I ‘ C O C C C O O O O O O O 0 C 0 O O O O 9 O O O O O 0 O O O O O O 0 O .0 O O O O O O . O O O O O O O O O . O o.3030303oooo3.30990:90003.30303030393930090303030390003030303930303090030: coo00003000030.00000000000900303.900300609000000... BOY†TINIMENI DOUGLAS' For all kinds of Plastering, Ce- ment Finishing, Brick Work, Kal- somising and House Cleaning. P.O. BOX 373, SCHUMACHER North T. N. 0. Tracks, West of Station. Phone 534 Storm Sash APPLY TO THE ALGOMA HOTEL. Instantly, then its soothing influence heals the wound. Egyptian Liniment is an all- round remedy that every household should have for the prompt treatment of Cuts, Scalds, Burns, Frost Bites, Chilblaina, Sore Throat and Chest, Neuralgia, etc. K. J. WINN DOUGLAS 8 C9 MANUFACTURERS. MPANEE .OflI '1. Donald Smith, L.L.B. W. TROLLOPE BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC. BASH, FRAMES, DOORS, GENERAL WOODWORK. Goldï¬elds Theatre Building, FRANK BYGK 9 -Spruce Street South. SEE Hot Bed Sash AT All. DEAL!†10-211). ing was off in front of the goal. Both teams got a goal each in this half. The Town B. scored wh‘iile Elâ€" ri-ck was out of his goal, and the Re- creation got theirs from a pass from centre to left wing. The ï¬nal scoee was 2 to '1. The third visit to Timmins of the Sparks Oircus “ill be on June 20th this year. On the mo previous occasions all were -well [pleased with this well-«conducted circus. As. the event is to be on Saturday, it will be of special .pleasure to the youngsters, though for some of them the event \Vill not be “hat it might be, as theV Will not. need to play hockey to attend. ~ HoHy RecreatiOnâ€"Eb'rick, goal; Stodden and H. Johnston, backs; Thompson, A. Robertson, 'W. John- son, H. lBoyd, Walsh and G. nRobert- son, forwards. Town B.â€"Brown, goal; Hackett and 'Berry, backs; Hamilton, Young and W. Roberts, half backs; McKay, Dunsmore, McTaggart, Horsburgb and Nit-Hugh, forwards. The second half was better foot- ball. T-‘he Recreation men let out a bit, but were unable to carry the at- tack 'very far, being handicapped ‘by the missing play'i'ers The Town 8. had most of the play, but their shot- Mr. Teasdale, of ‘Schu'mac-her, was the referee. 'Last week the score in the Tuesday evening P.D.F.~L’l match between the Town B. and the Hollinger Recreation Club was given. As this was , the ï¬rst time these teams were out this season perhaps further reference to the match may not be out of place. At the match the Hollinger iRecre- ation Club team made its debut in the football league. The Town ‘3. team has practically the same players as last year. The teams lined up as fol- The match was played -with the Recreation Club playing with only nine "men, but 'Ebrick in goal made up for these two missing men, his sensational saves “being a feature of the mat-eh. Time and again the Town B. team rushed in combination, but Were unable to get the leather 3by Elrick. At half time the Town B. team led with the score 1 to nothing. lows :-â€" TOWN B. MADE NICE WIN PROM RECREATION CLUB The Cousin Jacks started to press from the kick-off and in two minutes, Higman got the ball past Wills for a lead. The Macs. set the pace and kept the ball in close and were about to shoot when they were fouled in the penalty area. Robson took the spot kick and shot the leather straight at. Higgins who had no difï¬culty in saving and sent his forwards away again. There was a lively tussle in the Macs’ penalty area for posses- sion. Trethewey pounced on the ball and drove in a hot grounder by \Vills, who was unsighted by Johnson stand- ing in front of him. The Jacks tried again to increase their lead but \Vills kept them out with his ï¬ne saves and once he was in danger of being put out of the game, when he fell on the ball to save with three players on his back and was kicked by a. Jack who endeavoured to send the leather in. The ï¬nal whistle went with the score standing, Cornish 3, Schumacher 1. Schumacher kicked off and swung the ball out to the wing. Rice inter- cepted, but Cooper robbed and drove the leather past Higgins for a count- er in the ï¬rst two minutes of the match. The Cornish now pressed but Cantrell and Johnson kept the coast clear. The hall was transferred from end to end. Richardson and \Vest came in for a lot of work, for the Schumacher halves fed their for- wards well with short passes, while the Cousin Jacks used the long-pass- ing tactics. Both goalies were threa- tened repeatedly as the pace was fast, Wills coming in for the most work as both the Macs" backs were crippled in last \Vednesday’s match against the Lanes and the strain was telling on their sore spots, leaving a. lot for \Vills to do and he showed his skill as a goalkeeper, for he pulled off some wonderful saves and had hard luck near the end of the ï¬rst half when Trethewey shot in a low drive. Wills came down prone to clear and had the misfortune of hitting the ball on the inside of the upright, in getting it around to clear. First half 1â€"1. The weather man put on his best behaviour and sent some ireal sum- mer weather for the occasion and the Cousin Jacks were out in force to cheer their own club on. Thesgrounds were in good condition. The teams were as follows :â€" Schumacher zâ€"“Vills, goal; Cantrell and thnson, backs; McGowan, Coop- er and \Vebher, half-hacks; Halliwell, McDougall, Robson, Barron and \Val- lace, forwards. Cornish:-â€"â€"Higgins. goal; Richard- son and \Vest, backs; Higman, Yciul- ton and Rice, half-backs; ~Tonkin, Harris, Trethewey, Toms and Taylor, forwards. The Cornish One-and-All took an- other two points by defeating the Schumacher eleven '01: Saturday even- ing last by a 3-1 margin. CORNISH ONE-AND-ALL DEFEAT SOHUMACHBR 3â€"1. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO L; Dr. Hardy, Professor, of Languages at Edmonton University {was the guest of :his sister,.'Mrs. (Dr.) Lee Honey ilast week. _. There has been so much interest in the District. Football already this year, that perhaps as much attention has not been given to the N.O.F.A.. as in some former years. The North- ern Ontario Football Association is good stuff, and should be kept well in mind by football enthusiasts. The N.O.F.A.- schedule of matches is given below. The tie which took place between Kirkland Lake and Dc’me Mines football teams last season for the Dickson Cup will be decided by home- and-home games this year, the ï¬rst encounter to take place at the Dome encounter to take place at the Dome Mine, on Saturday next, May 16th. The second game will be played at Kirkland 'Lake‘ on the following Saturday, May 23rd. Goals to count for the winning of the round. There will be a Euchre, Bridge and Five Hundred, under the auspices of the Ladies of Charity, in the Parish Hall, Timmins, on Tuesday evening next, May 19th. Refreshments served. Tickets, at the nominal rate of half a dollar. The'cause is a spec- ially good one, and the event is also sure to be specially good, as are all events under the same auspices. Home-and-Home Games‘ to Decide 1924 Dickson Cup Series. The schedules for 1925 for the N.O. F.A. teams are as follows :â€" King Cup. May 25â€"Kirkland Lake at Timmins May ‘29â€"Timmins at Dome. June 6â€"Timmins at Kirkland Lk. ,3. June 10â€"Dome at Timmins. June 13â€"Kirkland Lake at Dome. June 20â€"Dome at Kirkland Lake. June ‘24â€"Timmins at Dome. June 27 or July lâ€"Timmins at Kirkland Lake. July 4â€"Kirkland Lake at Dome. July 9â€"Don1e at Timmins. July lSâ€"Dome at Kirkland Lake. July 25â€"Kirklahdij. at Timmins. EUCHRE, BRIDGE AND 500 TUESDAY NIGHT, MAY 19TH. MM. Sflflffllllf [If EMS fllfl THE SEASIIN Dickson Cup 24â€"Timmins at Dome. 27 or July lâ€"Timmins at :5 23% l%//////¢¢¢%rfflï¬t¢/dlli ACSS$VK€ 4 a Main Street Schumacher $Wmmmmmxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxv For Safe Results Try Our Want Ad Column mmmmmxmmmm‘ E John W. F ogg Limited 5 :‘W‘\\\\\\\\“\\V\\\M\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\3 mm. cm W ordered from the Crown Tailoring (20. from MAY 11th to 20th, inclusive. GOLDFIELD DRUG CO., TIMMINS, ONT. c. w. PENNIE, Agent The big problem'with sc‘lp specialists is to get the public to form a consistent habit of taking care of their hair. Van Ess Li uid Seal Massage comes in a patentedbottlewith a special to be: 313) ication attached. The method of applica- tion is easyâ€"and eanly. ’ eeds tment robber mam thetoots ytitï¬ï¬‚tegi mingg‘d‘nv whtthnn j- I. "me- Stan: ($101†hair. www.mnew éfâ€"t'h‘é'ï¬iir. One minai; a day with Vam WW: hair. We give you a poum Stop Falling Hall! Money Back if it Doesn’t