“$200.00 and costs.†Dominico had :11 barrel of wine in a place used for rocmei's or boarders. \V. ‘Cihenier, on tie charge of illegal purchase of fliunoi, \.as assessed u?+‘50.00 and costs. There were a number of cases arisâ€" ing out of the visit “here of one of the License Dept, inspectors who has been checking up on the drug stores. Fo'ir drug stores wene found “shy†and against each of the four charges of illegal'ly keeping for sale was preferred in this connection. Two of the stores are also charged with selilning, as a result of t‘he‘e‘heck-iup. Another is charged Witlh selling or disposing of alcohol without keeping the nece - sary records. .The four concerned are the Timmiins :Dnug Co., the Ryan- Murra) (30., E. R Riggs and the New Ontario Drug (‘o., Moneta. Mr. ‘V. A. Gordon, of Haileyburx was here in connection with the cases. Only one case was completely heard, and judgment on that reserved. The other cases will he proceeded 'with 311 Thursday of this week. A. further remand of a. week was A. C. Brown, counsel for Stepaniuk, put up a good battle against a further remand, on the :plea that his client had alneady been under arrest for several weeks without the trial proceeding. Crown AttorneV Greer, of Cochnazie was present on the case for the Crown, and explained the necessity for the witness referred to. Until too late -to secure him for clast week, it was thought. this witness was still in T'imrmins. > A. further remand of a. week was given in 113? .156 of Pete Stepaniuk, charged with the murder of Mrs. Seni‘u-k. The remand was required in order to secure a witness now at Island Falls, north of 'Coehrane. Mr. There were thirteen ï¬nes of 1110.00 and costs each at police court last week in connettion with truck driWIS who had been operating without the necessary licenses. In each case both the unlicensed driver and the owner of the truck each had to pay a ï¬ne. The ï¬rms and drivers alike were also warned to see that the licenses were secured before there was any further dri ’illg of the trucks. In most cases, however, the drive ers secured icensen' between the time they received the summonses and the time the court sat. In some cases the firms concerned ha'l taken for granted that the drivers had secured the necessary licenses as in past years, but 1n this case it cost money to take this for granted. Magistrate Atkinson said, “$10.00 and costs†to a couple of ordlinmy drunks‘s. "1‘0 D. ‘Dom'inieo, for illegally having 'liquor in a public place it was, “'hen a man poses as a conï¬rmed bachelor, you may be fairly sure that some girl has conï¬rmed him. THIRTEEN FINES PROM LACK, OF CHAURFEUR’S LICENSES Mr. C. W., 'Pennie, Tailor, Schu- in-acher is conducting a special sale at the. present time and meeting with much success in this. A speciwi attrac- tion at the sale is the oï¬er ofa spec- ial gift of a pair of trousers with every suit ordered, this special offer. holding good from May 11th to May 20th. . "if FlflBUI’INE AWANBE Oï¬ice 26. SPECIAL GIFT W TH EVERY 'SUIT 0P LOTHES SOLD Canada. - United States TWINS. ' WEDNESDAY, MAY 13th, 1925. '"Heflo Dada! â€don't , .. mey WW3 Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Assodation. Telephones: Published every Wednesday by Owner and Publisher. Subscription Rates: Give the youngstm this whalesmlong» lasting sweet - for pleasan- 93 1mm}. Residence 70. â€"â€"Exchange. $2.00 year $3.00 year ONTARIO Notice is ’hereby given that the stock and trade of the blacksmith business carried on by the under- signed 'has been taken over by Messrs. leou-gh and Arnold, who wiLl carry on the business at the present premises on Cedar street. Thanking all for their kind patronage in the ‘past. 1 would bespeak for Messrs. Bllough and Arnold a con’tinuance of this patronage. ~19â€"20p. 2. Lot Number Eight (8) in the First Concession of the Township of Mountjoy. 3. Lot Number Nine (9) in the First Concession of the Township of Mountjoy. 4. The timber limits of the Double Diamond Lumber Company, Limited in the Township of Ogden. 47-20. 1. Lot Number Seven (1') in the First Concession of the Township of Mountjoy. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the expiration of one month from the date of the ï¬rst publication of this notice Double Diamond Lumber Com- pany, Limited, will under section 7 of the said Act apply to the Minister of Public “Torks at his ofï¬ce in the City of Ottawa for approval of the said site and plans and for leave to con- struct the said log pond or log ponds. DATED at Timmins, Ontario, this 28th clay of April 1925. Double Diamond Lumber Co., Ltd. by D. W. O’Sullivan, DOUBLE DIAMOND LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED, whose Head Qflice is at the Town of Timmins, in the District of Cochrane, hereby gives notice that it has under Section 7 of the said Act deposited with the Minis- ter of Public Works at Ottawa and in the Ofï¬ce of Land Titles for the. District of Cochrane at Haileybury a description of the siteand the plans of a log pond or log ponds proposed to be located in the Mattagami River in front of the following lands :â€" Hereby take notice that the under- signed has. taken over the business Iknownvas the Ontario Cafe, situated at l’orquis Junction, in' the District 0E -("uohr:1ne. Further take. notice that all ac-1 counts now outstanding against the said business" or the proprietor of the said business "must he presented for payment on or before the twenty- t‘hird day of May next, A. D., 1925, elixir which time I shall not be responsible for any debts w‘hic‘h have not. then been paid and which were incurred 'by him. -19-;20 Yoy May. NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC- TION ACT. Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 6 p.111., on Mav '20, -5, :for the erection of two buildinws, on Fair Grounds, Soutih Porcupine, as pen plans and speciï¬cations. Build- ings to be finished by Judy Elst, 1925. Plan-s and speciï¬cations can be seen at Secretary-Treasurer’s orï¬ce. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. Any fur-then orders for Hem-sti‘ch- ing will be assured of the best service and attention if deft gt Stadelman’s Store. -15 t.f. Mrs. V. Clermont. FOR S XLEâ€"‘Z Milking Cows and 40 out of toxin. Apply 63 Maple St., Hens. \Vant' quick sale. Moving North. ~19p A-ny persons having left goods for Hem-stitching, etc., at Mrs. V. Olen- monfa may secure their work ï¬nished, by calling at Ivan Stadelman’s Book and Stationery Store, Pine St., Tim- mins. ' IM‘PRCSYI-El) LOTS FOR SALE; ehoice black loam garden; soil nich; large lots; easy terms, $515 down; with payment of $100 down, $25, monthly, with two rooms built on lot; $300 to $600 down, $25 monthly: 4 room house on lot. Why pay rent and nothing left to Show for it. Greatest chance for a good garden Which saves a big part of living: One party had $60 worth of potatoes "off half a lot. Have the ï¬ne satis- faction, you own your "property. Situated north of Hohlinger houses, next to Floral Park. See me It PORCUPINE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Jas PUBLIC NOTICE BUSINESS CHANGE R.S.C., Bl‘oug'h, Blacksmith. N0. 6 Cedar St, North. NOTICE NOTICE Chapter \115. J. M. Nicolson, ’ SechTrpeasurer, ' Porcupine Ont. SE Their Solicitor. Wa Notice is hereby o"wen that all per- sons having any ï¬f‘llms or demands against the late E'l‘izaihet‘vh McGuire, who died on or about the Twelfth day of March, A. D., 1925,. at the Town of T immins, in the Provinceof Ontario, are required to send, post prepaid, or to deliver to the undersigned, solici- tor herein for J amges St-ew‘art McGuire, Administrator of the estate of the said Elizabeth McGuire, their names, addresses and full" particulars in writ- ing, of their olaims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities held'hy them, if any. And take notice that after the~Fif~ teenth (15!) day of June 1925 the said James Stewart McGuire will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said estate amongthe persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice, and that the said James Stewart McGuire will not be liable for the said assets or part thereof to any .person whose claim he shall not then have received notice. FO’RTY AICiRES OF GOOD FARM LAND FOR SALE just across the River fTOfll Tl‘im'mins, one 'half mile from the town. Twenty-acres cleared and in meadow, another ten acres burned off and ready to stump. Apply 47 F ourth'Aven".\e, 'Ti'mm'ins-‘v ~19 p. SHOE REPAIR. BUSINESS PLANT, ST’OGK, E',I‘C.,.FOR SALE, includ- ing l(i-ft., US. C. Finisflhing Machine, etc. W'il‘l be sold very cheap, and on very reasonable terms. Aqnply to \V. Poirien, P.O. Box 71, Ansonfvfllile, Ont. -1v9}2()-p. In the {matter‘of t'heEsta‘te ofJ'BIiza- bét'h MaGuire, late of the Town of Timmins, in the District of 'Cochrane, I'naz'ried woman, d‘eceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR SALE AT SOUTH POLRCU- PINE. Cottage, Biloor Avenue; terms. Two-storey house, 'Bloor‘ ‘Ave; terms. Cottage, Davidson Road, in-dluding six lots; terms. Three good buys. Also, dots on .Connaug'ht Hill. Apply to "Gene Colombo, South Pbrcupine, Ont. 49-20. [Dated at Timmins, this Eleventh day of May, 1925. \Vi-lliam O. Langdon, Solicitor for the said James Stewart McGuire. 49â€"21 Administrator. FOR SAIJEâ€"Buildlng' Lots, ~30 by 90. Dry and sandy; close to Timmins High School or Montgomery Ava, Easy terms. Apply ‘25‘ Camxbrai Ava, Holdinger 'Townsite. 48â€"201). FOR SALE OR RENTâ€"18 Cedar St., suitable for machine shop, garage, blacksmith shop. Size 28 x 42. Apply B. F. Lennan, 60 Corner Elm and Broadway. ,-12 FARM FOR SALEâ€"155 acres; well improved; 20 acres cleared, and balance easy to clear. New two- storey dwelling and stable on pro- perty. Convenient to school and grocery store. For particulars ap- ply to J. J. McGee, Sandy Falls, Timmins, Ont. 16-941). Notice is hereby given that all per- sons having claims against the estate. of ANTONIO CECCHETTO, late of the Town of Schumacher, who died on or'about the 1st day of October, 1924, are required to forward their claims, duly proven, to the undersigned, on «or before the Blst day of May, 1925'. And notice is further given. that after the said date, the Public Trustee will proceed to distribute the estate. having regard only to such claims of which he shall then have had notice. Dated atToronto, this 23rd day of April, 1925. K. W. \Vright, Public Trustee, -18-19 Osgoode Hall, Toronto. FOR SALE or T0 RENTâ€"Two stOres; plate glass front; good for any line of business; good location. Apply Helperin’s Bottling \Yorks. . 74 Fifth Avenue. 17-20. PROPERTIES FOR SALE FARM FOR. SALEâ€"Ninety-sevcn acres, being the north half of Lot 3, C011. 4, )Iountjoy. Portion lying west of Mattagami River. Paten- ted. Apply to T. Omeara, Box 722, Timmins, or care of Queen’s Hotel. -17-19 13. Meets on the First and Third Friday of every month, in the hall at the corner of )Iountjoy and Kirby. All visiting members welcome. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMIN S, ONTARIO terms ‘Ave; Road, Three ARM FOR. SALEâ€"5 miles down river North side on government road. Apply 45 Bannerman Ave., Timmins. -19n. NOTICE TO CREDIT OR‘S NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'immins L.O.L. 14-2? ~19p FOR RENTâ€"Furnished Room; all ‘ conveniences; use of Phone. Ap- ply: 79 Third Ave. 18p HOUSE FOR" St., ' frame, FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT; TO RENTI‘râ€"Furnishedz Roomsr with housekeeping privileges, in private house. Suitable for married couple Apply 9:.Balsam. Street, North 19p. T‘VO LARGE BEDROOMS TO FIVE-ROOKIED HOUSE FOR SALE IN SCHUMTACH‘ER‘; in- ï¬'r-stwlass; condition: with hardwood floors- Apply VV’ll'l'ia‘uns, agent for' Schu- maeher Tawnsite varâ€"18 'V'inlyï¬oai. 'l‘-i*1nvn1'ins. -1'9 1.x HOUSE EUR! 81% IE on Maple street. 'E'ig'ht moms ;- we“ ï¬nished) llfti‘ll- wood floors ;' water in \hGl‘l'SC; furnacw in cellar. Goat? condition. Will auaept 2r vacant lot in: exchange. Also a: new ‘House on' Maple street‘, with ï¬ve moms am}: bath-room. Hardwood floors. Firma-ce: in cel- LA R'G‘E FRON T‘ R OOLVI TO ‘RJE‘NT, suitable for marvied couple, or ‘two gentlemen. Appily E- Balsam street, North. â€"1 84p. FOR RENTâ€"Furnished Bedroom; with private family; suitable for lady only. All conveniences. Phone 349. -18_p. FOR. SALE 'E--r001ned rBungaloxx', Vunï¬'nishenfl inside, :but wamn and tightly built. Good ï¬hicken House, also for sale. Lot 10.x 100. Easy terms to quick tbuyer. Apply: to Box 210, étthmnadher'on at No, 2.3, Second A'henue, 'Ciokd’gentre, Sbhuâ€" macher. -1§--203 p. \Irs.1( hag. Mc Lean and familv wish flu thank the many friends and ac qimintances who showed such kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of their husband and father, Mr. Chas. McLean. FURNISHED HOUSE T0 RENT; TWO FURNISHED ROOMS TO FOR SALEâ€"Four Rose Comb Ban- tams, 1 Cockerel and 3 Hens. Ap- ply to N 0. 10 Sixth Avenue. -18. FURNISHED IZ-3=L)0.\I '10 R EN 1‘ 1‘0 ltlflfl'Fâ€"Ii‘irst class room to rent: centrally located'; terlep’llone; hot and cold water, etc. Also a couple of gentlemen wanted to board. Ap- pl y 71 Birch street, South. ~1S-19p. Mrs. Christie M. Martin wishes. to thank the many kind friends who gave assistance, sympathy and floral tokens during the illness and death of her baby girl, :Henrie’tta. 19 G. JENKINS, Professor of Palm- forte, has returned from England, and has resumed his classes here. Students wishing to take up preâ€" liminary or advanced studies in ‘Vpainoforte should apply to G. Jen- kins, 10 Cedar street, North. Piano Tuning also given expert attention. ' .19.?1 :1 RENTâ€"Suitable for gentlemen in ofï¬ce work, or far young‘ Ladies. \Vater and all mnveniences for comfort. $3.00 per week Apply by letter to Box T. U" Advanée Ofï¬ce. -18-19p. modernwonveniences. Apply to 77 Balsam.Street, South 491-211). year. 'A'E.pply “Tenders: St. 'Iar. “rater in 'house; Good can- d'i‘tiun. iBargaiun for quick buyer. Apply 1187 Maple street, South, Tim- mihs. -19 p. RENTâ€"Suitable for young marri- ed couple. Apply Mrs. C. R Fer- guson, over Bank of Montreal, Tim- mins. 15. Apply 19 ‘X’ilcox. JRNISH'ED R0031 TO RENT. for yowng married couple or one man Men preferred Good mom. rea- sonalbile price. Apply to 68 Bird: :sltreet, South ~3S-l9‘ p Schuma-cher, May 12th, 192-5. -19. HOUSES FOR SALE CARD OF THANKS MISCELLANEOUS CAR-D OP THANKS CARD OF THANKS ROOMS SFALEâ€"I‘S “Tenders 43 mama. 'Bwil‘t this to; T'hos. Gauthier, 13 439-20 p.. C-(‘lNL‘Il'tJCTl’ MIX-BR. "1‘10 'REN'I‘, by the day or ymwd. Apply 120 Maple street south, or phone 585 \V. -18 t.f. GARDENS TO RENT; large or small; fenced and ploughed. Apply to G. Noseworthy, Laurier Avenue, green ‘house at end of Laurier Avenue. across the creek. -18-‘30p. POSITION WANTED BY EXPER- IENCED MINING FOREMAN.â€"- Long ami successful experience Best references. Apply to. P.O. Box 1760, Timmins, Ont. -19-21p. SHACK TO RENT. Apply to 69 Birch Street, South. -19p. HOUSE "DO lili‘JN'l‘. Comfonta‘ble 5- roomed house, in gum} location. Reasonable. Apply 74 Kir‘by. -19 p. TO RENTâ€"A four-roamed House, beIow Hol‘Hnger Townsite, close to F‘esserton-Q Apply to Burnett-An- drews, comer of Maple Street and Fourth Avenue- ~19. STORE AND DWELLING TO LET. HOUSE FOR R‘rENTâ€"â€"~7-r00med House; electric lights. Good’l 0c :1- tion. Apply to 205 Pine Sheet, South. 319 p. (-31 R'L ‘WANWEID FOR: GENERAL TWO- ROO‘IED' OFFICE SUITE TO RENT, above the Post Ofï¬ce. Ap- ply to Mrs. E. H. King, Room 6, above the Post Ofï¬ce. 4 t.f. S'I'O‘RIE FOR KEEN '1‘, 50 x 25, with good cement Mmement. Apply after 6 p.111. to 11 Spr‘uce street, South. ' 19-21 D. LAKDY ’S'I‘BNOGJLXPHER \V'AJNTS PWI'I‘IO‘NL For further .partic't- la-rs apply to. Box: .H. \V., Advance ()lflice. _ 18-19 AN E NPER LENCIED ST-EN‘OG‘RA- LPHLE’R [DESIRES POSITION. Apply P'. 0. ‘Box 201, Gore Bay, ()nt. , â€"19 1). ROOMS AND BOARDâ€"~Princess Boarding House, 52 Birch street, corner of Second Ave. Very com- foriable place; and best of board. ~17-20p. M’ABD “'ANTE’Dâ€"Apply to Mrs. P. E Copper, McIntyre Mine. 49-120. RUSSELL HOUSEâ€"ROOM AND BOARDâ€"Hot and Cold \Vater. Rates $9.00 per week and up. Good accommodation. Phone 2753“". No. 2 \Vilson Avenue, cor. Mount- joy, ~53-3p. TH RIDE-livOtlllflE'D HOUSE 'RIEN".[‘.â€"~Ap1)ly 11 Spruce South after (5 p.111. WANTEDâ€"Experienced ï¬rst-class butcher to stavt work immediately- Ly. Apply Ee'eldxman Bros., Schu- ma'eher. ‘ -1S 1‘0 RENTâ€"Garage, with 1pit and water. 66-- Elm street. South. 1‘5tf. LOSTâ€"Pair of Gentleman ’s Eye Glasses, in case. Finder please re- turn to The Advance Ofï¬ce. -191). 1‘ W0 FU RN I SHE D A PA Ra'l‘ MENT S ACID ROOM TO LET. Apply to 47 F611rth Avenue. Timmins. -18 p. LOSTâ€"Bicycle lost on Birch Street. Finder please return same to 54 Birch Street, South ~19p. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MEETINGS Informal meetings for those inter- ested in Christian Science will be held every Sunday morning'from 11 to 12 am. also Suriday School from 10 to 11 am. in the I.0.0.F. Hall, Third Ave., Timmins. a. Also every “’ednesday afternoon from 4 to 5, at the home of Mrs. G. H. Gauthier, 30 Hemloks Street. Suitable for restaurant, lunch counter, barber shop, or any kind of business; Apply to Jospe’s Clothing Store, opposite McIntyre Recreation Hall, Schumacher. -18. Housework. Apply to Mrs. J. Martin, 111 Spruce Street, ‘Snuth. -1'9-‘20 p. POSITIONS WANTED ROOM AND BOARD HELP WANTED FOR RENT NOTICES LOST FOR street, 19â€"21 FOR SALEâ€"Early Closing-»Cards, for sale at 250. each. A’Tso “For FOR SALEâ€"Heavy Deï¬very . Team, with Harness and Waan. The George Taylor Hardware Ltd., 3rd. Avenue, Timmins. 47-20 FOR SALEâ€"d Pool Tables in first class condition. Apsph to I’. O. Box 11.39, on 4% 'C-mnbrai A\ 0., Hollingm'. zTownsite., Timauins. -] S-;:_'- F OR SALEâ€"New Rotary Electric. \Vashing; Mac'hine. never used reaâ€" sonable terms on cash. Apply Phone 129; 10 Gordan Block, Tim- ll‘U‘DSON (‘1')AGH FOR SALE. in VET)? ‘g‘ood running order. Reason- afble price. “Terms to I‘QSIH'HISlblG party. Almly during day to Ideal B'illl-iard' Rooms. ï¬vening calls, to 135? Spruce street, North; H. Leg;- FURNITURE FOR SALEâ€"1 Bullet, 1 Round Dining Table, l Yietrola, 1 Divanette; all good as new; will sell very reasonable. Apply at 50 Fifth Avenue, Timmi‘ns. -18 p. FOR SALEâ€"A limited number of settings Eggs from my prize-win- ning'Regal Dorcas “bite “Wan- dottes, at $5.00 per setting of 15. Apply J. J. McGee, Sandy Falls, Timmins, Ont. 16-19p O FOR SALEâ€"One 5 h.p., 220 volt, 25 cycle, 3 phase Motor, with entrance box and starter. For sale at a bargain. One 20 h. 1)., 2:20 wk 25 cycle, 3-p‘hase Motor, with starter. 11)pr to E. M. All\\ orth. Pine St. ., opposite F. M. Burke’ 5 Drug Sto Timmins. -16- 9: FOR SALEâ€"«STAR: CAB. Goo-d con- dition. Old}: mm about 2000: miles. Apply to 162 Cedar street South. 19-20 .). FOR SAlJEchLaug‘hlin- Buick â€'lum- ing (at: in A 1 condition. \ppl) to 2‘3 Cam'brai Avenue, Iiohiinger Tm'vnsite. -1é-20 :J. FOR'SA‘L’E‘ 1 only Baby 1 1 lot Dry Building Lumber. - 55 Maple street, South. FOR SALEâ€"1 Oak Dining Room suite and 1 \Valnut Bedroom suite, Apply 74 Kirby Ave, Timmins. FUR SALEâ€"Baseball suit, shoes and FOR SALEâ€"Wicker Baby Carriage; “large Size; {In good condition. Ap- ply to JamestPrentice, SecomfAch Smhuma'cher." ~19 n. CHEVROLET COUPE FOR SALE. Only run 1500 miles. "39% con- dition. \Viltl sell very cheap. Ap- ply to 9 IMexssines Avenua~ any time after 5 pam. 49-20 1). FOR 'SArIJEâ€"éCwb-inet Gmophone and 71‘ records. AJpply. 1‘06 Charles street. North from H-ollinger HOFSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE. Apply to 14 Main Avenue, Mattagami. -19p. MOT OR BOAT HULL FO R; SALE. 17 foot. New. Suitable for in- boat or out4h0at engine. All cedar. 3W«flI se‘lil very cheap for cash. Apply to \V. Poirier, RO. Box 71, Ainsonville, Ont. ~L9â€"20p. FO‘R SALEâ€"Thoroughbred Airedal Puppies. Telephone 273 J‘. ~19 1: FOR SALEâ€"A new suite, Davenport and two arm chairs; also a wuud burning Heater; 0119211) for cash. Apply at 46 Cambrai Avc., Tim- mins. 49-241). V HYDROIAX ANT) RECORDS FOR SHOWCASE FOR SALE; in ï¬rst- FOUNDâ€"Sum of Money. may have same by calling den Ave., between 4 and BARGAINS. .It will pay you to give us a visit. Rompers, Dresses, at 750. Pantry Dresses in Ginghams and superior Satines, 98c per set. Ladies’ House Dresses, all washable ging- hams, in all sizes, $1.35 each. Ladies." Silk Stockings, 55% a pain, Cretozfl nes,1yard wide, at 28c ï¬ber yard. All goods manufactured on the pred- ises. The Dressmakers Shop, 777 \Iountjoy Street, just at the bott of Third Avenue 16.18 pvt .f. ault. 1111113 Sale,†“To Rent,†and other cards in stock. The Advance Ofï¬ce, Timmins. -18 ARTICLES FOR SALE ' glove. All in A1 condition. ply P.(). 1766, Timmins. class condition; 1: 47 Fourth Avonm SALE CHEAP. Apply 5 Flora Jane ark DRESSMAKING FOUND priced reasunably. 10. 4911 Carri a ge Am)! y 49-20 -18 [3. 0 Wire 3H ~19 .p 491). ~19p "J 19p 101‘ H