For Sure Results T‘ry Our Want Ad Column wieate ate linite ote staataalocinale Tea of Quality is blended only from tender young leaves buds that yield richly of their delicious goodâ€" ness. Try SALADA toâ€"day. Manion Blk. (Premises recently occupied by the Rex Parlours) Removal Notice FRESH HAM You like it2 _ Then you will enjoy a dinner from ours. It is simply deliâ€" ciousâ€"young, juicy, tenâ€" der and most wholeseme. We suggest that for your dinner today or Sunday, you order some from us, and you will not be disâ€" appointed. _ Or a leg of young lamb? Corner Third Ave. and Birch St. PHONE 14 TENDER ROAST J. T. EASTON‘S UNDERTAKING PARLOURS Corner Third Avenue and Birch Street Phone 14 t C Timmins, Ont. ko * # .0 *# # .“ #e #@ 4# u’.o(oo"n\o * c * ## en3 ## * ##, # h *4 *# @ # # t# # € #* * *# #* *#, + #* # *# ## + *# #4 #. *# ## # *# #* # # *# 4 *4 *# # ##4 * *# *4 # # *4 #@ *# * # # #4 # 4# #4 + *# ##* #* *# /A # #4#4 ®# # #Â¥# * *# Â¥# + *# ®# *# #. *# # #* # # #* # # #* #, # Os“ * us #. @ *4 *# # Have been moved to Frank Byck Pine St. south EMBARGO WOULO D0 MUCH HARM T0 THE SETTLERS Merchants â€" Indirectly Recently reference was made The Advance to the fact that New Liskeard Speaker was / the few newspapers attem see that the settlers wer dfl fair deal in the matter fof f}: f Pulpw in insintes,. posal for a Pulpwood fxibarge. Speaker has naturs‘ on the power of pub‘" _ 7 epodt Th letters on the aseaty, amd o n The Speaker _ @nesuon, Last fers from publisked ‘three su« opposing a«snders;â€"all three st1 Pulpw +. The }fl'()])()“ied Iumbdrg y 0d 0 C e m n s t P K L. ns A THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, GNTARIG Vv_â€" AV Y AAV YÂ¥3,1JJ0}IUCAJ _ UVECLILL dt.h to e that the settlers wer w ‘teo ir deal in the matter coj fhiw“ra‘ sal for a Pulpwood _ ; proâ€" eaker has fribarge. The . f pupr â€"AY great faith in y sasnd o invited questasun. _ Last week publisked three such letâ€" tters on the e Speaker Prs from:" posing a«unders;â€"all three strongly lpw _ _* the ]‘T(’I)O“sed Embargo on oasd. â€" Here is one of the letters / __zea The Bditor The Speaker, New agkeard, Ontario. Dear Sir,â€" Re Pulpwood Embargo and **Safeâ€" ty First.‘‘ From an Exâ€"Fire Ranger‘s point of view an embargo would work an irâ€" reparable harm to the Province, and the first thing which should be done by Boards of Trade in this district to offset the efforts of Messrs. Barnâ€" jum and the Pulp Cos., is to ask two or three representative settlers from bush lots to give them their views on the subject. In the past eight years I have talkâ€" ed with many settlers on the subject of an embargo, which has been for so long requested by Cos., having big limits of their own, and I have yet to meet with one who was in favour of an embargo. Before the prices went up some years ago, I came into contact with many who wanted to and did set fire to good standing timâ€" ber, because it did not pay them to cut pulp at the prices paid them, and the same thing would happen again if the prices went down, as they undoubtedly would with an embargo. It is easy to estimate the ensuing loss to the Province indirectly, and to the local storekeepers directly. The store keeper would reduce his orders to the manufacturer, thereby throwing out ‘of employment, men in the higher ‘paid industries. * An embargo would also eurtail proâ€" duction in lumber and ties which beâ€" ing burned would be out of the marâ€" ket, and would consequently cut down the income of the rairlroad. One point which should be speciâ€" ally noted is that in offering low prices the dealers justify themselves in doing so by saying that the wood would be burned anyway. Let a fair price be paid, and the settler would do his utmost to safeguard the presâ€" ent marketable and growing timber, the menace of fire would be largely done away with, our district would lose its reputation as a â€" dangerous fire district, and strangers would be encouraged to come in and settle. Yours Truly, Exâ€"Fire Ranger, J. ANDERSON. Another letter published in ‘The Speaker makes this point:â€"‘‘*The pulp is just as much a part of the living of the settler here as the wheat in the West, also the cattle, and imagine what a howl would go up if an embargo were placed on either of these things.‘"‘ This same writer concludes with these _ words:â€"*‘‘One _ improvement should be made in that all wood should be bought at the track, as the wood is often held up after hauling, and in consequence, debts are inecurâ€" red at the local stores, thus increasâ€" ing the price of goods, as ceash paid is a very potent factor in getting what one wants at reagonable prices. This is from the point of view of a woâ€" man, and as the feminine part of the community are generally the greater sufferers in shortage of money to manage the household, owing to poor prices or to markets, I thought my point of view might be of interest."‘ Another letter to The Speaker is as follows :â€"â€" The Editor Speaker, New â€" Liskeard, Ont Dear Sir :â€" Re the Pulpwood embargo question J â€" The Pulpwood Would Not be Saved. Would â€" Also be Injured Lorrain, Jan. 7th, 1925 Tho AMte <of To begin wi at all? If, Canada the ex raw state‘ am{ (.)f the arnmnual ‘" D‘ 4 one te 1 DP U :. n AHH ang thg ex_ception m favur_‘-._ W The family of F. Harding, a settler living near Charlton, had to walk two miles sceantly clad to seek protection at the nearest neighbors. The Norâ€" ern News says that the Harding home caught fire from an overheated stove during the night and the oceupants were compelled to make a hurried escape from the building. The flames did not spread to the stable and from this structure bags were secured, which the members of the family wrapped around their feet before setâ€" ting out to the home of friends. Sims: So you cured you wife of the antique craze. How did you do it ? Jones: Gave her a 1914 car for her birthday. TAKE NOTICE THAT : : 1. The council of the Corporation of the Town of Timmins has construeted as a local improvement Sanitary Sewers on the following streets, as follows :â€" Cedar Street Cedar Street Fifth Avenue Balsam Street Balsam Street Birch Street Birch Street Maple Street Elm Street Eim Street Third Avenue .. Second Avenue Hemlock Street Tamarack Street North Boundaty Pine Street .. ... Kirby Avenue Kimberley Averue First Avenue .... Birch Street ..... Birch Street ..... Balsam Street Maple Street Flim Stréeet ...... Mountjoy Street Wilson Avenue Wilson Avenue Preston Street Maim Avenue 4. A Court of Revision will be held on the 6th day of February, 1925 at 3 p.m. at the Council Rooms, Timâ€" mins, for the purpose of hearing complaints against the proposed assessments or the aceuracy of frontage measurements and ‘any other complaint which persons interested may desire to make and which is by law coonizable by the Court. Dated this 14th day of January, The estimated life time of the work per foot Yours faithfully, E. Newton White. cost of the work is $72,000.00 of which $19, 8$45.23 fant frontage is 20.7¢. The special assessment is t hâ€"why f farmers. e embargo *a *o * *s"*s ¢*o ate ate o FOR SALE BY Dome Mmes Co; Ltd.*..:.:"........ x:zA South Porcupine: Hollinger Stores, $sA A i od. Timmins MciIntyre Mercantile Co., Ltd................. Schumacher M. CBGCONHNMOL ies iscc verarved Connaught Statmn‘ Reamsbotton and Edwards ................... South Porcupine: United Provision Company ...................... South Porcupine Frank. Timmins Chankman .iï¬ Timmins Frank Timmins ‘..... . o lA Cixth Pixth ........ «... Third : Avenuge. ... fixth. Avenue Maple Street ............. Balsam .Strect ......«.....,. North Boundary .......... North Boundary .......... Balsam Street .........¢%. Spruce Street ............. First Avenuge ...« Pine Strect ;..; . :; .....‘....%.¢ .. Pine Strecet ... «s 150‘ north of First Avenue First Avenue :‘....... 2 150‘ north of First Avenue. 150‘ north of First Avenue. 150‘ north of First Avenue. Wilson: Young Street ;,.....!.1.... Préston treet ......._..... Preston btréet‘, .}.;,‘;«%..... .. wA ..’.’l‘l.‘ 2t P * 28 .0‘00_.0 .Q.. A t".‘.’.‘."’.‘.0000.0000’0..00000000000000.0.'00000:.:0’..0.030’00’000000000.0000000'000000?; 00.0.0. «i which $19,845.23 is to be paid by the Corporation, ial assessment is to be paid in (15) annual instalments AN EXCELLENT PRESCRIPTION Hot Milk â€"Half a cup. Hot Waterâ€"Half a cup. OXOâ€"One teaspoontful ForChildreny«/Ages! is (15) years This prescription should be taken once or twice a day and always just before goin out. It gives warmth an extra nourishment to the system, and is anideal safeâ€" guard against infection. ot an OXO Cube. Squeeze of Lemon. Phone 479 48 1st Ave. P.O. Box 1514 Timmins, Ont. For Quality and Service T"LIM Brand Powdered Whole Milk, being the * purest milk of dairy cows, with only the water removed, is ideal forinfants and children. It may be modified in any way your doctor may desire and its easy digestibility makes it ideal for babies and growing children, for whom rich fullâ€"cream milk of unvarying standard and purity is of paramount importance. Try BERNARD T. ARMITAGE B ooooooo # # # ry kok + t oÂ¥ K k o« # % l’y U . % ) 4o M t U 4 U# # w t# LA venue.:,": ...‘ 1 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. MEATS, GROCERIES, *# +. 0. .#._% + #. .e #,. .# + + n 2 .0 #,. .% vooooooooooooooo’ofooooofooooooouoouoto 000.00\000000000"‘00004000.00?00000 P 44. s*** OXO Cubes are concentrated beef. Oxo creates strength, vigor, vitality. It relieves hr VAG J h 1e / k4 c _ _ 3 ness and is both a food and tonic. Oxo Cubes used in cooking convert commonâ€" place dishes into tasty fare. The Great Beef Economy ..... Fourth Avenue ..... ..... North ... 2 s Cedar Street ... y».. ..... Lane North of Third ... . . North Boundary ... ..... Sixth Aventlie: }. . .:. ..... North Bound@ry .. ..... North Boundary .... . 100‘ ";...4.7%, ..... South 300‘ . ..... Birch Street ..;..... ..... Cedar. Street ...%.., ..... Mixth Avenue ...... ..... Mixth Avenue :..... ..... Pine »Mtreet ... . ‘Street> ..., .....Kimberley Avenue .. ..... Spruce Street ...... ..... Spruce Street ...... ..... iStreet ..... First Avenue ...... ..... Kirby Avenue ...... ..... Kirby Avenue ...... ..... Kirby Avermue ...... ..... Kirhy Avenue ...... ..... Kirby Avenue ...... ..... Preston Street ..... ... .. Mountjoy Street ~... . Main Avenue ‘...... In tins of 4â€"15c. « ++ * 10â€"30c. Mountjoy Street H,. E. MONTGOMERY, The special Clerk, 10