clection w the muni« whose sol relieve the grudges a others wth A LINE OR TWO ABOUT THE CANDIDATES FPOR COUNCIL difficu for tw reduwce prove a credll or t There are several with such extrems« clection would not the municipality. whose sole purpos At this particular not afford to the ineffective or t The bhest method didates is to weigh may be counted mpon to work the advantage of the town if ele to the Council Board. It is not fair to suggest that men who done nothing in the past in the off public service and who are fowm now only because of personal i public service. generous publi fair ITO suggest that men ‘wnho nave done nothing in the past in the way of public service and who are fomvard now only because of personal illawi‘l or private grudge are likely to prove poor public servants, especially, when they give away their own characters and attitude of mind by the improper motives they are so ready to impute to others. wellâ€"known enough for any fair judgâ€" ment to be made on their possible qualifications, the list is materially reduced. _A line or tiwo in regard to those with known qualiffecations and character may not ‘be out of place. ‘Mr. E6. L. Longmore is recognized as one Oof the most capable of the members of the present Council. He has given generously of his time and talent to the service of the town. He had has five years‘ experience, and has proven a very valuable man, his ahility in financial matters being of particular benefit to the town. His life in Timmins proves beyond doubt his disinterested publicâ€"spirit. Mr. I% 8. Nawton is wellâ€"known for has giuven very freely\ Let â€" puloli« the test. Eli given no pul and who haw effort for the munity, and 1I8s GeneTroul Canada â€" United States Published every Wednesday by Now I do not believe in a personal canvass by any candidate for votes for municipal office, but if you see fit to elect me I will work in the future, as I have done in the past, for what I believe will be to the benefit of our T. F. KIN@G town and community. YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE At the solicitation of a number of ratepayers 1 have allowed my name to go before you to be voted on as a GCouncillor for the Town of Timmins for 1924. If the Electors see fit to place me on the Council Board, l will give my best efforts to work for the progress and benefit of the Town. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN OF TIMMINS Owner and Publisher. Subsceription Rates: t 01 H. Charlebois di Telephones W 11]â€" AS COUNCILLOR FOR 1924 h 1¢ them on the n who have {T0o ipparen piritedne of his tm Residence 112 $2.00 year £3.00 vear +« ability to every good public eause,â€" the Town Council, the Board of Trade, the Separate School Board, the Band,â€"anything for â€" Timmins mavy alwavs depend on Mr. Newton‘s assis{tance five vears He has serVlce In ele benefit of the terest and a many can allways generously thing that pleasing readiness to thing for the benefit of ty. dn such communi the Male (Chorus, the . id d Mr. Gie cil of the for ftiwo ~ ind ind U C N18 _serVy 1( % 1 1¢€ While Mi uld m § € the town n interest in the other public o1 swceessful busit \ 1 C T. Blackman has given to the town on many ontributing his in electrreal matters â€" 31 H. 1@( rt 111 ben eï¬ V € .\'('hm \ in Te fraternal and ot rt. he has shown Separate Scehool â€"anything for s depend on Mr. M and â€" coâ€"operatior T1 exmerien{ experienct +o service h communty sel horus, the Hollin o and in other ficient and helofu 1 attention in th and harleb« value Drew is of rs of the 6 ot I1 +A C( no mnmst rite pu Downi depend to the commun Morrison KHas no OouUncl ho sâ€" serVIces operation.. Wizn e on the Council, affairs that gives 9 for 'l'unmme on‘ Mr. Newton‘s e ind enterprises A J Hollinger Reeâ€" other lines, he helpful service. is given helpful n many oceasâ€" s sexpert knowâ€" atters for the and showing inâ€" in the fire briâ€" L. He ha oard ()t Ull/d“HI]S the "I mem C u']mn 111 sePrVIces mattert 1er cIre himself N the the COmnmuUun j wIn fire that 1n V 11 retary e Dog ent in . Hs 1 °O T 45 n C tÂ¥ )WM it erec gade and other town services. Mr. David Laprairie has served the town as a Town Councillor and has allways been an interested and attenâ€" tive member of the Board of Trade and other local efforts for advance and betterment. Twenty Candidates for Seats on the Town Council nominate ed by J V Allfred., Caron, Building nominated by C. L. Marti Martin. Hyacinthe _ Charlebois and wood contractor, n« P. M. Bardessono and Le James Bartieman, manutftacturer agent, nominated by H. L. Minthort M.B., and Norman MeEachren. T. Blackman, electrieal engimeo nominated by G, 8. Lowe and J. F Pletsch. V al. : by D. Ost: inson. Bacon Larche A. H. Cooke, timeâ€"keeper, nomin ated by H. L Minthorn, M.B., and J P. Bartleman. Andrew J . Downie, mill repair man nominated by Thomas Nixon and J. O ‘Hara. inate iT \\ ited JY Cteo. Aand N\ } T. F. King, Amusem roprietor, nominated by ind J. E6. Newiton. intlicl1} rbli M t ew ton d betterment. Mr. N. MceFache 12e Mayor by Acclamation The only nomination for s that of Dr. J. A. Melnni Ul1I Nn V € l by Di Davton 1 by Norman Mel Therriault. axa m nomIlIn WE Cor CounciWiors and the list nomjnated (Continue three of rge Kenty, miner ley and J. P. Ba rwn has ne annexa Malt vante ort The ed by Yoseph lared Hrexsen irtle Drew, insurance ELEGY, W RITTEN IN A TOURIST CAMPINGâ€"GR he M UM N eW Dav phard acon, mine cle Sullivan., seco ongmore, mine superinten« nelish «OM For Councillors to 1. the nominations were uncillors and Sehool «Trusâ€" st nomunated being as fol. ()=t McP aron. Buildin M be:â€"E. H. Hill, Cha Dr. Minthorn and Mr 1) nty And three own toward the the eVye mInet K. printer, â€"I and Stanley Ledu ind N. Micl Amusement im tho he shor (4* 6 1CC Minthorn, M.B real ®t Ostrosser i t i 11 tor, + nominate tl e clerk, nominate seconded by J. | nIne! merchant, nomin cEachren and J tion for Mayo k. Melnnis, ‘M.D Mascioli, sgeonc Il thouwscht imma tion keen ere adl1 to 16 ting contracton irtin and David r, nominated by irtileman. spent h member ite armyaAl mot w ho nomnln Mattagami r, nominate Mc@Eachren. Masceiolh € for N community | we have ex one of e â€" distt Mascioli 1 I] nomunate v B. Rawl 1( cioTnes, of vintages oD view, with bhauteur like a d simple Bivvers of the 1 Parlours in Dalton nt, nom and C secon d 1t M ated by abot ctedd Ca} t} in C ind 1J ) V WE TORONTO STAR‘S TALK SOUNDS LIKE A FROST In an editorial note last week, The Cochrane Northern Post says:â€" ‘*The open weather, which has disâ€" tingcuished this Fall has been the means of advancing the work of the Hollinger contractors at a pleasing next suinmet the work ple nomumnate Ostrosset Melnnis, M.D Joseph Roch Poolroom, nom ind Arthur Ch: nominated by J. i. Newton and J, Sullivan. For the Public School Board V al. Engllish, printer, by D. Ostros nomumatec L. Martin l1enl Clerk, by Sam Arthur E. ‘Moysey Co,. wire th morning, rumors are eurrent th: President Bickell, now returning fro London, England, has closed a de: involving the sale outright of t Blue Diamond Coadl Mines of Albert This report is gaven the appearan of foundation by the action of t Temiskaming and Melntyre mark: wherein for weeks past the stoc has been offered at 32 cents a shar Temiskaming and Melntyre own th Blue Diamond Coal Mine jointly, an this rumor may also have ceonnectio pennan Charles Gordon Kemsley, mecha by Geo. Lake and H. G. Laidlaw. H. 1,, Minthorn, MJB.,;, by J. Bartleman and D. Laprairie,. ‘Mrs, A. J. Shephard, married man, by Norman â€" Melachren Chas. E. Wallingford. Herbert Warren, bailiff, by M Marshaill and A. R. Harkness. The first nomination for Coune was put in at 12:01 noon and last at 12:54, the first nomina ziven to the Returning Officer b that of Mr. J. H. Pacon and the that of Mr. D. St. Onge. MORE TO FOLLOW REPORT OF SALE OF THE BLUE DIAMOND COAL MINE T ited hy romumated y ind Leo M a 16 ressIoOn W raiwlinson ed by Edward \\ Four Belaw I 1‘(105»‘01}('». Dan St. On 114 Foundation by the action of thne miskaming and Melntyre market rerein for weeks past the stock s been offered at 32 cents a share. miskaming and Melntyre own the ue Diamond Coal Mine jointly, and is rumor may also have connection th the strength of Melntyre on the irket, this figure being (.30. Should the rumored sale be rerally _ announced _ upon _ Mr. ckell‘s return on Friday, it is likeâ€" that ‘both Melntyre and Temiskâ€" ung will go still higher on the marâ€" Edward Hunt for the TA w II c@Of nger and 1 rdin 1 r 11 sufficiently eompleted nstallation before the I € irt «1118 expectations on the dam iwlinson, ceon rout Henry PA SithHa4ivan nymou whethe W adsworth byv Alfred to Movsey â€" N e {:(m(l 111 to do the tke away the wron linef‘ord Â¥l1 C108 in the cane re stall ous poet he (1aA V 1() despatches over the ey Co. wire this are ecurrent that , now returning from I, has closed a deal ile of the Hill, Division ildhiek ‘and tC M > Nrst nomIlnaka:ion rning Officer being Pacon and the last OT nsurance sceioli an Cractor, noiml worth and 8. Stin Dan *I1¢ I )l) re the end o it a pleasing are now that rbroad may serve to ercollection or rvingzâ€"pan fotr the honk 111 ither w lumtb>erm (lh‘ x1 on â€" and |n'n])l‘ a DC No w )th lrpente: ind | J. E.| NOTICHâ€"Will anv« n Oon‘mn o0 want diut l]m' the ind [). | PO ‘wWHAT YoU waANTI WANTEDâ€"La d\ SALEâ€"â€"]H .\lull( TFOR â€" SALBâ€"â€"Ont FPURNISHED ROOM TO RENT LOSTâ€"One Wireâ€"haired Fox Termer white with one black spot on neck. Finder please return to B. D. Kelly, Room 11, Gordon Block, and receive reward. _ Anyone found hawbouring this dog after the date of this noâ€" tice wall be prosecuted. â€"48p THE GUESTS SPOILED THE ‘"‘WHITE ELEPHANT PARTY‘ We wish to thank the Odd#fellows, the Rabekahs and the other friends for their kindness during the illness of our children. M r. and Mrs. G. H. MeQuarrie. ren notor cat s dead.‘‘ hem In Fastâ€"growing Mining Town Money Maker. Apply Kirkland Lake, Ont. H O T E L nall b STEAMSHIP TICKETS ALL LINES Iniformation Road. 4 rooms )ns aAnd laces und they were ind Chattingy with on rTOOKEe, node OWV P) ddress o 1 resiaent of advis ndadâ€"hand STATION TICKET OPFICHE ontribu 00 o1 1 1 mal CcARKD OF T HANKS 1| ¢ rgyman, while School class, mew ha y pped outl, °° Pigase, sit, 1U6 gets out of the way of the r is quick, and ‘im as doesn‘t 1j ne meaning E.‘ *Fhi 11 l m ollv N11 ion _ re â€" Passpor Gladly Furnisghed ind cCOy en l(lï¬(‘](lr the imnk. Bd n ¢ street for Saleé at W K in nen â€" . follow fond â€" t ter The Advar reet out ind Teathers, dragging m¢ of vears _ ol ndiv with woman relat °¥ â€"No. â€" 3X Wpply to Timmins town convert +â€"Tt. Drmkavater Halle issport VC instructi:1 MeQuarrie â€"â€"4+8p id denly now1ln roct N 0 River + Braz L m 481y to my W €1 formerly iA T <tred puzzle Hil‘('} all o1 etCe 1A ) W 1t A\p D)Do GIRL WANTED for Giene WANTEDâ€"PEFirs HOUSE TO RENTâ€"Neau AKE SHOP POR SALEâ€"( NOTICEâ€"STRAY â€" HORSEâ€"â€"I weeks azo a Bay Mare straved WANTEDâ€"Boys, 14 years and ove everywhere in Northern Ontari £ i( woOrk Shop N 6 4â€" Higwhes . Wo maucht the or : sound ; al press and good â€" en everyw Nothin Write HC]} street, tTwo m~ 1 i# # 1 1 M W An\ Ires erisingo »lv 79 Third Avenue rPOOms rtun 1009 K.\ CA 1 Maple M th delivery hC n inish 1t )llin LC «ondition Arthur L )1 =() serVvIce Co. Wabewa wa t11 l I itter )ne s1Xxâ€"yC horse man who under This is worth ply to P.O. Bo ats, mullls, neckpieces, pairing. Mrs. Wadsâ€" ilsam St., corner 4th S' â€"â€"}{)'4(\"-‘0_: eutter NA W OR ‘Wol eaks Apply (Omnt. c Breedd W 11 (Ont iwlod: irt]y mults, ne l NiA { treet Trooms and s1 other, 2â€"store ‘ll water. ell separatelyv ibhl e :\’]']" Barred who are wWwoTrkâ€" nmins and wish 1 Hockey Team. xpenses 01 Pedigreed and Hockey by the Apply irâ€"old di sler buge i1 (Ont )1oth und{ urnis 111 ® unhow to do l0ouUusework 000 ated A (10F W UATATN th T13 TWM 10 JOX 1¢ arred 10 CK 84 di