TEE OALEDON'IAN SOCIETY OF Open to native-born Scots and Scotdwomen and those of Scottish de- cent. Mem‘bership fee, $2.00 per year for ordinary members and 50c. per year for associate members. Meetings the second and fourth Fridays of the mont‘h, in the I.0.0.F. Hall, Timmins, starting at. 8 pm. sharp. CORNER MOUNTJOY AND WILSON AVE. and up. Good Accommodation Phone 275W RUSSEL HOUSE Room and Board $9.00 per week Barrister, Solicitor, etc. ROOM 2 GORDON BLOCK TIMMINS 'VNo GEWChanging‘ No Immoral Shaws was†D. MACKIE, A. J. DOW'NEEE, Timmins William 0. Langdon TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY 2““ 30 ARE! . 4’.†ARTIE 2 HERBS o WHICH 77153 THIS ORGANI] AND EXHIBIT: llmmnzn A‘i’ 2 and 8 RM. n . /H THE ppm/v7 [m or 7H? HUTOMOB/lf. Iomes ’ 0F HORSES THE WORLD OVER HA VE HH/SED 7//f CRY /" â€PER/957w? 75 THE HORSE HIV flPPf/M Mm WHICH THE SPHHHS C/RC'Z/S /5 /IV PfHFfCT ACCORD. THIS ORGANIZATION RAISES “GROW HORSES AND exmens 1' â€"â€"-â€"â€"~‘ UTIFUL / SEE THEM W 9: gig757a???Emu/SI;TIOHHL Fox HIIIvr. Twn HIGH SCHOOL EXHIBIrIOIvs AND HIGH JUMP/N6 cowssrs . President. \ I†: e, W L - 35 23% 40 méï¬Aegmg {7/ 2 HERBS 0F PERFORM/N6 fl [Pl/ANTS DOORS OPEN ONE HOUR EARLIER TO ALLOW PUBLIC AMPLE TIME TO VISIT THE COMPREHENSIVE MENAGERIE Secretary. Box 1338 81°35? Seats can be secured Circus Day at Meyer’s “Rex-II ’ Drug Store same price as at Show Grounds It is rather flattering to ask [dam- ages for the kind of aflections that can be alienated. (From an Exchange) “Hello, the Club? Is my husband there? Not there, you say? But waitâ€"I haven’t even told you my name.†“Say, lady! There ain: husband here never!†wa ky’s reply. THE COLOURED GENTLEMAN ’ HAD THE RIGHT ANSWER OFFICERS INSTALLED AT REBEKAH LODGE N O. 173 The following were the ofï¬cers duly installed recently at Gold Nugget Re- bekah Lodge, No. 173, by D.D.‘P. Sis- ter M. E. Wilson, assisted by Grand Marshall P.N.G. A. Boyle :â€" N.G .............. Mrs. M. Carlyle ‘V.G. . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. R. Adderson Ree.-Sec’y. . Miss Ruby McCarthy Fin.-Sec’y. ........... Mrs. Closs Treas. ........... Mrs. M. Cowan ...... Mr. N. Katz .. Mrs. M. Massie . . Mrs. M. Taylor . . 'Mrs. ‘31. {Harley Miss N. McCarthy was nobody ’s the dar- L. Orr Geddes Arnold Hurley . J Ohns EARLY PLUMS ARE HERE Emerald Plums are now available in fair quan- tities. These are a green plum similar to that Green Gage but smaller in size. They are the; best of the early varieties. There are still a few Cherries leftâ€"Montmor- ency and English Morellos. The supply is limited, so if you want Cherries buy early. throwing it away. Break it in two with your ï¬ngers. 2. Don’t throw cigars, cigarettes, or pipe ashes along the roadside. If .you are riding, improvise an ash tray in your maehine. A tin can will do. If you are walking, grind. your stubs, matches and ashes in the dirt. warden. Report all fire-s you may see, however small. If you see a ï¬re beginning to burn stop and fight it while some other memlber of your party gets word .to the ranger or ï¬re- warden. ‘7. 'Be as careful with ï¬re while you are in wooded areas as you would be in your own home. Be thoughtful and rez‘lson'aihle at all tiums.â€"â€"-.‘Pulp Paper )‘Izlgazine. Motherâ€"J ‘ Is daddy asleep â€.3 ’ ’ Bettyâ€"“ Yes, motherâ€"3:11. except his nose. ’ ’â€"-L0ndon Humorist. There are seven simple rules in reâ€" lation to ï¬re prevention that are worthy to be posted in every\]um‘ber camp, every national ar'ea, and in every forest where ï¬re hazard exists in any form. bell Gym teavher (to girls)â€"â€"Lots of girls use dunllflbells to get 00101“ in their cheeks. Bri'g‘ht Girlâ€"«And lots of girls use color on their cheeks to get dumb- SIMPLE RULES TO GUARD - AGAINST FOREST FIRES THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO __â€"_*AA_ 5ape Every basket of N.P.G. fruit carries a label that tells you the quality of the fruit you are buying. You are certain that you will get just what you ask for. The N.P.G. Purple Label denotes fruit of the highest and most select quality. The Red Label stands for a ï¬ne grade of fruit excellent for both table and preserving. Blue Label fruit is a family grade good for all purposes. Niagara Peninsula Growers Ltd., are able to guarantee the quality of .all fruit bearing their label because it is carefully graded and packed and then inspected before shipping. ’ If your grocer cannot supply you, telephone our local representative. Be sure Niagara Peninsula Growers, Ltd. Grimsby Ontario Look for This Label It Tells You the Quality of the Fruit You Buy IF \VHEAJT GOES U? CAN BREAD BE FAR BEHIND? â€"'Fitzpatrick, in New YDrk \Vor’ld. your match is out before away. Break it in two get onto 'it. At the Lancashire end Hunt had one to clear; in doing so he took more than two steps and the referee awarded a free kick in front Foy gent over a nice pass, but Ded- rickson cleared before Hod-gins could In the PEEL. match on Thurs- day last, the Hollinger won from the Lancashires with a two to one score. The Hollinger got one tally soon after the match started, but the White Shirts steadvying down, kept the ball away from danger, both hacks doing nice intercepting and clearing well. Singleton, for the Lancashires, had a nice chance to put them on even terms when he beat his ,way through, but 'his shot went high. nae KS {1011‘ clearing v Lancashires Lancashires Put Up An Interesting - Battle, but Hollinger Kept Ahead in the Scoring. ‘ qunsmw mm; m wmm HfllllNGEfl 2-1 A FEW CHERRIES LEFT _ > :Free Recipe Bookâ€"- Write the Borden Co. Limited. Montreal. are now obtainable through their rep- resentative New Scale Williams, Schubert and Ennes Pianos handled in Northern Ontario exclusively by Will be very pleased to call on you and give full particulars as to prices and terms.. .Just drop a postcard to Box 1000. RO. Box 1000 Timmins THE ELITE PHINOGRAPH of the goal. The Hol'linger boys be- ing good spottsmen kicked the bd‘l over the. bar. when it was impossible to miss the goal otherwise. The de- cision' caused~ a discusï¬on, some claiming the W could take three Steps, but the rules state that he can take only two steps while hold- ing the ball. The match being pro- ceedea with, for the remainda' of the ï¬rst half the ball remained in mid- ï¬eld. neither side being able to get Hollinger: â€"â€" Dedrilckson, goal; Halley and Hetherington, backs; Stephenson, Sistern and Warne, half- backs; Dunbar, Spanton, Sathrang, Berg and Ford‘, forwards. Referee-«H. Costain. linger taking the. offensive, but Jack- son and Carrol, the Lancashires hacks playing a steady match kept the ball out from Ford and Dumber passes which were placed close in. The \Vhite Shirts got away, Singleton making a ï¬ne run and passed, only to have Halley clear. “’ragg passed to Foy, but Hetherington got this one and set. Dunbar on the run; he passed to Sathraug‘, Carrol robbing him of the hall before 'he could shoot. The Lanes got away ‘on the right, H. I‘Iod‘g'ins passed over. Singleton got the hall, going through the hacks, hut Dedrioksou cleared nicely, while Halley and “'nrne kept Singleton 'l‘ne second opened with both teams playing better combination, hhe H01- linger taking the offensive)- but .Tnnk- t 11 1'0 ugh The Elite Phonograph Radio Co. of Canada 110 Church St., Toronto % 13!! MUTUAL LIFE Revenge should be eaten cold. J. M. COHEN The Security Vaults We’ll be glad to send you our book- let, ‘fThe Story of the Mutual Lifeâ€. Write to our head ofï¬ce at Waterloo. Mutual Life Insurance is sound in principle, and it has proved itself no less sound in practice. I‘ll“, remarkable growth of this company is shown by the increase in the amount of its assets. In 1870 Mutual assets totalled $6,210.33. In 1900 the ï¬gures showed assets of a little over ï¬ve million dollars. At the present time Mutual Assets amount to nearly 60 millions of dollars, including special reserves and surplus funds amounting to $7,892,069. OF CANADA : These candies arrive every Thursday. ï¬ Leave your order for the regular as- sortment or make up any assortment you desire. List closes every Tuesday morning. Same prices as in Toronto and Montreal. LIMITED 5 Pine St. South Ryan-Murray flrug Cu. 1Laura Eecorb (Eanbies WATERLOO, ONT. S. Finkelmn a Greenberg 60 Balsam St. and Comer Pres- ton St. and Wilson Ave. Box 962 Healers In New and Second Hand Fum- iture of An Kinds Calls made at any time, for either Buying or Selling, to Porcupine and Schmnacher. “'0 buy at the highest price and sell at the cheapest. We make a specialty of exchanging goods. Best Service Leave Your Orders f0r 6°C. 9 POUND Two Stores GiVe Us a Call Reed Block