10.00 a.m.-Girls’ and Boys’ Races, 0.... o’u’u’oo’u’u O O 00 O O â€O u'u’n’oo’oo’u’oo’ O. O... O. â€O O 0...“. O o 0 ‘w’u’o o’n’n‘»’«°«°«°«°«°«°u’u’u’u’oo’u‘u'u .00 O O O O. O O O“. 00 O O O. O O O. O O M O O O. O 0 60 O O O. O O N O O 00 O O N O O. O. O O. O O O. O 0 O â€00.... w’w‘»’«'»°u° OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O. oo’o’oo’w’oo.09.â€...'u’»’«°«’«°«°«°n°«’ 60 «’99:.o’00°«°«°«'«°«:«'«’«°«’u’o¢°«°«°«’n’«°«°«° O... .0 .9 O 00 O O O. ‘n’u’u’w’w’u’0.’«‘oo°«’«’oo'oo’u’oo’oo’oo'w’oo’u’n’oo’oo’oo'oo'00’u’u‘n’w’n’n’u’w’u’w‘w’o O O. O .9 09 O 0 0-0 0 O O. O O 0'. O O O. O O O. O .0 O .9 O. 0 O O. O O 00 O 9 N O 0 00 O O 00 O O .9 O O .9 O 0 00 O O 00 O O 06 O O O. O O N O O 00 O O H O O )0 ’. o 09 O O O. O O W O O N O O O. O O .0 O O .9 O O O. O 6 N O O 00 O O 00 O O N 0 O O. O O O. O O 0-. O O N O O 00 O O O. O O O. O O 00 O O 00 O O .0 O O 0. O O O. O O .0 O O N O O N O O N O O 00 O O O. O O O. O O .0 O O 00 O O H O O. O O O O. O .0 O 0 00 O O O. O O N O O O. O O O. O O 00 O O N O O .0 O 0 .0 O O .0 O O .0 O O N O O O. O O .0 O O O. O O .0 O O O. O O O. O O 00 O .0 O .0 O O .0 O 60 O O .0 O O. 00 O O .0 O O 00 O O 90 O O O. .0 O. O O O. O O 00 O O O. O O O. 0 O H O O .0 O O .0 O O O. O O 00 O O O. O O 09 O O .0 O O O. O 00 O O O 00 O O O. O O O. O O .0 O O. O O O M O O N O O N O O O. O O o o 0ҠO. O O O. O O O. O O O. O O O. O O O. O O .0 O. .0 O O O. O O O. O O O. O. O. O O 0'. O O O. O O N O O N O O «in O O O. O O. O .0 O. O. O. O O O. O O O. Q .0 from 13 to 16 years, 100 yds. 10.45 a.m.â€"TW0 Mile Relay, 4 men to each team. 11.15 a.m.â€"100 yards Dash, open. 11.30 a.m.-Putting the Shot. 11.45 a.m.â€"220 yards, open. 12 noon-High Jump. 12.30 p.m.-440 yards, Dash. Held Under- the Auspices of the Timmins Football and Baseball Clubs O .O OO O O OO O O OO O O OO O O OO O O OO O O OO O O OO O O OO O O OO O O OO O O OO O O OO O O OO O O OO O O OO O O OO O O OO O 0 OO O O OO O O OO O O OO O O OO O O OO O O OO O O OO O O OO O O o. 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O .1 .00 0000000 000900000 oo .00. 00 0.0 o 0 000.0. .303000000000000...00000003000900.000009000003090006ocoocan...90090â€...3o3o’ooon’3‘u0’o’o’oouofooyoouo;000000.0000.000009 MON DAY, MAY 25th, Don’t Forget the Firemen’s Ball in the Masonic Hall at Night BIG DAY FOR ALL. 04. oo oo .0 O. O. O. O. O. O. .0 O...†â€0. â€.000 .0 O. .0 .0 â€O. VICTORIA DAY BflMMITTEfl Hlfl Tfllfll Pete Stepaniuk Given Preliminary Hearing on Charge of Murder of Mrs. Seniuk. ï¬ At the police court ‘here on Thurs- day last, Magistrate Atkinson commit- ted Pete Stepani'uk for trial on a charge of nmrden in connection with the death of Mrs. Seniuk Whose dead Ebody was found near the Hollinger on Sunday, April 12th. Stepaniuk was arrested in connection with the death on the day following, and has been no- manded from week to .week since then. The evidence at the preliminary healing on Thursda) went to show that Stepaniuk was the last person to be seen with the woman before her dead “body was found. After 'his ar- rest the accused had told diï¬ereut stories as to where he had been and what he had done on the day of the tragedy. A’woman, who knew the the dead woman well and also the ac~ cursed, told the court of threats made by Stepaniurk. Under cross-examin- ation this woman’s story was some- what shaken, but in summing up Crown Attorney J. \I. Greer, of Coch- rane, pointed out that suï¬â€˜icient evi- dence had been presented to warrant placing the accused on trial. The Magistrate agreed, and accordingly Stepaniu'k was committed for trial be- :fore the next court of jurisdiction in such cases. Stepaniuk’s trial will likely be in June. Mr. A. C. Brown defended Stepaniuk at the hearing 'here. BENEFIT DANCE JUNE 1 IN MCINTYRE RECREATION HALL Sxehuin'acher Football Club announ- ces a Benefit Dance to be “held on Monday evening, June lst, in the Me- Intyre Recreation Hall. Dancing ‘J start at 8.30 .p.m. Best of music. and a pleasant. evening certain for 'all at- tending. The North Bay Nugget last week s-ayszâ€" “License Inspector John Gagne seized a shipment of three boxes of wdne at the T. 8: N.O. freight sheds this week. The wine, whifh analyses 28.63 per cent. alcohol, had been shipped from Montreal to Joe Maisier, ‘Ti-rnmins and was labelled “medicine.†The shipment will pro- bably come up for. conï¬scation, this afternoon. ’ ’ i THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO o o o o .3 co. 95339803030303.303033303 :3. 3nâ€: 0:. [IN BHAHBE llf Mllflllffl o 000 000 0000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000 00 000 00.100000000000000000000000000000000000000 0033333330033300000000000000000000 00000 00 00 000000 0000 0000000000 00000100000000 000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000‘00000000000000000000000000.00000 00 0000 0 .0. O: 12.45 p.m.â€"Pole Vault. 1.15 p.m.-Race, Two miles. 1.30 p.m.-L0ng Jump. 1.30 p.m.-Baseball, Iroquois Falls vs. Timmins. Pie- eating contest for Boys 11p to 13 years, during Baseball Game. 3. 45 am .-Ladies’ Egg and Spoon ace. 00 O. O. O. O. N “0'... O. 00 O. .0 O. 0. 000000000000 .0 .0 O. O. O Event on Wednesday by Leading Artists Much Appreciated. HUSH} llWEflS llfllfllflffl WIIH BflNBEflT MEI WEEK The concert given on \Vednesday‘ evening last in the Ukranian Hall by a number of leading artists of Tim- mins proved a genuine treat for music-lovers and was thoroughly ap- preciatcd by the audience. The and- ience was not as large as it might have been, but it was certainly an appreciative audience, and had full warrant in the excellence of every number on the programme for the appreciation expressed. Mr. Will Richards and the other artists on the evening’s programme are to be con- gratulated and commended on- the high standard maintained throughout and in any future event by these -ar- tists a crowded house should he as- sured in this music-loving town. The following was the programme as given :â€" Pianoforte solo, “Catch Me,†by Miss B. Meredith, (encored). Solo, “Asleep Neath the Dark Blue Wave,†by Mr. S. Spacey, bass. (Encored.) Solo, “Yeoman ’8 Wedding,†by Mr. \Vill Richards, baritone. (Encored). Solo, “Happy Summer Song,†by Mrs. Barrett, contralto. (Eneored). V Solo, "Little Brown Owl,†by Mrs. U. L. Acton, soprano. (Encored). Solo, “I Search for Thee in Every Flower,†by Mr. Piper, tenor. (En- cored). Cornet Solo, “Perfect Day,†by Master Carl Johns. (Encored). Duet, “The Spider and the Fly,†by Mrs. Acton and Mr. \Vill Richards. (Encored) . In the second half of the programme encores had to be forgone to avoid making the programme of undue length, but the appreciation for each selection was sincere and pronounced. The second part of the programme in- eluded:â€" Pianoforte solo, “The River Idyll,’ ’ by Miss B. Meredith. Solo, “The Valley of Laughter,†by Mrs. Barrett. Solo, “My Dreams,†by Mr. Piper. Solo, “Roses of Picardy,†by Mrs. Acton. Solo, “Pals, "’ by Mr. Will Richards Cornet Solo, “Kathleen Mavourâ€" neen,†by Master ‘C-arl Johns. Mr. Geo. Richards contributed materially to the eï¬'ectiveness of the programme by his thoughtful and sympathetic work as accompanist. Miss B. Meredith’s opening num- ber was an attractive selection, very effectively rendered. and this talented young lady won heartiest apprecia- tion by her clever work at the piano. Mr. Spacey, who is a pupil of Mr. Will Richards, has a bass voice of great power and range and shows much promise of developing into a singer of unusual talent. and attrac- tiveness. Mrs. Acton, another of Mr. Rie- hard ’s pupils. rendered “Little. Brown Owl,†with an expression and vim that won the heartiest appreciation and applause. In the duet with Mr. Richards, she was equally effective, this duet being an outstanding num- ber on a programme where every item was good. ness, delighted all and her selections deservedly won heartiest apprecia- tion. Mrs. Barrett‘s rich contralto voice, with its range and natural expressive- Mr. Piper’s rendition of “I Search For Thee in Every Flower,†was an- other specially noteworthy number. A voice of singular charm, under perâ€" fect control, and with the most effec- tive expression and interpretation, made this solo a particularly pleasing one to the music-lovers present. In the number responding to the insis- tent encore, Mr. Piper was again a winner of the heartiest appreciation. Mr. \Vill Richards did credit to his undoubted ability as a vocalist by the selections given by him on \Vednesday evening, just as his pupils did credit to his talent as a teacher. In both, “Yeoman ’s \Vedding,†and “Pals,†Mr. Richards’ full and well-trained baritone voice was heard to advan- tage, and the way he entered into the 3.55 p.m.-100 yards, Dash, for Football and Baseball mem- bers only. 4.00 p.m.â€"F00tball, Kirkland Lk. vs. Timmins â€" N. O. F. A. League match. 6.00 p.m.â€"F00tball, Dome Mines vs. Town B. Teamâ€"P.D.F.L. match. .A BIG DAY FOR ALL. 'The Rt. Rev. J. G. Anderson, D.D., Bishop of Moosonee, will administer the rite of mnï¬nmation in St. Mu!» thow’s Church next. Sundm at 11.00 21.111. and \\ 111 mlso preach at the even- ing service on that day. Residence Phonesâ€"537 and 258 P.0. Box 903 Timmins, Ont. L‘udford and Skelly GENERAL PAINTERS Signs, Autos, Houses, Interior Decorating ESTIMATES FREE 134 Spruce Street, South PHONE 290-W-2