.| Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Â¥Rublic; TY First Report every suspected case of comâ€" municable disease to the Medic¢al Ofâ€" ficer of Health. By trying to conceal eases of diphtheria, scarlet fever, etc.. one is endangering the lives of other people,. H. H..-_MOORE, M.D:, # M.O.H. Boxhng will render all water safe for drinking purpeses. BOMRD OF HEALTH * CBUM ; REED: Bx.ecx, TIMMJNS and ~BO0TH PORCUPINE. > i+ .1 * r: 7 ) Boil the Water % at Wo ull md goods cheap $ ~FH $ but pay the best pricses when 3| ; _‘ tm from you If y.fl wt Con ent : to buy anything in Furniture, 0 1 :;Btwu, Beds, Mattresses, Rte., $ $ yon will get good bargains here. 9 ; If yeu want to sell, we‘l treat ®@| M B e!., , t‘v s P.o. B‘°x962 in 4 QUIICL!UH _Ufl. Â¥Y t:u‘u‘cauuy uu.t:ruuuu !60 * o se e | last, to select a candidate to carry the Liberal banner in the coming Proâ€" ies IF you give your home the proper spring toni¢, chances are you won‘t have to take one yourself this seaâ€" son. See that your drains and pipes are in good clean* working order. If not, send for us. You‘ll ï¬nd no draw backs to a plumbing job we do for you. > PERFECT PLUMBING‘S {THE THING â€" Your Cedar St. yon Nathan Greenberg ns In his addressâ€"to the Convention Mr. Mac Lang condemned the Governâ€" ment for its land settléement and timâ€" ber policies, if any, and for various other sins ofâ€"commission and omisâ€" sion. He thought also that the terâ€" ritory répresented by Cochrane Ridâ€" Aing should have two members in the "Dr. MelInnis, in a brief speech, said that at the present electmn he would not be a candidate, burt perhaps at some future time hemight be able to serve the party and the country in suckh a capacity. He expressed his thanks for the nomination, but would withdraw. , Dr. Melnnis â€"pointed out that while the U.F.O. Governmsut had pel'hdps done its best so far as its exâ€" perience and ability allowed, he did not think that elass government was the rrxght kind or practwal in a deâ€" mocratw country like this. In a brief but effective response; Dr. Gagznon also signified his desise withdfaw his name. After the election of the officers, the Convention â€" proceeded with the noâ€" mination of Five names were 'pro'p'osed, these being :â€"Mac Lang, M.P.P.; E. Montfort, now of Ansonville, but formerly of Cobalt; J. N. Tremblay, of Fauquiesr, Ont.; Dr. Gagnon, of Cochrane~and Dr. J,. A. Melnnis, of Timmains. Legislature â€" a e blamed the Goâ€" vernment an he party for the fallur’e to pass a Redistribuâ€" tion measure. Mr. Lang made rno mgnâ€" tion of his transferrmv his seat away from the Liberal section ofâ€"the > last year, nor wvere any questions askâ€" ed him in this regard. Acco: dingly it may be taken for granted that the Convention had no objection, and that Lirberals in this riding agree with Mac Lang rather tlian with Wellington Hay, the Liberal leader in the Legislaâ€" ture. Mr. Montfort devoted the greater part of his address to an nnpaasmned appeal agamqt Regulation A7. Mr. Montfort thought this regulation fa: natical and unfair, and wanted it takâ€" en off the statute books. He said that the Frenchâ€"speaking people represent 65 per cent, of the people of the ridâ€" ing, and he thought the member fory the rldmo accordmgl; should be one Third Vlce-Pxesxdent-â€"L A,. Lillico, Kirkland Lake. / / Mr. Tremblay© made a striking imâ€" pression, on the conventiun. ‘liis eloâ€" gquent addrass being a feature of, the day. He made an earnest plea for unity among all Canadians. <L>t us all be Canadlanq first, last and all the time,‘‘ he urged. Ii‘e also showed 3 remarka)le grasp of . the needs and posstbilities of the North Band having facts and figures at his command in striking array. Mr. Tremblay withâ€" drew his name before theevoting took place, the délegates eventually select- ing :the present mem’ber, Mr. Mac Lang, by 161 votes as against 56\cast for Mr Montfort,;â€"the other nominee ding to test feeling of the Convenâ€" * e / £ Second . Viceâ€"Presidentâ€"Dr. ‘J. A McInnis, Timmins. ~Secretaryâ€"Treasurerâ€"W. G. Bowles South Porcupine. : C,. V. Gallagher, of South Porcupine, presided, and anthusiasm and interest were very endent all through the gathering. 4 * * The followmo' officers were e]ectecl for the ensmng.term for the Cochrane istrict L)beral Association :â€" ~Presidentâ€"C. V. Gpllagher, South a* Porcupine, â€" T / _ Viceâ€"Presidentâ€"Dr. L. Gagnon, Coâ€" chrane. The convention of the Liberal Party Cochrane Riding, held at Porquis Junction on . Wednesday ; afternoon last, to select a candidate to carry the Tremblay n on the address ‘be y made a striking imâ€" e conventiun,. ‘lis eloâ€" being a feature of, the e ‘an earnest pleu for > of, the lea ~for Lt us Pa.yl highest prices for gaeondhand ferniture. Sells new and secondâ€"hand Furniture at cheap prices. Pleasure Ice Cream Parlour Bere\you will find anything you wigh ce Orea.m, Soft Drinks, Candies, iits, Wines,. Tobaccos, Cigars, Cigar ettea Btationery, Novelties, Jewelry, Btc. Miss Gladys Hughes, Timmins, Ont is the latest enrollment in the Stenoâ€" graphic Dept., of the Timmins Busiâ€" ness College\ e 222 2 6P / The Students and Graduates of the College are. at present forming an Athletlc Club, cwhich when fully orâ€" garized and on foot, willâ€" be a very inâ€" teresting and ewlusï¬"é organization, one of the interesting features will be the Mub Dance to be held monthly for the business ‘people and cummerclal- ites of the town. x$3 ‘The College would ask that any Bookkeepers and Stenographers, male 'ox female, who are at present seeking a ‘position,. would kindly call to the College Office, as at present we have more demand for office employees than we can supply. } 33 . â€" H. CHARLEBOIS, | Phone 347. â€". 30 Cedar St., Timmins. \_Mr. ‘John Walton, a o'radute of the Timmins Business (‘ollege, last week accepted a position ‘on the Domlmon Bank Staff. Meets every Thursday in the month in the Oddfellows‘ Hall, Third ‘Ave. <Visiting Brothers and Slsters always welcome! * Minnie Shephard, Sara Thomas, | N.G. Rec. See. Fire Wood in any 1engros to suit, Erou‘14 inches to wood in log. Dry and green Jackpine; Prices very reaâ€" songble. Order your wood now be- fore the rush. s s f Ceme to P.\[Antoine‘s Extensive work is understood to be likely to ‘be ‘commanced. soon on the Rypan property‘ m Deloro Township. At present there is noteworthy activ ity in Delmo nd the promlalng proâ€" perties there are being given a chance to"come into their own. The Rypan Mines offer at present an issue of shares for the purpose of sinking a shaft. Workâ€" on the Rypan is Sald to have indicated good values of ore and exploration work has suggested a proâ€" perty of promise. Recently the Rypan purchased some additional claims near their property and these also will be opened up. . We miglhit again announce for the benefit of the public that there will be no summer vacations at the College, Students enrolling now may prepare for the Fall positions. Timmins Gold Nugget Rebekah Lodge, No 173 Out.‘* _ We consider ouz graduates 100% more efficient than the O'radu- ates of any othg college fwm Timâ€" mins to the City of Toronts. / q Call and see us, telephone or write for full particulars, Timmins Business College. â€" E. M. Terry, xSup iPrm l‘lmmms, Ont. WEDNESD‘A Y Bulletin +~In considering your enrollment at -the Timmins Busmesb College, Timâ€" mm;, Ont., you are considering enrollâ€" ingâ€"in a City Business College, this collewe classes itself with that of the ‘‘SHÂ¥w Business Colleges, Toronto, WORK LIKELYATOG START ". SOON ON RYPAN IN DELORO BUYS AND SELLS FURNITURE 39 FOURTH AVENUE OPPOSITE FIRE HAL] FOR SALBE