In these a.s‘_‘tï¬lmous days, there is constant w e waged against our nervous vitality. The man and woman who is free of Nervousness and Sleeplessness; who is not more or less troubled with Inâ€" digestion, Rheumatism, Headaches, Neuralgia, Weariness and Los of Vitality, Pain in the Bac axéa' on stipation, are vgy farc in « ' This is why the Fruit Treatment, in the form of "Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives" is a faessiï¬g to nervous, sleepless, unâ€" strung men and women. ‘ t( a â€"*tiwna‘!" io roallv thao intenâ€" Amazing Results from Intensified Frult Juices ARE YOUR NERVES "All ON FD6GEF?" "Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives‘‘ is really the intenâ€" sified juices of apples, oranges, figsg and prunes and contains all the medicinal powers of these fruit juices ?nd in a moreactive and concentrated orm. "Wruitâ€"aâ€"tives"‘ will always relieve Nervousness and Sleeplessness by cleansing the system of wasteâ€"by rebuilding the nerve cells by means of pure, rich bloodâ€"by regulating the stomach, liver, bowels and skinâ€" and by invigorating and reâ€"vitalizing the whole system. Try the fruit treatment for your nerves. Get abox of ‘"Fruit:aâ€"tives" today. Yourdruggist has themâ€"20c. and 50¢. a box., or senrt postpaid by Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives Limited, Oflitawa, Ont, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Gordon Block Frank J. Kehoe 1 he best Tobacco for the pipe â€"aâ€"tives" Brings Rest and Comfort Timminsg FIRST SOFT BALL GAME OF THE SEASON TOMORROW. Tomorrow (Thursday) evening the first Soft Ball game of the season will be played at the Dome, when the A. 8. D. Club team will play a picked team from the Dome Mines. â€" The A. 8. D. team are leaving Timmins at six o‘clock, and will return as soon as the game is over, All members of the Club who can turn out, and any from Timmins who like Soft Ball are urged to turn out and root for the success of the A. 8. D. Team. Gordon H. Gauthier Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Eite, OFFICES REED BLOCK, TIMMINS and sOUTH PORCUPINE. ONTARIO BAKERY Has taken over the business of the RIVER ROAD TIMMINS And will continue same for the service of the public. Having been the baker there since the opening, I can assure all of the same high quality of Bread, Cakes and Confectionery. FRANK MSHUCGH FRANK McHUGH ONTARIO BAKERY . Gauthier will be at Timmins daily. Porcupine District Football League Passes Byâ€"law for Penalty for Team Playing Unregistered Players. Thursday last there was a meeting of the Poreupine District Football League with all the elubs represented. The Secretaryâ€"Treasurer reported five breaches of the Registration Rule among the various teams. It was deâ€" cided,; and a byâ€"Jaw accordingly passed, that from this date any team playing an unregistered player, or one not signed on in the specified time, will automatically lose two points from the total,_It was also provideda that any player being ordered off the field by a referee is automatically susâ€" pended until his case is dealt with by the League. Player Hendry was susâ€" pended to conform with the N.O.F.A. ruling, and the game played between Melntyre and Dome Black _ and Whites, in which this player took part was annulled and the match ordered played again on July 1st at Melntyre. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO FORMER TIMMINS WOMAN COMMITTED FOR TRIAL _â€"The next meeting of the League is called for Thursday, June 26th. ( MM. Joseph Basille and Morris Levy were committed for trial last week after preliminary hearing before Magistrate Jelfs at Hamilton on charges in connection with gold ore cases now beihg investigated. Mrs. Basille‘s husband was recently shot on the street in Buffalo by unknown persons who made escape in a motor car after committing the crime. Mrs. Basille was formely resident in Timâ€" mins, living with her husband and child on Third Avenue. } In ‘clever sleightâ€"ofâ€"hand performâ€" ances and with baffling illusionary art, Marko and his able assistant thoroughly demonstrate to their audiâ€" ences that the "hand is quicker than the eye." Not once is an audience able to catch Marko, "The Man of Mystery," in a fumble as he performs his lightâ€" ningâ€"speed tricks, which are accomâ€" panied by a running fire of wit and humor. The Marko program is one of clean fun fand mysteryâ€"one which will be tremendously enjoyed by old and young alike, The Marko Company, noted magl cians and illusionists, will be one of the feature attractions at the coming Dominion Chautauqua. MYSTERIOUS LETTERING OVER NEW HIGH SCHOOL DOOR Several have been puzzled by the lettering over the eastern door of the new Tiinmins High School Building. The letters are of the type commonly called Old English Text, but more corâ€" rectly termed Gothic lettering. Unâ€" like the roman type of lettering, it is not customary to use all capital letâ€" ters of Gothic or 4 English for a complete word. The usual method is to emiploy a capital letter for the initial letter and then use the smalll letter, or ‘‘lower case letters,""‘ as printers term them, for the balance of the word. As the letters over the High School door were all capital letâ€" ters it was taken for granted that they were initial letters of various words, and accordingly there was conâ€" siderable discussion as to their signiâ€" ficance. The peculiar formation of the letters left lots of room for differâ€" ence of opinion. _One read the letters as. GII.R.US.‘‘ Another: made them ‘CT.LR.U.S.‘‘ Still _ another considered the letters were ‘*T.JIR. LS.‘‘ ‘There was great ingenuity disâ€" played in finding wppno\prlate “ordsl for these initials. None of the efforts seemed to be plausible enough to be: considered completely successful. it turns out now that the mysterious lettering is nothing‘ more. nor less than a single word spelled out in capâ€" ital letters of the Gothic or Old Engâ€" lish Text type. The word is ‘‘"G.LXR. LS." Over the western door there is another inseription ‘"*B.0.YS." The one door is the girls‘ entrance and the other the boys‘. ‘The Adâ€" vance has on its staff an expert in letterine and design, at present on vacation, but as soon as he returns he will be set. up against those inâ€" scribed doors to see \shether the letâ€" ters are all absolutely true to type and whether or not it is permissahle to use all capitals of this type of letâ€" tering to spell a word in this fashion. In the meantime, however, the new High School may be set down as a deâ€" cided credit to the Town of Timmins and to the contractors. LARGE ATTENDANCE AT /‘ FUNERAL OF J. GALENO ‘T"[‘he funeral of Pete Galeno took place on Friday, June 6th, from his late residence, 107 Cedar street, to the R.C. church and cemetery. There was a very large attendance at the funeral, testifying to the respect. and regard in which the deceased was held by all who knew him. There were 26 motor cars in the line, and a largd number of floral offerings indicated the popularity of the late Pete Galeno. Following the usual eustom, friends had engaged the Finlander Band for the occasion, but though they had promised attendance they failéd to fill. the engagement, much to the reâ€" cret of the friends who had charge gret of the friends who had chnarge of the arrangements. ~The late Pete Galeno was 26 years old at the time of his death. He was a native of Italy, where his father and mother and other relaives reside at present. One sister, Mrs. Joe Fritâ€" tian. is a resident of Schumacher. The late Mr. Galeno had ‘been in Canâ€" ada for three years and a half. He had been an employee of the Mcein. tyre mill. He had been il} for some two months past, death being due to tuberceuwlosis. J Premier Magicians at Chautauqua THE MARKO COMPANY L. HERBERT HEMSTITCHING AND PICOT EDGING Reed Bldg. Timmins, Ont Phone 114 J. M. Belanger, Manager The Timmins Athletic Club Boxing Academy Boxing Physical Culture Taught by Competent Instructor. COR. MAIN AVE. BIRCH ST. Nice bright hall. Come and look the place over. Now â€"open for business. Firstâ€"class rooms, and steam heated All upâ€"toâ€"date conveniences. Reading and Sitting Rooms. Sample Room for Travellers Best dining room in town. Meals at all hours. W. H. SEVERT Let us repair and waterproof that leaky roof before the rainy season. Parabestos Roofing Paint, and Kantleek Roofing Cement For Sale BUILDING CO NTRACTOR Wembley Park Corner Kirby Ave and Mountjoy St P.0O. BOX 974. â€" TIMMINS, ONT. ROOM 15 Phone 29 Wholesale Fruits, Vegetablbes, Confectionery, Tobaccos,. HAND SAWS FILED ER S ! 35b¢c. Work guaranteed. Special 3/ Spruce §t. rates to contractors. This is not an emery wheel, but a new type of filing saw that handles any kind of saw. APPLY 115 Birch St., South _ Ti Wholesale Steam and Anthracite Coal When a boy loves a girl that‘s his business, When a girl loves a boy that‘s her business, When they are getting married that‘s their business. My own business is to sell Singer Sewing Machines and Willis * Pianos. Our â€" Sewing Machine Repair Charges are Reasonable. 69 Maple St., P.O. Box 75 via St. Lawrence River Mawe your reservations early For full information apply Dan St. CASH OR ON EASY TERMS IROQUOIS FALLS. PARIS HOTEL Cars Always in Transit Steamship Agent i immins Phone 211. immins Box 70 | Arch. Gillies, B.A.Sc.,0.L.S. Consultation Free Dr. C. L. HUBBERT TIMMINS LODGE, 1.0.0.f No. 453 Gordon Building, Meets every Tuesday evening in the Oddfellows Hall, Third _ Avenue. Visiting brethren requested to attend. E. L, Urquhart J. G. Harris, Land Surveys, Mine Surveys, Enâ€" gineering, Reports, Plans and Esâ€" timates. Contract Mining Claim Assessâ€" ment Work Queen‘s Hotel Phone 25 _ Timmins RESIDENCE PHONE 462 Lancashire Club â€" Timmins All Laneastrians welcome and their Friends are invited. H. UNSWORTH, F.Y. UTTLEYV, Meets every first and second Satâ€" urday in Each Month. Timmins Gold Nugget Rebekah Lodge, No 173 Meets every Thursday in the month in the Oddfellows‘ Hall, Third Ave. Visiting Brothers and Sisters always welcome. Nevada McCarthy, â€" Rose Anderson, N.G. Rece. See. STEAMSHIP TICKETS ALL LINES for Sale at STATION TICKET OFPFICE Information re Passports, etc., Gladly Furnished * w. G BOWLES, B.A. Ontario Land Surveyor, Civil Engineer Boiling will render all water safe for Irinking purposes. Safety First Report every suspected case of comâ€" y municable disease to the Medical Ofâ€" fcer of Health. By trying to conceal cases of diphtheria, searlet fever, ete.., me is endangering the lives of. othefy neople. f South Porcupine â€" Ont. Manion Block, Doctor of Veterinary Science Treating diseases of all domesâ€" ticated animals. Calls promptly attended to day or night. DR. JNO. B. AIKEN DENTIST UNDERTAKER EMBALMER Motor or Horseâ€"drawn Hearse Flowers and Cars Furnished Cor. Third Ave. and Maple St. TIMMINS, ONT. 15 years in active practice. Chiropractic Specialist Boil the W ater BOARD OF HEALTH Night and Day Phone 509 Secretary. President. Township Building H. HM. MOORE MD Examination Free M.O.H.