For Sure Results Try Our Want Ad Column 9580351093030 903030 10 3530 30 35 35 35 930 30 30 35 30 35 30 35 30 35 35 35 35 35 35 % 3 o;o ‘o #. .* #,"*>°** #4 # # #4 # ## # # ## # *# ## #+ #+4 # # #4 a. «. %. t, * :t ,*, .“ .“ .“ .“.“ .“.0‘. i i en in en ns es es ec‘e es on o+ oo o4. 44 oo’n'n’oo:oo:oo:“:“:n:“:“.“.“.“. o e NN es s e * * *s * * s‘ s‘ s s e e % °% °® FOR sSUNDAY DINNER order one of our fine roastsâ€"roast beef, roast lamb, roast veal, ete. You will find our meats are meats of quality, and if you have guests they will praise your selection AS well as the way it is preâ€" pared and served. Corner Phone 14 Third Ave. and Birch St PHONE 14 Third Avenue and Birch Street o Â¥ Timmins, Ont. Frank Byck HONOUR ROLL 5. 5. No. 1 A TISOALE, FOR FEBRUARY Standing of Pupils in the Various Classes for the Past Month. The following is the Honour Roll for February for S; 8. No. 14, Tisâ€" dale :â€" Senior IVâ€"B. M. C. Shaw, Teacher â€"Valerie Rapsey and, John Sharp, equal; Barney Buckovetsky, Roceo Spadafora, Ellen Luhta, Stanley Meceâ€" Quarrie, Vern La Forest, Maxwell Smith, Annie Korpi. 11111 THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO Jr. III Class B. Teacher.â€"Kathleen MacDougall, George Reamsbotton, Impi Schmelzler, â€" Jack Jakes. Sr. IT Classâ€"Marie St. Paul, Richâ€" ard Kettola, Micheal O‘Shea, Betty Martin, Gordon Roy, Tom MceKay. Junior III Aâ€"â€"I. A. Holden, Teacher.â€"Carlo â€" Cattarello, Irene Burke, Koski Luhta, Ivy Freeman, Mabel Ferguson, Owen Wright, Earle Hamilton, Helmi Kinnenum, Betty Baker;â€" Roma â€" Cattarello, Gordon Owens and Walter Larzen, equal; Janet Urbanaviteh, Abbie Frumkin, Maude Mahon, Annie Kesnesky, Maudie MeKay, Lennox Childs, Billy Capyk, Evelyn Burke, Bessie Mansâ€" field, Marjorie Dysart, Nancy Cosenâ€" ltino. Jr. IVâ€"M. D. Colborne, Teacher. â€"Tom Baker, Helva Parkko, Beatrice Dowzer, Hazel Nicol, Annie Verner, Aileen Schnieder, Mona Laforest, Fannie Jaakola, Jean W right, Gladys Gibbons, Harry Martin, Walter Macâ€" Dougall. s a L J «gn Slo 3rd â€" Classâ€"Harold_ Melnnis, Francesea Cattarello, Olave Huhta, Stella Smith, Camillia G-oulet. Sr. II Classâ€"Pauline Belanger, Teacher.â€"Ovilia Chisian, Madeline Stranges, Mike Miller, Tavio Parkko, Suir Huhta, Mirjam Wuori, Joe Cosâ€" entino, Ada Wilson, Douglas MeCann. Jr. II Classâ€"Rose Gibson, Mary Gallagher, Jack Schneider, (Grenville Childs, Tiberius Wright, Harry Verâ€" ner, Harry Martin, Aino Laino, Marâ€" shall Hamilton,. Sr. Firstâ€"Laura Lamb, Teacher. â€"Orel Wilson, John Murinchuk, Kate Kranchovich, Mary Frumkin, Pat O‘â€" Shea, Laura Luhta. lI ul'. 11 ('} 11,1]v A. \ , George Morgan gr re M O Mo omm Ni o i off sA ts c cce Junior Firstâ€"Valma Jarvela, Isaâ€" bel Wilson, Vivienne Goulet, Annie OVER SIXTY DIFFERENT wWAVS TO SERVE CHERESE. The .company thas just iwssued _ a beautiful recipe book showing oven 60 different ways in which cheese may be served. ‘Many of the dishes are i1â€" lustrated in natural colours. A copy may be Obtained, free, on writing to the company lin Montreal, mentionâ€" ing this papen New Liskeard has set Sept. 10th, lith and 12th as the dates for the New Liskeard Fall Fair this year. ass E. Wilson, thleen Gallagher, Stella (George Kaufman, Neil Impi Ukkola, Clifford Jack â€" O‘Shea. Freddie factories busy prosperity â€" and Kraft Cheese is ending of these f the patentLd VISITORS‘ NIGHT AT ThE A.5.0. GLUVB THIS EVENING Last Wednesday Night of Month Will be Another Juvenile Party. One of the ‘best evenings of the season was spent by the members of the A.S8.D. Club at their regu‘ar weekâ€" ly meeting and dance held last Wedâ€" nesday evening, in the 1.0.0.F. Hall here. There was a llarge attendance of the members out for the event, and all voted the evening one of the best. Two specia‘s wereâ€"cheld, a Paul! Jomes‘ under Mr.W. Mackie‘s direction, and. an old fashined Square Dance, Mr. J. K. Kennedy acting as director of cereâ€" monies for this event. (Music for the dancing was iprovided by Mr. Ted Whalley, voilin, Miss Germaine Bissonâ€" ette, piano, ‘Mr. Gordon Torrance, drums, and Mn. ‘Clair Pond, saxaâ€" phone. _ Miss Rhoda Macleod looked after the refreshments in her usual capable manner. The Club willl hold a Visitor‘s Niught this evening. EFach member is allowed to ask some friend, a nonâ€"member, not eligible fon memibership in the Cub, to visit the ‘Club this evening. A. committee consisting of Mr. A. E. Riddell, Misses Mary Boyd and Mary Grey, and Messrs. Robt. Hoggarth and E. L. Urquhart have charge of the programime for_ the {evenimig. (Next week it is the intention to hold the usual dance, and the last imeeting of the month will be a Juvenile Party, the same icommittee looking after this Juvenile Party that looks after the | meeting this evening. FL7 meeting this evenung. Mr, A. W,. Pickering, Secretaryâ€" Treasurer of the :Club 'has received more orders for Club sweaters. ‘Any of the members, not having those sweaters, and desirinig one should give their name to ‘Mr. Pickering as soon as possibile. Modern Hat Shop Ladies‘ â€" and Children‘s No. 11 Wilson Avenue Next Door to Mackie‘s Bake Shop. MRS. V. CLERMONT. This Helpful Book Is Frece "Baby‘s Welifare‘"‘â€" containing answers to dozens of questions every mother asks about the care of her baBy, particulary in regard to feeding. Address The Borden Company Limited, Montreal. ) 4 ((((( ANNUAL MEENING LOGAL GHILOREN‘S AID §50GIFY To Be Held in Council Chamber, March 17th at 8 p.m. Q 1 HEAD and 1| S BRONCHIAL COLDS Ro Smokeâ€"Ho Spraysâ€"BHo Snuit | Just Swallow a RAZâ€"MAH Capsule Restores normal breathing: Quickly stogs all choking, gasping and mucus therings in bronchial tubes. Gives ong nights of restful sleep. Contains mt . i OBR PR T CCC3 no injurious or habitforming drugs. $1.00 per box at drug stores. Send 5¢. for generous trial. Templetons, Toronto. Baby is too pi him if at all p Eagle Brand a L 1 * Highest meai North Bay ‘has organized Tamer‘s Club, Mr. W. B. being the first President. Baby is too precious for food experiments. Nurse him if at all possible but if you cannot, put him on Eagle Brand at once and BE SURE his food is right. Highest medical authorities have endorsed Eagle Brand as the SAFE infant food when Nature‘s supply is not available. â€" Hundreds of thousands of mothers have successfully reared their babies on it since 1857. No matter how younsg baby is he will like Eagle Brand. It is absolutely pure, always the same in quality, and easily digested by the most delicate infant. It‘s preparation is simple and it keeps wholesome for a long time after opening the can if a glass is placed over same. For Sure Results T‘ry Our Want Ad Column # Must Dbe Sureâ€" 3 B Angd TGou Can GUARANTEED RELIEF | 4A M VJ _ cAPSU| For Sale by E. J. Meyers and Ryanâ€"Murray Drug Co. Gorman 1101 ts qgneyng. 9n Thoussands of Canadians have found that TRC.‘s give quickest and surest relief from Pain. TR.C.‘s act directly on the possons that cause the pain. They contain no dangerous or habit forming drugs. Your druggist recomâ€" mends them._ Send 10c. for generous al Templetons, Toronto. Rheumatism Headacheos sl'oo Nauritia 50c. N:uralgh Freedom from Pain SIZE â€" Lumbago SIZE Pains e, %_ TEMPLETON‘S RMHEVMATIC As cApPSULES 31 Baby‘s Own Soap The white color emphasizes the purity which has made Baby‘s Own Soap so populatr in Canadian Nurseries. Its soothing fragrant lather cleanses and refreshes. It is impossible to buy a puret soap thanâ€" is aivEn To cougoms, coLDs AND BROMâ€" cmiris wuEnN wits THAT WONnDPERFVLLY â€" MHovSEHOLO REMEDY "Best for you and Baby too"‘ CONOMY _ Nouritis Neuralgia OXO Cubes give you at small cost the nourishment of the finest beef â€"seasoned and ready for use. Use OXO Cubes for hot drinks as well as for gravies, stews and meat pies, to give more nourishment and flavor. Relief In tins of 4â€"15c¢. and 646 44 446 10â€"300. Headaches Neuralgia Pains »,