Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 5 Nov 1924, 1, p. 5

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C IU @fl%fi ( k ked * .t :.* .% .00.0 0.0..0 # .'0 * Theatre #4 . * # 0.“. * t :t # 0..0 *# # #4 # # #4 * *# ## *# L #* + *% #4 * # #4 # #% #4 # # #Â¥4 # 4 #4 # # ##% + + #4 *# # *4 * # ++ * # ## # # #4 *# L #* # L *# * L #* * @ #4 *# *# #4 *4 ® # ## # 4 #4 # t 44 # *# 1rC # # #4 #* *# #4* #+* # 4# #* + # #* # 4# #* + .0 # .0 + *# #4 # # #4 + # *#4 # *# # 4 #* # L ## # # ##4 L # #* # # #4 # # ## + # #* ## + *# ##* *# 4+ *# + LJ #* # # ## ## Old Emp o*es‘sse [ a~ : COL1 S181ViH1 NHIHLHON [ %fiwJfi%mmmmmm%fi%fi%fi%fi%fifi%fififififififi%fifim@mfi%fimflm Classes for Mining Prospectors will be held under the direction of the Ontario Department of Mines, as follows :â€" Sudbury .; ... Nov. 5thâ€"Nov. 13th Coniston ..... Nov. 17thâ€"Nov. 25th Massey {.... Nov. 27thâ€"Dec. 5th Sault Ste, Ma‘e Dec. O9thâ€"Dec. 17th New Liskeard .Jan. 5thâ€"Jan. 13th Kirkland Lake Jan. 15thâ€"Jan. 23rd. Larder Lake ...Jan. 26thâ€"Feb. 3rd Matheson .... Feb. 6thâ€"Feb. 15th .. .. : Feb l7thâ€"â€"=Feb. 25th Cochrane .... Feb. 27thâ€"Mar. 8th Hearst ...};. Mar. 10thâ€"Mar. 18th mioux Lookout Mar. 20thâ€"Mar. 28th Port Arthur .. Mar. 3l1stâ€"Apr. 8th Mine Centre .. Apr. 10thâ€"Apr. 18th Chapleau .,... Apr. 21stâ€"Apr. 290th Instruction will be given in the practical identification of minerals and rocks, and in elementary geology and mineralogv. Timmins Gold Nugget ‘Rebekah Lodge, No 173 School of Mining, Kingson. Thos. W. Gibson, Deputy Minister of Mines Toronto, 28th October, 1924. Practice _ elasses «in _ spotting minerals and rocks will be carried on in places visited in former years. Classes free. Conducted by Dr. W. L. Goodwin, late Director of the Classes for Mining Prospectors. Visiting Brothers and Sisters always welceome. Marie Carlyle, Ruby McCarthy, N.G. Rece. See. Meets every Thursday in the month in the Oddfellows‘ Hall, Third Ave. Manion Biock, Office Treating diseases of all domesâ€" ticated animals. Calls promptiy attended to day or night. Doctor of Veterinary Science * * t *# t# @4# ’0 # .. # # *# # ..“ # /# ##* *# # *# # # ## ## ## ## # _# ## *#,% #4* *./# ##* *# . ® ## % ® ## #.® #4 *# #.® ## ## #.% *# ® ##*_ ## ## tb _ t# ®.®% *4 *#.% *# #.® ## *%.® ## *# ## # # *.*% “.“ *# # #.® d ## *# #+ ## # La .“ # .“ # ## ## #* ## ## # # w# # # ## # # ## # # #4 *# # wot # # # # ## ## ® # # 0“. #. ® *# "# ## *# 3+ # # # est 15 years in active practice. *ectortes®ss* 0.“. «+ “.“ *# . 0..0 *# + #* + * *4 # hy #* # * + # # *4 * # 44 # La ##4 *# # #4 *# + #4 # L #4 # # #* * # #+ *# # #4 # 4# #4 #@ 4 #4 * 4 #+ #.% $ #4 # 4 #4 *# 4 *4 # Ca #4 u* .® .00.00' #4# + # #4 * + *4 * + #4 # # #* *# + #4 *# 4o #* # 4+ *4 # *4 + + *4 * 4 *# + 4 *4 # o *# 4 #4 *# + #4 * # #* # # #4 *# #4 + 4 %#4 *# *#* + 4 #4 4 #* #4 #@ # #4 *#+* *# +4 #* * * #4 * 4 #4 * 44 *# ## # A #4 + us New Empire Theatre Friday and Saturday, November 14 and November 15 OWEN MOORE and TULLY MARSHALL Friday and Saturday, November 21 and November 22 HAROLD LLOYD Friday and Saturday, November 28 and November 29 " THE SUNSHINE TRAIL " Friday and Saturday, November 28 and November 29 "THE COVERED WAGON " December 10th llth 12th and 13th SPECIA SPECIAL ! Friday and Saturday, November 21 and November 22 WILLIAM S. HART Friday and Saturday, November 14 and November 15 GLORIA SWANSON Matinee Daily Dec. O9thâ€"Dec. l7th . Jan. ~5thâ€"Jan. 13th Jan. 15thâ€"Jan. 23rd. . Jan. 26thâ€"Feb. 3rd Feb. 6thâ€"Feb. 15th Feb l7thâ€"Feb. 25th Feb. 27thâ€"Mar. 8th Mar. 10thâ€"Mar. 18th Nov. 5thâ€"Nov. Nov. l7th â€"Nov. Nov. 27thâ€"Dec. You Will Have to Have Glasses. We Will Furnish Them. 20thâ€"Mar. 3lSt â€"A pTr. 10thâ€"Apr. 2lstâ€"Apr. Res. 524 All Lancastrians welcome and their Friends are invited. Meets every first and second Satâ€" urday in Each Month. Lancashire Club â€" Timmins WRIGLEYS " PLASTIGRAM " H. UNSWORTH, F. Y. UTTLEY, Secretary. President. Our _ Sewing Machine _ Repair Charges are Reasonable. Relieves that overâ€" eaten feeling and acid mouth. Its lâ€"aâ€"sâ€"tâ€"iâ€"nâ€"g fHavor satisfies the craving for sweets. Wrigley‘s is double value in the benefit and pleasure it provides. Sealed in its Parity Package. m Singer Sewing Machines Pianos and Phonographs Gordon Block Cleanses mouth and teeth and aids digestion. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Sold for Cash or on Terms by Frank J. Kehoe 69 MAPLE ST. SOUTH, TIMMINS, ONT. after every meal \ 66 The flavor lasts . Timming this country _ to degenerate into a tyvranny where men must secure a doeâ€" tor‘s preseription to be permitted to wipe their noses. is Kearid, showed they were not domâ€" inated by *‘ the dJess intellectual classâ€" es of the population.""_ All the North Land voted in a way to prove the higher intelligence of the people and the broadminded desitre not to allow ‘*The dry vote was in fact, a rural votey‘" it states, ‘‘and since, in a country like Canada, the cities are likely to be in advance of the rural districts in â€" education, _ intelligence and knowledge of the world, the proâ€" bability, is, that prohibition has been fixed upon the people of Ontario for another spell by the less intellectual classes of the population."" (One point, however, is missed hy The Morning Advertiser, and that is that the North Land has even a higher type of intelligence than the cities. Even the mural sections of the North, with the exception, perhaps, of New Liskeard, showed they were not domâ€" inated hy ‘*‘the Jess intellectual classâ€" Canadian cable, service. Even at the long distance involved the Old Country newspapers seem toâ€" have sized up the situation very accurately. The clipping is as follows :â€" ** London, Oct. _ 28.â€"(Canadian Press)â€"The Morning Advertiser, the official daily organ of the licensed trade in Great Britain, in dliscussing the Ontario plebiscite on the Liquor question, cynically infers that the vote, which sho‘ws a majority in favor of the Ontario â€" Temperance Act, did not disclose a high test of intelliâ€" gcence, several The Advance have handed in the following clipping Ffrom daily newspapers receiving the PEOPLE OF THE NORTH OF ‘*MORE CLASS the study of the air currents, and ad vertising purposes."‘ height was variously estimated at from one thousand to twenty thousâ€" and feet. These balloons are sent up with a tag attached asking the finder to report to the Company, and are for **The sight of what appeared to be a tair sized balloon passing over town yesterday afternoon had people guessâ€" ing for a time, until it was learned it was one of a number which were reâ€" cently released by the Laurentide Air Service station here. The one seen was travelling in a northerly direcâ€" tion at a fair rate of speed and its height was variously estimated at from one thousand to twenty thousâ€" BALLOONS BEING USED TO TEST AIR CURRENTS THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO The Haileyburian last week says:â€" n Tavor Act, did intelliâ€" $400 LIQUOR SHIPMENT SEIZED AT NORTH BAY Last week License Inspector John Gagne and_ Provincial Officer Roy Elliott seized a shipment of twelve cases of gin and cognae from a Monâ€" treal firm addressed to a drug firm in Timmins. Each case contained twe‘ve small flasks «of the liquor and the shipment was estimated as worth _ aboutâ€" $400.,00 _ Somne 4 € North Bay is planning to have an Old Boys‘ Reunion the first week of next August. A couple of meetings have been held for preliminary 0»â€" canization and it is intended to make the event an. important, interesting and enjoyable one in every way. The meeting held last week was largely atâ€" tended and the gathering most repreâ€" sentative of the business and proâ€" fessional men of the ‘*Gateway of the North.""‘ All were enthusiastic and optimistic and â€" plans were gotten under way to make the Reunion an outstanding succeess. The big success achieved this year by Cobalt will no doubt prove a lesson and inspiration NORTH BAY TO HAVE OLD BOYS‘ REUNION NEXT YEAR to North Bay. North Bay is noted for its fine hospitality, so anybody can tell the world that the Reunion next August will be well worth atâ€" tending. W. C Macdonald Registered have established ten scholarships valued at $500.00 each, allocated to students in the different Provinces and tenable at Macedonald College. _ It is one of these scholarships that has been won by Mr. Hanlan. In a recent letter from the Superâ€" intendent of the Kapuskasing Experâ€" imental Station, Mr. Smith Ballanâ€" tyne makes this reference toâ€" the granting of the scholarship: ‘*I am very glad indeed to know that the stalff of the Ontario Agricultural Colâ€" lege saw thein way clear to grant this seholarship to a Northern Ontarito man and particularly so on account of bhis association with our institution at Kapuskasing.‘* The honour brought to this North Land by the winnin‘® of the scholarship will be generally apâ€" preciated, and especially so by those who are partrieularly interested in the agricultural development of the dis« trict. ing that time he has been responsible, under the supervision of Mr. Smith Ballantyne, the Superintendent, for most of the experimental and invesâ€" tigational work. His comprehensive and thorough knowledge of Northern Ontario conditions has added very materially to his qualifications for the position he now holds. In his post graduate work he is making a special study of forage and cereal crops suitable forâ€" Northern Ontario, and his ‘‘Master‘s‘‘ thesis will be on ‘*Methods of Experimentaâ€" tion,"" with special reference to borâ€" der effect in sconnection with cereal and forage crop investigation. Announcement was recently made officially that ‘*L,. H. Hanlan, Assistâ€" ant Superintendent of the Dominion Experimental Station at Kapuskasing, Ontario, has been awarded the W. C. Macdonald Reg‘d. Scholarship (Onâ€" tanio) for 1924."" Mr. Hanlan for the past eight years has ‘been elosely associated with the agricultural development of the North Land. After serving as Agricultural Representative at Kenora, he was on the staff of the Monteith Demonstraâ€" tion Farm for some years. In 1920 he resigned as Superintendent at Monâ€" teith in ‘order to complete his course at the O.A.C. It was for his brilâ€" ltant work at the O.A.C. that he was awarded the scholarship referred to. Mr. Hanlan has been Assistani Superintendent at Kapuskasing Exâ€" perimental Station since 1922. Durâ€" sav L. HANLAN AWARDED MAGOONALD SCHOLARSHIP r. Hanlan Has Been Associated With Agricultural Development of North for Many Years were ~seized * at oflice by local police iddressed denied all | shipments. the infere irths about somewh PIT Uur persons the 0 it irth 100. 0( similar nerde noyV 44148485 * *4 * * i 4 45 4 4 # # _ #4 *# *4 # # *4 # # *4 *# # ## # # #* * 4 #4 #, # Â¥*@ *4 * # # *4 + 4 *4 *# 4 #4 + # *4 # # #* # # *4 # # *4 *# # #4 # *# *#+ # # *4 # #% *4 *4 * 4 #4 *# * *# # # *4 *, * *e * 4# *4 *#, 4 #4 ®, 4 *4 @ 4+ *4 # * #* * *# *4 # # *#+ # # #4 *# # *4 *# # *4 *# % *4 * #© ## 4. * ## * # *#4 *# *# .

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