Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 20 May 1925, 1, p. 3

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grguzuéfrxxwvv"z":"zuxuxnzuznzuzuzuxuzu..u:"zXxx:?I”:?NJ£:X:H:x:??xz.£xw 0.. 10:000.... ‘00:...QOO‘:0:OOOO:OOOOOOO:O:Q:OOOO9... O... O.” FRANK BYGK N“ O N. .0 00 00 ””0. O. 00 O. 00 O. O. .0 .009” O.” ”O.” O. O. .0 O. O. O. O. .0 00 00 00 .0 O. 00 O. O. .0 .0 CO 00 .0 “0000”“...0” .0” 00”“ ““00”“.0 O. 00 O. ””0. O. O. O. .0 .9 0'. O. O. O. .0 O. O. O. O. 00”” ”O... O. O. O. O. O. O.“ O. 00 .0 00 no 0-00... 0 O .6 A N O O O. O O O. O O 00 O O O. 9 O 00 O O 0'. 9 O O. 9 Q 00 O O O. O O O. O O O. 9 O 00 O O O. O O O. O O O. O O O. O O O. O. O. O O O. O O 09 O O 00 O O O. O O 00 O O N O O N O 0 O. O O 0. O O O. O O O. O O 00 O O O. O O O. O O O. O O 00 O O O. O O N O O N O O 00 O O N O O N O O N O O N O 6 O. O O N O O O. O O O. O O 90 O O 00 O O .9 O O O. O O 039. . “'hen a man waits for something to turn up, pften his toes do it first. DATED at Timmins, Ontario, this 28th day of April 1925. Double Diamond Lumber (30., Ltd. by D. W. O’Sullivan, AND TAKE NOTICE that after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice Double Diamond Lumber Com- pany, Limited, will under section 7 of the said Act apply to the Minister of Public \Vorks at his office in the City 'of Ottawa for approval of the said site and plans and for leave to con- struct the said log pond or log ponds. DOUBLE DIAMOND LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED, whose Head Office is at the Town of Timmins, in the District of Cochrane, hereby gives notice that it has under Section 7 of the said Act deposited with the Minis- ter of Public “7orks at Ottawa and in the Office of Land Titles for the District of Cochrane at Haileybury a description of the site and the plans of a log pond or log ponds proposed to be located in the Mattagami River in front of the following lands :â€" NAVIGABLB WATERS PROTEC- TION ACT. 1. Lot Number Saved; ('1) in the First Concession of the Township of Mountjoy. 2. Mt Number Eight. (8) in the First Concession of the Township of Mountjoy. 3. Lot Number Nine (9) in the First Concession of the Township of Mountjuy. 4. The timber limits of the Double Diamond Lumber Company, Limited in the Township of Ogden. 10 Cedar Street, South Phone 105 Box 1540 Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal Work. A. Brazeau Son South Porcupine Open this week on Bruce Avenue, next Todd’s Drug Store ESTIMATES FREE Corner Third Avenue and Birch Street Phone 14 "‘ " Timmins, Ont. Corner Third Ave. and Birch St. PHONE 14 EXCLUSIVE DEALERS FOR GOLDFIELD DRUG CO., TIMMINS, ONT. 3.8.0., Chapter 115. GOLDEN NORTH BAKERY Everything Clean, Sanitary and Up-to-date. Best of Materials Expert Baker A minute a day is suflicien't time to devote to this new method scalp treatment. Van Ess Liquid Scalp Massage is applied with a patened rubber applicator attached directly to the bottle. The healing medicament is fed directlésto the hair roots through flexible rubber nipples. Van 3 stops falling hair -â€" grows new hair in 90 days. Ask us about our 90-day treatment plan. We give a money-back guarantee. Get started now. Grows Hair Frank Byck Their Solicitor. T. WILSON A Trial Solicited. 0000. V000005-00 wv00000000000000 0000800000000008000000000000000000000.00000000000000.0000000000000000‘. J V W C Saul-T ”838 Money Back if it Fails The gentleman referred to was of the opinion that the appropriation that was to be used fon the Rouyn Branch was voted simply for “exten- sions to the T. 8: NO. railway.” If this is correct, and the appropriation was' not ear-manked for Rouyn, it (.‘Ullll'd easily be transferred to other branches or extensions, and supplies and materials could be easily turned to other works. This would simplify “The possibilities of the Rouyni Swastika Railway extending,r westward through Matachex'an and looping down through Gowganda and Shining- tree to connect with the Elk Lake {Branch were ineven brighter thanet this time, ” said this (gentleman. “This Government,” he continued, “may have a survey party as weld-11>: a geological .party in the field south of Timmins, and this will undouibted- ly lend itself to the greater interest of the CARR. extending east to tap Tim- mins in the near future, as with the develolinnent of the district to the south greater interest will be taken in the matter of transportation in this .portion of the Province.” A gentleman with a very wide knowledge of the North Land and a great interest in its development urg- ed upon The Advance the desirability of persuading the Government to ex- tend the Rouyn-Swastika line of the 'l'. N.O. Railway westward. He pointed out that this 'could be conveni- ently and economically done on ac- count of the supplies and materials on the ground on the Quebec. side. These materials and supplies could easily the transferred for use on the propos- ed extension westward. Such an ev- tension westward would open up a very desir-wlde section of country, both mining and lumbering. There were several proven properties on the pro- posed route; so that tonnage for the new line would he assured at the very start. The stopping of work on the extension planned into lRouyn has complicated the unemployment situ- ation. To build the proposed line westward from Swastika would create employment and also tend to foster interest and confidence in the North Land generally. Prospects Said to be Bright for Extension of Rouyn- Swastika Line Westward and Looping Down Through Gowganda and Shiningtree to Connect With Elk Lake Branch. May Build Railway Through Matachewan and Shiningtree If you want to please everybody at the table with a. rich, palatable dessert. And wil it serve crackers and tea bought at Byck’s. An irresistible combination everyone will tell you. And you want to please your guests of course. SERVE JAM BOUGHT AT BYCK’S. Ont. The second half started with more midfield .play neither team getting very dangerous. The Roses .pressed on several occasions, but were stopped by the Holly backs before getting a chance for a good shot. The match was getting on when the Roses got a thnow-in near the goal. The ball came over to Moore who had a clean shot and put in a high one, which Lar- mer failed to reach. This goal is the first goal this season for the club “ho are now out to increase their goals. Mr. Tomlinson, referee.‘ The first goal came through Phi- zacklea heading in his own goal from a wing .pass. The Holrlinger’s other two came in quick succession when Anderson sent in a pass for Satnang to head in; the other was a Petter- son-"Satrang combination, there :being only 7 minutes between the first gml and the last. The Roses again settled down and started to press but could not get through the Holly defense and The Lancashine team niade a change in their line-up and .played much bet- ter football than on their previous match here and during the first ‘30 minutes epilayed a sound defensive game and broke up the Holly combin- ation’ repeatedly. ‘On Thursday evening last the Hos}- :l-ingev took the Lancashire Roses into Camp and. defeated them :by a score of 3 to 1. The teams 'were as follows:â€" :Holli'nger-4Lanmer, goal; ‘Roberts and Hetherington, backs; Stephenson, Anderson and Short, l'xalf-Jbacaks; Lan- ders, Satrang, Petterson, Dedrickson and Dunbar, for-wards. Lancashireâ€"F. K. Jackson, goal; F. Jackson and Phizac'klea, backs; C'orless, Moore and Rigby, half-backs; Bijion, “Tright, Hodgeson, 'Wilkinson and Trenouth, forwards. o F‘Last week Mr. James Brough, who has conducted a blacksmith business on Cedar street for sevenal years past, and who is one of the pOpular oldâ€"timers of the North, sold the stock and trade of the business to Messrs. Blough and Arnold. Mr. Brough has not yet decided on what. he will] do in the future, but all will hope that the business change will not mean the loss to Timmins of this good citizen. HOLLINGBR TAKES THE LANCS INTO CAIVIP 3 ‘TO 1 MR. J. BROUGH SELLS HIS BLACKSMITH BUSINESS \Vhether the extension of the Rouyn Swastika line westward is the most pressing railway need, or not, may be open to question. There are ad I"- cates for. a line from Swastika to (30.1- nect up with the ‘(‘.~N.R. near Sud=bury, and serve the )‘l‘atachewan and. other fields. The. line proposed by the visitor last week appears preferable to this. Howe-veil, the line The Advance would like to see built is one connecting Timmins and Sudbury. Such a line was surveyed by Macken- zie and Mann and would no doubt have been built years ago [but for the “fir and its disturbances. Such :1 line 'would open up-a country of wonderful promise. 1t woucld tap nich mining area and good lumbering and agricultural land. It would knock off five hours of time in the journey south from this «part of the North Land. It would mean immense saving in transportation cost Even- tualily, it will have to be built. “"1137 not now? In any case it would appear that if the T. N.O. has appnopriations for new branches or extensions, work should be proceeded with at once for the general good of the country. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO engers and 1%00 pounds of fneight. The flare from Haileybury to Rouyn or Lake Fortune, single, is $50, each passenger 'being allowed 2.5 pounds of baggage. Excess baggage will be car- ried at the rate of twenty cents per pound. 'The freight rates are gradu- ated according to the amount, from 20:: :per pound for less than 100 pounds, GOLDEN ENCAJVIPMBNT NO. 107‘. SOUTH PORCUPINL, â€"- Meet-s every second and fourth Wednesday in each month, in I.O.U.F. Hall. Visiting patriarchs welcome. D. Hughes, C.P. 44-5 J. R. Newman, R.S. “The Northern Ain Service Lim- ited with headquarters at Hailey- bury, has commenced active open- ati'ons for the season. Mr. B. W. Broatch, who was here last year in charge of the Laurentide Company‘s operations, is at the head of the new company with 'Doug. Briden, the com- pany having been organized by them last winter. Mr. Broatch anrived in Haileybury on Sunday with the first ship of what is intended to be a fleet lange enough to take care of a'l traffic, in various parts of the district. He flew here from Three Rivers. Que, covering the distance in six hours’ fly- ing time. Two stops were made on the way at Montreal and Ottawa. The machine is styled H'S‘ZL flying boat and has a capacity of five pass- 120 'per pound‘ for over 1,000 pounds, with 'a minimum charge of $1.50. ' 1n addition to the regullar trips, others can be arranged for at the rate of $100 apen hour. The company has ap- plied for. a contract for carrying mail. Mr. IBroatc‘h is piloting the airship himsehf and. has J. J. Finnegan, who was also here last summer with the Laurentide Company, as engineer.” NEW AIR SERVICE NOW OPERATING TO ROUYN In the last issue of The Haideybur- in there is the following reference to the‘new air service to Rouynzâ€" Now open for business. First-class rooms, and steam heated All up-to-date conveniences. Reading and Sitting Rooms. Sample Room for Travellers. Best dining room in town. Meals at all hours. IROQUOIS FALLS. PARIS HOTEL The Closed Models and the Special Tour- ing have 4.95-inch Full Balloon Tires and 20-inch Wheels, and the Special Models have Bumper,Motometer and Bar, Rebound Snubbers, Scuff Plates and Trunk with Suitcase as Standard Equipment. THE low price of the Star Car is further emphasized by its small gas consump- tion and its mmlmurn maintenance cost. NE‘N PRICES LIMITED ‘ CORNER PINE ST. THIRD AVE. SEE IT AT OUR SHOWROOMS MARSHALL-ECCLESTONE Commercial Chassis Standard Touring . Speciai Touring - Coupe - - - - Brougham - - - Special Sedan - “ To-morrow’s Car To-day” 6 Low Cost Transportation I ‘ O '6 "o O. O O 00 00 00 O O O. O 0-. O. O 00 9 O O. O O N O O 0. O O O. O O 06 O O N 0 O O. 9 O O. O O O. O O O. O O O. O O N O O 00 O O O. O O 00 O O O. O O O. 0 O O. O O O. 6 O O. O o N O O N O O O. O. N O O 00 O O O. O O O. O O 00 O O O. O O N O O O. O O TIMMINS, ONT. 0 O O. O O O. O O O. O O .0 .0 00 O O 0. O O O. O O O”. O. O O O. O O 00 O O 00 O O ”O .2 ON 0 O O O” O O 0 RC. BOX 1154 V 01 N O O 00 O O .0 O O O. O. O. O O 00 O O O. 00 O O 00 O O .0 O O .0 O O. O 0. 0'. O O O. O O O. O O H O O 00 O O 00 O O .0 O O O. O .0 O O. O. O O 00 O O N O. O .0 For Sure Results Try Our Want Ad Column F.O.B. Factoryâ€"Taxes Extra We have nuts for Sale in every part. of the Terms to suit you. 3 Room 7 Room 8 Room 8 Room 6 Room 7 Room 5 Room 4 Room 6 Room 7 Room 3 Room 3 Room HOUSES AND LOTS TERMS CASH 01' House, Kirby .............. House, Bannerman ......... House, Kirby .............. House, Maple Street, South.. House, Elm Street, South... House, Elm Street South ..... House, Mountjoy, South ..... House, Maple Street, North.. House, Maple Street, North.. House, Balsam Street, North House, Montgomery, House, 1 Shack, 2 Lots, Way MERCIER - F OURNIER FOR SALE No. 1 Cedar Street, North. $595.00 750.00 850.00 970.00 995.00 1,150.00 .nznxuxyffififxiffff waiiiffifiew The Standard of Qualityé: For Prospectors DRI- FOOT ELK DRI- FOOT CARIBOU Wl’t’e’r’flr For River Drivers 3 HAND PEGGED “ KING 3. BROWN STORM AND PORPUS OF THE RIVER” SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS THE DAYFOOT BOOT TIMMINS O .0 00.“ O. O .0 O O O. O. 9 O 00 O O 0'. .0 0'. O O O. O O N O O 00 O O N O O O. O. O 0 O. O O O. 0 0-. O. 0 «:~ 0 o o 0...”. N Made By I}. B. flAVfllllT 8! [if]. Georgetown, Ont. For Miners city, we can arrange $800.00, WA; ...... $700.00 ...... $600.00 ..... $2700.00 ..... $3500.00 ..... $3100.00 ..... $3500.00 ..... $1550.00 ...... $800.00 ..... $1400.00 ..... $2300.00 $150.00 Cash ..... $1500.00 TERMS CASH 01‘

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