‘Indd’s llrug Stores ltd. THE DEPENDABLE DRUG STORES Tinmils Schumacher South Porcupine A new store for ladies was upcned last week in the premises fumlefly octmpied by Warren F‘inday, at ‘24 T-hif'd Avenue. The new store is con. ducted' by H. .'\.‘hra=h‘aau ("0. and is ‘easrryiwsz large SIOP’kS H“ the latest in dresses. mats, hosiery. boots and shoes, dress goods. millinery, fancy goods, and nm'el‘ties. The store has been re-modelled and re-demrated and presents an -a'ttraat.i ve a'ppep name Large numlbers uf ladies visited the store on the opening: days last week. Mr. Aibraham is well-known to many â€here. especially In those frum (‘dbaLTt and Haileï¬bm'y, having mmcessfulJ‘y cond'lwted- business in the Silver Damp in years past. and won the mn- vï¬dence and goodwill of the people. The annual church pa rade of Golden Beaver Lodge, Al“. A.M.. Timmins, wilxl be held an Sunday, June 15th. to St. Matthew '5 «bun-h. ANNUAL CHURCH PARADE GOLDEN BEAVER LODGE NEW LADIES’ WEAR STORE OPENED HERE LAST WEEK. Football sumxrrfers should note two cm'i'eetiions to be made on the se’heo dnle and score card as issued Iagt. week, and change Their 'eopy to 3'0- mrd with the. corrext «thedule. The match I‘hursda}. July l‘h,7t 's'hoiï¬d read 'Mialntyre \s. Town Biue and Amber, (instead (if Amber and Black) and" the match for Thursday, Sept. 4th, is Dome \5. Town Blue and Amp Iver. (instead of Amber and Black); Outside of that. as the boys. say, it's (LK. THREE CHANGES IN FOOTBALL SCHEDUIE AS ISSUED The match wheduled for Saturday. May 24t‘h,ATown .idher and mak vs. Dome Black and “mite has been 01'â€" dered postponed {by the Porcupine District Footiball mm]? on ac’oount n‘f’ Dome playing: at Kirkland Lake that. day in the premier NAMFA. lea- gue. ' SPineSI.Sonth Reed Block Ryan-Murray Drug Bu. These candies arrive every Thursday. Leave your order for the regular as- sortment or make up any assortment you desire. List closes every Tuesday morning. ‘ Same prices as in Toronto and Montreal. Iaura ' Secorb (Zambia 8:51p specialist:- cm tall iron the big problem with oulp ï¬laments in to get the pooplo to {arm n mt hibit of tak- ing cu! of_tl_leig _h1_dr. Van Eu Liquid Scalp Wanne- in n pat- cntad bottle with a spe- ciul rubber appliance: statehodfl‘hemethod of application ï¬nely-1mg. mï¬lzzwrx Money Back If It Doesn’t Leave Your Orders for 600. 6 POUND Zanlr‘i'he medicament is fed through rubber nipple directly to the [footy of th_e lair while the scalp is gently med. One minute a dny with Van Ea. stopl falling hnir. relieves itching Ialp and grows new hair. Ask about 90-day truanent plan. We give you a positive guarantee. LIMITED m morn comm romp AT ANSONVELB The Ansonville Telephone Co is the name of a new telephone mmpm recentlx formed by Messrs. W Char- debois, M. ('rotin, A. Lapagne, \V‘.. Grunmnet; and W. Kenny, all of An. som'ille (the Wye, Iroquois Falls). They'plan to insial a telephone sys- tem in Ansonville and district. POU'R CANOIIISTS LOST NEAR KIRKLAND LAKE Despatches from Kirkland Lake say that seareh parties are patrdling the waters of a neaxlhy lake seeking for traces of two young men dud two young ladies'who were «mmsized from a Hume on Sunday while on the lake. A sudden squall hit the lake and the canoe overturned. No trace. has yet, been found «if the young people. CALEDONIAN CHOIR HOLDS PLEASANT SOCIAL EVENING On Friday evening the (‘aled'onian (‘hnir held a very enjoyable At Home in the 1.0.041“. Hall and every one of the ï¬fty or so present found the night a very- pleasant. one indeed. "The Friends in Timmins learned. on Wednesday last with the sincerest re- gret of the death in St. 'Micflael’s Hospital. Toronm, of .Mr. W. A. Ogilâ€" vie. The late. Mr. Ogih'ie was one of the pioneer prospectors of this dis- trict and greatly esteemed â€by all w‘ho knew him.. 0f the. highest character, quiet but friendly. and al'ways straight and true, his éeat-h is a loss to all who knew him. The funeral took place on Saturday the remains being taken to Tylen, near Ottawa, his 01d home. for interment. HIGHLY BS’TBIEMLBD PIONEER PROSPECTOR PASSES AWAY Friends in 'I‘immins and district will be pleased to learn that Mrs. Geo J. Parker, now of Port. Colborne. Ont. who underwent. a. seri (ms operation at the Victoria Memorial Hospital at T0- romto on April 9th, is home now and feeling in the bat of health again. Among thepmperties prospected by the late Mr. Ogilvie are some unusual- ly promising claims in MeArthur Township. Minister of Lands ,Forests, who visited 'I‘immins and Iroquois Falls and other towns in this district last week. IWENIV-fflllfl IHUUSAND Bflflfll HIB BY HIE MS. 1,162 Cases Investigated Under Un- married Parents Act. Other In- teresting Pacts from 30th An- nual Report of Super- intendent. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIM‘MIN‘S, ONTARIO In View of the recent o1‘,.'anization of the (‘hildrenk Aid Sowi-ety for this district. and the selection of a Secretary and [nepet-tur to carry on the Work. the tweet-ion has, been asked on more than one ot-t‘asion. "Just what does the ("hildrens Aid Soviet) do?†[For $01118 years past Ihe l’or- cupine (ihildrens Aid Society has been doing good work in connection with the ~'I‘emis’kanning; '(‘. A. S. 011 a-("tr.t‘r‘llllt of the growth of the work and the large extent of territory to be covered it was found desirable to divide the tendtory' formerly looked after by the Termiakarmingg C. A. S. with. headquarters at Haileybury. Ar- c-ordingly the new Children’s Aid Soâ€" ciety was organized to look after the wonk in this district. {Recently Mr. Oscar Rdbertson was appointed Secre tary and Inspector for this branch, mmï¬nmation of the aprxiintinen-t be. ing â€expected any day now grom tï¬he Smperhftend'ent of the Department at Toronto. The nature of the work in itself makes reference to 10631 63595 generally undesirable, but‘a good idea of the work in Ontario mabee gabhi ered from. the statistics contained in the thirtieth annual remort of ‘ "the Superintendent o‘f ‘Negl-enited and 'De- pendent Children, Mr. J. J. Kelsoi. This report. is just issued and deals with the work for the children in the Province in 19133. In considering these statistics it is well to remember that the work in the Provinve is sinrplry the aggregate of the work of the 613 branches. "1‘ he report shows the foll- owing interesting facts:â€" 486 Ni‘ri'ber crf dependent infants in various homes, 2'25. ‘ Number of legal ado‘fltions, 975. Children of unmarried parents eases investigated, 1.162. I Number of children in four Indus- trial Schools, 462. Cost of maintaining four Industrial Schools, $170,864417. (lash collected under Unmarried Parents" Act, $67,927.55. SPORTS AND NOVELTIBS HERE ON SATURDAY, THE 24 Saturday is the good old 24th of May and a holiday. The Baseball Club is putting on a day of sports and novelties._ >There will be baseball and ofher games, races, events for men, women and children, and a good time for all it is hoped, at the Tim- mins Athletic Grounds. 998. The lasted. in ï¬sh stories is vouched for by the Kirkland Lake oori‘eSpond- ent of The. Northern News, of Cobah, crediting: Mr. Jack 13th with catch- ing a 42-inch pike weighing over 15 pounds. The ï¬sh was on exhibition at Reamsbuttom 6: Edwards’ store. One of the smut-i111 features of the Old Timers' ‘Re-union at Cobalt next month wiH be the ï¬reworks displayâ€"â€" foremld as the ï¬nest ever to be shown Nurmber of Children’s Aid Sovie- ties, 6:2. Nun Ibex of children (med for. ‘2; ,- in Lhe North Land. Sky rockets- and showers. wheels and floating lights will be ï¬satured in the display. God gives every bird its foo'd. but He does. not throw it into its nest. HON JAS. LYONS FIRE IN WAREHOUSE ACROSS TRACK FROM STATION \ lI-‘ire last Wednesday afternoon did some ddmage to the warehouse over flhe track from the station. This building was formerly used as a ware- house by Mr. V. Woodbnry, and the fact that it had stated oil in the past added to its ï¬re danger. The ï¬re had consideralhle headway before any alarm was turned in. When the hri- gade were notified they got to the scene in record time and did effeetive work. After some ditiimilty the blaze was extinguished’ but not. before the end of the building was burned. "The owner of the property. Mr. J. 1’. Bar- tleman carried some insurance, proh- abl}~ Sidlieient to repair the damage. The origin of the tire is not known. but it is suggested that thoughtless horys may have been responsible. SEVERAL CHEQUES STOLEN; THREE FORGED AND PASSED Last week several unsigned blanrk cheques were missed from the pay- master's ottice at the llollinger. and the bank was nut-itied to he on the look-out for the numbers taken. in case anyone liatl stolen the cheques and tilled them in for cashinttm It was found that «me of these cheques had been made out for ï¬fty mld (lul- lars and two others for over sixty (lol- lars each. the signatures nf }_)tl)'ll'l{lS-i9r and accountant 'heing' forged. and the cheques then being passed an local mcrchants, Messrs. D. ()stmsser, Ben Jaco‘hs and J. A. 'l‘heriault heing the losers; Enquiry hy the '[mlice indi- cated that the cheques; hail heen cush- ml by the one man part to? each be- ing' taken in growls and the test in cash. As a result ()1 the palice en~ quiries a warrant has, been issued for the arrest at )l. G. Sleight. until re cently emplnyml in a clerical )usitinn pen. He is a man of about 26 year: of age, tall and of fair complexion. He has not yet ‘been located. Onl) the three forgeo cheques have vet been pi'esented. While in one “av the fongeries were ('lexer, in another rently employed in a cleriml Position at the «'ookm'y at the Hollingor. He had acmas‘ to the ofï¬ce and one of the forged cheques is made payable to him and apparently signed by â€him. He is. understood to have left tow-11 on Friday last. "I‘he police have the (356 in hand and have counnunicaited with outside points with a 1ie11' to lomting the young maxi. Slewht is sand to be 3 1311’ (7191911 ,3r-tist with a wax they \\ ere zuoh as would not pass inspection, having one featuie that gave them awav. ï¬ï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬ï¬ï¬Eï¬Bï¬EEEEï¬ï¬‚gï¬ï¬gï¬gï¬ï¬ï¬gï¬EEEï¬gï¬Eï¬W ‘WATCH OUT FOR THE GERMAN COINS IN CIRCULATION HERB There are a number of German coins apparently in circulation here. They include the silwer p'fennig, which may easily be taken in mistake for a ten rent piece of good Canadian or United States currency. It may be all right to take one or two of them but people should watch not to get mum of them for all the currena of the Gennan nation isn t worth muoh nowadays. lWith the bars gone, about the only plaee they ean he satelyt passed these days is on the church collection plates’. and it is not. desir- able. to .put them there as the churehes need real money to carry on their various good works. ATTRACTIVE JAPANESE PLAY 'TO BE GIVEN HERE MAY 29-30 l'l‘he Bible (‘lnss of Byrnes Presby- terian church are giving a Japanese play, “'.\Iitsu-Yu-Nissi," on Thurs- day and Frid‘u)‘, May 29th and 30th. The event is to he presented in the I'kyninian Hall, Mountjuy street. and promises to b9 u very attractive enter- tain'ment. The costumes and seenie eï¬'eets are said to be very pleasing. while the play itself and. the lll‘llSlmll numbers are partivul'nnly ntt'zwtiye z‘weording' tu those who have had a. glimpse of the . reliea-rsula so far. 'l‘irkets for the event are. ï¬nding ready sale and the. general opinion is that "‘J'Il-ls’ll-Y-ll-Nisniii will be a well-pre- sented .play that will he mrlu‘ll enjoy- ed by all attending (m 'l‘lnu‘sd'ny and Friday of next week. NEARLY BLINDBD BY THE BLOWING OUT,OF A TIRE Mr. (X llodg‘ins was the suï¬'erer from a rather unusual accident Sat- urday evening, and one from which it was feared at ï¬rst that he might be blinded or at least sh-stai'n serious injury to his eyes. ‘He was pumping up a tire at one of the local air sta- tions and apparently allowed it to blow up too murh. "l‘he tire exploded and the ï¬ne dust around the inner tubing was blown forcibly into his eyes. For a time he was completely blinded and had to be helped to his room at the Windsor Hotel, where medical attention was given him and everything possible done to' remove any danger of permanent injury to the eyes. Sunday Mr. Hodgins was aihle to see again and this week ismaking: the best of recovery from the unfor- tunate accident. Mr. an‘k MtGuine, “mo has but spending a mupie of weehs" Id“, at his acme hora. left this tuning for a brief visit to Tomlin, dict which he will return to News“ Ohio, “here he has been M'ï¬u‘ the past year ur so. [mm-crib friends here welemned Frank but to his home, town, regretting that. is could not make a lnnger shy- He. was for vears the star rentre uf tie Tin mins Huekm temn~â€"the arm-aim! 20d O‘etter in the N ..() H. .\ .--und in Vine- land he has reflected credit m his home town of 'l‘immins‘ by the great. hockey he has .put up. He undo: a hit. 1 FRANK MCGUIRE OBOE-El ‘ ON FAMOUS ALL-STAB. m at (‘leveland from the beginning: Cleveland has a wonderful centre man in Nelson Stewart. and Frank he been a great ally to Stewart by his line WOl‘k on left wing. 11) the Wait- ern group of the US. Amateur Hoe» key League, Nels Stetwart for the past season leads in the smring with ‘3 goals and 8 assists, 29 points. ï¬lm. of St. Paul, is second with 13 gums and 5 assists, 18 poin‘ts. Frank. Me‘ Guire has third place with 11 goals and 5 assists, 16 points, "Duké" M'M‘nrry, now of Pittsburgh, had "I gimls and 3 assists. 10 points, and‘ l'Irit- Raise, Eve'leth. «l goals and l as» sis-t. ‘S'tewart. had ten pet'ialtuies For the season, and lleise 5. but neither Frank nor Duke had any marked in their ï¬nal re\'iew against them. it is linteresttin}: to note that .lofl're Ques» nell. formerly of lroquois Falls. play- ed spare for (‘leveland, taking Stew- art-is plane at centre on orrasion. Frank says» that â€'lluk-eu )l'nt,‘urry is the idol of l’ittsllmrgah hockey fans. When it cattle to the selection of the All-Star team to represent the \Vest- enn Growl) in ['48. hockey. the type of hookeiy played in this North Land was suggested by the ï¬nal lineup. The- line-up otl’ this All-Star team was as follows. and all hockey fans up here are asked to note the naanesuâ€"«Roy \Vorters, l’ittslb-urtg‘h, (formerly of 'lfi'nnntins), goal; Dennis Breen, St- Paul. Lionel C‘onaeher, Pittsimxfli, and Citing Johnson, Minneapolis, de» fence: Nelson Stewart, l.‘leveland‘,. Frank Goheen. St. Paul, “Mickey" McGuire, Cleveland, Geo. Clark, St. Paul, and Bill y Hull, Eveleth, for»- Wa rds. V Salesman: “Here is a very nice automatic pistol, lady. It shoots eight times.†Fair Customer: “Say, what. do you think I am, a polygamist?â€