5 * u. ° WNEAR THE POST OQFFICE â€" PINE ST. TIMMINS Also at New Drug Store in Moneta ELS OF REAL PICTURE iss Men who Shave Themseives will 7MAE the Necessury" Come in and let us fit â€" you out . | t n â€" y se Ts D DA c um s /0 Mtprian is y Mornmg at 10 o clock ADMISSION MATINEES Adulits 45¢. â€" . _ Ohildren 20c. Hexdcl CE moderately priced here Curtis Co.‘s Stand Near Post Office ~The next regular meeting of the Town Council is scheduled tor Monâ€" day, May A treat for music lovers at the Rink on Thursday, June 1l4th,. . Mr. R. O. Morley, of Detroit, was a vxsxtor to the Camp last week. _A campaign is being made ‘by the Red Cross Society of Ontario to seâ€" cure funds for the relief of Cochrane people who were so seriously injured by the typhoid epidemic in that town. . Announcement is made that Mr. J. M. Greer, barrister, of Cochrane, ‘has been appointed Crown Attorney and Clerk of the Peace for the Provincial Judicial District of Cochrane, All roads lead to the Rink on June 14th0 Announcement is made of the marâ€" riage of Miss Jean Beattie formerly of Dublin, Ireland, and Mr. Fredurick Corkill, formeriy of the Isle of Man, on Monday, April 30th, at the Presâ€" byterian Church, Timmins, Ontario. Monday evening the police had 26 cases lined up for this week‘s court, and they were still going strong. Many of the cases are for breach of the trafâ€" fic regulations, it being the intention of Chief Greer and his men to see that the traffic rules and regulations are carefully observed in the interests and safety of the general public. Mr. Brownlee of the Toronto Teleâ€" gram staff is spending a week in Timâ€" mins and district in the interests of that newspaper. It is the purpose of The Telegram to ‘present the facts about this town and district to the people of the south so that a more inâ€" telligent and accurate idea may be enteértained of thig camp, its prospects possibilities and progress. To which purpose, all here will say, ‘* More power to your elbow!*‘‘ Boost you Male Chorus and you‘re ‘boosting your Town! Don‘t forget the Rink, Thursday, June 14th. Cleanâ€"Up Week in Timmins last week was falrly well observed, a large percentage of the houaeholders and others observing the occasion by clearâ€" inz and cleaning up of premises. There arge, however, a number who did not follow the good example of others, and whose premises are not perfect from the sanitary and fire risk viewpoints. ‘These folks should get busy at onece and clean up: their premises, before they are required to talk to Mavistrate Atkinson. ferent, at =the Rink, Thursday, June l4th. _ Mrs. M. Carr and daughter, Miss Tessie Cmr, of Ottawa, are visiting the former‘s daughters, Mrs. Rogers, ‘Mrs. J. D. MacLean and Mrs. L. S. Newton, and other relatives and Rriends in town, â€" . . . in Mr. R. S. Catheart, of Kitchenar, was a Timmins visitor thls week. The Lirberal Party Convention for this riding is scheduled to be held at Porquis Juhction next Wednesday. Miss Myrtle Gauthier, of Iroquois Falls, spent the weekâ€"end the guest of friends in Timimins. Mr., W. Dunsmuir, who has been a resident of Timmins for a couple of years past, left this week for a three months‘ visit to his old home in Scotâ€" land. A Grand Bazaar will be given by the Daughters of Esrael at the Hebrew Synagogue, Cedar street, on Thursday May 3lst, afternoon and night, with the invitation out to everybod) to atâ€" tend, and all welcome. ' In the last issue of the Ontario Gazette His Honor Jean Baptiste Thomas Caron, Judge of the new Judiâ€" cial Distfrict‘ of â€"Cochrane, was gazetâ€" ed to ‘be Surrogate Judge in and for the said Dlstmct At a meeting last week Sudbury Town Council reversed its decision not to increase the police foree of that town, Authority was given for addâ€" ing two more men, brmo'mo' the total force up to nine." The Sudbury Chief of Police had complained that moral conditions‘ were very bad in the Town and that two extra men were required to enable the place to be cleaned up. SPECIAL MEETING OF LADY MEMBERS OF GOLF CLUB. A meeting of the Lady Members of the Timmins Golf ‘Club will be held in the Club House on Saturday, May 19th, at three o‘clock in the afterâ€" noon, to transact the following busiâ€" ness :â€"â€" y (a) To elect Committees of three members each to coâ€"operate with the House Committee, the Greens Comâ€" mittee and the Entertammeut Comâ€" mittee. : Something good and something difâ€" FRENCH and DANISH PASTRY WEDDING CAKES and TARTS, 11 a.m.â€"‘‘Mending Their Nets.‘‘ T pmâ€"-“A Drama of Life in 3 Acts." Monday, 8 p.m.â€"‘‘Young People‘s FRENCH ICE C ‘CHKARLOTTE: RUBSB WEHAVE THEM All orders promptly attended to. _ _ Meeting.‘‘ Wednesday, 8 p.m.â€" f â€" Bible Study. Pastor: M. R. Hall, â€". Phone 953. Birch street, behind Frank iByok 8 _ Grocery y 6 Tickets for a Dollar. 12 Pints for a Dollar. _ _ Clean Stables, Clean Cows, Handling, Clean Milk. 12 WATCH FOR THE BLAOK HORSE AND THE RED RIG.. Mattagami W. GBOWLES, B}A.’ South Porcupine â€" Ont. St. Regis Bakeries Township Building ‘*Prayer and . Ontario