Â¥% 4 6660608R REMRI\ABLE photograph of the cere of France‘‘ crossed the line on her recent and other officials came aboard in the early first time. His Majesty‘s stay on board was . on board early and stayed until the end of â€" g' ngers on that famous 30,000 mile cruis" bhis fine photograph of Neptune s court wa‘ of the shlp s passengers * REAL SERVICE IN THE MINING MARKET Homer L. Gibson Co. A service based on seventeen years of direct connection with Northern Ontario‘s mines. has given us. IF YOUR NAME IS NOT NOW ON OUR MAILING LIST, WRITE FOR GIBSON‘S FORTNIGHTLY MINâ€" ING REVIEW AND OUR FREE MAPS OF PORCUâ€" PINE AND KIRKLAND LAXE. w A service that hundreds of clients have tried and found satisfactory in every particular. service fortified "by the knowledge this long experience Neptune Holds Coij 703â€"4â€"5 Bank of Mamilton Building TORONTO, ONT. r0nies that took place when the Canadian Pacific steamer "Empress ‘roundâ€"theâ€"world" tour. Neptune accompanied by his royal barber, iorning and duly initiated those who were crossing the line for the wort, but the same cannot be said of the little god Cupid. He came > trip, as may be gathered from the fact that out of a total of 800 no less than forty came to the end of the trip as engaged couples. nade by Miss Margaret Miller of Waterbury, Conn., who was one a Famous Canadian Ship may ‘be a temptation on some up in this country some irony, **Oh, yes, ment will spend money keeping men on when it sarv, while last vear the taken off just at the time they were most needed.. That‘s always the way with Governments.‘ ‘JIn reply to this, it may be said that Governments are seldom any sworse than the people who elected them, and that the Govâ€" ernment this year is an altogether different type of Government than than of last year, the inference ‘being that the people have improved conâ€" siderably in perception and interest in the meantime.. The qpresent (Govâ€" ernment is simply making assurance doubly sure that false economy m the matter of fire protection is not goinz to cause deplorable usys this year as it did last ‘October in tais North Land. The previous Governâ€" ment ‘*‘took a chanee,"" and the coun:, try had a serious loss as a conseâ€" quence. The present Government is not taking chances when the lives and property of the people are at stake., There is no room for any fair or reasonable citizen to do anything else than commend the Government for this. FIRE RANGERS TO BE KEPT ON DUTY UNTIL NEXT MONTH nave practlh ability of s North Land Ontario has the fire rans vear is not takin in O)cetober 5C€ § _ tfo be the 4 wlar gwold ore. t in the North ack. Also, eas Wws _ A his assi¢nme will stall ttractions. _ feature for ‘ptember 2 12 lecided not to witlhidraw be new what they \'muld (} ous 101 The year the range at the time the That‘s always 1 Or ty ‘oronto People m. M unt ()x , and Thalt Ule UOoVâ€" ir is an altogether f Government than _the inference ‘being huve improy ed conâ€" 4J any chancees mimnate Government th nmen V 6 @nolu rr to l V th would b Star‘s No T( the Governâ€" this year in is not necesâ€" ind than to ï¬!l(’l instance showine od 12 JVL n a ime alon the T kore wWere more with day of o celock Notice is further given that the first meeting of creditors in the above estate wil be held at the office of the undersigned Trustee, #at 23 Sceott Street, Toronto, on Monday the 24th *( proo And further take notice that if yon have any claim against the debtor for which you are entitled to rank, prooft of such claim must be filed with me within thirty days ‘from the date ot this notice, for, from and after the expiration of the time fixed by Subâ€" Section 8 of Section 37 of the said Aet, I shall distribute the proceeds of the debtor‘s estate among the parties entibtled thereto, having reâ€" gzard only to the claims of which 1 have then notice. DATED at Toronto, tms 13th day of September, 1923. NOTICE TO CREDITORSâ€"THE BANKRUPTCY ACT i 1 And further take notice that i you have any claim against the Debâ€" tors for which you are entitled to ank, proof of such claim must be filed with us within thirty days from the date of this notice, for from and after the expiration of the time fixed by Subâ€"Section 8 of Section 37 of the said Act, we shall} distribute the proâ€" ceeds of the Debhtors‘ Estate among the parties entitled thereto, ‘having regaurd only to the claims of which we have then had notice DATED AT TORONTO, this 12th davy of September, A.D. 1923, THE CANADIAN CREDIT MEN‘S ASSOCIATION LTD. To entitle you to vote there, proot of your clain must ‘be lodged with as before the meeting is held. Proxies to be used at the meeting must be lodged with us prior thereâ€" A dividend of 1% on the outstandâ€" ing ceapital stock of the Company has been declared payable on the 8th day of October, 1923, on which date cheques will be mailed to shareholdâ€" ers of record at the elose of business on the 20( day of September, 1923. Dated the 13th di@y of September, In the Estate of ROUSSEAU V AILLANCOURT, Timmins, ‘Ont., Authorized Assignors. Notice is hereby given that Rousâ€" seau Vaillancourt, Timmins, Ont., did on the 6th day of iSeptemher, 1923, make an authorized assiogonment 1 de vanadtan tion Ltd., 58 Ont., on Tues September, 19 the afi€tnoon. Scullino of the Provincd ?ith. day o imuthorized A are burvy, Ount K0 LLINGER CONSOLIDATED GOLD MINES, LIMITED Winniece Scullino, of the 1 Timmins, in the Province tario, Authorized Assignor. ned h me ’l‘u.\'ie DEND NUMBER 115 e h " Ts S d\\%"%‘% U ’. WÂ¥ .L.’t.‘...l}!'.Zxxllllllllllllill }.\ W EB L (No Personal Liability) Septe in the unds ntitie Take notice th aperating a B1 idian le you to vote thereat, ur claim must ‘be lodged ore the meeting is ‘held. in â€"cCGrecdit . 8 Front St uesdav, the sugnment to Pt irt]} it ternoon ike notice that if yon igainst the debtor for utitled to rank, proot ust be ‘filed with m A uthorized Trustec with me prior Ontari own ot reditor US A uthorized Trustee ven that that the above Branch at Sudâ€" (pÂ¥ 19 the estate of the Town of V en 1mimins, in did on the Treasurer mMmaAke in W innie inder Still the Most for the Money # * Anprew Wicson «e c n »â€" 1. 4404 °@ °P At f Collie Puppies for Sale j 4484 @ 4* | 6 ‘ $ 53 River Road = s Timmins $ MW“WQQ“.‘“â€MW "‘The National Smoke" Husky, fluffy, healthy Pups. Raised out of and not delicate. Right now we have some punpies that are very nice. They are from daughters of Prize winners. â€" Sired by noted domestic and imported Prize males. If you get one you willbe warranted in ecxâ€" pecting it to develop into a winner. )64 6 *4 4.A 64 9# ® Perfectly beautiful and the safest dog yowcanrraet fer the children. All pups healthy and sound, and certified registerâ€" ed pedigree with every sale. J. N. LE VINE