and tippy tea is superior in flavour to a large rough leaf. In reality this is not of necessity the case. The altitude at which the tea plant grows determines the amount of essential oil and alkaloid theine in the leaf. The essential oil gives tea its flavour; the theine contributes the stimulating value. The only way to insure always re- ceiving a uniform quality is to insist upon a skilfully blended and scientiï¬cally sealed tea like “SALADA†whose reliability, good- ness and delicious flavour have become a household word. The only way to test tea is to taste it. Many peqple_ have thg idea tpat _ a ï¬nely rolled TWIN SHINBLES FACTS ABOUT TEA SERIESâ€"No. 6 CHARLES PIERCE SONS,â€"â€"TIMMINS‘ BE your home in a garden, or a city street, the ricn harmon- ious colouring of Bird’s Asphalt TWIN Shingles lends beauty and character. Three permanent colours to choose fromâ€"red, green or blue-black. They are also sturdy and long lasting yet cost no more than ordinary shingles. Let us tell you more about these famous TWIN Shingles. Write us for free booklet, “A Roof the Owner is Proud of.†Everyone interested in roofing should have a copy. Made in Canada BIRD St SON, LIMITED, Hamilton, Ont. and Pont Rouge, Que. O .0 00 O O O .09.... 00 O O “.00. O. O. O O â€O .u’oo’oo’oo 0.. oo 6â€. 00:90.00’». 00. .0 O O .0 0 O O. O O O. O O O. O O O. O O O. O O O. O O O. O O O. 9 O 0 me in a garden, or a city street, the rich harmon- ‘ing of Bird’s Asphalt TWIN Shingles lends beauty Three permanent colours to choose fromâ€"red, green They are also sturdy and long lasting yet cost no FOR SALE BY The meeting next Wednesday even- ing will .be in charge of the ladies. Ladies’ Night has always been- one of the popular nights of the Club, and it is expected that the event next week wviil'l be up to the standard set by the young ladies at ypnevious events of this nature. On May ‘20th, the 4‘. lu-b will hold another Visitor ’53 Night Each member can invite some friend or fnienlds to the Club that evening. who are not ~eilig'i'l.)le for membership in the Club. The last Wednesday in May, will be a reguilar night. The season will close on May 29th With a Masquerade in the Masonic Hall. SPECIM [VENT AT THE A. 5. ll. Elllfl WRIGHT It Will be Gentleman’s Night Next. Week Wfll be Ladies’ Night Men’s Night at the A.S D. Club this evening promises to the something special in every way. and all the mem- bers of the Gin!) attending this even- ing are assured of the 'hest of good times. The programme for the even- ing is in the hands of the gentlemen members of the Club; and those “4110 remember the ezcellent evening pm- vided ’last season on Men ’3 ‘Night can ewe-'t a repetition of that evening to- night. After lunch. C. G. Pini-e, vi-cespresi- dent of the Club, announced the re- ceipt of ilists from a Toronto ’ï¬rm; who specialize in ‘ masquerade cos- tumes, and asked the members to get in touch with members of the exec- utive during the next few days, so that preliminary orders may be sent. It was also announced that a ‘list was available for any who wished to in- vite friends to the Masquerade Ball. to place the name and address, so that an invitation will *be sent. The executive wish to ‘have the list com- pleted by this evening‘if possible. THE PORCUPIN E ADVANCE, TIMMIN S, ONTARIO It is some time, indeed, since min- ing news about Swastika ’has been given special prominence. Swastika has been rather. sidetracked (though on the main line) by its neighbour, Kirkland Lake. It is odd that just after Kirkland 'had secured its own railway and so had ovencome the communication handicap with the more favourably situated Swastika, that Swastika should take the centre of the stage and for the moment eclipse in interest the more prominent. Kirkland. Such is the case for the minute. The following despatch last week tell the story in detail :â€" SWASIIKA NflW IN "If T,/llM[l|l}|_|le[i[ Mflflf ‘What is likely to prove the ex- tension sou'tfh'west of the Kirkland Lake area. ore bodies and one of the lmeaks, is a remarkable discovery by H. 'Dix Rogers and J. S. Leete, who have been working on a vein four miles from T\relll1’ s mine and a quar- ter of a mile north of Swastika for the last few weeks. The vein occurs between «mills of red- feldspar por- phy'ry, at the surfac,e showing only one foot wide with values 13133111 un- picked grades of six dollars, while now at ten feet down in the shaft that has commenced Iby handsteeli-ng the vein has consolidated itself to four feet wide, |l1eavily mineralized, the walilr at the north being mineralized also. This" gague consists of quartz and feldspar, porpyry carrying iron and copper pyrites and some molyb- deni’te. “The ‘break we are working on,†he says, “is running northeast and south- west and I hope 'to- ï¬nd an extension of some of the ore bodies running in that dineetion. Very little develop- ment has ‘been done here.†Rbmarkable Discovery Reported A Quarter of a Mile From Swastika Logical-1y it is fllrou'ght the proï¬ymcts of this property are equally good as were .those of Kinklawnd Lajlie in a similar stage of development in the early days. The property belongs to the Pittsburg Conporation, of which Mr. David S. Hayes is I1i19esiden't and Mr. Rogers, himself, a director. Two years ago :1 thirty-foot shaft was sunk ei‘ssewllere on a feldspar por- phyry outcrop alongside. the sedi- ments. It is some years since any develop- ment 'has twken place in Swastika unâ€" til Mr. Jowsey began qn'eparing for won]; on the Kirkiliand: Gate-way last year, but this is regarded as of .prime importance beewuse it is the ï¬rst time that any prospecting *has been done in the =ponphyry. Mr. Rogers ï¬gure. that the porlihyries in this area, if developed, will no doubt reveall» ore bodies si'm-‘ill'ar to those on the Kirk- l'md- Lake main break, the formation and geological conditions 'being identi-' SEVEN-YEAR-OLD YOUNGSTER DROWNED IN BOSTON CREEK. A sad accident occurrrcd last week at Boston Creek when Francis Joseph Welcome, 3. seven-year-(fld lad‘, who was playing on the bridge over the river, fell into the water and was carried down stream and drowned. His mother, who was gathering drift.- wood nearby, was unable to do any- thing to save her child. Provincial Ofï¬cer H. Finger, of Timmins, and J. Kenny of South Porcupine, went down last week and after much search were able to locate the body and re- cover it. The body had caught in some brush some 300 feet away from the place where the little lad had tumbled into the water. The police reported the details of the case to the coroner and an inquest was not deemed necessary. .. A meeting to organize 21. ‘Women ’s Missionary Society Auxiliary will be held in the Presbyterian church on Thursday evening of next. week, May 14th, at 8 pm. A member of the Temiska'ming Presbytery will be present and will give an address, on the work of the “7.31.18. O A o o o o o o o 600.00.90.00.†0 3 9. O. O ‘ 0:. 0:0 0:0 0:0 0:0 0:0 0:0 0:0 0:0 0:. O x :1 2 O O 0:. s. FINKELMAN O O. O. .0 â€.0. 0 ON 0 v 0.0 0‘0 02 â€O. O. A. O. 0 c .0 O O â€.06. «.«O».«.u.u.«.u.«. M.†O 0.090.... 0.0 O 6 .0 O O .15. O O .0 O O O. O O N O O 0-. O O O. O O O. O O O. O 6 O. O O N O o O. O O .9 09 0 O .0 O O N O .0 O O. O. O O â€.09. 99 O O 00 O O N O O M O .0 O .0 O O 0.... O. O O O. O 6 .0 O O 00 O. O O .0 And you will never again awaken in a cold house. New and Second Hand Furniture, Hardware, Clothingof all kinds 91 THIRD AVENUE PHONE 207 DON’T BUY OR SELL BBI‘O RE YOU SEE ME. IS YOUR HOUSE COLD MORNIN,GS? Your family is entitled to all the com- forts of OIL-O-MATIC, NOW. Why deprive them of this convenient, clean, healthful, modern method of heating by waiting another year, or until you have burned the few tons of coal you now have on hand? Rememberâ€" OIL-O-MATIC can be installed in any good furnace or boiler, and you will not be without heat more than three or four hours when the change is made. A. BRAZEAU SON â€"â€" Dealer in â€" AND Install 10c. I“ [H