g “SWW‘SSWSWS‘V * 3 STORES C “W“XX‘SX\“\\\\\ W‘\\ \WXXW cxxxxxuxsxm l é» sSSSï¬Xï¬X‘XX‘SXW The ï¬rst requisites with us are QUAITY, PURITY, FRESHNESS. We cater to those who insist upon the best of goods. We carry only the purest drugs, but at established prices, lower than the same QUALITIES can be sold for else- where. You need only make eo_mparison of prices and qualities and we are. -â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€" positive our drugs will meet with your approval. FREE! FREE! FREE! DRUGS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY The Safest Way to be Safe Gold Chest ................ $1.25 Cloth of Gold $1.00 Charmeuse ............... $1.00 Thursday Friday and Saturday with each purchase of Three Flowers Face Cream Price, 50c One 25c box Three Flowers Face Powder .-..‘. SMOKE UP! with our Cigars l Simons, Tuckefts, Benson 8: Hedges and all popular brands You never can tell when injury will overtake you or the children. Even the slightest pin- prick may cause infec- tion. Always have on hand a good anu'septie, plenty of powder, plasters and Johnson 8: John- son's Red Cross Absorbent Cotton. Thisis veryimportant. NEW BOXES FREE! Compact Powder.... 50c Compact Rouge ...... 50c Twin Compact. ..... $1.50 Brilliantine .............. 50c Perfume ................ $l:00 NEW LOW Prices 0N 1R1Cbat-‘b 1D 116nm 1;; .._.. .. I. ’ Em‘ee flowers Adhesive Tape .................... Bandages .............................. Cotton ........... . ........................ Peroxide ............................... Iodine .................................... Compact First Aid Kits Household Accident Case Flyosan 8-oz. bottles with bloweri South Porcop me Schumacher Timmins Phone 68 I Phone 13121 Phone 127 Todd’s Drug Stores CHASE THOSE FLIES WITH FIRST AIDS SAPHO Puï¬ers Flyosan Lai'ge tins $3.50 15c 50c (toilet Articles Ebewcpcnbable-Drug Stores LIMITED Vanishing and Cold THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIQ Creams ................ 50c Face Powder .......... 75c Talcum (tins) ........ 25c Soap ...... SEC, 3 for $1.00 Flyosan 16-02 tin for use in 750 ............ 10c, 150 20c ..... 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c 10c, 150, 250, 40c ............ 25c, 40c, 75c ..................... 20c,35c EL VAMPIRO Puffers 1 0c ..................... $5.00 Flyosan Sprayer .............. $1.50 50c FREE! FREE! FREE! Phone We'll Take Good Care of Your Order. And keep in touch with Home I Bunny Bags 25:. Keep White Shoeswhite Thursday Friday and Saturday Try us next time you and something. And-if you 'te out ’0! itâ€"be sure to include Perhaps you know our reputation for always filling orders right-- whether they come by phone, mail or person. On Request Three Flowers Face Cream On your Vacation Take a One Trial Size It's so handy around the house for mending things and dress- ing cuts and hurts. FREE! The next regular meeting of the Town Council is scheduled for Mon- day afternoon, Aug. 25th, commenc- ing at 4 p.111. ’Mr. and Mrs. Curnow and son, Frank, returned on Monday evening from a visit to their old home in England. Mr. G. F. Black left on. Sunday fOr a vacation in the south. 1‘ Mrs. D. Qstrosser has returned. from the South much improved in‘ health after hospital treatment there. As suggested in last week ’s issue of 'ï¬he Advance, active work was com- menced on Monday this week in the paving of the streets on Third Ave- nue and Pine street. ' Misses Helen MIcKerwin and Aud- rey Miller, who have for the past? ï¬ve weeks been the guest of MESS Miller’s sister, Mrs. S. Eplett, left on Sunday for their home in New Lisâ€" keard‘. The Holiing'er Directors paid a \isit ‘50 the Mine and town last week Writing last week from Warren, Manitoba, Mrs. Hugh McGee, who left Timmins some weeks ago to re- turn to the West, sayszâ€"J‘Tthe crops are looking ï¬ne here now and will be very good if we do not get too} much rain.†._ Misses Gertrude and Margaret Carson rettumed home to Montreal on Sunday after a few wee‘ks’ Visit with their sister, Mrs. F. .L Wolno, and their brother, Mr. Geo. Carson. _,~ {Mayor J. H. 'A'IC‘DODile, of Nor’th Bay, has proposed that North Bay hold an Old Boys’ Week in 1925', and the idea. has been widely approved at the 'Bay. '80, it is likely, that next, year North Bay will be striving to equal the pleasure and delight of Coâ€" halt’s Re-Union this year. This is a high mark at which to aim. ‘er. A. Saint, of Toronto, was a Visitor to 'l‘imimins last week While on his holidays. “Slim,†as he was familiarly known, was formerly a very popular member of the Express Co. staff here, and he has hosts of friends in the town and district. He is still With the Express (30.. his head‘- quairters being at Toronto and his run being from that city to Port Hope and Peteï¬borough. ' ‘\~“‘~ . . . t ‘ a ,h x ‘ k I I '. e I 4 ~“ , I V â€" g 4 ' -k . 1 a .1 . . . ‘ “v “x, l. u l “““x ' Timmins and District Notes Mrs. P. Malltais left on Mo day for a month’ 3 \isit to Montreal. Mrs. P. Godin is \isiting friends and relatiies in Renfre'w and other points East. .Bornâ€"Jl‘o Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Chenier, 71 Balsam street, Tim‘mins, 011 Monday, Aug. 11th, 1924,-â€"~a son. \ Mr. and Mrs. McSweeney and little son returned to Timmins on Monday mening, from Brantford whme they were ï¬shing at the home of M415. McvaomJey’ 3 mother Mr. J. T. Easton returned this week from Toronto where he has been taking hospital treatment All will very sincerely wish him early and sure return to complete health again. A cement wall is being erected at the north and west sides of the block in “hich the RC. church and mhool are situated. The grounds are to be titled up with the rock solution from the Hollinger. Great progress is be- ing made with the ï¬lfling of the pub- lic school and Ihospital grounds. '1 reeoverj u ‘( JaCk, 7 i: Golf Club His many friends in the town and district, will ’be pleased to learn that Mr. John Christian, professional at the Timmins Golf Club who has been ill- in the hospital here for the past week, is making excellent progress to recovery and it will not be long until “Jack†is again at. his duties at the Due no doubt to the threatening 'weather on Sunday, there were not many over at the ASJD. Cottage at Golden City. As it is uncertain how long the Club will 'be holding the cot- tage, all the members are urged to try and-make the last two weeks in August as successful as possible. All members are asked to be on hand this Sun-.day There will be a good time for all. 4 Colborne St. - Toronto (Siwwr 1896) Reliability, Bfliciency, Promptness MARKET s UMMA 1:1' UN REQ (11:5 '1' MINING SHARES HERON CO. Members Toronto Stock Exchange SPECIALISTS