Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 30 Jul 1924, 1, p. 5

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SOLD BY E. R. Riggs; Ryan Murray Drug Do., Timmins; W. D. Pearce mons, South Porcupine. and A. Cadman, baeks; G. (ooper, 18. Cadman, Hethermwton, half backs; Sathrang, Hodgson, Berg, and Halgy, forwards. Kirkland Lakeâ€"G. Cadman, goal; Ramsay and (MeDonald, backs; Hastie McVey and MeéPhail, half backs; Lucas, A. Hamilton, â€" Parsons, Webâ€" Timmins fielded a very much changed team and combination was a feature, the halves feeding well. Kirkland Lake had much the same team as on Monday in the Ontario Uup match, there being two changes in the lineâ€"up. The following were the teams:â€" imminsâ€"Dedrickson, gsoal; Liddle 234C Dome and Kirkland Lake Now Have to Play Off for Dickson Trophy. _ ,On Saturday lastâ€"Kirkland Lake again came to Timmins to play the postponed match in the Dickson Cup series. At the end of the ninety minâ€" utes it was a draw, 1 to 1. This means that there will ‘be a playâ€"off beâ€" tween Kirkland Lake and the Dome, as both are even on points, with five TIMMINS AND X!RKIAND TEX SIGKSON CUP GAME Correspondence with the Mayor of Timmins, Dr. J. A. MeInnis, indicates that _ the Governorâ€"General, Baron Bying of Vimy, is anxious to meet as many citizens of the town as possible on his visi‘t here next month. He exâ€" presses a particular desire to meet as many as possible of the returned solâ€" diers of the town and distriet. Acâ€" cordingly, it is suggested tha‘t the reâ€" turned men gather in a Ibody for the occasion, though not in uniform or for formal parade. The Governorâ€" fieneral desires as far as possible to do away with all formality. Baron Byng will be here on Thursâ€" day, Aug. 28th, the party reaching here »y special train at 2 p.m. The IS PARTICULARLY ANXIOUS TO GREET ALL RETURNED SOLâ€" DIERS. WILL BE AT TIMMINS ON THURSDAY, AUG. 28TH, POR TWO HOURS AND A HALF. PARTY WILL REACH HERE AT 2 P.M. Governorâ€"General Wishes To Meet As Many as Possible fair in the world The difference between Success and Failure is merely a matter of nervâ€" ous energy. If you lack nervous energy you cannot succeed. If you possess it abundantly you cannot failâ€"â€" DR. THUNA‘S energize the whole system. They will give VIGOR. CONFIDENCE and VITALâ€" ITY. They assure success. GET A BOX OF DR. THUNA‘S NERVOUS DE BILITY PILLS 16 Price $1.50 )1 SILVER miral Sir Frederi vrill ‘be the enuest 0 i1 Ne The guest of honor at Canad eremony. â€" (Inset in oval) John C d. ~(Left inset) shows Mair Gate J ULSHED SAILOR TO OPEN DAaron meet as possible He exâ€" meet as f1ore Nail Time Uunrnnar passed over to Sathrang who sent in a terrific drive on the ground. Cadman eame down prone to save, and the smack of the ball coming in contact with Cadman could be distinc@tly heard on the grandstands at the other end of the field. The seore at half time stood lâ€"nil in the Lake‘s favour. The second balf started with Timâ€" mins on the offensive. «The first atâ€" tack was on the left flank. with Haley passing back to Hetherington, who drew out Cadman and passed the ball on to Berg to shoot, only to have MdPhail run in and clear from the goal mouth,. Dedrickson was called on to pull down a high one from Mecâ€" Kenna‘s boot. Kirkland â€" followed right up .with foreing two corners, but both were fruitless, Liddle getâ€" The Timmins Citizens‘ Band will be in attendance for the reception to the viceâ€"regal party. The intention is to make ‘the visit as informal as ipossible, in accordance with the specâ€" ‘lal wishes of the Governorâ€"General. had two corners 1‘i0‘h=t off the start. Both flag kicks were well placed, but were cleared out of danger. The ball was kept in midfield for a while, when Fergie (Cadman took a long drive and nearly fooled his opposing brother in the Kirkland team nets. This was followed by a nice piece of combination on the forward line, and after drawing Cadman out Dunbar took a shot. Ramsay came in and cleared in the nick of time. Berg followed this play up and his shot just cleared over the cross bar. The The party will include the Goverâ€" norâ€"(General, Lady Byng of Vimy, Tajor P. K. Hodgson, private secreâ€" ry, and Capt. ‘the Hon. F. W. ttskine, A.D.C., and Capt. W. T. (mtls, A D.C,. ![he viceâ€"regal party is now on tour of the West, and will call here on the return trip. party wall spend about an hour in the town and the other hour and a half in seeing the Hollinger Mine and other points of interest in the disâ€" brict. AiTION Caseyâ€"O1 can. Faith, he‘s a mighty foine docther. Last Siptimâ€" ber_ when little Katie wor prosthrated wid diftharia an‘ braythin‘ her last brith, Oi said: ‘Docther, will she live till mornin‘?‘‘ He said: ‘‘[Dinâ€" nis, don‘t worry. She will live,"‘ he said, ‘"‘till many years after ye‘re dead an‘ under the sed.‘"‘ Murphyâ€"An‘ did she? Caseyâ€"She . did.â€"Boston . Tranâ€" seript. MIGHT BE A GOOD DOCTOR TO ASK FOR. A PRESCRIPTION race across the fheid aftter him and robbed the ball from his toe before ‘he could shoot. Webster got the same chance again soon after. He also saw Alex coming and shot, the leather went wide. Timmins now got their orders and went down, the backs with them, and after a nice piece of comâ€" bination, Sathrang fired a hot low shot which Cadman was lucky to save. This was followed up, only to have Ramsay clear to Lucas, who made a fine run and a deadly shot which â€" Dedrickson _ kicked clear. Again Timmins came down with Cooper, Dunbar and Sathrang tipâ€" ping the ball to each other in trying to get through. When Cooper saw his chance from 25 yards out, he booted, and sceored. 4. Cadman made no effort to save, for he was unâ€" sighted and didn‘t see the ball until it was in the net. Kirkland now pressed for all that was in them and forced a corner which was cleavred. Again they came on and got another corner, MePhail shooting the flag kick over the bar. This was their last visit to the â€"Timmins goal, the ‘ball being kept in the Lake‘s half for the remander of the matech. Murphy him ? ting under one, while Dedrickson fistâ€" ed the other clear. Webster got away on his o\‘\'n, A. Cadman seeing no one before Webâ€" ster but Dedrickson made a great race across the field after him and Through the courtesy of the Domiâ€" nion Government twentyâ€"five offiâ€" cers and two hundred and twenty men of the British Service Squadron on tour were given a trip from Vanâ€" couver through the Rocky Mountains as far as Calgary by special Canadian Pacific train, returning by way of Edmonton. The men were selected from the Flag Ship HM.S. Hood, H.M.S. Repulse and H.M.S. Adelâ€" THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO EXHDBITION 1| M :\ 11 f C € 1M H ‘ Squadron tourâ€" ind will} officiate ve â€" ricommind Visiting Sailors Tour Canadian Rockies rDnnli aide. All through the mountains the train was given most enthusiastic reâ€" ceptions from people lining the staâ€" tions wherever it stopped and shoutâ€" ing their greetings from the smaller ones as it passed. During a stop of two hours at Revelstoke the entire crowd was taken to the top of Mount Revelstoke in automobiles. At Field it seemed impossible to get the train away, so anxious were the people to The deputy warden of the penitenâ€" tiary was looking over the new arâ€" rivals. Among them was a tall, forâ€" lornâ€"looking gentleman of color who seemed to take it very hard, sighing ‘so deeply that the deputy asked: \‘‘What‘s the matter, boy?" | _ sentence, suh!‘‘ was the mournful reply. *‘Ah, cain‘t do all this heah time the jedge done g#ib TC W el rervbody 1€ exclaimed t will prove more convenient and satisfactory for you all round The price will not be any more, and it often will be something less, than charged by outside firms for a less convenient service, A full line of samples may be seen at The Advance Office. Just call up Phone 26 and have these facts proved to your enâ€" tire satisfaction. Buy Your Counter Check Books in Timmins deputy, ) what you can Magazine. he nc n a L with automobiles and showed them around at night on arrival and again in the morning when they visited the bathing pools. The reception at Calgary was equal to that accorded the visiting sailors all along the line, and all day they were entertained at receptions and banquets, closing the day with a ball at the Palliser Hotel heap flowers and congratulations on the men. Banff citizens met them du A eolored soldier was walking post for the first time in his life. A dark form approached him. ‘*Halt!‘" he cried in a threatening tone. «*Who are you?‘‘ ‘‘The officer of the day." ‘*Advance!"*" The O.D. advanced, but before he iA re rybod he O.D )Zen steps t ied *‘*‘Halt! ne H lt !‘ rom Throughout the trip the sailors were as busy photographing as being phomfraphed. of them have travelled far and viewed the scene of many lands, but they are unaniâ€" mous in the opinion that the beauty of the Rockiesâ€"Banfl National Park, bert Canyon and so on, is superior and more grand by far than anything for the officers and a smoker at the armoury for the men. T From Our Concrete Blocks, 8 inches thick, for HOUSE 24120114 me and see our Blocks on Way Blocks and Building Included Avenue, East of High School We will build the walls for a 36 Kirby Avenue, Timmins

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