mum: anunvr aims ‘ 13 5mm mans (Continued from we 1) _ only. '. Mr. 1Di'ury retorted that it was better propaganda than put out by the other parties, reference then being made to the S'hevlin-Clark deal. “This roused Min J. P. Bartleman who ask- ed the Premier to give the facts in the Backus case. The Premier; invited Mr... Bnrtlema-n to give. the facts, and Mr. Bartleman started to do so_ from his Darleufluuu bun bcu uu uu m, new... -___‘ reading of the evidence in’the TeleJ gram-3Backus suit and’the" hther in- quiries... Mr. Bartleman claimed that the Government ‘had not given oomâ€" petitors time to cruise the limits be- fore the tenders were closed. Conse- quently, although there were three or four bids, they were all warmers “of l Backus; as came out in direct evidence l given by supporters of the Govern-i 'ment at the time of the Telegram suit. “You did not give anyone time to icrui'se the limits,â€. said "3117 Bartle- man,_“and you gave the \V'hite Dog Rapids to Backus and if anyone else had obtained the limits they could not ï¬lavge gotten water power.’?‘ The Pre- mier insisted that there had‘.been time enough to cruise the limits, three annonflhsibeing allowed, and Hon. 'Mr. Fergusoli had put limits up fer sale on '16 to 20 days’ notice'iii 191-1. â€Mr..- Bartleman persisted in his claim that there'had not ‘been time enough for cruising, and: ‘h'e'disputed the Pre- mier’s statement that Mr. éAnson 'liad , Subscription, Rates: mm - $200 year Hunted States .- 8300â€Â». Telephones; ’ ONTARIO Residues! mixed the hunts. aha Mariam V ' M iii, 66mm:- .we‘nld‘vhav’e bdéh 9ii‘hin its leg'd righis', if itm‘ad sold the hmits Without public competltion The Piemier then turn- ed again to the insurance plan. He said an arrangement had been made with the London Guarantee Acci- dent Company of London, England, which had agreed to accept it in ac- cordance with the farm loan ereditg, but even those farmers who do not come under the farm loan credits Will be able to secure the new rate of in- surance he said. The Premier dealt at length on what the Government 'had done for the North, citing $3,700,000 for Northern Ohtario Development, ($1, 000,000 on eolonization, and $1, 400, 000 on proteé- tion of forests and reforestration. With these ï¬gures he also managed to work in uncomplimentary references to Hon. Mr. Eerguson and the Con- servative Government generally. ‘ The Premier did 'not touch on the O.‘T.A., nor did he deal in any way With the mining industry,â€"1’~though these two questions are probably the ones of most vital interest to the pn- this district. Mr. John Vanier,’ Labour Party can- didate for this riding, Was the only other speaker for the evening, and on 1 account of the lateness of the hour he made his address a brief one. Mr:- Vanier asserted his freedom td sup- port a Government that not only was favourable to the Nertih Land but up- held the policies for which he stood. “I will support you,†he said to Mr. Drury “only if you accept the policies for which I stand.’ The Premier nodded his head. Mr. Vanier made‘ it clear that 'he was a straight Labour and North Land candidate, and not" pledged to support any pal ty or Gov- eminent in particular, but free to give his suppmt to any Government that was onking for the North and for La bour. Agliculture, mining and lum-' heiing \vie1e the three great industries of this country, Mi. Vanier pointed iout, and he had a deï¬nite policy and platform for the advancement and isafegua1ding of these 1ndust11es One of M1.Va11ier s suggestions was that the the rangers be employed all the year 1011nd.To get to this meeting Mr: Vanier ihad to walk eight miles to get his main, and he had consequently rgpno without flood from morning um after tho meeting It is his intention to hold a public meeting in Timrnins at an- early date to fully discuss the problems of the North Land and to explain the planks of his programme. PUTTING THE CAPTURE W ROGERS “ON THE HOG†- ( . . C A yarn Wes eround town last week to the‘ effect that Rogers, the North Bay bandit, had been captured Wed- nesday night. “He Was caught in a pig pen,†the smant lad would. say. “Howe-id they eome to locate him,†the innocent 'by-stander Would ask. “Oh, the pig squealed on ‘him,’ ’ was theéreplyC) _ GETTING THINGS TWISTED MGARDING HAIIEYBURY Newspa-pers‘insidfe and outside the North Land have been doing their best to “boost ’ ’IHa-ileybury, and so help in some measure in aiding? that town to recover from the disastrous! ï¬re of 1922. Juét how the outside newspa- pers have gone far astray in this good work is indicated by the following paragraph in the last issue of The ‘Haileybarian :-â€" ' ‘5 It was brought to our attention '3 this week that Haileyburyis being. boosted as a workman ’s paradise in points as far away asNova .Scotia. We have been told that several work-. men from the Maritime Provinces ar- rived here recently 1n search of 110111. having read in their home papers that there were four thousand men requir- ed immediately for the rebuilding of Haileybury.‘ This seems rathe1 £111 fetehed, as the population of the to11n 1vas only about 3,500 at the time of the ï¬re, and people in other provinces should be able to asceItain this fact befme coming. EVeryon‘e in Hailey- buly wants to see the town g10w,b11t there is a limit to the accommodation at present, and the flOodi-ng of the town w'th unemployed workmen 11ill 11othelp\fh1ncrs along Howeve1,t}1e1e is usually a demand for men in the ;dist1ict, and perhaps the boosting we Eare getting in othe1 provinces 11ill {eventually :do good 1n a general 11 a) Navigation opened. on Lake Temis- kaming on May 22nd. 1' 2’. ‘ ' ' v.. TOW'LBAGUB rmm. j 30mm ron mm m The fdbwing is the schedule for the ï¬rst ‘half of the Town Football League. The ï¬rst~named “team in each case is the home team. All games to‘ start at 6. 30 p.111. sharp. All players taking part in these games are Special- ly requested to he on time, so that matches may start promptly. ‘ Tuesday, May 29â€".me11 vs Hollinger. 1 Tuesday, June 5â€"Hollinger vs Town. 1 Tuesday, June 12-4-Town vs Hollinger. Tuesday, June 19â€"Hollinger v’s Town. Tuesday, June 26â€"Town vs Hollinger. Tuesday, July 3â€"Horliinger vs Town. BSDAPBD PRISONER MAY BE TERMBD â€PRBVALBNT†The dictionaiy deï¬nes “prevalent†‘ s‘predominaut; most generally , re- cei’ved or cuirent; extensively exist- ing †That seemed to just about ï¬t Leo Rogers, the young fellow who es-' caped from custody at {North Bay and shot two police officers, causing the death of one. ' Last week Rogers was “predominant†in the press and in the convelsation of the people. J uda- ing' by the 1ep01ts current he was also peculiarly “generally received or cur-~ rent, †apparently being dozens of places all at the one time. That he was . " most :“ extensively existing†would ’seem to be .pro-ven-flay the fact that he was reported as existing at the Same moment at points hundreds of miles apart. One issue of a Toronto newspaper reported the 'arrest of 1R0- ger‘s at North Bay, Ottaw a, Mad'au as- ka, Aurora, Toronto and Corbeil. In each case, howeve1, the arrested man prov ed to be other than the man want- ed.. So Rogers not only proved 'himâ€" self “prevalent,†but most “elusive†as well. Any information regarding the pref- sent whereabouts of MLFred-Bedard, whd left Tim-rains 'on or a'bout May 6th. jWiL-Lbe greatly “‘appgecia‘ted 4by his Wife. Mrs. FRED BEDARD, . " Timmins, Ont. NOTICE ROOM AND BOARD in private fam- ily. Applyâ€"Phone 223LX. 21- FOR RENT OR FOR SALEâ€"a two- : storey, eight- room f me dwel'ling i in Poi cupine. Apply alph Dipaolo, i Smith Porcupine, Ont; 22 CRADLE FOR. SALE, in good ootidi- tion. Apply to 51 Céedar St. ‘ \le FOR SALEâ€"Piano cased organ, in perfect condition. Apply 6 Laurier Avenue, Timmins. _ 21p WANTEDâ€"Maid- for general housei work. Highest wages. Apply Mrs , D. E. Keeley, Schumaeher: Fh‘om FOR SALEâ€"Universal Electric "Pea- nut Roaster, complete, with'motor. Bargain for cash. Apply Gamble- LR-obinson, Timmins, Ltd. 21-23p Apply «between 7 and 8 pm. Room 11', Third FloOr, Reed 'Block. 221) FARM AND GREENHOUSE FOR SALE, owing to ill-health of owner. No reasonable offer lefused. Apply to A. C. White, Hoyle, Ont. 22 HOUSE FOR SALEâ€"cement plaster _ 5 outside; 5 rooms; cellar; furnace; water, toilet, :etc. Apply oxi the pre- mises, 46 Balsam street. ° 22-28p FOR SALEâ€"One chiï¬o'retté, walnut; WOMAN WAN TED to do house clean ing. Apply Mrs. D. Ostlosser, 11 Hemlock street. 1 " ' 9 .21) â€LOB. SALEâ€"'Jl‘wo teams Of ' horses. ' Will 'be sold c’he‘aâ€"p for cash. One 1 team weighs about 2800 and the othel 3000. Apply to W. I}. Guin- don, 17 Main A-ve., Maftagami. BEST OF BOARD AND ROOMS; all conveniences. ‘ Apply 55 Fifth Ave. Timmin-s. ’ 22p HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR -SALB~-very cheap. Apply ._to Mrs. G. Gard, corner 'Elm and†Kirby streets. -â€"22 FURNISHED ROOMS To," RENT; ROOMS T0 RENT, well fumished; toilet; phoiie, etc. Apply to 11 Biro-h street. Phone 429. 2233p WILL THE PERSON who found par- cel belonging to Geo. White, kindly forward same to I10quois Falls, Ont. Renard, * -. .22 LOSTâ€"Watch" and chain, with image ‘ of Cornish Ass-oei'ation, Transvaal, 1914, attached. Finder please re- turn to Advance ofï¬ce. $6 Reward. PLOWBRS for SALEâ€"Yellow Glow. From %c. Loto 50c. per root. Guat- anteed not to :‘fieeze. Applyt 0 Joe Voychoski, opposite Fire Hall Mu- neta, 0; Post Oï¬ic’e Box 515, Tim- Iii“ your mum home, YOU and I in ONlu awning, “ill build a raBio set with a 1000 mile range. The whole thing will not cost $60. 00. No music-410 pay.- Cmeney s the Man, P. O. Box . 1157, Timmins. 20H? FURNISHED. ROOMS TO RENT, by day. Or week. All modern conveni- ences. Restaurant in connection. 'Hotel‘ Canada, 27 Spruce‘ St. (near _ '1. N. 0. Station) Timmins, Ont. “ ' 9 t.f. "FOR. RENTâ€"$75.00 a month; Fur- nished House; all modern conveni- ' ences; 6 rooms and bathroom; gbod deep cellar, and side drive. Apply 6 Maple street, . 22p LOSTâ€"Taken from McIntyre Recre- ' ation Hall, Victoria Day Dance, May 24nh,â€"â€"one fawn raincoat, cap and pair of suede gloves. Will party who took them kindly return to Geo. C. Murphy, Box 31, Schumacher. FOR SALEâ€"â€1900 Cataract Electric Washing Machine, fully equipped; used only a year; just as good as new. Will" be sold for quick sale, at $95.00. ,rA reai bargain. Apply . tad, W. Read, Read Black, Tim- M61. one suitable for light housekeeping. Upstairs over Bowie Be1ini’ s Tai- lor Shop. 22p " 20-22p 22-231) GIRL WANTED for general house- work. Apply 93 Spruce St. 21p BOOK-KEEPER. WANTED. Apply to P..0 Box 4, Schumache.. 20 GIRL WANTED TO ASSIST- WIT-H GENERAL HOUSE-“WORK in small BABY 0mm}: non SALE: ’1†good condition, reasonable. Apply ‘ 64 Sixth Avenue. 21 FURNISHED ROOMS TO RBNTâ€"~ (Suitable for two. Back from 'th Rink. Apply 20 Maple stx‘eet. 21p GIRL WANTEE for general househ- work. Apply to Mrs. A. Dorfman, 'Schumacher. {Phone 31M 19â€"211. LOSTâ€"{Bunch of keys. Finder please return at once to C. Ma1tino Spruce st1 eet Timmins. . 21 PHONOGRAPH FOR ' SALEâ€"r71 Ree NURSING by the day or week. Spe k: both English and French, App y' LOSTâ€"Collie Dog, license 576.120. Finde1 please notify P..O Box '14,. Timmiris. It not returned the ï¬nd:- er will be piosecuted. 20-2.. 92p STBNOGRAPHER ,WANTBD 1a t; once; steady employment. Apply Canadian “General: Electric: (‘30., . South Porcupine. 1 ..- 2.1-:â€" GET YOUR FURNITURE REPAIR- APARTMENTS 'ro RBN'hâ€"Upctairs, 14 Cedai street; will rent either four looms with bath, or the whole i eight rooms together.‘ Apply H.’ Kideekel, 14 Cedar street. ' 21-221) FOR SALEâ€"~A tVVentV- -six foot motor boat “ith tVVentV horse power en~ gine for sale cheap. Wxite P 0.’ Box 128, South Porcupine Ont, or call phqne 56, South Porcupine. CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE-eâ€"‘Ced'ar FOR SALEâ€"A w’hite Collie, female, “Mollie,†took pii4e in Montreal, and 11 as 1egistered in the Canadian National Live Stock Kennel. Wii 11 sell for $30.00. 1 Apply Teddy Hun, Porcï¬pine P.O., (Golden City). 20 ED and Re-upliolstered at the Nor- ' them Upholste‘ring Coï¬pany, 71/3 Spruce street. Box 72, 'Timmins. HUNDREDS of people want tb' 'buy what \ou have to 3911.! Nothing ever would be sold ,â€"â€"if goods were nex er shown. Le 'meOshow them. Auctionr sales conducted anywhere. Cave» : ney ’s the \Ian. Box 1157, Timmins. ' 20st? ‘ FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT; hot and cold water, baths, tqilet's, etc}, and- all othex conveniences. Centrally‘ located, clean, (omfort-a able; and well-equipped. Also can supply Board “ ith room. Apply G. L. Chenier, (i4 Balsam St... ' ‘ r03 SALETPOULTRY'AND mes F O 'R S A L Eâ€"Pédigreed Barred Rocks and White Wyanddttes. .- Also White Leghorns and Black' Lang- shans. All imported: stock, Match Trios and Pené. For prices, write, phone or call FOR SALE-Fine 7-r00m house for sale. Good quality; very clamy; Georgia pine, oil and varnished-all through; two round post coloxiades; _w~itho panel base; decorated all“ through, best of paper; furnace; éver-flowing water; large 'double windows; also, two leaded stained glass Windows; heavy glass in frmt. door full size of door; collar and go- rage~both cement floors. To sell at $3300. To rent at $60 monthly, with bestiuof quarter cut oak furniture. 15t.f. family. _ Apply-Phone 112. cords. Apply 25 Borden Avenue, Hollingermowmite. ~ 21;} Mrs; Thurs. DemersflVIattagami Post: Ofï¬ce‘. 21-231) fence' posts, posts for foundations ï¬nd buildings, .21qu sizes andjlengfï¬is- Apply 't-o "1". Hardy, 48 Elm†Street. Phone 317. ‘~ ' 19t.f. Joys-for sale 45. x 133,. 99250. Apply. yy «letter to R. Waite, Timmins. PRAN K LITT LB. Connaught Station, out. â€"â€"19tf' 21-2" a l)