{Hi PEBBUPINE' ADVANCE Ofï¬ce 26. llEMH [If MB. H055 IllXflN ' M BUNNAUBHT SWIM Depression cast its gloom over the entire community last Friday evening when the news was g111 811 out of the death of Mr. Ross Dixon. Although Mr. Dixon had been ill for two weeks his death came as a shock to his family and many friends. Mr Dixon was in his 38th year. He 11 as born in Bracebridge and made his home there until Ioun years ago when he came to Connaug‘ht to accept a position 111th T. S, Woollings Company. He was a highly respected citizen and much ad- mired for this integrity. Deep symâ€" .pat'-hy is extended to his wife, who was formerly Miss 'Edith Robinson, and his family of eight, his mother and two sisters. The funeral service which was held at his home Sunday was in charge of Mr. McConnell of the Union Church and was attended 'by members of the L.‘»O.L., and numerous friends. Mr. McConnell delivered a. most impressive sermon, the text taken from 1st. Corinthians, 15th chapter 1% the conclusion the choir sang “Safe in the Arms of Jesus.†Messrs. Chas. Wiltshire, Fred Burt, F. Kant, Albert Davies, Ross Redm’an, members of the .L.O.L., acted as pall «bearers. The body was taken to I'lraccz'iridge where interment will take place. Those attending the funeral Strum out of town WBIVCZ~ Mrs. Dixon, Six, Mrs, Johnson, Mrs. {C. “Reynolds, Mrs. Edward Ness and Mr. Boyd. The floral tributes includedzâ€"spnay from Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘aplin; spray, Mr. and Mrs. Farmé-n; wreath, Mr. and Mrs. Swayne; spray, IC.G.I.T. Groap; arch wreath, Lodge 2595, L.O.L.; wreath, ‘Mr. and Mrs. Dittnle; wreath, family; spray, Dr. and Mrs. Day. The Fire Rangens arrived this week :and have taken up residence in their quarters under the “tower.†Mr. Harry Clark is deputy chief and his assistants are Mr. Theo Martin and 11401) Heintman. Personal and Other Items of Interest Prom Co-nnaught Correspondent. Cunnaught, May The Advance. ' «On Friday afternoon about three “thirty o’clock ï¬re broke out in the a'esidenee of Mr, T1105. Dallill and totally destroyed the‘buizlding and con- tents. The family “3:15 out at the time of ï¬re and could not account for the blaze. _ I Dr. Portsrg of Timmins, made a pro- fessional} visit to town last week. Miss Marion Flannervy, of Hailey- lbury,, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. (‘onnelly last week. - . n I. \ VA; ........... .. Mm. Maloney and daughter, of Toronto arrived in town Friday and “wild remain for the summer months. Mr. John Calllinan and 301m Jr.,l "were visitors to Night Hawk Penin-" molar Mine this week and returned to 'roronto Friday. Mr. W. E. Segsworth left this week on a visit to Toronto. Mr. '1‘ raynor, of Toronto was a Visit- 01‘ here this week. 1). â€"s-' h WEDNESDAY, MAY 20th,. 1925. Canada - United States 'Mr. Percy Hopkins and Mr. Dry- borough, of :Coniston, spent S‘Bveral days looking over claims in Night Hawk Lake. ‘v Member of the Canadian We Newspapers Assodstion. Telephones: -‘Mrs. “'ill McCoy and son, Noble, were visitors in town last week. Rev. Father Lagevol, of South (Porcupine, was; a visitor here Sunday. Captain A. E. :Buriiet, who has been a resident. of the Night Hawk iPenin- sum†Mine for the past year, left Fri-day for Pasadena, C-alif.; where he 'will make his home in future. Mr. Dan O'Connor is on a business hip to 'l'eniugam-i. Mr. Herbert Briden returned this week from a -visit to his home in Hail- eybury. ‘ â€" 1-- n‘ Published every WeQnesday by Mrs. Wilson Raynpr and Mr. Shep- pard, South Pormpine were the guest! of Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Warren Sun day. Mr. Jack Eastern, Timmins, was wisitur here Saturday. ABOUT THIRTY CASES FOR THIS WEEK’S POLICE COURT \Last. night. there. was no (less than! 28 cases on the docket for toâ€"morrow’s police court, with a full day to go to add other cases, maybe. The charges include high-grading, drunks, liquor! in "ablic p388, illegal purchase, keep-J ing for «sale, illegal possessing of ï¬re; arms, and gambling. . -'* Owner and Publisher. Subscription Rates: and son, Noble, Residence 70. $2.00 year $3.00 year ONTARIO Mr. Shep- ï¬llflllfï¬ï¬flll BAZAAR AI Slllflll [All [ASA WEEK Pleasing Event Held by the Women's Auxiliary of St. Paul’s Church. u_ In â€(South Porcupine, May 18â€"The Masonic Hall at South Porcupine was a veritable hive of bees on Tuesday, May 12th, when the Women’s Auxili- ary held their Bazaar and Sale of Work for which they 'had been .pnepar- ing since last February. On entering the hall, the ï¬rst thing that struck the eye “as a imposing [lower and candy stall, most artistical- vdecoiated as indeed all the hall 11' 11.3 a‘nd under the management of Mrs. Britton, a13sisted1b3 a host of the 1ounger members of the congregation Along the north side of the hall 11"e1e t'ahree boothsâ€"the Miscellaneous and \\ hite Elephant booth, pnesided over by Mrs. Fairh1urst, assisted by Mrs. ; Watts and Miss Spurr; the Dome booth, 11 as under the capable care of 3Iis.H1utchinson and M113.Ri-cl1- ards; and a General Utility booth, managed b3 Mrs. Shepherd and M15. F'.e1rall Mrs. Parnell, assisted by the Misses Bigelow, Ra3mo and Max- well Smith, su-'pe1intended the ï¬shing arrangements in St. Paul’s Fish Pond, while 3I113 Hodson, under a huge South African sunshade, told the for- tunes of young and old fo’r a quarter. The south side of the hall was reserv- ed for afternoon teas and laten 011 in the e1' mine a number of ladies too numerous to mention, under the direc- tion of Mrs. Moroan, President of the Auxiliary, ser1 ed suppers which (11' er3-' body pronounced excellent. The e1enin1r 11' as enli1ened bya amusical programme, anranged by Mr. H.13Ia1'- tin,organi13t of St. lPaul’s The songs rendered :by Mrs. B011les, Mrs. Rus- sell, and 'Mr. Dodge were much enjoy- ed as was the recitation gi1 en 1by Mrs. Costain. 'At 3 p.111. after a few remarks by Archdeacon \Voodall, Mrs. Dowsett in a graceful speeeh referred to the pur- pose of the Bazaar, which was to raise funds to assist in building a new church in South Porcupine, “orthv 0f the community and cause for \\ hich all churches are ‘built, and declared the Sale oipen. SOCIAL EVENING THIS FRIDAY AT CALEDONIANS The regular meeting of the Caledon- ian Society on Friday evening this week; at the Hollinger Recreation Hall, will :he a Social Evenincr. A specially attractive programme is be- ing prepared and a pleasant evening assured. It was intended to have this regmlar meeting ass a Box Social, but this idea was later changed as it was felt that. the Society should wind up its regulan meetings for the season, with the usual Social Evening event. Friday evening will likely be the last of the Caledonian meetings u-n-til Fall, At the close of business, it was found that bhe Sale had realized about $475.00, which was vevy gratifying to the ladies. The Archdeacon, who is in charge of; St. Paul '5 wishes to thank 3111 who 215‘- sisted so readi-lv to make the Sale the success it M15, and he is not .11'111ni11d- £111 of the many helpers 11 he did r8211 spadework behind the scenes. as it is customary to close down dur- ing June, July and August. The re gmlar 111eetingmwill re-open with a social evening at the end of September. In the meantime the Society may pay a visit to Schu-macher for an evening there. Friday evening this week is Social :Evening and 81.1 Scots and their friends are welcome. WE DNES D AY Bulletin Miss Jean Laporte, the 'l'immins Business. accepted a position as in the La“ Ofï¬ce of W. Ir-oquois Falls, pne. Miss Bertha Horector, graduate 01: the Timmi'ns Business College, is as- sisting in the olfice of the National Grocers, this week. Miss Anna Sulllivan, South Porcu- rollmexits at the Gold Medal School. Miss Ingrid Klinga, South Porcuj pine, was successful in securing hon- lours in her: April} Theory Exams, :.t the College. The May Typewriting Tests have arrived from the Underwood School Dept., Toronto, ‘uv.“ ï¬â€˜-_ â€"â€" V g ' I No Summer vacatlons at the Bum-- mess College, enrolxi- now and prepare ‘for Fa]! positions. \Vllen in need of a typewriter con- sult the Business College, we know typewriters and can help you. New and rebuilt typewriters of gild- makes, sold and rehted. .“ Timmlns Business College E. Ii 'FEB-i-i: Si'peni'sinz Principal. Phone 501 - ' Write "de 2‘23 Over Economy Grocery_58 311! Ave. Horector, graduate of usinass College, is as- otfice of the National graduate nf College has ‘Stenograapher J. Gru-umnett, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MEETINGS Informal meetings for those inter- ested 1n Christian Science “ill be held every Sunday morning from 11 to 12 am also Sunday School from 10 to 11 am. in the I.0.0.F. Hall, Third A150 every Wednesday afternoon from 4 to 5, at the home of Mrs. G. H. Gauthier, 30 Hemloks Sgeet. 11 am. in the Ave., Timmins. Take notice that the Court of Re- \'ision.of the above Township will be held at Porcupine on Monday, June 1313., at 7.30 pm. 20- J. M. NICHOLSON, Olerk. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Tenders will be received .by the 'undersigned up to June 12th. 1925, for sugmlying of material and erect- ing a fence around the Moneta {Public School grounds. Speciï¬cations for same may be seen at the Town Ofï¬ce. Tiinmins, Ont. May, 19, 1925. To am one interested The Monet“). Bakeny is owned and run bV' T. W. Smith, and F rank McHug‘h has no in- terest in same VVliateV'er and abUVe T. \V. Smith Wi‘i'l not be liable for any debts contracted at any time by F. Mel-lugh. LOSTâ€"Rim and Tire, on road from. South Porcupine. Size 313 ' 4. Finder Mufti? V return tO'S .Buco- \’€tS’1{V,BaI'C€bSOllO Block, Timmihq, or 5 Birch street North. . ~20. LOSTâ€"May 14th, 'between Comnaught ‘Hill, South Porcupine, and Curtis Optical Co., Tinnnins, heavil‘y built female wire-haired fox terrier, white body, [Black head. Finden kindly phone 55, South; IPorcuxpine. Any- one detaining after this notice will be prosecuted; ~20 . RUSSELL HOUSEâ€"ROOM AND BOARDâ€"Hot and Cold “rater. Rates $9.00 per week and up. Good accommsydation. Phone 275-W. N0. 2 Wilson Avenue, cor. Mount~ joy, ‘ -53-3p. 20 ROOMS AND BOARD-Princess Boarding House, 52 Birch sflreet, corner of Second Ave. Very «20m- fortable place, and best of board; ~17â€"20p. NOTICE TO CREDITORS’- Notice is- hereby given that all 11mm sons having: any claims in“ demands against the-{ate Gerhard'J". Aho, who died on oraybout the 118111 (1337' of December, 1924, at T'ilnmlins in= ffle Province of Ontario, rare require to send by post 'prepaid' or to deliver to thé° undersigned; solicitor herei'm for John Wirt’a‘, executor and trustee 1m-" der the will of the said Gerhard J. A110, their names and addresses and full partfcwlars in writing of' their claims and statements: of their ac- counts and the nature of‘ the seemi- ties, if any, held by them. ' U-vu’ C‘- - And take' notice that aften the Ist. day" June, the said} John Wir- ta will proceed to dli‘stribn'te the assets of the said deceased among the per- sons entitled thereto†having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have hail vmti-(e; and that the :said John Wirta will not {be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of' whose claim he “.3111†not then have received notice. . ‘ Dated at Tinnnins. Ontario, the 6th day of May, 19%. Gordon H. Gauthier, Solicitor for the said John \Virta. 420-21. CARD 0? THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to the people of Connaught and communitx for the kindness shonn during the illness and death of our dear son and brother, Ross Dixon. -20.p. -â€".\Iot’her and Sisters, TOWNSHIP OI WHITNEY 'GAEBI)(IF'PEUENHIS “1'. and Mrs. J. G. Archer 111511 to t. lank their- mam friends and acquaia- tances. and especiallx the Flremen, for kindness and sxmptlth} shown dur- ing the 1llness and death of their iu~ fant 3011.79.09 Signed as c011ect,I“.)IcH1rbh. 1 20-2111 ROOM AND BOARD NOTICE TO†CREDITURS TOWN OF TIMMINS Signed, ‘T. W. Smith, Court of Reflexion. NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE LOST E. Montgomery Sec’y "Public School. FOR SALEâ€"Four Rose Comb Ban- tams, 1 Cockerel and 3 Hens. Ap- ply to No. 10 Sixth Avenue. -18. TO RENTâ€"Furnished Rooms, with housekeeping privileges, in private house. Suitable for married couple Apply 9 Balsam Street, North 191). ROOMS FOR. RENT; also large rooms suited for light house-keep- ing. All With modem conveniences. Apply 77 Balsam street South. -20-21 p. LARGE FRONT ROOM TO ‘RIENT suitable for married couple, or two gentlemen. Apply 6 Balsam stneet FIRST-CLASS ROOM FOR. REU'I‘; bath; phone. Apply 67 Birch street, South. -20-‘21 p. PROPERTIES FOR SALE FARM FOR SALEâ€"155 acres; well improved; 20 acres cleared, and balance easy to clear. New two- storey dwelling and stable on pro- perty. Convenient to school and grocery store. For particulars ap- ply to J. J. McGee, Sandy Falls, Timmins, Ont. 7_ 16-24p. FOR SALE OR RENTâ€"18 Cedar St, suitable for machine shop, garage, blacksmith shop. Size 28 x 42. Apply B. F. Lennan, 60 Corner Elm FOR. SALEâ€"Building Lots, 40 by 90. Dry and sandy; close to Timmins High School or Montgomery Ave., Easy terms. Apply ‘2‘: Cambrai Ave., Hoilinger' 'Townsite; 43-201). FOR. SALE AT SOUTH PORCU- SHOE REPAIR} BUSINESS PLANT, STUCK, ET'C‘.,. FOR SALE, inci‘udâ€" i‘ng 16â€"ft., US. CL Finis’hing Macï¬i'ne. etc; “71H be' sold†very FOR SALEâ€"I Lot Apply? to 66 Fift] FOR. SALEâ€"5' Rpomed House with 2‘ lots. I corneï¬lbt; Best residential lochtion in Ti'mmins. Price $3500; Apply' to N0.. 6 Sixth Eva, Tim- mins. LMYf. PROPERTY FOR SALEâ€"Elm and F'oultï¬ Avenue. Corner lot, with FOR SALE Two patented Claims, s.w. mrner Gasman, adjiain‘ing Shaw. Assagssupi {hr $48.00;. 3512212195,. etc-q, u'poxL tequest; F. Quint, 15, Ontario,- Ave., Ham‘i‘liï¬un, Ont. 320-21". SEWENG; DONE BY HOUR; my kimfl of saving capaï¬â€˜dï¬y done. Will l GENUINE 'BA’RGAENS at the Dress-7 makers Shopâ€"~‘BLah3 dresses in gmghams 500. eaell, children’ s 5128 2'50. each, children’s pants 25¢. pair, thildren’ 3 Silk dresses $1.95 each, children’s Swiss- embroidery dresses $1.50 each, children’s rompers from 75c. to $1.50 each, Boy’s wash suits Nbrth. and Broadway. PINE. Cottage, Bloor Avenue; terms. Eweâ€"storey hourse, Bloor Ave; terms; Cottage, Daviï¬son Road, inrdl'ud‘fng‘ six l'ots; terms. 'T‘hree good bu3s. 'AIso,‘ lots on Connaug'ht Hill. 11)»pr to Gene Cofomabo, South Porcupine, Ont. mg lU-IC., [1.5. K b- I‘llubuuug Macï¬ihe, etc; “71H be' sold very cheap; and on very reasonable terms: Apply“ to \V. P'oi'rien, P10. Box 71, Ansonviilï¬e, Ont. 499031). shackzon back. Also house and? lot adjoizzihg'. Gem? location}. (dose- to Main street. For partflmlars; see Dick Mullin, 115 Maple st., south, Timnï¬hs. go, eat, or take work: home, as pre- fmeaL. Apply to I11 Fourth Ave. \Pnces moderate. 430-21 WANTEDâ€"HOUSE TO RENT-01) or before J uly ht. Apply Wm. Glover, _“'i2iston Drug Store. $1.75 each, Ladies’ crepe nightâ€" dresses, $1.75 each, cotton $1.50 each, housedress $1.35 each, silk stockings 51%. pair, 'kimon‘a $1.75 each, vest and bloomers $1.25 per set, vest from 25c. to 75c. each, bloomers 75c. each, silk camisoles 75c. each, princess slips $1.50 each, silk bondairie caps 75c. each, good washing ginghams at 30c. de remants of ginghams and crepes, 3 yd., lengths; blue crepe at 300, yd., cotton at 25c. yd., cliintz at 250. yd.; and many more bargains. It will pay you to give us a visit. ,7 Mountjoy street. Just at the bottom of Third Ave. 20-22 WANTED TO RENT. DRESSMAKENG ROOMS 66 Fifth Ave., Tiinmfrrs 20-211) Good: bargain 9 0D TU RENTâ€"3 Ruumed House. Apply 851/53 Holling'er Lane. 201) FOR RENVFâ€"FOIunroome-d Fumislwd House. Apply to 'B. Len‘nam 60, corner of Elm and Broadway. -‘.?.0 TWO-ROOMED OFFICE. SUITE TO RENT ; above the Pbst‘ Ofï¬ce. Ap- ply to Mrs. E. H. King, Room 6, above the Post Ofï¬ce. 4 t.f. T W0 F U RN I SHE D A PA' RT MEN‘T S AND RIO OM TO LET . Apply to 47 Fourth Avenue, "I‘immins. ~18 pf 'I‘O RENTâ€"Garage, with .pit and water. F18. Elm street. South. 16th STORE AND D\\'ELLING TO LET.‘ Suitable for restaurant, lunch counter, barber shop, or any kind of business. Apply to Jospe’s Clothing Store, opposite McIntyre Recreation Hall, Schumacber. -18. 1‘0 :RENTiâ€"Space Store premises; suitable fun ofï¬ce or living‘ apart- ments. Apply to The Geo. Taylor Hardware, T hirdl Avenue. ,-20. GARDENS TO RENT; large or small; fenced and ploughed. Apply to G. Noseworthy, Laurier Avenue, green house at end of Laurier Avenue. across the creek. -18-"0p._ TIâ€"IRc‘DE-R'OOMIE‘D HOUSE FOR 'REN'l‘.â€"â€"App1y 11 Spruce street, South after 6 p.111. _, 19-21 STORE FOR RENT, 50 x :25, with good cement baaement. Apply after C p.111. to 11 Spruce street,’ South. 19â€"21 1). C-ONCRE TE MIXER. 'TIO 'R-‘E'NT, by the day or yard. Apply 120 Maple street south, ()1 phone 585 \\. POSITION \VANTED BY EXPER- IENCED MINING FOREMAN.â€"â€" Long and successful experienée Best references. Apply to P.O. Box 1760', Timmins, Ont. 49-211). (HEEL. W‘AJNTS OFF ICE POSITIONâ€"â€" lGeneral ofï¬ce work, typewriting, [and will take light dictation. 'Call 3-7 Preston Ave., South. 20-21 1). FOR SALEâ€"E-momed Bungalow, unï¬nished inside, but wamh and tightly buil‘t. Good ‘Chicken House, also for sale. Lot ~10 x 100.‘ Easy terms to quick \bnyer’. AJppIy to 'Box 210, :Schmmae’her on-at N0. 2?, Second Avenue, Gold Centre, Schu- maeher; -1§â€"-30 p. IN E\ \I’EhIEJNCED SEENOGRA- .PIIIJR ‘ DE SIhES POSITION. Amfly P. O. Box 201, Gore Bay, ()nt. -19 p. HOUSE FOR- SALEâ€"IS- W'enders 812., frame, 4 rooms. Built this year. Apply to Thus. Gauthier, 1‘3 F1V:Eâ€"\R‘O‘(',)a.\II'EID HOU S E FOR S‘AL E IN SC’HUMLLXCIHER; on- First Ave.; in ï¬rst-class- condition; with hard- wood floors. “Apply W‘iflliams, agâ€" ent for Schwmaeher Townsite, or 48- Vimy ‘Road, Timmins. ‘20 p. FOR SALEâ€"House, 6 ms and ‘bathroom. 1n ï¬rst-class conddtion. Hardwood floors. Hot and cold. water. Funnace in cellar. Also, 4â€"momed House at-the rear on tim- same lot. WilL 93311 both these: 'house":}- with furniture or wit‘huu-t. Snap for good 'lmyer. Apply 11' Sixth. Avenue, ur- P. Senkow, I’D. ‘Box 2, Ti-m-mins, Ont. 20â€"2-22 1). I\1‘I’ROV ED LOTS FOR SALE; olivice black loam garden; soil rich; Ilhvrge lots; easy terms, $115 (fawn; with payment of $100 d’own, $25 monthly, with two rooms- built on lot; $300 to $500 down, $25 monthly, POSITIONS WANTED Wenders wSt- FOUNDâ€"Purse containing $2.00 bill and some small change, as well as Home other articles. Owner may have same by applying at Police Station, and. wring for this advt. HOUSES FOR SALE 4 room house on lot. Why pay rent and nothing left to show for. it.; Greatest chance for a good garden which $8995 a big part of living. One party had $60 worth of potatoes off half a lot. Have the ï¬ne Batis- faction, you own your propertIn Situated north of Holdinger houses, next to Floral Park. See me at Veteran House. ‘R. Waite, Tim- 'mins, Ont. ~19 LOTS FOR SALE FOR RENT FOUND 49-20 -18 t.f. '9‘ o .0 FUR SALEchLaughlin-Buick Tourc ing' ‘Car; in A 1 condition. Apply to 2‘3 Cumbrai Avenue, Holdinger Townsite. J's-20 p. FOR SALEâ€"3 'Pool Tables in HUDSON ("OAC’H FOR SALE. if! FOR SALEâ€"Early Closing Cards, for sale at 250.. each. Also “For Sale,†“To Rent,†and other cards in stock. The Advance Ofï¬ce, Timmins. _ -1_8‘3 FOR. SALEâ€"STAR CAR. Good con~ dition. Only mm about 2000 miles. Apply to~162 Cedar street South.- 1‘2120 1. FOR. SALEâ€"1 only Baby 1 lot Dry Building Lumber. 55 wale streqt, Sou_t1_1. MOTOR. BOAT H17 Ll) FOR- SALE. 17 foot. New. Suitable for in- boat or out-éboat engine. AEl cedar.‘ 3\Vi'll se‘h‘. very cheap for. cash. Apply to \VL Poirier, PLO. Box 71, Ansom'ille; O'nt. 4942013; CHEVROLET COUPE FOR SA LE. ()nly run 1500 miles. 3053: con- dition. \ViM sell'very cheap. Alp~ ply to 9 Messines Avenue any time after 5 p.111. 49â€"20 1): FOR SALEâ€"A new suit'e, Davenport and two arm chairs; 21180 a wood burning; Heater, cheap for cash. Apply at 46 Cambrai Ava, Tim- mins; . â€"1S) 241). C'(')'\V FOR: SAIJEâ€"Freshening this month; Amfly to John 51‘219kinen. ‘Lot 16;'12h(‘k of l-Iol'linger"I‘énvna‘site. $20-99 p. â€"-d F10 R. S AL E-â€"â€"-M 0 La ugh} i n ‘ T u uri 11;: Car; good appearance and good runni'x'rg order; 'hargain for cash. Apply to P. 0. BOX T., Timmi'ns, ()nt. ‘9 32.4). L‘ l“ class condition. 11.19, on 44 Can Townsite., Tin FOR SALEâ€"A thomughb‘redT Boston Bull Terrier; 1 year old; nicely marked. Apply 48 M'nin~ Ava, Timminas. JAM}. ARTICLES FOR SALE \ery good running order. Reason- dble pric'e. Terms to msponsible party. Apply during d8) to Ideal Bifliard Rooms. Ewening calls, to 13“. Spruce stveet \orth; H. Le '- ault. i -18 1. FOR SALEâ€"l fumed oak ‘b'uf'fet, 1 round? dining-rOom table. $40.00 for tww pieces. Also, I? new Perfection ()il Stove, with oven. Apply 50! Fifth A\'e.., 'l‘ixmnius -2()p. \VA‘NTII'IDâ€"‘Experienced'l ï¬rst-claws: :"butcfher to stant work. immediately-- 1y. Apply Fefld‘man. Bros, Schu- macheflr. ' -18 GIRL \VAJN‘THD FOR GENERAL Housework. Apply to Mrs. J. Martin, 111 Spruue- Street, South. 49-201). *U'RNI‘TURE FOR SALEâ€"Must go this Week. Apply 80 Mountjoy st., T im'mins; â€"‘.20 p MAID WANTEDâ€"App] y to Mrs. P. El. Copper, McIntyre Mine. ~19-20. GIRL VVANT’EID FOR H’OU'S‘E- \VANq‘wDâ€"An ' experienced Maid. Must speak English. Apply 49 ‘T‘annzmack street. -20. GIRL '\VA‘)Â¥I}!IL"D-.. Apply in the mornings. Mrs. R. Todhunter, Phone 32. McIntyre. 2-0 H". \VANTEDw-GIRL TO ASSIST IN general housework. Mrs. J uck Cal- lum, 13â€. Fifth Ave., upstairs. 205. \VANTE‘DLâ€"‘Middle-agcd woman to. keep house. Apply to Mrs. Berini, over Tim-mine. Garage. 320‘ WANTEDâ€"LADY x'mxfm'nmm- [ï¬R'l‘IFPED SPEED POIA'I‘I(')F}S FOR, SALE; Irish Cobblers. Donz’t miss this 0.1)1mrtunity to secure register- ed Seed Potatoes. Applx tu Sxxilt Canadian C0,, \Varehouse,‘ \Ionetu -‘20‘-.21. WANTEDâ€"a healthy young girl as Nurse Maid. Appiy 35 Hemlock street. {:0 G. JENKINS, Professor of I’aino- forte, has returned from England, and has resumed his classes here. Students wishing to take up pre- liminary or advanced studies in painoforte should apply to G. Jen- kins, 10 Cedar street, North. Piano Tuning- algo given expert, attention. 49-21 P- WORK. Apply to 13a/g Kimbe Avenue. ER; four to ï¬ve years’ experience. For the Ahitibi Power l’aper- Cu. For particulars apply t0 Guverm mcnt Employment Ofï¬ce, Fourth, Avenue, Timmins. -20 HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS ion. Apply to P.O. Box Cambrai Ava, Hollinger Timmi-ns. -] "9-1; 1'- 211112128 Am)! 3‘ 19-20 ï¬rst erley