Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 20 May 1925, 1, p. 6

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V All Lines Represented BOX 70 PHONE 19 Cordially invite the citizens of Tim- mins to call at any evening between 8.30 and 12 pm. to inspect the quar- ters and to learn the good purpose of LET ME GIVE YOU PARTICULARS Make your reservations now for May and June. Return portion good for One Year. Vacation Tours 23 days $240.00 in- elusive. Educational Tours 37 days $330.00. College Tours $330.00 F. Y. UTTLEY, our Club. Anyone who wish to make this in- spection will be Welcome to come. The Club is open every evening in- cluding Sunday. R. R. PAGLIARI, Reduced Round Trip Third Cabin Rates $150.00 Return. Write, Phone or Call. Meets every first and second Sat- urday in Each Month. A11 Lancastrians welcome and their Friends are invited. Lancashire Club - Timmins Meets every Tuesday evenmg 1n the Oddfellows Hall, Third Avenue. Visiting brethren requested to attend. W. G. McHngh, W. G. Smith, “MINE llflfif, LIL“. No. 459 Barrister, gondtor, etc. ROOM 2 GORDON BLOCK TWINS iLaura Eecorb (Eanbies The S. V. E. Club These candies arrive every Thursday. Leave your order for the regular as- sortment or make, up any assortment you desire. List closes every Tuesday morning. Same prices as in Toronto and Montreal. William 0. Langdon Byan-Murray__flrug Eu. W. G. BOWLES, B.A. South Porcupine - Ont. LIMITED 5 Pine St. South LAW OFFICE Leave Your Orders for Phone, Call or Write 6°C. 6 POUND Township Building Pres. T. HOWARD, Sec.â€"Treas. President. Reed Block The Caledonian Society of Timmins. Open to nativeâ€"born Scots and Scotswomen and those of Scottish descent. Meetings every Second and Fourth Friday in the Hollinger Recreation Hall, Timmins. Membership fee, $2.00 per year for ordinary members and 500. per year for associate members. 41 'Wilson Avenue Humane Humane Humane Humane Humane Humane 671/2 Balsam St., Timmins tive Invigorator Most Potent and Econom- ical for .Horses and Cattle P.O. BOX 373, SCHUMACHER North T. N. 0. Tracks, West of Station. Storm Sash Humane Alterna- Phone 534 D. MACKIE, Electrical "Contractor i. Donald Smith, L.L.B. W. TROLLOPE BARRISTER, SOLICITOB, NOTARY PUBLIC. SASH, FRAMES, DOORS, GENERAL WOODWORK. Goldfields Theatre Building, BE HUMANE 3 President. A. B. GIROUX Trade Make Registered FROM MONTREAL To Liverpool USE DR. KNOX’S Veterinary Ointment Spavin Remedy Fever Mixture Cough Blecuary Stimulating Liniment Colic Remedy PHONE 473-w. 3-" . .010.“ _ ‘ find “.23 Hot Bed Sash Secretary. 10-211). The cases against several local drug sores in the Camp, as laid. by In- spector Hopkins, of the License Dept. were finally disposed of last. week. The Timmins Drug Co., was firied'. $300.00; Pillsworth 0)., $100.00 and the charges against Ryan Murray Drug 00., E. R. Rigs, and’ J. R. Todd, South Porcupine were dismiss- ed. The Inspector' suffered in the close cross-examination make by Mr. W. A. Gordon, of Haileybury, Who .was counsel for some of the drug stores. The case against the New Ontario Drugr Store, Moneta, was reâ€" manded to this week. BAND CONCERT ON MAY '21 IN GOLDI‘IB’LDS THEATRE, Friéfay last- at 2.55 p.111” the lbig smoke stack on the big new mill 0:" the Double Diamond Lu-m'ber (Tom- pany was erected without misli°141'w. The stack is 42 inches in diameter and 8‘5xfeet high. The new mill' 1'5" one of the finest in the North Eami, and a credit to the enter-prise and faith of the \Vall'ingford Brothers. TEN ABBESIS [A51 WEEK [IN HIBH-EHABE CHARGES T. Bodniek, J. E. Garrett, 'Dn. Jack- son and \V. Sharp. In the searches accompanying the arrests a quantity of gold ore was found in practically every case, and in addition it is under. stood that there is other evidence I? the illegal sale or purchase of gold ore. When the cases were called on Thursday last \V. Sharp and W. Sargeant both entened pleas of guilty. Sergeant was sentenced to thirty days and Sharp to three months. by Magi- st 'ate Atkinson. The other cases were remanded to this week, some of the accused being out on bail in the meantime. CASES AGAINST LOCAL DRUG STORES DISPOSBD OF .Last week following investigations made covering a period of some months by Special Agent R. Allen and other operatives here, ten men in town were arrested on charges of illegal possession of gold ore,- the arrests being made by the town police after warrants had 'been sworn out by It. Allen. Those arrested wenezâ€"E. Kel- l)’, P. Kryllolowich, Mike Roski, t. Chambers, J. i(‘rregoris, Wm. Sargeant, 'l‘. Bodnick, J. E. Garrett, Dn. Jack- Owing to the fact that band con:~ certs have to 'be arranged so as to accommodate the majority of the handsmen in regard to “shifts,” and the further fact that other events have taken the theatre on' the last two regu- lar semi-monthly hand nights, there has not been a band concert im the Goldfields Theatre for several weeks past, the last one' being on April! 12th. However, there is to he anothen ba/nd' con-cert on Sunday, May 24th, after church services. An extra specml programme has been prepared for Sunday evening, and this band con- cert IS expected to he the best yet. Jeweler and Dentist Included in Those Arrested. Two Given Jail Terms. Others Remanded to This Week. A sentence of six months was im- posed on a woman charged with vag- ':111C}-'. The charge against '11 man found in the house when the police raided the place was dismissed. Fines of $10.00 and costs were im- posed on a couple of men for not hav- in(r ehauffeur’s licenses. Two other fines were imposed fan other breaches of the Motor Act t. The three charges of gmnbling aris- ing from an alleged blatek jack game in Moneta some evening's ago were ad- journed to this w eek. Four drunks paid the usual $10.00 and costs each. I). Stepaniuk was mummified for trial on a charge of muml‘er‘, 3:5 noted elsewhere in this issue. BIG SMOKE STACK PUT UP ON DOUBLE DIAMOND MILL PRINTED TARIFF OF PRICES AT BARBER SHOP. (Recently the Tinnnins Barbers" Association adopted a uniform tariff of prices, and Mn. A. G. “Carson. basement of the Gordon Block, has had this list of prices neat-1y printed and éisplayed in his shop for the convenience and advantage of his customers. THE PORCUPINE ADVAE‘CE! TIMMINS,_ONTAR_IO The following are the ‘pnices as 153- ted by Mr. Carsonrâ€"Shave, 25.; hair- cut, 500; hair singe. 250; sham-poo, 50c. to $1.00; heard trim, 500; face massage, 50c to $1.00; neck massage, 500; children’s haircut, 13 years and under, 35c; children’s haircut, Satur- days, 50c; extra hot towels, 25(- , elec- tric vibrator on head, 500: hair tonic. 15c to 250; razors honed, 50c. Ladiesâ€"hair bobbing, 500; hair curling. 500 to $5. 00: hair dx ed, $2.00 to $10. 00; shampooing , 75c to $1.25; massaging. $1.50 to $2. 50. When in doubt, mind your own business. F01 Sto: m I Nor O .; Enzwgvggmmk .0, .z. 2, 0‘. 2,3. 3,3. 3 3,. 0 .3 O O 9 P «we're-3 a _ _ W”. â€"â€" 0.0...0000.0 .0. .00 0.3..v0.00.0.m,0..0.0......p._.. H0.H.....H00H..0.0..0H.0H.0H.0..0H«90...... 0 .0094”... .0..o.0. 0.000....0.0.00...w .0H00H..”.0H...H...H0.. 0H. . . o. . 0.00....40r .00 ..0.0. 90¢ ........0.9.u grog... , v 0m 0H0 0m 9”; .§4.30100v0w...w....4n000. tall-IVE {Elluo‘tblr‘ \llLII-Illl . . Ir , r _ 0 o 1 1 v o . l. (h 0 - ( a ( H: 1; 1 \ ,l \ )1 .I. I ‘r I .\a V 1 l 13 no" L}, '8‘ To the Editor of The Porcupine Advance The following letter was received this week from W. A. Field, Secretary of the Timmins Football Club, and is published at the request of Mr. Field, and explains itself. â€"â€" Timmins, May 18t'h,1‘)25. . o §§§zuzu3nzuzuzuzutnxuo bucouoonznoouoouoou Von‘n’noouzuoon90n0outuOOH:u99"..”09o3n3u¢on:Hoonoon:nznzuoouznoouznoomznznznooncon90n9.o3n3ozuxnzmoomzmzmzmzmoomzmzm:moocoon 9.000 000 o 0 000‘ 000000009 0000.. .0000. 00..» 000000090000. 900000 0 0. 00m 0 o 9900 06 00700 000009000¢Wa000000001 o no 90’!“ ¢Oocnoboooooooooooo (”600.030.003.090 00000000000003.960:0000000:000090090coo099900o:ocoo:o900900900090:90000009003030H00000303030303030000000000000 00. int. Dean Sim-«Please give this the most publicity possible in your vain: able paper. It is a few words of pro- test from our Norwegian boys who are playing for the 'Hollingen Football Team and the Timmins Football (fl‘lub. '1 here are no cleaner football playser ‘ than these bovs, nor any better than: iii of sports in this town than these Norwegian lads. They, every one of them, play the real kind of football from the start to 'the finish of the match, never once bothering: about the man, but with their eyes on‘- the ball all the time. For these men to have to «listen to abuse from 11-ii_xal3mnsed months is not right and sonwt‘hing the sporting public of this town will not stand for. Secretary of Football Club ASks Public to Cut Out the Mean and Uncalled-for Personal Remarks Sometimes Heard at Matches Here Recently to the Disgrace of the Fans Who Make Them. far as the '1"i'nmn‘in\;s Football Club is mneernexf he will be denied the right of admission to the evounds to any of our events; I have been ap- qmozzehed’ by some ad the football fans to (10- something in this matter, so When I was approached" by a friend of these Norwegian shuts telling me that O O O we...” 0 0%...) The particular ease to which I re- fer was in a match :hetween the-Hail~ linger and Laneastrians, when some of the spectators instead of boosting); the team they were supporting, in a good smrtsmanrlike way, shad twâ€"ll was going to say “lower themselves;” but perhaps it would he more coxireutt in saying that it is all that can be ex- pected from snehrâ€"eall out ‘ ‘Get them Gâ€"dâ€"Swedes, or kick their feet from: under them,” and other such unsports- manlike remarks. Of course this kind of staff only. comes from a. few, and at least one of ahese offenders is known to .me. As x: O A v. v. Protest Against One Form of Poor Kind of Sportsmanship 0’00 6 {1.in vooooootvruv.” v... O .0 00 0 oo 09} O '0. O. .6 0.. 0" 0000 00 O. O.” 0000. 000‘ .00- O. O. N O. O O O 0‘ O. O 1 O. O 321$ 0:0 0.0 0‘ 9‘. 0.0 1 ”1 N O ’. .0. O O...” .0. . 3 ’. O. O .0 O .0. O. .0 .0 03.32"}?‘2 5 “'3“. . O. . . O. 'o o”. :5 .95. 3:2 :35; E. O O O O o. o. . n5.n.....n. “..n... 5M3?" 5......3. ...oono. no. n..n0.n..no.n wmnvn‘m. ....n .. .o.n..no. o.mo.no..5.n... .... ... .. . . . 5.n..m..n._.5.n.. ...5.no. 0 O H . ‘. .o O. . ... :‘:.. .0 :0: O O ....o..o.ono..no. .o. ono.o.no..... ......5.n..no.n..n..no.n....m ....no.n..o .. ..5...no...n0...00o..... o... o..n..n...no. ..n.. n 55...... ... ”WW...“ .... .. No. N0... o‘0M..Wo0..m..0.. 5..... "......0 ...“...n .005..0n1.no550 W5... .n0.mV.0....on.. n0."..M..n0..0..no...0 00...... :32: 2:. O O O I! O V V z”: 'r. D‘O' ' D 00‘. p... O E L A S R E... . 000000 _ u 0 .w m... {wimor .ooowwewwfi 0W9.“ ‘ . 5:... 55.25 . .aaiu v 00: o o o 0.». v 00.1 000 00 00000090003009090600900000000000000000.000000000000000... O. on“ 303090.an“ In...coocoooluioooootfiimocnooo3030000303....303039‘?’coo:99¢03030303030300.0393.909:.303000090030303030303.3035...”cocooozozoooot.0303...o‘c‘o‘o‘o‘o‘o‘o‘o‘yéooo 3 o ’0 v0 «9.94.44»: 0.. .0 “1”}? O O 0‘ O 0 v3.4» 0 O O O O. O O .0 O O .0 00 O O O. O O O. O O 00 O. 0 O .0 O O O. O O .90... O. O O O. O O O. O. O o O. O O O. O. O O O. O O 0. int“: 1’ O. O O 0. O. O O .0 O O O. O C O. O O .0 .0 O O O. '0 O. O O O. O. O O 9. O O O. O O 0'. O O O. O O O. O O O. O O O. O O .0 O 0 0|. .0 O O O. O O O. .0 O O O O .0 O O O. 0 O .0 O O O. O {9 O 1 only Four drawer National Electric Cash Register. 1 only Portable Typewriter. 1 only Taylor Safe. 1 only Ford Ton Truck. 1 only Chevrolet '1/2 ton Truck. 1 only Glass Cutting Table. 1 only Glass Show Case. 1‘ only 2 barrel Coal Oil Tank with pump. 1% only Counter suitable for hardware store. The Geo. Taylor Hardware only Lot Household Furniture (All new). they resented this 'kind of treatment and asking for smuething to be done about it, I decided to takelhis course to try and inwmve the moral effect which the fans have un.our players and the game itself. Football is going ahead :by leaps and bounds. Both the N.O.F.A. and the I’.D.F.li. are doing everything 1'mssi‘ble to improve the game, with the (‘éo-opemtion of the alliliated aluhs So, it is up to the general public to do their hit and boost the game in a pmper sporting spirit and keep per- “A CHAIN OF SERVICE ” Limited sonal remarks out of proper language. Trusting that. this will help to get the coooperation of the fans in this respect. I remain, Yours for :1 Square Deal William A. Field.. ' Tommyâ€"Father, are. kings and queens always good? i Fatherâ€"Not always, when there are aces out. For all kinds of Plastering, Ce- ment Finishing, Brick “'ork, Kal- somising and House Cleaning. APPLY TO THE ALGOMA HOTEL K. J. WINN 9 Spruce Street South. Cobalt Cochrane SEE New Liskeard Timmins it, especially my son; 11' against them â€"-â€";\nswers. 1 {11" o o 9.50.0 .900 0”. AAA. 0. N O. 0:00;. C G 0000‘ 0000 O.” “O. .090 O. H .00. O. .000 O. 60 O COCA O. O. O 0:. O O {‘4‘ O. N 0.6. N N 0000 .0 O. 0600 O. M .000 O. O. 0000 O. O. 0.00 O. M .000 00 0000 .0 .0 000. O. O. O... O. 0.00 O... .000 ”O... 00”“ .00. O. O. 3 O. O. 0.00 O. 0. O... O. O. 0'00 0 A“. 0». on. on. on. on. on. on. on. on. on. on. 0.». N““”OOOO”OO”OOOO ”“”““””””“ "'I 32 0‘0 0.: o 09 Q 0:0on 0 oo o O... A‘LA 00”.. ”O.“ 0900 6.000 O. O. 0 O O... Q... 0000 N .0 O. O. O. . ’0‘. D O. .0 0'. I. ’3’. O O .l ”.00.:

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