’ The many friends of Mr. Ross Dix- «on are sornv to learn of his serious illness; and extend sincere \\ 1shes for - a speedy recovery. Mr. George O’Connor of Sudhury, arrived in town this \\ eek and has â€taken a position with the T. S. Wool- lings Company. The Ladies Aid of the Union Church Lane holding a tea on Tuesday after- Tsnoon at the home of Mrs. F rank Mc- -a1'e holding a tea on Tuesday after- noon at the home of Mrs. Frank Me- Janet. ‘ Mr. Dan O'Connor left Saturday in a business trip to Temagami. Mr. and Mrs. M'. 18. Knox have moved into the building for-menly oc~ eupied by F. M. Burke and will con- duct a first class restaurant and Ice Cre eain parlour. A patty of mining men vsent into Codv to“ nship T uesday. Much sympathy is extended to Mrs. i‘Varren 'Merritt in- the sad-loss of her mother who died suddenly at her home on Sunday morning last. Mrs. M. Dunphx who has been making her home uith Mrs. Merritt for the past fen months has been in poor health for some time but her sudden demise came as a great shoe-k to her family. Under the capable direction of Mr. Fred Burt and Mr. P. Thomiley the Connaught BU}S Athletic Club entertained their friends to a most interesting demonstration of their work last Friday evening in the Public Sehool home. The gymnasium work done by the boys was particu- Con-naught, May 5th, 1925. Spe- cial to The Advance. Mrs. Ramsay of Toronto is the guest of her aunt Mrs. Day. Mrs. A. R. Swayne and children .were in 'Timmins Tuesday. garmusm mum: mun Haws Gflfll] mm Canadian Government Railway trains in the North Land favour the prospector. They allow him consid- erable latitude in the way of excess baggage if he travels on the Canadian National with his equipment and sup- plies when on the way to his claims or to new fields. The T. N. 0. Railway is not showing the same con- sideration for the prospector. The T. N. 0. makes the prospector send his supplies and extras by ex- press,â€"â€"a costly proceeding. The T. N. O. is supposed to be a colonizing factor, and should be ready to gives special consideration to the men who are truly helping to make this coun- try. Yet the commercial traveller gets special privileges and special rates, while the prospector (without whom the North would not be what it is to-day) has no preferences or assistance. In the long run it would- pay the country and pay the railway to transport the prospector, bag and baggage, free. Because he is a gene- rous fellow, the prospector has not thought of asking anything like this. But it certainly is not too much to suggest that while on his prospecting trips the prospector at least be given special rates and special privileges in the way of transportation of Sup- plies and equipment. The prospector travels on business of very vital im- portance to the development of the country and it would be only good business to assisthim in every rea- sonable way. 'Boys Give Interesting Demonstration Other Gonnaught News. ‘ the Connaught Bovs Athletic Club entertained their friends to a most interesting demonstration of their 11'01k last Friday e1 ening in the Public School housse. The gymnasium 11"ork done by the how was particuâ€" 1larly good and showed what. advance- ment could he made under proper tute- lage. During the evening the follow- ing programme was rendered :â€"â€"4Dum- hell drill. Pyramid building Parallel .bar exercises, Flying rings and box- ing 'bouts‘the feature of the evening being a boxing bout between Oliver Faueher and Eddie Chapman. \\I~z. 11111110111, Jexxeler, of Second Aven11c,roturned this week with his bride, formerly Miss Helena Harris, of Swansea, South Wales. The mar- riage took place at Holy .Trinity Church, Quebec, and after a short. visit to Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. Whitford have taken up resideuce at 24 Elm street. All will extexid goud wisheé .19 11 a: 1 31m 1111 130121. ‘1 THE T. N. O. SHOULD COPY ' THE C. N. R. IN THIS MATTER. Ofï¬ce 26. "If Pflflï¬lll'llf ADVANCE Canada - - $200 year United States - $3.00 year TIMMINS. - - ONTARIO Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Telephones: WEDNESDAY, MAY, 6th, 1925 Published every Wednesday by Owner and Publisher. Subscription Rates: Residence 70. For this week’s police court on Thursday (to-morrow) there are six charges against truck drivers for not having the' required licenses and an equal number of charges against an equal number of ï¬rms for allowing unlicensed chauffeurs to operate. D, Dominico, who had a barrel of wine in a boarding house is charged with illegally having liquor in a pub- lic place. Driving on the wrong side of the silent police is another charge to be heard. There are two charges of “drunk in a public place,†and one of “hav- ing a bottle.†The ï¬rst charge of obstructing trafï¬c by loitering on the sidewalk is against a local merchant who start- ed to discuss the question instead of moving along when requested. An Inspector of the Ontario Li- cense Board has been in town for some days and as a consequence of his checking up there are charges against same Tinuuins and South Porcupine drug stores to be heard. It is expected that the charge of murder preferred against Pete Ste- faniuk in connection with the death of Mrs. Seniuk will he proceeded with to-niorrow. CHECKING TRUCK DRIVERS FOR NOT HAVING LICENSES. It “as agreeable to the meeting that the executive of the Twilight League dra“ up schedules and 1111es and legulations govelning the league. It was agreeable to the meeting that other groups of baseball players he invited to enter the Twilight League. ' l It was agreeable to the meeting that any player in the district who does not play over three scheduled games with the Senior Baseball Team shall be eligible to play in the Twi- light League Baseball games, provided he be eligible to play according to the rules of the League. That should any Seniorv player wish to play in the league under the conditions as above, he shall submit his name to the exe- cutive of the league and, if eligible, shall be placed on a team to the best advantage of everyone concerned. Should the player go back to the Senior team after being-played in any scheduled game of the League he shall not play in any Twilight League game for the balance of the season. It was ’agreeable to the meeting that any player, playing in Twilight League Baseball shall have been a resident of the Porcupine District for one month before the first sche- duled game. ‘ It was agreeable to the meeting that the names of all players be submitted and handed to the president of the Twilight League before the ï¬rst game and that lists of players be available to the captains of all teams. It was agreeable that visiting teams bring their own umpires and pay their own travelling expenses. COMING MATCHES IN THE DISTRICT LEAGUE SERIES A wise man keepeth his own coun- sel. 5 â€"Exchange. The following are the matches m the Porcupine District Football League series in the next week or two â€"-â€" ' Thursday, May Tishâ€"Town A. vs. Dome Mines. Saturday, ‘May 9thâ€"C0rnish vs. S'allumaeher. . Tuesday, May 12t‘hâ€"Town B. vs. Holly Recreation Club. Thursday, May l-Lthâ€"Hallinger vs. Lancastrians. Thursday, May Nthâ€"Schumacher vs. Town A. Tuesday, May 19thâ€"Lancastrians vs. Holly Recreation Club. Mlllllflï¬ffl BECflEAIIflN The meeting expressed itself as be- ing in favour of co-operating with the Senior Baseball team to a certain ex- tent. It was agreeable to the meet- ing that an arrangement be ntade to include the Senior Team in the Sche- dule of Twilight League games, which games were to be practice games only and not to count in the standing of the League games. At a meeting of the Hollinger Re- creation Club Baseball Team, the fol- lowing ofï¬cers of the Club were elected :â€" Baseball Managerâ€"J. Closs. Baseball Committee (subject to ap- proval)â€"G. Kahler, R. Carmichael, C. Cummings, J. Burke, \V. King, A. Horne. Ofï¬cers Elected and Rules Agreed Upon for Recreation Club Baseball. 1 Mr. J. Blackshaw, secretary-treas- urer of the Hollinger Recreation Club, has kindly furnished the following report of the meeting to organize a Hollinger Recreation Club Baseball team :â€" mmmmuwnu : “w B’m "Trade authorities assure us that Canada is on the eve of the best times ever experienced by ‘her. The coming is re:eeted by the increased demand this month on oun Employment Bureau for well trained olli-ce help. “’9 keep mp the good work all summer, which gives students enrolling now, an op- portunity to prepare fon summer and fall positions. W e e Mr. J. Hunter of the Underwood prewriter (30., was a visiton at the ‘hisiness College :last week on the usual inspection tou'r, also Mr. J. H. anhinney of the Remington Type- writer Co., Toronto, Ont. Misses Reta Jones and Daisy Som-merville tried their ï¬nal examin- ations in the Steilograqvhic Dept, of the Timm'ins Business College this The April Theory Exams, in all subjects were held at the Business College this week, also the April Typewriting Tests. Mr. Lewis Field is among the latest envol-flments at the Timmins Business College; Mr. Field has joined the Night Classes. Miss Marjorie iC"zx.ig, graduate of the Ti-mmins {Business (:Joldege, has rueâ€" c eptL d it position as Bbozkkeeper in the 0|.icc of the Blahey Glocerv, Timmins, Ont. Mr. Thus. Belanger of. the Business College has accepted a clerical posi- tion with (I. A. Raiche, Barrister -.\’ Solicitor, Timmins, and is therefore completing his Course by attending the College Night Classes. The Business College notes the marriage of a recent graduate Miss Ellen E. Cockb-uru to Mn. C. Bigelow. The Commercialites and College Staff offer the young couple their heartiest congratulations and best wishes. The individual instruction given at the Business College permits students to enter any time. No summer vaca- tions. Students enrolling now will he prepared for summer and fall posi- tions. Classes day and night. Timmins Business College RUSSELL HOUSEâ€"ROOM AND ROOMS AND BOARDâ€"Princess Boarding House, 52 Birch street, corner of Second Ave. Very coma fortable place, and best of board. -l7-20p. VETERAN HOUSE, corner Fourth and Cedar street. Room and Board, $9.50 up. Meal Tickets, 31 meals for $7.50. Good table, excel- lent service, Thos. Smith, prop. . 16-18 1). WE NES DAY Bulletin \VANTED TO BUYâ€"COUPLE OF SETTING HENS. Also, for sale, a big Kitchen Range. Apply to 83 Elm Street, South. ~18p. Meets on the First and Third Friday of every month, in the hall at the corner of Mountjoy and Kirby. All visiting members welcome. HOUSE WANTEDâ€"I have a client who wishes to buy a house not less ' than ï¬ve rooms with two bedrooms. Miist have water and sewerage or be on a street where immediate connection with waternnd sewer can he made. Must also he in a good locality and house in ï¬rst-class condition. H. A. Proctor, Real Es- tate, opposite the Post Ofï¬ce. -18 WAN TEDâ€"A few private boarders, Table Board. Mrs. Annie Jones, 208 Pine st., South. 15p1/g FOR SALEâ€"Early Closing Cards, for sale at 25c. each. Also “For Sale,†“To Rent,†and other cards in stock. The Advance Olï¬ce, ‘ Timmins. ~18 TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. LOSTâ€"Lady’s Wrist Watch, Gruen. white gold, four small diamonds. Reward for return. Mrs. D. \V. O’Sullivan, 10 Maple Street, South. --18. DR-I VE-R SA’LESMA‘N WANTEDâ€"â€" We want a man to drive; must be energetic; with good personality and past record; know the people of the town and district well; a good talker; able to secure and hold busi- ness. Apply to RC. Box 1119, Tim- mins. -13 p. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMIN S, ONTARIO Joy, BOARDâ€"Hot and Cold Water. Rates $9.00 per week and up. Good accommodation. Phone' 275-W. No. 2 Wilson Avenue, cor. Mount- Timmins L.O.L. ROOM AND BOARD MISCELLANEOUS Eï¬â€™r' the Business clerical posi- Barrister -.\ is therefore 0' attending ~53-3p. 14-27. BARGAIN S.. It will pay you to give us a visit. Rompers, Dresses, at 75c. Pantry Dresses in G'inghams and superior Satines, 980 per set. Ladies’ House Dresses, all washable ging- hams, in all sizes, $1.35 each. Lad’ies’ Silk Stockings, 500 a' pair. Cretonâ€" nes, 1 yard wide, at 280 per yard. All goods manufactured on the prem- ises. The Dressmakers Shop, 7 Mountjoy Street, just at the bottom of Third Avenue 16-18 p-t.f. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MEETINGS Informal meetings for those inter- ested in Christian Science will be held every Sunday morning from 11 to 12 am. also Sunday School from 10 to 11 am. in the I.0.0.F. Hall, Third Ave., Timmins. 9 Also every W ednesday afternoon from 4 to 5, at the home of Mrs. G. H. Gauthier, 30 Hemloks Street. WANTEDâ€"POSITION AS HOUSEâ€" KEEPER; capable of taking full charge. Apply to P. O. Box 1424, Timmins, or call at 159 Pine St, South. * ~18p. Ta‘ke Notice- that any waterwonks extension to cbe made on streets in “the Town of T-iinmins in 1925 will be constructed only on those streets where a written guarantee is present- ed from a sufficient number of rate- payers to insure sufficient revenue equal to (10') ten per cent. of the cost of construction of the said works. WORK WA ANTED BY FINN GIRLâ€" Speaks English. Apply 16 Elm Street North. -18p. FOR SALEâ€"«R-anned House (to be -n10ved Off "lot.).. and I-Passeuger Touring Car Apply 17."; Spruce street. South. Timmins. -18 p FOR 'SA‘LEâ€"Ji-ruo-med :Bungalmé, unï¬nished inside, :but warm and tightrly built. i-SooduOh-icken House, also for sale. Lot 5:0 x 100. Easy terms to quick ubmyer. Apply to Box 210, Schwmaciler on at No. 2?, Second Avenue, «30M Centre, Schn- J'nacher. - 43-401). T0 RENTâ€"~Furnished Rooms, with , h011sel{ee[;)ing privileges. Suitable for married couple. Apply 9 Bal- sam Street, North. ~18p. WOMAN WANTS ‘W-"O R‘K BY HOUR ; Apply 1 73 Maple street, “North. ~13 D. 47-18 FOR RENTâ€"Furnished Room; all conveniences; use of Phone. Ap- ply 79 Third Ave. 181) TWO LARGE BEDROOMS TO RENTâ€"Suitable for gentlemen in ofï¬ce work, or for young ladies. \Vater and all conveniences for comfort. $3.00 per week. Apply by letter to Box T. U., Advance Ofï¬ce. ~18-19p. LARGE 'FlRON T ROOM T 0 BEN T, TO RENEâ€"First class room to rent: centrally located“; telephone; hot and cold water, etc. Also a. couple of gentlemen wanted to board. Ap- .11] y 71 Birch street, South. -l3-19[.). FOR RENTâ€"Furnished Bedroom; with private family; suitable for 'lady only. All conveniences. Phone 349. -18p. FOR SALEâ€"Four Rose Comb Ban- tams, 1 Cockerel and 3 Hens. Ap- piy to N0. 10 Sixth Avenue. -18. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS TO FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT. for you-mg married couple or one man Mén preferred. Good mom. reu- sonalb‘le price. Apply to 68 Birch atreet, South -19â€"]9‘ -p FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT.â€" TWO FURNISI‘IE‘D BEDROOMS TO suitable for marnied couple, or two gentlemen. Apply ('3 Balsam street, North. -18 p. POSITIONS WANTED RENT.â€"Suitable for young marri- ed couple. Apply Mrs. C. R. Fer- guson, over Bank of Montreal, Tim- mins. 15. Apply 19 Wilcox. RENT in Timmins. Also small Shack to Rent at Schumacher; central. Apply 13 Pine street, over Ostrosser’s shone, Timmzins. -13 tf. HOUSES FOR SALE DRESSMAKING NOTICES ROOMS NOTICE Montgomery. Clerk-tre FOR SALE AT- SOUFT’I-l POROU- zPIrN‘E. Cottage, Bdoor Avenue; terms. Two-storey house, Bloor 'Ave; terms. Cottage, Davidson Road, Oincfluding six lots; terms. T‘h-r-ee good buys. Also, dots on COnnaught Hill. Amwly to "Grime Colombo, South Porc.u}.)ine, Ont. GARDENS TO RENT; large or small; fenced and ploughed. Apply to G. Noseworthy, Laurier Avenue, green house at end of Lauder Avenue. pcross the creek. -18~20p. FOR. SALEâ€"A “Lot, 5.,0 ft. by 120 ft. Also Perfection Oil Stove, 4 burner and oven; Oil Heater, Balby Carri- age, Cutter and‘ other articles. Cheap. 1:05 Balsam street. North. -18 I». TWO-ROOMED OFFICE SUITE T0 | REN T ; above the Post Ofï¬ce. Ap- ply to Mrs. E. H. King, Room 6, above the Post Ofliee. 4 t.f. FOR SALE OR RENTâ€"18 Cedar St TO RIB-N Tâ€"â€"Garage, I". I. water. m- Elm strc STORE AND DWELLING TO LET. Suitable for restaurant, lunch counter, barber shop, or any kind of business. Apply to Jospe’s Clothing Store, opposite McIntyre Recreation Hall, Schumacher. -18. FOR SALE OR TO RENTâ€"Farm in Mountjoy Township, 'on Govern- ment Road, close to town. Thirty acres cleared; 20 acres in hay; good buildings. \Vill rent reason- ably to responsible party. Apply O. Belanger, Mattagami Heights Post Ofï¬ce, Ont. Also two milch cows for sale. ~16-18p. IMPROVED LOTS FOR SALE.â€" FAR-M FOR SALEâ€"155 acres; well improved; 20 acres cleared, and balance easy to clear. New two- storey dwelling and stable on pro- perty. 4 Convenient to school and grocery store. For particulars ap- ply to J. J.. McGee, Sandy Falls, Timmins, Ont. 16-24p. FOR -SA‘~DEâ€"â€"â€"Builgiinvg Lots, 3'0 by 90. ‘Dry and sandy; close to Timmins High School or Montgomevy Ave., :Easy terms. Apply ‘2? Cambrai Ava, Hulvlinger Townsite.- 4:54.201). FOR SALE or T0 RENTâ€"yTWO stores; plate glass front; good for any line of busil’less; good location. Apply Helperin’s Bottling “70rks, 74 Fifth Avenue. 17-20. PROPERTIES FOR SALE W .-\N', “ED‘â€"â€"-H‘OU’SEK EEI’ LN G ()RI IIOUSE\V!ORK of any kind. Al)- ply? ’ Birch street South, Timmins. -18 p. SALESMEN WANTEDâ€"Two sales- men wanted by the Canadian Auto- sleigh Company, Limited. Refer- ences. Apply Company’s ofï¬ce, across tracks from station. -10 WANTED AT ONCEFâ€"Experi’enced Girl for General Housework. Ap- ply 35 Hemlock Street. -18 WAN TED-1X MA DD 1301' General 'Housework. Apply 'to 3‘0 Hemlock street. ~35 s. E X PER I I‘DN'GEJ) HOUSE \VANT ED at No. 3 Kirby TA‘RLM FO'R SALE-Ninety-sevcn acres, being the north half of Lot 3, Con. 4, Mountjoy. Portion lying west of Matta'gamvi River. Paten- ted. Apply to T. ‘Omeara, Box 722, 'Timmins, or care of Queen’s Hotel. ’ ~17-19 1:). suitable for machine shop, garage, blacksmith shop. Size 28 x 42. Apply B. F. Lennan, 6O Corner Elm and Broadway. ,-12 Lots 33 feet by about 140 feet. North of Hollinger houses, Mount- joy Road, next to Floral Park. Easy terms. See me at Veteran House or on property. R. Waite, Timmins. 166-21. HELP WANTED FOR RENT â€"Garage, with spit and Elm street, South. 19tf. house, 'Bloor tage, Davidson six lots; terms. Also, dots on Avenue. S -0 45-330 MAID LOSTâ€"Bunch of keys in leather case. Finder please return to A. Brazeau Son, Cedar Street. ~18. LOST-â€"â€"Small purse of cut steel beads, lost between Andy Doaley’s Store and the river. ReWard. Box 1539, Timmius. v18 I‘I’UDSON’ (:W_)A'C*I~l FOR SALE, in PONY FOR SALEâ€"Together \vith saddle. Pony is a regular pet, good-looking and clever. Your boy wouldbe delighted with the outï¬t. Will be sold cheap. Apply to 60 Balsam, Street, South, after ï¬ve o’clock in the evenings. \ -18p. FOR. SALEâ€"4Cabinet I’honograph and ‘73 records. Cheap for Cash. qup‘ x .32 Cambrai Ava, Iiollingcn '10“ nsite. ~15 F0 R SA LE ~â€"-«'SI KT Y PLA NTS. A I'm} v FOR- ‘SALl‘lâ€"’ Oak Dining FU‘RNI’I‘éUR’E FOR SALEMI 1 Round Dining Table, 1 Via Divanette; all good as new 5d] \er3' reasonable. Amflf) Fif't‘x Axenue, Timmins. FUR SALEâ€"F0 beautifully -'urthern Ice Third Avenue. LOSTâ€"Pup, three months old, dark grey colour. Finder please return '- to J. Benim', T'umnins Garage. -1‘3. FO’R Skl‘LEâ€"~‘Cihevrolet Car, in A 1 :condition. Run only 4000 miles. All new tires. “Recently overhauled; Bargain at. $200.00 for quick sale. Apply .7I)wlt0n’s Livery. -18. p. FOR SALEâ€"Wagons, sleighs, 11110 ggy, 111121119155, 157 sleirr‘h dogs, ploughs pump, canoe, saddle, saws, axes hoes, rakes, 21111 kinds of tools am. implements, deg harnesses, ‘2 dog sleiOhs, man- ’s clothing and underâ€" “ear, ete., e: pigs, steam boiler, barrels, ete., etc. 1111.30 c011 and £0 chickens. Will sell cheap £011 cash. Apply to R053 Zemen, hack of Gulch-11c Mine. â€"1? FURNITURE FOR SALE Complete outï¬t for sale at a big bargain, in- cluding piano, stoves, beds, dres- sers, kitchen ware, etc., etc. Gixx ing' up housekeeping. Everthing must the sold. Cald at 60 Ballsam street, South, aften ï¬ve O’clock in the evening. 18 p. FOR SALE~New Rotary Electric Washing Mac’hine; never used rea- sonable terms on cash. Apply Phone 139; 10 Gordon Bloc-k, Tim- mins. 45â€"15- FO R SA DIGâ€"~31 (“La ugh] i n- 8 mi 0 k T011 1'- ing'(‘a1'; in A 1 condition. Apply ' to 28 Cambrai Avenue, Holdinger Town'site. 45-20 1). DIAIM'O‘N‘D EN‘G;\G'I‘J.\I'EIN'J‘ RJINS: perfect stone. IWi'll selvl- at sacriï¬ce. Apply to Box L. A., Advance ofï¬ce, Timnu'ns. 45“ p.- FOR SALE~3 ‘l’ool ’Tables in ï¬rst class condition. Apply to P.(). Box 11.39, on 41' Cambrai Ava, Hodlinger .Town.site., Timmins. -1'3'-‘-3 1}- FOR SALEâ€"One 5 11.1), 220 volt, ‘25 cv 019, 3 phase Motor \\ 1th entrance box and startel. For sale at a: bargain. One 20 h.p., 220 volt, 25' cycle, 3-phase Motor, with starter. Apply to E. M. Allworth, Pine St., opposite F. M. Burke’s Drug Store, Timmins. 46-19. FOR SALE-Heavy Delivery Team, with Harness and' Wagon. The George Taylor Hardware Ltd.. 3rd. Avenue, Timmins. -17 ~20 FOR SALEâ€"A limited number of settings Eggs from my prize-‘winw ning Regal Dorcas White Wyan- dottes, at $5.00 per setting of 15.. Apply J. J. McGee, Sandy Falls, Timmins, Ont 16~19p' ault l Sliding Couch, 2. Single Cots, Kitchen Table (Porcelain Top), Kitc‘hen Stove, IHeater, Refrigerator. 74.: Kiriby Street. , -13 p. very good running order. 'R-c able price. Terms to respo; party. Aprply during day to Bililiard Rooms. Evening cal 13": Spruce street, North; 11. street, South ARTICLES FOR SALE AIJl‘lâ€"“ralln‘ut :Bcdroom Suite, Dining Room Suite (fumed), 3d ramming order. '~R-easoxt~ ice. Terms to responsible Apply during day tn Ideal Rooms. Evening calls, to -For Mather ’s ' boxed Ch LOST ream 109 er ’5 Dayâ€"- Chocolates. Parlour, 44 5 new ; W1†5. '18 T}. HI. )USE' Spruce ~18. Buï¬e a,