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The young peoâ€" ple had prepared a varied and interâ€" esting programme of recitations, readâ€" ings choruses and playlets and the large audience of friends and parents were highly pleased and astonished at the extraordinary ability displayed by the youthful entertainers.. Short and appropriate addresses were delivered by Rev. C., Armstrong Sales and Mr. A. Carveth, chairman. A very pleaâ€" sant evening was brought to a elose by the serving of a dainty luncheon. Great credit is due those who trained the children to such a degree of efâ€" ficiencey. A very sucecessful dance was held on Easter Monday night in the Reâ€" creation Hall by theâ€"MeIntyre Footâ€" ball Club. A fairly large crowd was in attendance. First class music by the Huxley Orchestra, and delicious refreshments contributed to the pleaâ€" sure of the evening. The Club offiâ€" cials wish to express their gratitude to the ladies for their donations of confectionery, and especially to the following :â€"Mrs. E. Jones, Mrs. E. Duxfield, Mrs. D. Laing, and Mrs. Calverley, whose very:> best efforts were put forth to make the event a Calverley, whose very:> best efforts were put forth to make the event a suecess. The Club has a number of expert players, and is anticipating a good season of clean sport. Supplement of The Porcupine Advance, Wednesday, April 22, ‘ Mr. J. Campbell has very kindly consented to act as coach and trainer of the boys for the coming athletic events, and also to assist Dr. Honey in his work with the Trail Rangers. The executive of the Club appreciate very highly the efforts of the foreâ€" going gentlgmen all forms of healthful outdoor recreations. Mr. (George Henderson, who is enâ€" zaged in mining operations near Elk Lake was home during the Easter week. Mr. Cosser, Mechanical Superintenâ€" dent of the MeIntyre Mine, who has been recuperating in the Sunny South after his recent serigus illness, re turned on Saturday. His many friends will be glad to hear that his health is very much improved. Mrs. Roy Turner and daughter of Larder Lake, are renewing acquainâ€" tances in town, and at present are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Johnson, First Ave. It is about seven years since Mrs. Turner left the Camp, and upon her return was amazed at the wonderful growth and progress of ~Schumacher, Timmins and South Poreupine. Mr. Alphonse Fournier returned on Thursday after spending a short vacaâ€" tion in Montreal. The Ladies‘ Auxiliary of the Union Church will hold _ a sale of Aprons and Home Cooking in the church on Tuesday afternoon, April 28th. Mrs. F. Thomson has been engaged as a teacher on the staff of South Poreupine Public School. Mr. Aaron Gottleib of Timmins has charge of the Bucovetsky» store during the absence of Mr. Morris Bucovetsky who is opening a branch at Cobalt. Mrs. James Huxley is opening a studio for the teaching of theory and the rudiments of music to beginners. Class instructiof will be given, one hour per week. This course will be very advantageous to pupils who at a later date commence the practical study of the art upon some special musical instrument. Mr. P. Cooper of the MeIntyre Mine, returned from Toronto _ on Saturday and his many friends will be glad to know that he is recuperatâ€" ing after his recent illness. plaints investigated and 1t mjust1ce was found it would be remedied. All those objecting to the bills were told to take their to the Town Engineer and explain their side of the case. After the Town Engineer had investigated the Council could deal further with the question. In the meantime it was understood that serâ€" vices would not be disconnected for nonâ€"payment until adjustment of the matter was made. Mr. A. F. Kenning presented the plans fon a townsite in West Timmins and the plans were duly approved. Authority was given for the purâ€" chase of seven new police uniforms and boots for 1925, and also for the neâ€"decorating of the Chief‘s residence which is the property of the town and needs the attention. Some rebates on water rates were passed, where accidental ovencharges had ‘been made. Approval was given to the sale of some town debentures. Councillor ‘Wallingford asked the Council to take the necessary ~legal steps â€" to dedicate for public use. a noad across the town pumphouse property for the use of several growâ€" ing industries and for the benefit of the public generally. There was a roadway now in use and it was the only means of ingress and egress for several industries and for the publhc. One sawmill that would be served had a capacity of 50,000 feet per day, and had cost $50,000.00 Councilor Longâ€" more thought as the road had already been used by the public for ten years it might automatically be a public road. However, Council decided to have the Solicitor prepare the necesâ€" sary forms to formally dedicate a road to the public through the pumphouse property, the Town Engineer to survey the most suitable route for the same. The ibig question before the Council meeting, of course, was the matter of the purchase of a motor fire truck. The Committee appointed at last meeting put in a report necommendâ€" l“\v\fb‘ué l"“" A eE in 4 onl Thb tre sn ing the purchase of a Standard Equipment with pumper, capacity 800 gallons, and failing â€"this, to secure a combination hose and chemiâ€" cal motor truck at a cost not to exâ€" ceed $5,000.00. Councillor Walhngâ€" forda favoured the Standard Equipâ€" Mrs, Thomas Mahon, of South Porâ€" ecupine was a visitor in town during Easter, the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cowan. Mrs. 0. Robinson, who has been on an extended visit with friends in Coâ€" balt, returned last week. Miss M. MeClary, returned to her home on Sunday from New Liskeard, Several of our citizens attenaed the dance given by graduates of Queen‘s in the Masonic Haill, Timmins on Monday night, and report an exeelleat time. Mrs, C. W. Arnott and Mr. Howard MceDonald, who have been in Braceâ€" bridge attending the funeral of their brother, returned on Monday: Mr, Alee Gillies is recovering after an attack of blood poisoning in the hand. Miss Margaret Byrnes is visiting her home in North Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Howe of South Poreupine have come to reside in town. PRETTY WEDDING AT MATHESON ON APRIL The marriage of Miss Kathleen Frances Ginn, eldest daughter of Mn and Mrs. Frank E. â€" Ginn, of Matheâ€" son, Ont., to Mr. Frank_ Hubert Towsley of Iroquois Falls, second son of Mn. and Mrs. Frank Towsley of Ottawa, was solemnized in St. John,s Church, Matheson, by the Venerable Archdeacon _ Woodall, of â€" Porquis Junction, on Monday, April 13th. The ‘bride, who was given away by her father, was becomingly attired in a gown of white crepe de chine trimâ€" med with Frenchâ€" eluny lace. She carried a shower bouquet of Ophelia roses and liliesâ€"ofâ€"theâ€"valley, _ Miss Joan (iinn, sister of the bride, wearâ€" ing a dress of nileâ€"green crepe de chine, acted as maidâ€"ofâ€"honour, and Miss Mary Ginn, her cousin, assisted as bridesmaid. She wore pink georgette, and hboth carried bouquets of pink and mauve sweet peas. Mr. Fred Towsley, brother of the groom, acted as best man. After the cereâ€" mony, the immediate relatives of the bride and groom partook of the wedâ€" ding breakfast at the home of the bride‘s parents. The bride‘s travelâ€" ‘ing engemble suit was of navy and printed crepe with hat to match and she wote a squirrel choker, the gift of the groom. The second annual Banquet of the El Shadi Bible Class was held in the Presbyterian church ‘basement last night and was a very great suceess. More extended reference will be made in next issue of The Adva,nce to the event. 7 to be"a"littte renor to the town in heâ€" lief cases, with the advent of Spming, but efforts are to ‘be made to weed out some undeserving cases. It was decided that the whole Council would go with the Board of Works and Town Engineer on a tour of the town to see what public works are most needed. The tour was set to be made Tuesday (yesterday) commencing at 1.30 p.m. MARRIED AT STURGEON PALLS ON APRIL 14TH ‘‘Two wellâ€"known ‘Cobalters of other days, now living in other parts of the province, were married this week. The grooms were Mr. J. E. Presley, at one time postmaster here, and Mr. James MeGuire, formerly prominent in Miners‘ Union cireles in this camp. ‘«‘Mr. Presley and Miss Mary A. MceDonald, of North Temiskaming, were married in St. Patrick‘s Presâ€" bytery at five o‘clock on Monday afternoon. Rev. Father O‘Gorman officiated. The bridal couple were unattended. Mr. and Mrs. Presley left on Wednesday for Almonte, where they will reside. ‘*On Puesday afternoon ‘Mr. Mcâ€" Guire, with his bride of a few hours, passed through here, northbound the couple having been married at Sacâ€" red Heart ‘Chunch, Sturgeon Fal‘s, early that same morning. Mrs. Mecâ€" Guire, who was formerly Miss Virginia Leberge, is the only daughter of Mrs. Charles Leberge and the late Charles Leberge, of Sturgeon Falls. Rev. Father L‘Ecuyer performed the ceremony in the presence of a few friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. McGuire left on the morning train for North Bay, connecting there with the T. N.O. for Poreupine. They have taken up residence at the West Dome Lake mine, where the groom is employed.‘‘ In the last issue of The Northern News, of Cobalt, reference is made to the marriage of two wellâ€"known Cobalters of former days. The Northâ€" ern News says :â€"â€" The next regular meeting of Timâ€" mins Town Council will be held on Monday afternoon, April 27th. ns en 62828208 2s a*s 282 282242 282 28. 28 vate obe abe ofe ateate afaate ateate ate obe ate ate ate ate ate ateate ate ate * "® *, .. #4 *#, 4 #4 # 4 *4 *# 4 #4 *# % o**o octec* estectes*. * °* °* "¢ °+ *.,* “.“.“ .“.“.““““ 4 + °% #4 *# *# #4 *# # *4 *. * .“ L3 #@ “. estest %° "% ectoectoactec*tes +. # + 0000“000 estes*se*. #% “0 “‘“‘“‘“ 00000“00 “0“0 %° °0 "0¢°"¢ s‘ + % notactoctae ctoctsetestecstes*®s < Corner Third Ave. and Birch St. PHONE 14 FRANK BYOK Corner Third Avenue and Birch Street Phone 14 9 C Timmins, Ont. Frank Byck requires first of all fine powder, the flavouring, the filling, ete., must all se of the very best. This is a grocery where best is the rule. We do not handle inferior goods and so it is always safe to buy here. It is economâ€" ical too. _ Our prices are always as low as the lowest.