Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 21 May 1924, 1, p. 6

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Tilt ”MUM AIWMBE The typographitm’l error is not al- ways as big a fool as it usually ap- pears. .A T oramto newspaper last week referred to the feeder railway of MT. N10. film! will “oonneet u'p Swamika with harder Lake; ‘23 mines.” It may ‘01 onlv miles: now. but it may be 33 mines. al'] righ, be- fone long. If Uhe intelligent com 05i- hor would refer to the distance be- tlween "I‘inmnins and Smith Porcupine as “ten mines" he wuuld be miles Definer right than if he put. it "ten miles.” FIGURE OUT THE MINES T0 . THE MILE IN PORCUPINE SENSEIESS DBS‘I‘zRUOTION ALSO AT THE GOLF COURSE Reference is made ell‘se‘where in this issue to the senseless destruction of pmperty at the athletic grounds Similar idiot ic destruction is repozted from the Golf Course. The poles for some of the greens flags were cut through Thy some person or persons unknown. the destnwtion being deli- berate and wanton. rI'he flags were also destroyed or carried away in Degree Teams will .be present from C(Kshrame, 'I‘vitmzmins, South Porcupine and Mavhmon. A 9hield is to "be put up for oomrpet ition among these teams. some easea, and other useless injury done. Effort is being made to dis- cover the foolishâ€" criminal (“a-using this sort of waste. Apparemly the town is sufiering at present them the foolishness of some half-idiot with a mania for senseless destmction. This is the first of-its kind 'to be held at distridt 59. The lodge will be held in the (Town Hall. . LODGE OP INSTRUCTION AT IROQUOIS FALLS I.0.0.I'. All meanlbers are urged to be pres- ent, and al'] visiting brethren are cor- dially invited. A lodge of instruction will be held under the auspices of :thejocal lodge 10.03., beginning at 9:30 a.m., May 24th and lasting all day. During the past few days The Ad- vance has sent out act-mints for a number of sxul‘ism'iptions just falling due. The, Advanee has done its part. Now, it’s up to the milieu-fiber. The Advance. has the rule requiring: all subscriptions paid in .1d\'a.1e.1e The only way that. we can know that you wish the paper continued to your ad-. dress is by receivingr your renewal of sulbsoription. The list has grown to such a size that this is the. only prae~ tical plan to follow, as has been proven in the past. Accordingly, snlh- eterilbers will be helping them-selves and helping The Advance by prompt renewals. {Many thanks! You do not Wifih' to miss a. single copy, and we do not want to miss a. single‘read- er. The. only way to have everybody mntenied and happy is by prompt re’ newals. Aagain thanks! The follo'wing is from this week’s issue of The Broke Hustler, Iroquois Falds’ awn ne:wspaper:â€"â€"â€" It is expected that the Grand Mas: ter, and Grand Secretary will the pres- SEND YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TO THE ADVANCE AT ONCE Smed'y attention and help. Every prospector, every home and every antomdbilist. is urged to secure one of these kits to be available when it is needed. ‘Mr. Norman La‘ng, who has for years been taking a special interest in the St. John ’5 Ambulance work and similar efiorbs. has given some time to furthering the distribu- tion of the ready aid kits. Two of the drug stores in town have also been giving window displays to these. kits which are urged for general use as tihey may prove life-covers at any timothy aflording ready aid when it- is WORKINGEO MINIMIZIE THE DANGER OP ACCIDENTS At. present, there is a campaign un- der way in town to minimize the dan- ger fiwom accidents. ‘One of the fea- tures Of this campaign is the urging all to mure “the Doctor's Deputy.” the must complete and compact medi- cine box on the market. 'With this ready aid kit the seriousnessof many an accident may be eliminated by Ctntda - United States Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Telephones: WEDNESDAY, MAY 218T, 1924. Published every Wednesday by Owner and Publisher. Subscription Rates: ONTARIO Residence 112. $2.00 year $3.00 year Pom FOOTBALL mama TO MEET MAY 29th A meeting of the Porcupine District Football mgue Referees is called for May EM)” at 8 p...m in the Tim- mins Football Club rooms, Athletic Grounds, Timmins. All those whme names are already in as referees, and any others willing to act as referees are asked to aitend’ this meeting. Efl’eetive 'May 1931]. several changes were made in the time of trains on the ('nnad-iwn ,Nmional. No. 1 oper- ates as previously zâ€"leaving Nortih Bay at 10.10 21,111.: (.‘uhalt, 1.50 p.m.; Pm'qu‘is .Iunctxion. 6.21 p.m.; reaching 'l‘im-mins at 3.25 'pm. No. L's new Atledule. southbound, includes:â€" (“or-hm ne, 12.20 pm.: Porqnis Junc- tion, 1.2.1 p.m.: Chlbalt, 5.48 p.1n.: and arriving North Bay, 9.30 pm. This is the Contrinental Limited for Montreal. Changes in the T. N.O. schedule are noted elsewhere in this issue. OFFICIAL VISIT OF D.D.G.M. T0 GOLDEN BEAVER LODGE CHANGE OF TIME ON THE CANADIAN NATIONAL RYS. ‘The Official visit of DIDJGIM. Jas. Paterson. of Engleh’art, to Golden Beaver Tnd‘ge A1“. 6': AIM. tno’k plzwo lash Wednesday evening. ‘There was a good attendance of the Masonic brethren to welcome the. distinguish- ed guest. and after the («lose of the Lodge a banquet was held downstairs. There was a short toast list for the occasion. “181m. B. L. imnmnme proposed the toast to the Kinfr and Graft in a sho1t speeh, D'D GM Pat- erson repbing to this toast in a Te.“ .well chosen remai‘ks. 'T he toast to the Visitors was proposed by W. Bro. W. W. \Vhite, Bro. Day responding to this toast. The visiting rbre'tihren then propo seu' Lodge. NEW T. N.O. TIMETABLE EFFECTIVE ON SUNDAY *The new timetable. went into effect on the T'. NA). Railway on Sunday and won general approval. It is a good service now, and the (“omunission deserves a Word to that effort. Through some sort of a fluke, how- ever, the express service did not come up to expectations on the open- ing day, Sunday. It was thought that No. 4’7 would carry the express on Sunday as on other days. On the contrary, however, it is stated that the empress (at least the papers)- was put off No. 473.1: North Bay for the Continental to pick- up, as was: done before. Nos. 46 and 4'7 ran on Sunday“. mks luck would have it, the Continental was several hours late being delmed bv a wreck below V01 th Bax. In any ex ent. the l‘oron- to newstra'pers, eta, did not reach Ti'm-tnins until Monday. Under the new time'talble the follow ing are the times at. which trains now leave T immins :-â€"â€"N0. 18. daily except Sunday, at 6.10 3.111.; No. 445 (the Tor- (mto Train), daily at 10.00 3.111. (an htmr earlier); No. 5‘3. 10ml, dailyex- ce'pt Sunday, 8.20 3.111.; No. 54. daily except Sunday. 7.25 p.m.; Np. 5‘6. Sundayonly, 151.30 a.m. TERRITORIAL COMMANDER IN TIMIVIINS THIS WEEK-END "I‘ he following: are the times of ar- rival of trains at Tiimmin‘szâ€"No. 51. daily except. Sunday at 9.55 3.111.; No. 17. daily except Sunday, 11.20 p.m.: No, 1, the Continental Limited, daily, 8'25 pan; No. 47, (Toronto train), daily. 6.05 pan. On Saturday and Sunday. May 24th and 25th, Tdmzmins Salrvation Amny is to be honoured with a visit from (‘om- missioner Sowlon. Territorial Com- mander of the Army from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic and of New- fmmdland and Bemnuda. This is the first visit, of the Commission-sf to Tim- mins and’ the event is to be made an outstanding occasion. A particularly attractive programme is planned for the visit. On Saturday, May 34th. Specialmusic and singing will fea- ture all the services. (Lieutemmt- Colonel Adby, a noted singer and 0011-. cer'tina player. will accompany the Commissioner on his visit here and will assist in the providing of spe'eal music. [Music is also expeated from Major Knight who will be here from North Bay with his trombone. Capt. Comth‘waite of the loeal Army will, of com, assist in the oondfiiot of the. meetings here during the week-end, and a pleasing and :5qu series of services is confidently looked for- ward to. at 8:15 p.m., there will be a \Vel'cmne Meening to greet the Territorial (‘om- mander. On Sunday. May Z’)th. at 11 km. there will be a Holiness Meet- At 3 p.111. on Sunday there is to be a between ”lSocial Regeneration.” by the Territorial (’otmnmmder. His Wor- ship the Mayor. Dr. J. A. Molnnis, will preside at this meeting. fl‘t 7.00 pm, there» is to {be a Sal- Vation meeting. toast. to Golden Beaver THE PORCUPINE- ADVANCE, TIMMINS,I'ONTARIO [III Bllmf ABBIIMHISHEII Wfllflfllfi Draco quickly domonstntes its sysâ€" tem-building properties to Mrs. Ridings. Peels and looks batter and recommends remedy at every chance. 'Mrs. G. Ridings of 16 Kitchener Ave.. Toronto; noticed beneficial re- sults from her very first bottle of Drecu. She; tells in the following statement how this sterling remedy is build-mg up her system. “My entire 35'steun had been ter. ri’bly run down" says Mrs. Riding" “and try as I might. I could get no medidne to build me up. I had an attack of, LaGrippe and pleurisy which greatly weakened me. Having: been a, sufl'erer from muscular rheu- matism the pains seemed even rwm-se than usual and I was told that. 1 had neuralgia of the heart. These. sharp pains would cause shortness of breath and on 'top of it all my stom- aeh became ulcerated wihieh "afi’eeta my mouth as well. It was so sure I could scarcely eat. ' “"l‘o sleep at nights was almost im- imssihle. lMy nerves were all] on edge and I felt tired out all the time. rDrevo seemed to go right to the hot‘tmn of my trouble at unce. I can now manage my housework eawih'. I eat anything I wish and feel just fine when I get up in the man'ning‘s. The pwins through my side and lim'bs have gone. Everyone (9115' me Hm looking su mat-:11 firet‘trer and I Sill‘é!)’ do feel fine." Sufferings swab as were \\'!'91'!kiflf.£ the li't'e of Mus. Rrid‘imrs are invari- ably aided by the use of Drew. "ic hix‘er. stumm-ih, bowels and kidneys ali‘ke benefit from it‘s use. ‘Dreco is purely hm‘b-al and contains no mer- cury. potash or habit forming: dru'frs.~ Dreoo is being specially introduced in Timmins by P. M. Burke. It is also sold in South Porcupine by B. L. Pilsworth, and by a good druggist everywhere. There was a. particularly large at- tendance at the Band Concert in the New Empire Theatre Sunday evening after the church services. and the pro- gramme fully justified the big attend! ance and the more than usually gen- erous collection. 'Rev. Fr. Theriafii‘l‘t? a former member of the T immins Citizens’ Band; and“a'l’wm "a "gm-4‘ one friend of the Band; presided for the occasion, and his humorous sallies enlivened the. programme and kept the audience in the best of humour. Altlt-er a good motion picture film, the programme opened auspiciously with a musical drill by eighteen boys of the Separate School. WVith white blouses and dark trousers. the boys presented a plea sing appearance, while their rhythmic rendition of the musical drill and exercises was ex- ceptionally pleasing and well done. An orchestra of several pieces com- posed chiefly of members of the Band furnished the music. for the number. The hoys were very heailtily ajvplaud- ed for their remarkably clever and finished work. In intmdueing the progrannne Rev. Fr. ‘Theriaul't took occasion to refer to the early days of the. Brand, its former struggles and its development under good leadership to a very creditable musical organiz- ation. The work of the Rand fully justified the good words of Rev. Fr. 'l‘heriault. The selections by the Band were exmptionally well renderâ€" ed axnd won very heartly applause. rl‘he selections hy the Band included :â€" Marclh. "Nanmr": overture. “.lliu‘ht Cavalryz” selection. “An Air Raid"; overture, “Impetus": mar-ch. “Laur- entian." fl‘he effeflive rendition of the “Air Reid" and “Laurentian.” were specially approved by the c'ro'w'd. Mr. Stanley Johns pleased the aud1~ [en-ce with a crumble rendition in fine voice of the. vocal solo, “"I‘hora.” Mr. D. Rirrell Bells violin selection was one of the special numbers on the Lprogramnie and it won much approval Efrom the music. lovers present. «Mr. Has. Geils won. the audience with his fine rendition of a'jolly sea song ef- fectively given. and the recall number, “'The Boys (if the Old Brigade,” given in response to a determined and persistent demand for an encore, was equally sumesstfnl. Mr. R. R. John- abon. by his skilled and efieotive work as an aammpanist, contributed to the success of the programe as he has generously done on so many previous occasions. SUNDAY’S BAND CONCERT PROBABLY THE BEST YET Lancashire Club - Timmins A11 Lancastrians welcome and their Friends are invited. A moth is the only “animal” fhat can eat 'a hole and grow fat doing it. Meets every first and second Sat- urday in Each Month. H. UNSWORTW. P. Y. U‘I'I'LEY. 8m. President. MAID WANTED for general house- work. Apply 24 Tamarack street. TO LET, for light housekeeping. furnished bedroom and use of kitch- en: suitable for married coupie. Apply 59 Wilson Avenue, 31p. WANTEDâ€"Experienced Stemograph- er. salan $90.00 month. Apply to Ontario Gm ernment Employment Bureau, (Ti/g Fourth Avenue, Tim- mins. ‘31. FURNISHED ROOM T0 RENT; BXCW PASTU-RE, over an acre of 250 acres. Ready 35 3'00!) as conditions permit Apply to F. .Brew er 14081,,Con 1, Mouncjoy. 20-93;). EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR ICE CREAM PARLOUR. Apply to AI-Iany Ice Cream Parlour, comer 01' (‘edar street and Fourth Ave. 31221) CHBVROLBT TRUCK FOR SALEâ€"- FOR SALEâ€"t Whine-rt Gramophone. Illahagvmy dresser, {HIP-sized collapâ€" si-‘tfle 37mm, wood heater, fisher dies and pipe vise. "Ward. 6th house north ni' MaLLagr-ami BIJidigse on River From. 311?. WANTEDâ€"The Fish and Game Laws official to ~enaforce in this distrivt the l‘a'ws and regmlmions for the conservation of fish and game and ' for the benefit of the public. We thank you! ‘21. YOUNG GxIRfL WANTED FOR OT- FI'CB WORK. {Must (be bright and aler". Apply in own handwriting giving partimllars as to age, exper- have (-if any). education, etc. Apâ€" ' ply to Box TIL, Ad’vance Office, 'I’immins, Out. 2.1. CAR FOR SAIEâ€"Four-passenger Coupe, 1922 model Paige. Driven 12,000 miles on paved streets. Good as new, \(‘ost $4400. Will $811 at $1800 cash, or tenn's. 'Apply to G90. Carson, PJO. Box 103. '1‘ im- FURNITURE FOR BAKEâ€"Chester field suite, library table. farmed oak dining-mum sui1e, bednmm suite. mahogany finish, kitchen tab‘le and chairs; all in-good condition. Ap- ply Geo. Schaefe'r, over Hollimger Grocery Store. 21p. Among the latest enrollments at the Gold Medal School are Miss: Jennie Fox, Stenagraphvic Night. Glasses, Mr. J. J. Nova'kus-ldy, Ctrmnnercial Night Classes, Mr. Vic-tor Kn-u't‘son, Pre- paraitory Day Classes. Mrs. Bessie Murdock who has been an attending student. in the Stem- gnaphc Derp‘t... at. the Business (‘01- lege, completed her mume and has left for Vancouver, Bx‘. Graduation Diplomas have thief week been received 101' L116 ionowing: i Misses Amanaa Isnor, Amna V'alxme l Peanl Gran-t, ‘Lajna. H'u'grhtrala, I ng'rid Hwkala. Bert-y Allen. Edith Garvey. Betty Paicae, Mrs. Nellie Jondreau. and Messrs. R. Geguere, N. Foumier. Three more positions were secured for Graduates of the T timzmrins Busi- ness College this week. Mrs. Nellie J ondreau, Stenographer. T imm in 5 Free Press, Miss Anna. Valve, Stenc- grapher, Dominion Bank, Mr. N. Fournier, Junior Clerk, Dominion Bank. All of above are Tiunzmins’ Grad'u'ai-es in Timuni'ns offices. ’There is now room for about. '12 more enrollments in the Tdmmins Business College and now is a most. opportune time to enrol] as there are no Summer Vacations at the College and there will .be many Fall positions. WE DNES DA Y Bulletin Call and see the Swpervisor for im- med'i ate amngements. Tlmmins Business College Ansara Building, Timmins, Ont. Phone 414 - Write Bo; 223 B. M. TERRY, Supervising Principal. Pays highest prices for second-Inna furniture. Sells new and second-hand Furniture it cheap prices. bath; hot and cold water: phone: all conveniences. Ladies preferred. Apply 57 Balsam street South. BUYS AND SELLS FURNITURE 1921 model. Firs/t-class condition. Selfâ€"starter, My. Very cheap for casfh. Apply to (VT-'litfm‘d Ifiuzm]. Extension of Hui'linzmer Lane. mms, H. SHAEFER MONBTA P.O. Box 3, Timmins. GIRL WANTED FOB. GENERAL Housswonx. J'htme 112, Tim- m1n.~.(.‘. FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT. Apply Ontario Bakery, River Road. 21p. FURNISHED ROOM T0 RENT, all POR SALE- HAWAIIAN GUITAR FOR SALE}â€" WANTEDâ€"Young Gin] to assist housework from 8 am.- to '2. AppTy Mrs. E. H. King over (H1506. LOSTâ€"{Ford (“ax Repair Kit. 'Finder 106888 return to Britannia. Ice \H‘eam Parlours, River Road, ”Tim- wins. 31p. NOTICE-Choice Seed Potatoes. New Bmmswick stxwk, for Sale. rPim- rmdns Fuel and Produce (’30.. St. Onge Blank, Phone 3'97. 214.52. STUDEBAKER CAR FOR SALE TO RBNTâ€"JURNISHED ROOMS, with ‘bat’na'omn, hot and cold water. (Board, if desired. 14);pr 57 Elm street. 21-11%!1). WANTEDâ€"Young Lady Clerk for Store. Fair education and some erpemienne necessary. Apply PO. Drawer T’., Timmins. 2'0. MAID WANTED for general house- work. Awplry to Mrs. H. Gr. Skav- lam, McIntyre rMine, .Schumacher. Phone 4.301. ‘ 3'1. TO RENTâ€"T111199 houses of two rooms end) furnished or unfurn- ished. Aliply to 111 Binh street .wa'u'th. _ . . 21p. RUSSEL HOUSEâ€"FROOM AND POUR ROOMS TO RENT, very nice. 1y furnished; ofleloth all over. china cabinet, 'two “beds. buffet. two daveniports, 'b-edrmbm dresser. kitch- en cabinet. good 000k swve. etc. A}‘:.;i‘s.3y to Mrs. H. Shueffer, Mon- eza. 21:). act as Referees are asked to kindly atte‘ad this meeting. 2122 W. A. Field. Bec’y. HOUSE-KEEPER WANTEDâ€""Hy FORTY ACRES OF GOOD FARM LAND FOR SALE, just. :u-rnss 13w o A meeting of the Pox-(«mine District Football League Refuses is called for Thursday evening, May 2911;, at 8 0 «dock in the 'I‘iumxins Football Club Rooms, Athletic Grounds, Timmins. All 2.110% whose names are already in as Referees; and any others willing to FARM FOR SALE POSITION WANTEDf()fiice work 01' any kind: oxperienk'ed in lumber- ing" companies. m-ercantiie offices. etc. Good knowledge of bank- keepi: -. Can 1199 typewriter, and look after general details of office. {Best of referenves. Will go any- where for good. position. Apply to Box F.v}’., Advance Ofi’ive. Timanina. 21-231). ounvemimues. Apply 18 Maple- street Soutlh. Timmins. 251p. DR SALEâ€"Nanionafl Cas’h Register. Perfect wm’king order. T. P. King, T'ivmm'ins. 21472. Porcupine District Football League half price. Appiy 55 Third Avenue LAND FOR. SALE, Just :wruss Uhe {River from Timmins (me half mile from t'he iowxe. Twenty sores (cleared and in meadow: anonher ten acres burnt off and ready to stump. Apply 59 Fourth Avenue. 21-23;). m. a bar-rain: in first-class uondi tion. Aprfly 59 Fourth Avenue. 213.329. BOARD, $79.00 per ' week and up. Good accommodation. C‘orner Moun‘tjoy and Wiqson Avenue. rwudower, with f-axmilv. Must speak Eng-l ish. Good Wflifil‘flfi. Wil‘l acceph man and wife. with no children. A pgfly to A. Bergeron. corner Ban- nerman :md Rea. ° 21-22%». AIKM FOR SALE m the Niagara Peninsula. ‘50 acres fine clay loam, free of stone. Good Gq‘oom house with cellar; barn 30 by 40; with shed, 13 by 30. Ninety apple, pear and plum trees. {Price $500. Also, 150 acres, 7-romn house. with cellar; lb-am 40 by 60, with shed ‘20 .by 40. Pig and chidk‘en house. All good land. 30 acres bush. 3 gas wells. (Prim $6,500. 'L. R. Lan- ham, Box 244. Smithville, Ont. MBBTIN G RB REPERBES W. A. Field, Sec’y. Bins 2124p.-t.f. ‘30 w ith ‘rp. 'ost HOUSBMAID WANTED. Apply to Queen's Hotel, corner Third Ave- nue and Balsam. 18. TWO SMALL HOUSES WANTED. Must. be clean. Apply In Box M. A., Advance Office. 19-1311). MAID WANTED for general house- work. Apply Mrs. D. E. Keeley. Schumacher. Phone McIntyre 61M. 19. PROPERTY FOR SALEâ€"Pi vv-mom- ed house; water, mileT, elevtrie lig‘ht, etc. Apply to 13 North Q'Iaple street. 19-2311). WANTEDâ€"(Man experienced in grad- ing work and making racetrack. Apply at. once to J. Dalton, Tim- mins. 2:), POR SALE- NURSINGâ€"Experienced. lv’ra‘ctica] Nurse open for engagmnents. A-p- ply Mrs. N. Mc(“.0rmick. 2-0 Commer- m'al Avenue. 19â€"12111. HOUSE FOR SALEH-roomed bun}:- akm', 24 by 215; kitvhen, 10 by 123; néwls Jbuilt and \\ ell appointed. Apph at Queen’sHote!L15t.f. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSBWORK; wagvs $$().OU; WANTEDâ€"AN ORDERLY for small hngpiml; returned man with some enrexienee preferred. Apply Dr. Kirkup, Dome Mines, South Porcu- pine, Ont. 1'8’Lf. WOMAN WILL DO WASHING at home or by the hour 01 da\. or other work at houses by hour or day. Atpply to 41 Messines Ax enue Hollinger Townsite. .21 ‘.2‘-.§p FOR SALEâ€"4 ook‘lng range; Hand {Power Washing \IaLhine; and'u. ‘ on-pflate Electric Stme. (kpply 28 Vl’T‘ambrai Avenue, Hollinger Townsirte. ‘30- 33.231). DOG POUNDâ€"[13136 Yellow Dag; White from paws; dark muzdle. 0an may have same by proving propertv and paying expenses. Afi.‘ ply to Michael La‘w-lm, HOV19.(..)m 19- 211). FOR SALEâ€"Two farms, team of horses, harness, sleigh, wagon. saw- ing machine complete with bench and motor. Apply P. Antoine, 0pâ€" posite fire hall, Ti'mmins. <Will sell at 'big bargains, and give terms. , YOUNG MARRIED MAN WISHES TO- MDTIN G STOCK INVESTORSâ€"- MINING ENGINEER, full School of lMines diploma. and having ‘held the ‘f'olldwing ~1xmiotions, viz.: Under- gnmnd Manager, (‘hief Surveymu ('hief Assayer, Shift Boss. Sampler; desires mmition with mining cam» pan); Apply Box M.D., Advanw ()flioe. 'I‘immins. Ont. 20-21;). EXPERIENCED NURSE living Mated .Pens and Trios of Bred-to. Lay Barred Rocks from Pedigreed and Trapncsted Stock. Also, Exhibition Barred Rocks, Dark and Light Matings. Importer and Breeder of Barred Rocks only. “He never completed his edwm- tion, did he?” DR SALEâ€"3 Store Counters. .1 (‘03! Oil Tank, .1 Cmmter 80819.3. All in. good condition. Mrs. M. Fel‘gnmn, Schumar‘her.‘ Ont. 20-211). small family. Apply Jospe's Cloth- ing Store, opposite McIntyre Reo- ma'tion Hal'l, Sebumacher. 2D. POSITION as Timekeeper or Pay; mil (Q‘Jerk. in or out of 'I‘ianmins. Has some knowledge of Boo-bkeepa ing. References upon applicatiun. Apply Box I‘LL, Advance, ()flirc, 'I‘imznins. 18p. (‘Onsulting Mining "Engineer hm fink-class information on two (Yan- adian pmperties. [Fees five dollars plus 5 "per went. on prufit. Apply Mining' Engineer. Pare. The Advance Timmins. Ont. 20-211). K'I’HMENUIU) NURSE living m country would consider giving real home «uniform in her own home to one or two invalids, elderly couple or two small children (boys prefer- red.) Terms reasonable. Rate during ilJnéfis‘hccording to uttenticm required. Apply Box F.N., Ad- vanoe Office, Timmins. 17â€"18;). “No, he died a bachelor.”â€"-Tit+_ FOR SALE FRANK LITTLE. Connaught Station, OnL 18â€"21 p.

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