E have some special Mother’s Day gifts ing; our stores beginning with candy and includ- ing stationery, toiletries, and many little lux- £§$§$$§E l ï¬%%%%% mgï¬mmmmwmmmmm E for (“bother 5 .â€"= ON HER DAY ury specials We’ll help you pack and ship these thingsgï¬ .15 to mother, or well deliver them if mother is right inEEEï¬ town. Come early before others get first choice. EEEEEEEEE ‘3 O O O O . O . O‘::O:O:O: .0. z 0 O . n O O ‘ O O O O 0000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000 0000000000.0000000000903030000.00000000000090000 g:}§}:?$?jz0000. 0000000000003.000000303000000000000000000000000'00000000000000000000000030000000: 0000000000000000000000000000000003000. 00000000000000‘0000000000000030000000000000000000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0007 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 O O O. MOTHER’S DAY Sunba'g, may 10th THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ill! flflfllluk Meeting of Porcupine Poultry and Pet Stock Association in the Council Chamber, Town Hall; ‘Tilmmins, on Monday evening, May 11th, at S p. .11. Important business. All members he sune to attend. \Nort‘h [Bay “has decided to refuse jitney licenses t9 any found guilty of breaking the speed 'laws or that other speed Jawâ€"the ().T.A.\ F011 ï¬ve days this week there is an exhibition of paintings by ï¬fty ‘lead- ing Canadian artists being Shown at North :Bay at the Normal School. (Air. '1‘. Lake deft on Monday fon Powassan for a few days and will go to Lakeï¬eld, Ont., after a visit here with ‘his son, Mr. Geo. Lake. \ A circus is booked to *come to Tim- mins about the midd‘le of June. This wilxl be good news for the grown-ups, and also of some interest to the young- sters. 3 K‘Dr. W. J. Belll', who was recently appointed Deputy Minister of Health, for Ontario, is well-known in the North Land. In recent years he has been on the Provincial Boand of Health staff, and for some years he was in medical practice in North Bay; See “indoxx ( isplm lates, specially for Northern Ice Cream I Ave. For Mot-hers’ Day, nothing more apl')reciated than one of the handsome boxes of “holesome chocolates £10m the Novthern Ice Cream Parlour, A Third Axe. {Last Friday one man, thinking of the weather, said :â€"â€"“If Marc-'11 comes in like a *lion, it goes out Ilike a lamb, 'but wlmt§about that sort of weather in May.†2 1. Mr. D. 'C. Size, accountant at the Canadian Bank of Commerce, returned last week from an extended holiday in the South. Mr. 'Size was married on April 7th, at the ’home of the divide in North Bay, to Miss I. Reddingtou, daughter of Capt. Reddington, man- ager of the N ewray Mine. The young couple spent their honeymoon in Detroit and other .points South. Mrs. Size will join her husband in Tim- mins in the near future when they will take up residence here. Very hearty good wishes will be extended to the young couple by wide eiroles of friends 'here9\ LInnumerable friends “ere delighted last \\ eek to see Mn. \V. M. \V lute able to be out and around again after his lecent iiilness. \ {Four :priso-ners escaped some days ago from \Burrwash Industrial Farm, two of them being still at large, the othei 1:110 taking the wrong turning and heading for the Farm, being cap- tured on the 11 ay. ' Sunday Wear a :i [Miss Mary Ferguson, of Sarnia, is 6119 new teachen at the Public Schools to succeed Miss Richards who has leave of absence on account of illness. o “S“‘Sï¬ï¬â€˜ï¬ ‘1 %\ xï¬uxx$mxxmmsxmm LBorn-v and Mrs Mr. R. L. St. Clair of Ottawa, was 1i T'immins \‘isibof last week. [at Timmins and District Notes 3rn---In Timmins,' Mrs. David Bough, 5 son (David Arthur) , M ay ower ay 10th is Mothers Dav. 31' in honour of Mother. us, Ont., to Mr. :11, S‘Biroh street, of boxed chow: Mothers’ Day, 'urlour, 44 Third Eariy Closing Cards, may at. The Advance Ofï¬ce 9‘0 Q -J Timmins Citizens’ Band is giving a Band Concert. in the Maple Leaf Theatre at Schumacher on Sunday, May Nth, after the church services: é: ()vcr 322,000.00 was collm Local Customs ()flk'e during of April in Federal III-(:01 alone. “ALI rpturng t‘nr Hm ““Ma-ny of t-‘hese :sailesmen, some of Whom are known as “thigh ,pressure’ ’ artists ‘in their line, :were dniven out of the U.S. by vigorous prosecutions for crooked dealings, and are foldow- ing their customary tactics in Canada, some of them having headquarters here. wene in most mins oflico. " llfl NIH TRADE 6000 WIN fflfl flflUBFfUl ISSUES High Pressure Salesman Still at Their Wrong Games In reeeut issues of The Advance mention has been made ot‘ the trick employed 'liy some “high pressure†salesmen of attempting to induce people to trade well-known stocks for new issues that, to put it very :mildly are of doubtful value. This question is dealt with in. a. special eletter sent out 'by the Bank of Commerce. The Bank of ~C'ou'1merce letter quotes from a similar â€letter sent. out by the Finan- cial] Service, Limited, Moutneal, as follows:â€" (7111111.), al' and alon "One of the chief ï¬nancial nuis- ances of the day in Montreal and vicinity (and the same applies to “Tim- m-ins) is the group of stock sunles-men 'who pester shareholders of one corn- puny to switch into another stock, veny frequently of doubtful value and sometimes worthless stuï¬â€˜. People. who have sound listed seeurities are the ones *mOSUly approached, owing to the readiness with which these can he turned into cash and the proceeds ap- plied to the ’purdhase of the offening they are making. ' “One scheme which ‘has been eï¬ec- tive has been to approach small trades- men and advise the purchase of some well-known lvoca‘l stock which enjoys â€Women shareholders are con- sidered easy marks for these s'hark individuals and it would be well for them to consult their husbands before taking any action, or in the cases of spinsters and Widows, thein bankers, or some relialbile, vell-informed ï¬nan». cial friend who is Willing to give et‘hem conservative advice. an excellent reputation. The stock is suppossed to .'be bought on the in- stalment pilan, but the order. 'is likely bueketed- and2 the part payments put. in their own pockets. Having estab- lished what seems to be a sound re- putation fon conservative dealings in the eyes of their inexperienced olients, a switch to some other offering is soon suggested. Sometimes, these are worthless if they are delivered, but delivery is generally delayed for a time on Que .pretext or another. In the long run, the client doses evert’h-inO'. “This emp‘hasizes the necessity of the public being extremely eéreful a- bout deallnings with strangers who adopt such methods. A great deal of money would .be saved if old-establish- ed houses dealing in securities were eonsuilted ’bef’ore undertaking com- mitments or exchanges.†A12"! returns for the Pa along the T. N.O. bran dine to Iroquois Falls uses sent into the Tim- In-cbme ted by the thernonth eavh unne lino, had 3X05