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Box 669 Phone 585-W Opposite Goldï¬elds Hotel TIMMINS Respecting Exchange Rates CASSIDY, CRAIK FARLEY SIMMS, HOOKER I_)_REW INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES (Ageâ€"ants for Confederation Life Association). Houses and Lots for Sale on Terms. DOMINION BANK BUILDING ON all matters of foreign exchange our arrangements for keeping in touch with the world’s exchange mar- kets assure you prompt service. Direct wire connections with the large ï¬nan- cial centres enable us to quote the closest possible rates. TIMMINS BRANCH, REAL ESTATE PHONE 112 Residence PHONE 135 Phone 585-W 46-19 Acting Manager. 1‘ Two Hundred and Forty-five ' New Books Added to Library 150 Adult Fiction Volumes and 29 Adult Non-Fiction. Young People’s Reading Well Looked After, 66 New Juvenile Fiction Works Being Added to Selection at Timmins Public Library. During the past few days, two hundred and forty-ï¬ve books have been added to the Timmins Public Library. The books are divided into, 150 Adult Fiction, 66. Juvenile Fic- tion and 29 Adult Non-ï¬ction. The following are the books added to the Library :â€" Adult Fictionâ€"Robbery Under Arms; \Var to the Knife; In Bad Company; The Celebrity; The Crisis; Mr. Crewe’s Career; The Inside of the Cup; A Far Country; The Dwell- ing Place of Light; The Last of the Mohicans; The Deerslayer; Under the Greenwood Tree; Tom Brown at Oxford; The Betrothed; A Pawn Among Kings; Children of the Age; Wine of Fury; Joan and Peter; The Secret Places of the Heart; Children of the Market Place; Skeeters Kirby; The Coast of Eden;A Singing Bone; The Phantom Ship; Adani Grainger; Dine Hollow; Master of Greylands; Verner’s Pride; Lord Oakburn’s Daughter; Love of the \Vild, A.- F. McKishnie; The Black Gang, “Sap- perâ€; The Lost Endeavour, John Masefield; By Stroke of Sword, An- drew Balfour; East of the Setting Sun, G. B. McCutcheon; The Unknown Quantity, Ethel M. Dell; The Three Hostages, John Buchan; The Quench- less Light, Agnes Laut; A Girl of the Plains Country, Alice McGowan; The Game and the Candle, The Man Who Rose Again, Joseph Hocking; Night “ratches, The Castaways, \V. \V. Jacobs; The Tavern Knight, The Shame of Motely, The Trampling of the Lillies, The Gates of Doom, Jus- tice of the Duke, The Strolling Saint,i The Lion’s Skin, Rafael Sahatini; The Fortunate Youth, The Rough Road, The Morals of Marcus Ordeyne, \V. J. Locke; The Man with the Club- foot, The Return of Clubfoot, 'Wil- lims; The Hidden Valley, Half in Earnest, The Breathless Moment. iHine; The Cask, The Ponson Case, The Pit-Prop Syndicate, Crofts; \Vanted a Husband, Adams; The Ford, Austin; Joan Co., Bartlett; The Philistines, Bates; Leoking Backâ€" ward, Bellamy; “Q†Hidden Creek, Butler; The Fugitive Millionarie, Carlyle; The Mystery Ranch, Chap- man; The Spare Room, Fedden; The Adventures of a \Vidow, Faweett; 1700 miles in Open Boats, FoSter; The Finding of Nora, Frothing- ham; Admiral ’s Light, Hideout; Tish, Rinehart; Banner of the Bull, St. Martin’s Summer, Sabatini; Robert Tournay, Sage; The Bridge Across, L. A. Harker; The Man \Vho Could Not Lose, The \Vhite Mice, Real Sol- diers of Fortune, Captain Macklin, Ransom’s Folly, The King’s Jackal, R. H. Davis; Pink Sugar, Douglas; Safety First, Neville; Jim of the Ranges, Lancaster; Springtime, Bailey; Great Miss Driver, Hope; Grinder’s \Yheel, Roberts; Justice of the Peace, Nivenn; Some Experiences of an Irish R. M., Sommerville Ross; Golden Kingdom, Balfour; The Sowers, Merriman; The Gentleman, Ollivant; Band of Brothers, Turley; THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO Castaways, Crawford; In Mr. Knox’s Country, Sommerville Ross; Mr. Standfast, Buchan; Mount Music, Sommerville Ross; The Last Days of Pompeii, Bulwer-Lytton; Pride and Prejudice, Austen; Sense and Sensibility, Austen; Romance, Con- ard; Simpkin’ s Plot, Birmingham; Sophia, \\ ey;n1an Tristan of Blent, Anthony; Lightning Conductor, \\ il- liamson; \\ ee Macgregor, Bell, Shanghaied, Norris; Beaujeu, Bailey? 3“ ar of Carolinas, Nicholson; All on Irish Shore, Sommem ille Ross; The ()ctupus \orris; John Verne), Vach- ell, Count Hannibal, “'ennan; Image in Sand, Saslete; \Vild Geese, Wex- man; Relentless City, BenSUn; Father Stafl'ord, Hope; The Great White Army, The Call from the Past, Pem- herton; Mr. Jervis, Croker; The Splendid Spui, “Qâ€; lied Sultan, Colman; Prester John, Buchan; House of Defense, Benson; Ship of Stars ‘ Qâ€, The Pit, Norris; Quentin Dur- ward, Guy Mannering, The Monast- ery, The Bride of Lannnermoor, 1U)- bott, 01d Mortality, The Talisman, The Fair Maid of Perth, Rob Roy, Fortunes of \igel,Antiqna1-y,\\'ood- stock, Heart of Midlothian, The Pi- rate, Scott; Quo Vadis, Sienkiewicz; Mansï¬eld Park, Austen; Cloister on the Hearth, Reade, The Bell Ringer, Sears; The Coming of the Tide, Sher- mood; The Country Lawyer, Shute; Ellen, Katy Gaumer, Singmaster; Tom Grogan, Smith, The Elder’ 5 People, Spoï¬ord; The Minister’s Wooing. Pearl of Orr 5 Island, Stowe; The Penitent, Underwood; The Fair God, Wallace; Sinister House, in the Brave Days of Old, Hall; Helen, Hardy; The Lighted Lamp, Henderson; The Bounder, Hodges; Those Gillespies, Hopkins; Audrey, Johnson; The Ro- mance of Martin Connor, Kendall; Partners of Chance, Knihhs; Back- sliders, Linsay; Three Times and Out, The Next of Kin, McClung; The Out- bound Road, Mulder; The Man with the Iron Hand, Parish; Oh, Money, Money, Porter; Ironheart, Man Size, Tangled Trails, Raine; Professional Aunt, \Veemys; Ladies in “Taiting, The Affairs of the Inn, \Viggin; The Orange Divan, The Yellow Streak, \Villiams. Juvenile Fiction zâ€"Vera’s Trust, Heiress of \Vylmington, Secret Chain- ber of Chad, Dulcie’s Love Story, Dulcie’s Little Brother, Everett- Green; Lower Fourth, Girvin; Young Rajah, Afar in the Forest, Captain Mugford, Kingston; Through Forest and Fire, Ellis; Boris the Bear Hun- ter, \Vishaw; Castaways, Reid; Our Vow, Stanhope, Haverï¬eld; Chums at Last, Grant; On Honour, Adams; Margie at Harbour Light, Rand; Lost in Backwoods, Traill; Sale’s Sharp- shooters, Play the Game, True to His Nickname, Off the Wicket, Heads or Tails, The Triple Alliance, Avery; \Vaste Castle, Letts; Book of Golden Deeds, Bronte; Schoolgirl Chums, Rhodes; Peggy’s Last Turn, Neigh- bours at School, Talbot; Girls of St. Augustine’s, Ironside; Chrostal’s Ad- venture, Chesterton; The Treasure .of Drummer’s Head, Herbertson; Castle Martin, Richmond; Daughter of IFrance; Pollard; Cousin Betty, Mock- ller; Minvern Brothers, New Broom, iTurley; Rhonda’s Holiday, Miss Neth herby’s Niece, \Vhitenbury College, lChesterton; Bosom Friends, Brazil; [\Nestward H0, Hereward the \Vake, Kingsley; Swiss Family Robinson, ’V’Vyss; New Robinson Crusoe, Alden; Two Arrows, Stoddard; Music andi Musician ’s, Lillie; Betty \Vales Senior M. \Vard; How Phoebe Found Her- self, Her Sixteenth Year, Brown; Bird Stories from Burroughs; Young Mountaineers, Craddock; \Vhen Polly was Eighteen, Dowd; Running Eagle, The Warrior Girl, Schultz; \Vhen Sarah went to School, Singmaster; Sniper Johnston, Sleath;Light Horse Harry ’s Legion, The Red Chief, Tom- Iinson; The Boy- Fugitives in Mexico, Green; Three Little Daughters of the Revolution, Perry; Jerry, Pier; New Chronicles of Reba-ma, Polly Oliver’s Problem, \Viggin; Irish Twins, Ita- lian Twins, Perkins; Putter Perkins, Brown. Adult Non-Fietionâ€"The Book of Literature; Icarus, Russell; Living- stone, \Vilson; How to Read History, H. \V...’Davies; Jack‘s Self Educator, O’Neill; Come Ye Apart, Miller; Book of a Naturalist, Hudson; Ju Jitsu,. Sutherland; Parables from Nature, Gat-ty; Astronomy, Hawks; Animals of the Sea, Duncan; Aero- plane, Graham; Man of War, Currey; Electricity, McCormazek; Modern In- ventions, Johnson; Engineering, Knox; Geology, Derryhouse; How Animals \Vork, Duncan; “later in N ature, Coles‘ F inch. FIRST. OF DEFERRED GAMES IN DIGKSON CUP SERIES The ï¬rst of the ‘home and 'home games for the Dickson (3sz for last season will be at the Dome on Satur- day of this week, May 16th, weather, etc.,, permitting. The other match will be at Kirkland Lake on Satur- day the fZBrd. Those two matches were decided upon by the N.O.F.A. “to decide as to whether Kirkland Lake or the Dome should he consider- ed the holder of the Dickson Cup for 1924. MINES HER-E ATTRACTING ATTENTION IN BRITAIN In a recent interview in Toronto, Mr. E. R. Peacock , a prominent British ï¬nancier, and former direc- tor of the *Bank of England, spoke of the improved position and outlook in Britain now in regard to the Canadian‘ Mining Industry. Mr. Peacock isl quoted as saying :â€" ‘ “My friends in England often talk about this or that proposition Where they have lost money in ‘L'an- ada. And I ask them who put them in the proposition and I usually ï¬nd that it was some Eng- lish promoter. There have been some Canadian mining scandals in London recently and I understand that in each case the promoters were Britishers. Yet it is Canada that the tinvestors (blame and not with justi- ï¬cation. “Canadian mines are attracting at- tention from serious British mining Operators. There is going to be a great deal of Bnitish money put in Canadian mines; it. is coming out to~ dav.†.OOOOOOOOJQ-OOOOOO-‘p‘o OO:.:.:O:.OOOOOO:OOOOOOO O 0.00. For Sure Results Try Our Want Ad Column- 09.... O. 0.09000...0,-000000000000 0000090.... 0.00.0:03330 t...":.:.:0:0:0:O‘COOOOOOOOOOOO‘O 0330$030300003009006090u§ O‘C:OOOOOOO:OOOOOOOA . 00000090000 JV. 000000090000009060303006030:030(0600:05 go o 090006000000ooooooo‘oto‘o‘o‘o‘oéo 0660 o 0000:000009900.3080:390090000030300’000000 o 0 o o O 0000 0600 o o o 00 * TIMMINS BRANCH, . SOUTH PORCUPINE BRANCH, SULLIVAN and NEWTON Check over your Fire Insurance Policies and see that you are fully†protected. Reductions in rate may now be had in many cases. Come in and talk it over. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Marshall-Ecclestone Block (Upstairs) PHONE 104 P.O. DRAWER “E†SULLIVAN and NEWTON Are You Going to Travel? When travelling abroad it is most convenient to carry your money in the form of a Letter of Credit. It ensures the safety of your funds; it is readily convertible into cur- rency, and acts as an invaluable introduction in foreign lands. Letters of Credit are issued at any branch of this Bank. ‘ IMPERIAL BANK J. A. MACDONALD FUNERAL DIRECTOR Telephones 608-J‘ and? 608â€"W. “3 . O O. O O O. O. 0 O O. O O O. 0 O O. O 0 0-0 0. O. O O .0 O O O. O. O O O. O O 0'. O O .0 0 O O. O O O. O O O. O O O. .0 O O O. O O .0 O O. O O. O. O O .0 O O N 78 THIRD A‘VENUB hRecreation Hall ‘ SCHUMACHER McIntyre D. SUTHERLAND, Manager. F. R. WAY, Manager.