Week. Something Should be Done to ‘ Guard Road at McDonald Lake now “on the Melntyre r1111. wnen mm is done, or some other expedient a- dopted, motorists will have more conâ€" ï¬dence that~their car will not land in the lake some time. Mr. Percy Andrew is away to Mon- treal to see a young friend safely take the boat to Motherwell, Scotland A notice to this effect, “Don’t dis- turb until 5 p.111.,†was discovered on Mac’s bed-room door; this might give the impression to the uninitiated that he was working graveyard shift, and judging by the signs of life that were conspicuous by their absence the next room to his also sheiters night work- The Soft Ball (Mine League) got away to a good start last week and judging 'by the scores the :boys sure can hit. The mu cheat Engineers, 24 to 12, on Thursday and the Mechs Olliee beat the Mine, 12 to 10, in a T-innings game. The weather has been against every form of sport (ex; cepting indoors) and. against Soft Ball in particular. Here’s hOping for good weather! *W'e *know the class of ball that the boys will put 'up will be worth watching, when Old So] ï¬nally remembers that this is one of the summer months, according to the ear- ly closing, half holiday cards in the stores. Mr. Robt. Stark of the Ofï¬ce Staï¬ is taking his vacation. Mn. Nathan Henry, who is well and favorably known here, has had a long hard siege of illness in the Toronto General Hospital. He is now recuper- ating at the home of Mr. John Mason, who has erected an open-ain balcony where Mr. Henry will be able to get the beneï¬t of the fresh air and sun- light. If weld-wishes for his total re- covery are any value he will be out “The two northern towns hadi made application to join the leag led but wished to be included in the South- . ern group. The representatives of Haileyhury, Cobalt and Ne“ Liskeard, while wishing to have the nont'hern towns included, were unwble to 39 how the long trips could be ï¬nanced, and made the recommendation that a Inlay-off series he held at the end of playing season. The trips to and from Kirkland Lake during the sea- son will be made by auto. It was de- icided that all players participating in . games in the league must be the pos- sessors of amateur cards, and they must 'he hona ï¬de residents of the Itowns for whom they are playing be- fore the date of the opening game. It was felt that the Iithlie liked to have ball games start on time, and teams responsible fon any game being delayed in starting are to be ï¬ned.†THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO aided to admit Kirk-land Lake to the southern group. The meeting further suggested that T'immins and Iroquois Falls play the season as a northern group, the winners of the two groups to .play off. In reporting the meeting The .H'aiiey'burian last. week says:â€"â€"- and around soon, because everybody is pulling for him. The soccer enthusiasts who braved the inclement weather on Saturday last, had their reward in seeing a well fought game. The ground was White with a continually falling blanket of snow. Actually the game should have been called off, but as Kirkland Lake had travelled so far to :play, the only thingto do, was to carry on. As the game will moba‘bly :be described in another column, 'we won’t say a great deal except that it was a good calean contest. The Lake sure had the .boys guessing when they had the ï¬rst two goals, and the Dome failed to register, but before half-time the score was equalled, and in the second half the home team had sufï¬ciently the edge to .pile on lanothen two goals, the ï¬nal whistle showing the result four to two. The Dome has a nicely xbala'nced team‘ and so has Kirkland and if the weather had been more suitable it sure would have been a humâ€"(linger. As it is, Kirkland Willi have to go some to overcome the Dome’s two goal lead. The Dame goes to the Lake Ion Saturday next and the Dickson Cup will at last have a home until won again in the 1925 season. 9Dr. N. Kirkup. who is one of’ the Viceâ€"Presidents of the Dome Football Team,- showed his sport'sn'lanship in a tangible way on Saturday and both the Kirkland Lake team and our own have expressed their gratefulness for the gift, which sure was,‘ “Just what the Doctov ordered.’ ’ Look out for an essay on the Dome Mines and how the gold is extracted from the rock, in next week’s issue. This essay is not for the eyes of the expert millman but will be an effort to put into non-technical words a subâ€" ject that the majority are not sure just. how’ it is done. . “ niblick,†“eleek,†have :been heard from the boys who go out to shoot golfs. As We are not well posted on golfing terms, possibly the word ‘shoot’ is a mis-nomer. The rugby teams all say that the Timmins team have been improved over last year’s ï¬fteen, and we know that any team that can hold our Dome stalwarts to a scoreless draw. must be a good team. With good weather, next Saturday, on the Dome grounds, the return game will} merit a large at- tendance, and the rugby lads promise you your money ’5 worth. Some of our local golfers have been out to Timmins recenhly and mysteri- ous sounds of such words as “sliced,†telegraphy to me 'I “Yessuh, It’s like dis: Ef you-â€"all had a long. long hou’ dawg, an’ be stretched from Cincinatty to Cleve- land, and you stepped on his tail in Cincinnaty, he would howl in Cleve- land. Dat am telegraphy. Onlv in wiahless you does de same thing “ithout the dawg.†“Mose, can you explain wireless â€"_-Columbus Dispatch g’, 555-15555555535555,1595WEEEEEEEEIEEHiEï¬Eï¬HiEï¬ï¬HiEï¬H-iflifliï¬ï¬ï¬‚iflihï¬ï¬ï¬‚ii