A very interesting event of the week will be the induction of Rev. C. Armstrong Sales as Minister of the Union Church on Thursday evening, 12th inst. The members of the Presâ€" bytery of the District of Temiskamâ€" ing will meet in the church at halfâ€" past seven, and the induetion will commence at eight o‘celock. Rev. J. Mrs. W. Mansfield is another vieâ€" tim of la grippe. T. H. Kee, the superintendent of the construction of the new Melntyre shgft, is moving his family into town, and will oceupy one of the palatial residences in the eastern suburbs. We welcome them to our midst. Mr. James J. Denny left last week on a business trip to the south.. He was by Mrs. Denny. Mr. C. W. Arnott, assistant chief of the local fire brigade, and Mr. J. Muskett, secretary, of the sameorâ€" ganization, attended the annual meetâ€" ing of the Temiskaming Firemen‘s Association, held in Ansonville last Thursday. In the evening a banâ€" quet was given by the Towniship of Calvert to the visiting firemen. â€" The seene of the festivities was the Paris Hotel, and our delegates speak highly of the event. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Wookeyâ€" and daughter, Joy, have left for a pleasâ€" ure trip*to the sunny south. _ Mr. Wookey who recovered from a very severe attack of pneumonia, will necuperate for a time in that deâ€" lightful island of Jamaica. The Junior Choir of the Union Church had a very pleasant sleigh drive to South Poreupine on Friday night. About twenty members were present. The roads were good, and the warm night was all that could be desired for such an event. Upon their return they were entertained at the home of Mrs, Calverlev. We are sorry to report the illness of Mrs. Godfrey Johnson of First Avenue. A fine son was born to Mr. and Mrs. E. Bull on Thursday. Congraâ€" tulations. We regret to report the illness of Afrs, Lytle. Her faithful and efficiâ€" ent services as nurse will be greatly missed during the pre.sent epidemic of grippe. Mr. C. Jucksch, who went to Torâ€" onto to consult a medical specialist, about two weeks ago, returned on Friday and will be able to resume his duties with the Mcelntyre Mereantile Co. in a few days. Miss Hubble of the Schumacher teaching staff spent the weekâ€"end with friends in Timmins. Mrs. Mcelntosh of Regina is in town the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. J. McKay, of Second Avenue. . Mr. and Mrs. Jenkyns of Third Avenue are having a sale of houseâ€" hold furniture. They will return at an early date to the old home in Nova Seotia. VOI X. No Associated Boards to Hold Sessions in King‘s Hall Schumacher, Feb. 11th. .“'.p(:vi:d to The Advance. Mrs. F. Y. Uttley, left on \Innda\ for Ottawa, having received a messâ€" age on Sunday, announcing the very dangerous illness of her father, Mr. Alfred Rippon. Mr. Rippon underâ€" went a very critical operation quite recently at the Ottawa General Hosâ€" pital. Mrs. Calverley and daughter, Ivy, returned from Toronto last week. Plans have been made for curling for visitors to the meeting from outâ€" side points, provided they arrive here on Wednsesday. The rink will be reâ€" served that evening for the gaccomâ€" modation of visiting curlers coming as delegates to the Associated Boards On Thursday, Feb. 19th, it is inâ€" tended to have morning and afterâ€" noon sessions, and any business left INOUGTION SERVIGES AT SGNUMAGHEN T0â€"MERROW Junior Choir Hold Pleasant Sleigh Drive. Other Schumacher News Items. Morning and Afternoon Sessions on Thursday, Feb. 19th. Banquet in the Evening in the Masonic Hall, Given by the Timmins Board of Trade. Many Important Matâ€" ters to be Discussed at Gathering of Boards of Trade Here Next Week. The various sessions of the quarterâ€" ly meeting of the Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Associated Boards of Trade to be held here next week will be held in King‘s Hall. MacInnis, New Liskeard, Moderaâ€" THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE ‘(Capt. Cornthwaite, S.A., was laid up for a few days dast week with the prevalent cold, but this week is able to be out and at his usual good work as usual. ; tor of the Presbytery, Rev. Watt of Haileybury and Rev, Hutton of Silâ€" ver Centre will take a prominent part in the ceremony. _A social evening, at which lunch will be provided, will be held by the members and adherâ€" ents of the congregation. All are inâ€" vited *®to attend. The Timmins Retail Merchants Association is ‘striving to secure betâ€" ter conditions generally in the town and district for the business men and for the public alike. The purpose of the organization is to promote the interests in general of + the retail trade and to seek ways and means for assuring the public a square deal all round. At present only the,. grocers and meat men are in the association here, but an effort is being made to secure the active coâ€"operation and support of all business men in the town, so that all may join the organiâ€" zation and share in the benefits to business and to the public. The asâ€" sociation â€" sees many improvements that can be made. For instance, there is a needless duplication of exâ€" pense in the solicitation of orders. At one house not less than six firms called in one day last week,â€"a useâ€" less waste of effort on the one hand and an unneessary loss of time to the hougehold. There is also possible imâ€" provement in delivery plans. _ The chief matt-er however, is the remedy of the eredit situation. At present, practically all the merchants feel the pinch of bills unpaid â€"by eustomers. It is hoped to find ways and means to relieve the present burdensome acâ€" countâ€"carry methods. _ In the meanâ€" time any customers or customers who owe the local merchants may **beat them to it‘‘ by making prompt setâ€" tlement. _ This will help business and so help the town and all in town direct and indirectliy The anniversary services of Timâ€" mins Presbyterian church are always interesting and pleasing and promise to be particularly s#o this year. This is the eighth anniversary of _ the church. On Sunday Rev. Alexander MacMillan, D.D., Secretary of Church Praise Committee of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, will ~preach at both services. On Monday evening he will deliver a lecture on ‘‘Chureh Praise,‘‘ at 8 pm. Reyv. Dr. MeMillâ€" an is one of the Committee in charge of hymn book revision and similar matters in the church, and his adâ€" dress will no doubt be of special inâ€" terest. _ He is an effective speaker and his sermons and lecture will be feund attractive and inspiring. There will be special musie at the various services. On Monday the Ladies Aid will serve Afternoon Tea from 3 to 5.30, and High Tea from 5.30 to 8 p.m. in the basement of the church,. They will also have a sale of homeâ€"made cooking. These features, like similar ones in the past in the capable hands of the ladies of the chureh, will be sure to be pleasing and successful. CREDIT SITUATION HURTS BUSINESS AND PUBLIC. over will be dealt with on Friday morning before the train leaves. There are a number of resolutions to come before the meeting, touching on many questions of interest and imâ€" portance to the North. The visitors will be formally welâ€" comed to the Town by Dr. J. A. Mcâ€" Innis, Mayor of Timmins. Thursday evening, the Timmins Board of Trade will tender the visitâ€" ing delegates a banquet in the Masonâ€" ic Hall. For this event efforts are now under way to secure prominent Rev. Alexander MacMillan, D.D. Will Preach Sunday, and Lecture Monday Evening. outside speakers EIGHTA ANNIVERSARY OF PRESBVTERIRN GRURCH TIMMINS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11th, 1925 The annual meeting of the Temisâ€" kaming Firemen‘s Association, inâ€" cluding all the local fire brigades of this part of the North Land, was held last week at Ansonville, and on Thursday evening the Township of Calvert tendered a banquet to the visitors. The banquet was an unusâ€" ually pleasing one in every way and Calvert Township showed a type of hospitality that delighted the visitoms. The banquet was held in the Paris Hotel, Ansonville, and there were aâ€" bout 175 present. The menu providâ€" ed was of the very best, and the even ing‘s programme was a most interestâ€" ing one. Mr. Georges Gauthier, the Reeve of Calvert Township, presided with a capability and effectiveness that were most pleasing. _ He gave very cordial weleome to the visitors, and by his brief but pithy opening address set a high standard for the addresses to follow. _ The addresses during the evening were notworthy for their interest and effectiveness. The outstanding addresses of the evening were those of Mr. R. A. Mc« Innis, Rev. Mr. Griffiths, and Rev. Fr. Pelletier. These three touched on a common note, the need for harmony and unity among all eitizens, and all working together for the developâ€" ment and progress of this great counâ€" try. Another fine address was that by Rev. Mr. Price who responded in very able way to the toast of ‘*Eduâ€" cation,‘*‘ Mr. W. J. Tiernuey, of Iroâ€" quois Falls, delighted the gathering with his happy Irishisms and his humorous stories. Mr. Mac Lang, M. P.P., spoke at length in response to the toast, ‘‘*Our Government.‘‘ One NOT A VERY BUSY POLICE COURT HERE LAST WEEK. Magistrate Atkinson had only a couple of cases beforne ‘him at police court here Jast week. (Dennis Tierâ€" ney, charged with penmitting the use of his taxi for ‘improper puuposes, and who had been remanded from the previous _ week â€" was again _ reâ€" manded to this week, decision in the case to be given toâ€"morrow (Thursâ€" day). _ A charge of illegally. selling wine over the strength permitted by the law was dismissed aften evidence had been heard. [This was a Proâ€" vincial case, the defendant hbeing a Moneta storel®epen. ! Mr. Geo. E. Cole, Inspector of Mines, has received notification from the Board of Stationery Engineers, Department of Labour, that an examâ€" ination will be held at the High school, Timmins, on Thursday, Feb. 26th. at 9 a.m. These examinations are held for men desirous of qua‘liâ€" Eying for certificates to operate hoilers. The announcement regardâ€" ing the place and time of this exâ€" amination will no dowbt be of interest to many readers of The Advance. The fact that the examination is beâ€" ing hbe‘d at Timmins makes it conâ€" venient for any in the district who wish to quality. J There was an improved attendance at the Kiwanis Club luncheon yesterâ€" day, and Joe Weston‘s ‘‘alarm elock"‘ caused a lot of amusement, besides being the means of some of the memâ€" bers incurring fines. The guests were Mr. Reginald Burch, Travelling Passenger Agent of the Canadian National Railways, inâ€" troduced by Mr.J. K. Moore, and Mr. W. 8. Jamieson, manager of the Timâ€" mins Branch of the Bank of Nova Sceotia, introduced by E. J. Meyers. Mr. Norman Laing reported that there would be a Moceasin Dance at the Skating Rink on Friday evening of next week, Feb. 20th. The affair will commence with a programme of interesting events on the ice, and danceing will commence at 9.30 p.m. The attendance pm/e was won by Dr. R. H. Brown. "AIâ€" GUESTS AT THE KIWANIS CLUB LUNCHEON TUESDAY. To be Held at Timmins High School on Thursday, Feb. 26th. Calvert Township Banquet To Temiskaming Firemen Interesting Event on Thursday Last at Ansonville. Fireâ€" men of the District Given Right Royal Hospitality by Calvert Tp. Good Banquet and Splendid List of Speakers. oTATIONERY ENGINEERS EXAMINATION AT TIMMINS taking opportunity to refer to the good citizenship of the manager of the Abitibi Company and the fact that in every case where the Townâ€" ship of Calvert had oceasion to apâ€" proach the company they found alâ€" ways that Mr. McInnis was ready to meet them ard to do anything that would advance the interests of the North and the common good. MRS. FASSETTE PASSED AWAY ON THURSDAY LAST of the striking remarks he made was that he believed Hon. Howard Ferâ€" guson a big friend of the North and ready to do anything needed for this country. â€" Other speakers of the evenâ€" ing were:â€"Mr. Dave Friedman, Anâ€" sonville; Chief â€" Caswell, Cochrane; Mr. Ivy, Cochrane; Mr. John Vanier, Iroquois Falls; Mr. F. E. Thompson, Liskeard; Mr. Max Smith, South Porâ€" ecupine; Mr.; J. D. Kingston, Iroquois Falls; Me. A. M. Dewar, Iroquois Falls; Mr. 0. Fortin, Iroquois Falls; Mr. Arthur Boivin; Mr. Harry Wilâ€" son, South Poreupine; Mr. T. H. Wilkes, Iroquois Falls; G. A. Macâ€" donald, Timmins; Mayor Drinkwater, of Cochrane; Mr. W. J. Kenney and Mr. J. H.P. Calve, of Ansonville, Humor and story brightened all the speeches and all were thoroughly enâ€" joyed, A regular ovation was given Mr. K. A. Mcelnnis, the toastmaster During the evening there were songs by Messrs. Chas. Hastings, Geo.. Nadeau, D. St. James, and Art Chisâ€" holm, all making big hits. \Ir W .. Tierney also added to the entertainâ€" ment by a topical song that proved very popular. It was a great night, all night, and the vote of thanks to the Township of Calvert was carried with enthusiasm and sincerity. ] Mrs. Fassette died on Thunsday last week at the home of ‘her daughâ€" ter, Mrs. N. Lacasse, after an illness of some five and a ha‘f months. _ The late Mrs. Fassette was born at Sh. Joseph, Ont., (neanr Ottawa), and was 1l years of age. She is survived by her husband and two daughters and one son. The daughters are Mrs, N. Lacasse and Mis. E. Martin, and the son is iMr. H. Fassette, all of Timâ€" mins. / To these and to the other near relatives and friends sincere syimpaâ€" thy is extended in their bereavement The late Mus. Fassette came to Timâ€" mins with her husbhand some seven years ago, taking up residence with their daughter, Mrs, Lacasse. _ Mrs. Fassette made innumerable fmiends in~ town and was highly esteemed by all for her many fine qualities. _ Her death,, though not unexpected, will be a sortrow to all who knew her. 7 John Davidson Brown, the sevenâ€" yearâ€"old son of Mr. John L. Brown, South Poreupine, passed away on Feb, S8th, death being due to pneuâ€" monria. _ ‘Burial will take place at South Porcupine in the Spring, the body being taken in the meantime to the Dburial vault at Timmins. The bereaved family will have the sinâ€" cere sympathy of all in their loss. _ Mtr. H. E. (Montgomery, Town Of‘hoe has received the 1925 markers, and motorists may now secure the new markers in the usual way. Motorists should secure the necessary application form, fill it out, and take to Mr. Montgomery to secure the 19255 mankers. sOUTH PORCUPINE BOY DIES FROM PNEUMONIA. The funeral took place on Sunday aftermoon to the R. C. church and cemetery and was largely attended. / Those Interested Asked to Meet in Council Chamber at 4 p.m. Thursday (Toâ€"morrow). Dr. MeInnis, Mayor, and Chairman of the Dog Race Committee has call ed a general meeting of those interâ€" ested, to be held in the Council Chamâ€" ber, Timmins, tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon at 4 o‘celock. The date for this year‘s Dog Race will be decided upon and preparations started for the big event. MEETING TOâ€"MORROW FOR THIS VEAR‘S D0G RAGE R. W. Bro. T. E. Armstrong, D.D. (G.M., of Cobalt, paid his official visit to Poreupine Lodge, A.F. AM., South Poreupine, on Thursday Jast. The D.DG.M. will pay his official visit to fiolden Beaver Lodge, Timâ€" mins, this (Wednesday) eveming. Adding to their already extensive holdings in practically all the Gold and Slver Camps of Northern Onâ€" tario, The United Explorers‘ Corporâ€" ation ‘have purchased the Sterling Silver Lorrain Mines Syndicate‘s properties consisting of five claims in South Lorrain. The pnoperty is situâ€" ated albout two and half miles to the southâ€"west of the famous Keeley Silâ€" ver Mines, and has the same geologiâ€" cal conditions as the producers of Cybulski when Cybulski went on the ice to relieve, and the bell rang withâ€" out the exchange being made. _ The Falls blamed the referee for not lookâ€" ing toward the penalty box before facing the puck. _ However, The Broke Hustler says:â€"*‘‘* While the neâ€" sult of the.game is disappointing, there is no alibi. On the play Lisâ€" keard won and the result would not likely have been affected even if Burâ€" goyne had not made a mess of things the way he did."‘ Have Purchased the Sterling Lorrain Silver Mines Syndicate Property. South Poreupine, Feb. 9th. Special to The Advance. a few inches to two feet in width, which are well mineralized and give encouraging assays. The property was reported on by a prominent Mining Engineer in the em ploy of one of the large Producers in Poreupine, and it was principally due to his very favorable report that the United Explorers‘ became interested. No work will be undertaken before the snow has gone but it is the intenâ€" tion of the new owners to thonoughly test the property during the coming summer. The property is considered a very attractive prospect and in view of the limited amount of development done to date, the price paid was very substantial. that Camp, naméely Keewatin, Diaâ€" base, and Conglomerate. During the past summen the former owners unâ€" covered numerous veins rang@ing from Thursday evening last at New Lisâ€" keard the Falls defeated the Creamâ€" ery Town with the score 1 to 0, in the N.O.H.A. Seniors seriess _ The game was a lively one, though it was no doubt a new experience for Liskeâ€" ard to be gooseâ€"egged. However, the Farmers had their revenge at the Falls on Saturday when theyâ€"won out with the score 7 to 3. The game roughened up in the last period, and there was also a discussion when Referee Burgoyne put off King and Another comprehensive and inâ€" formative document was the report of the Town Engineer for the year. He reviewed the situation in detail in reâ€" gard to his department, and also made many very helpful suggestions. Further notice will be given both these reports in later issues. (The â€" Town Engineer‘s _ report brought on a diseussion of the numâ€" ber who had neglected to take advanâ€" tage of the opportunity for® sewer connections. â€" Councillor. Wallingford suggested that a byâ€"law might be passed making it compulsory in cerâ€" tain areas or for certain businesses, such as large boarding houses, etc., to connect up with the sewerage system. UNITED EXPLORERS 60. ENTEA SOUTH LORRAIN IROQUOIS FALLS AND NEW LISKEARD STAND EVEN The regular meeting of the Town ; Afte Council was held on Monday afterâ€"| it w nobn, with the Mayor in the chair,| plac and Councillors J. H. Bacon, E. L. age Longmore, F. M. Wallingford, G~S.| be a Drew and J. Morrison present. C A very interesting and comprehenâ€" sive report was submitted by the Sanâ€" itary Inspector, Mr. I. E. Dunn. The report showed that the Town was in good health at presept, and the conâ€" ditions for the past year were effectâ€" ively reviewed. _ Byâ€"Law Regarding Sewer Connections Suggested Not Enough Properties Using the Service Where Availâ€" able. Interesting Reports from Sanitary Inspector and Town Engineer. Fire Truck Again Discussed. Other Town Council Business. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fogg are spendmo- their usual winter holxday in Flomda. Sullivan. CCouncillor Drew referred to the reâ€" commendations in the Fire Chief‘s annual report. The suggested new subâ€"station was a good idea but he thought it was beyond the finances of the town for the present. He thought, however, that a motor truck was necessary. The new truck purchased last year was too much for any team to haul any distance: A motor truck on the plan of those recently purchasâ€" ed by the Township of Tisdale could be installed complete for less than $5000.00. _ The Township had had the bodies of the trucks built * here in town. The Committee was asked to secure definite prices for trucks, comâ€" plete, of the type referned to. Probably the best basket ball game ever played in Timmins will be held at the Hollinger Recreation Hall at 8.00 p.m. on Thursday, February 12th between the Shops and the Masons. Both teams play a nice game but, so far, the Shops have had the edge on the Masons. _ This has placed the Masons on their mettle and they will play their hardest to win this game. The Hollinger Recreation Club reâ€" grets that the space from which the spectators may watch the teams is limited to the area between the side lines and the walls of the Hall (about two and a half feet), but the game will be exciting and minor disecomâ€" forts will soon be forgotten. There was only a small attendance at the Board of Trade meeting Monâ€" day evening, but considerable busiâ€" ness was dealt with. President <F. The question of the injustice to the settlers through the nonâ€"payment of accounts for pulpwood by the Mattaâ€" gami Pulp Paper Co. was again discussed. _ A strong resolution was drafted for presentation to the Asâ€" sociated Boards in the matter urging effort to give the settlers a square deal in the matter. M. Wallingford presided. The Board passed a resolution again urging upâ€" on the Dominion Government the necessity for a Government Post Office here, with a suitable building. Another resolution asked the Dominâ€" ion (Government to provide a proper dock at Mattagami Landing. _ Durâ€" ing the discussion on these questions it was pointed out that despite the large amount of revenue taken by the Dominion from this town, Timmins had never received any needed attenâ€" tion from the Dominion Government when it came to expenditures. The programme outlined for the sessions of the Associated Boards of Trade to be held here next week was considered and approved. Only one resolution for discussion at the Assoâ€" ciated Boards had bheen received here. The Secretary was asked to get in touch with President Dewar and seâ€" cure the other resolutions so that they could be considered before the meetâ€" ing and so could be intelligently disâ€" cussed when they come up next week. age system, especially those that may be a menace from health standpoint. There were several applications for refund of taxes dealt with. The Board of Health for the town was named as follows for the year:â€" Dr. H. H.Moore, Dr. J. A. Melnnis, E. L. Longmore, G. 8. Drew and J. 6. Other Questions Dealt With at T mins Board of Trade Meeting Monday Night. Roads in the district came in for attention and discussion, and the Government will be urged to make early start on badlyâ€"needed roads in this district. Effort is also to be made to have the Timmins Iroquois Falls Road completed as soon as Possible. SEE THE SHOPS AND MASONS AT BASKETBALL TOMORROW After some discussion on the question it was decided to have a survey of all places not connected with the sewerâ€" POST DFFICE BUILDING AND KEW DOCK AEQUESTED 5y