Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 25 Jul 1923, 1, p. 10

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tranger‘s Ban uet" s Snd ?;'L ‘_,m.,“.:;_ ic | 54 n 5t i\ D UG STORE € e,s Curtis Co.‘s Stand Near Post Office O @9009 0000090000000 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 09 09 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 9 4 O 9 0 P 4 6 9 6 5t. John Comedyâ€"â€"â€" "THE ALARM" Matinee Daily Also at New Drug Store in Moneta Cn_ 0 %90000 000009 9 0 0 9 0 0 90 009 0 0 04 909 04 029 0 0 0 0900 0 0 090 004 0 06 0 6 *Miss Marjorie MeGee, of Haileyâ€" bury, is spending a few weeks visitâ€" ing friends in Timmins. There will be ing Sale, at the Thursday,. July (/An illustration of how easy a fire may be started in this country in hot weather was given last week when some careless person dropped a cgar into the big flower box in front of the Town Offices. For hours memâ€" bers of the ipolice foree .and others smelled smoke but could not locate it. _S8earch fairled to find any fire or any noticeable yvolume of smoke anyâ€" where. Eventually the burning was located in the flower box. There was practically no smoke, but much of the The third annu the auspices of the Band will be held River Landing o 9th. . Watch for q particulars. turned to the tamp last wWweek have again taken A4@p residen Timmins, being â€" warmly â€" welc here by many old friends. Mr Mrs. Schelletier _ were _ among pioneer residents of this Camp. cently they chave hbeen residu North Bay. They have resume conducting of the Veteran Houw: the corner of Cedar and Fourth, Eventualiy burning was located in the flower box. There was practically no smoke, but much of the ‘‘black muck"" in the box had been consumed and a **dead"" cigar stub gave an inkling as to how the fire originated. The moral, of course, is that the greatest care should be taken all the time in guarding against fire, and nothing capable of starting a fire should be thrown around carelesslyâ€" whether it be match, cigar, cigarette % or pipe heels. | $ ; Quality and Price *%Mr. Toner Maedonald and Misses P. and V. Macdonald, Point, Ontario, were the Mr. and Mrs. H. Jeffrev. \ evenibs; under c h There was a goo everything was Holly: Jazz Orche tractive music for (At a recent meeting of the Exâ€" ecutive of the Timmins Football Club a resolution was unanimously passed instructing the secretary to send the Kirkland Lake Football Team hearty congratulations from Timmins _ on their success so far in the Ontario Championship Cup series and wishing them continued suecess and vietoryv. Lorty throu: writte bury, loe, E trons f./.<l 1 turne have A (fne of town is the the side of ‘The T. N \ (One of the beauty spots of the own is the lawn and flower beds at the side of the T. N.0O0. station. Phe T. N.O. deserves credit for the and effort beautify iround its stations. ) Timmins and District Notes W t GORDON BLOCK â€" TELEPHONE 141 â€" 67 PINE STREET ] 11 passing h with n :at (i1 New T: third annual â€" Regatta under spices of the Timmins Citizens‘ will be held at the Mattagami Landing on Thursday, Aug. Watch for posters for further Y ind â€" Mi to the gam t ss1ng Fial with honours at included _ w Liskeard, C lehart and_8Sw the Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten Our prices are low in comparison to the quality. Any article bought at our store is guaranteed. All repairing guaranteed for twelve months. Our motto in business is satisfaction. All goods will be exchanged at any reasonable time. Special attention is given to the Optical Department. U C 16 l 1)1 )0| ind _ Homeâ€"made Cookâ€" alvation Army Hall, 6th, from 2:30 to IrA the nti Deenâ€" resL(iing : in ave resumed the eteran House, at and Fourth. \ F1 emIStE Thirteen levbhury saime aUs attendance the best. 120 supplied ammins _ on the and wishing ind vietoryv. venng, eunâ€" _ Hollinger a pleasant of previous Jeweler and Optician 1sp1cE centre sisters imImn s of th armrie An lTee Cream Nocial in aid of the sters, t R.C. chureh, Schumacher, will be held Sand on the church groundsâ€" tomorrow ts of | (Thursday), July 26th, from 3 to 11 ONC and The ind it 111 [( Mrs. H. Egan left today for a | day visit to Montreal and Quebec "Mr. 0. Frood, of the head office of the Taylor Hardware Co., New Lis keard, was a visitor to town on busiâ€" ness last week.} crowds, and Auctioneer H. W. Warâ€" ren sold a considerabhle quantity of the goods in stock. The saies were part of the methods used on behalf of the assignee to dispose of the asâ€" sets of this ~business which recently made an assienment. taxitâ€"cabs meant. The taxiâ€"cabs were going down Third Avenue one after another, a few feet apart. This was just around one a‘jclock and for an hour or so there were no taxis availâ€" able for service. The drivers had [ The regular weekly open air band concert given on the Athletic grounds last Friday by the Timmins Citizens‘ Band attracted a large attendance and the music furnished was much enjoyed by all. The selections were all wellâ€"rendered, and the music lovers present â€" were very pleased with the Band. The next concert will be Friday evening of this week.) Work has commenceed on the new fire hall at Haileybury, the building to:eost around $15,000.00. . The rateâ€" payers recently voted on the question, passing the byâ€"law in the matter by a good majority. Ssatut Store velopment in Canada,"" the periodical issued by the Canadian Pacific Railâ€" way says that nut eulture is being placed on a â€" regularly established basis im British Columbia. It seems to ‘be about the same in Ontario of asking that tion on the Railway be 6 % a (1 n1esday afternoon dJast week many people wondered what the parade of The next regular meeting of the Town Council is scheduled for Monâ€" day afternoon, Aug. 13th. In the meantime, it is expected that one or more special meetings will be held to deal with some questions needing immediate attention. asking that the location the staâ€" tion on the new line of the T. N.O. Railway be changed to a site nearer the town. The present plans would place the station about threeâ€"quartâ€" ers of a mile from the town of Kirkâ€" ate vears T rOouT Th deputation from Kirkland interviewing ~Premier _ Fe i@ that the location â€"of th 1clhk 6 icultural and Industrial De on sale drewy ridiay and c to $1.00 roli LADIES‘ GOLF TOURNAMENT WINNERS LAST FRIDAY GRAND EUCHRE TOMORROW BY LADIES OF CHARITY in the Ladies‘ Golf Tournament last Friday, July 20th, Mrs. Sara won the first flight. The second flight was won by Mrs. H. W. Datrâ€" ling. There were thirteen ladies taking part in the event. A Grand Euchre, under the ausâ€" pices of the Ladies of Charity, will be held in the Parish Hall on Thursâ€" day (tomorrow) evening, July Refreshments will ‘be served. Gards at 8 p.m. The Ladies of J MMAtÂ¥ have a wellâ€"merited reputatto* presenting successful and enjoywble events of this kind and a pleasant evening may confidently ibe expected tomorrow (Thursday) might. Box 70. WHETHER GOING TO THE QOLD COUNTRY or when sending for friends. Boolk in your District. All information as to Fares, Sarlings, Passports, gladly Furnished. Small _ deposit _ reserves Berth., ANY LILNE ANY SAILING Open Evenings 7 to 8 J. K. MOORE STEAMSHIP PASSENGER AGENT Timmins â€" Iroquois Falls The Curtis Optical Co. Pastor: M. R. Hall, dGation Gordon H. Gauthier â€" Frank J. Kehoe exalmne 1. milk _ â€"_ _ _â€"_â€" _ in |" y ThE Pusuic EYE lenses i1 YOu refit you as e following the Experienced that a person Complete modern equipment inâ€" cluding motor hearse. VeaI Barristers, â€" Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Corner Third Ave. and Maple St TIMMINS, ONT. id visa blk N OPxXE Sunday services 11 a.m. Visitors alwavys welcom LA W OFFICE W. G. BOWLES, B.A. South Porcupine â€" Ont. Night and Day Phone 1423 CAN ind Township Building a 1 xactly as if we were original preseripti08 optometrists ‘s eves should be reâ€" focusin ipt to be betté onece erved. . Gards \ ot !})‘ t“’ eputatio* Kor ind (-::’;nywble d a pleasant Phone 353. i14* cOmrno rv two [ F ) W e T ) .m.

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