hud f 1 4 $50.00â€"Canadian Atlas Crucible Steel Co., Ltd., Welland, Ont. $25.00 eachâ€"Gordon H. Gauthier, Harry W. Darling, Northern Canada Power Co., Marshallâ€"Eccelestone Ltd., D. W. «O Double Diamond Lumber Co., CGHeo. Taylor Hardware Co., John Hamilton, The Stewart Co., Todd‘s Drug Stores Ltd., E. J. Meyers Homer L. Gibson Co., Consolidated West Dome Lake Mines Ltd., Dome Mines Company Ltd., R. J. Shannon Lumber Co. Ltd., Melntyre Poreupine Mines Ltd., Paymaster Gold Minss Ltd., Canadian Gold Mines Corporaâ€" tion, F. M. Burke. $20.00â€"Kerr Lake Mines (Goldale). $15.00â€"King Edward Cafe, Sulliâ€" van Newton, Ryan Murray Drug Co. Ltd., Gray‘s Drug Store, F. W. Woolâ€" worth Co. Ltd., John Fogg. $10.00â€"J. J. St. Paul, G. F. Mitâ€" ehell, Dr. A. 8. Porter, Ryvan and Murâ€" As suggested in last weex‘s Adâ€" vance, Chief Borland and Mr. H. W. Darling are to ‘be congratulated and eommended on the success met with this year insy collecting donations, prizes, etc., for the annual Poreupine Dog Race and Carnival. The followâ€" ing is the list of cash subscriptions seâ€" cured :â€" Over $1100 Collected in Cash, as Well «As Valuable Prizes and Other Generous Assistance. UONATIONS T0 PORCUPMNE DOG RAGE AND CARNIVAL 9 Second Avenue â€" Opposite Ball Grounds TIMMINS ts ONTt. The International Plating Works Brass Bedsteads : 1 1J i 1 i RRVBC s 5) BF .~82E3L2.2 > Anprew Wirson se e â€" 437 5 Can be renewed, for a small sum. We will make your old Brass Bed as it was when it first left the factory and in some cases better, We can save you a lot of money with our service. Just come over to No. 9 Second Avenue and see what we do for other folks, you will get an idea, to your advantage. We collect and deliver, free of charge and guarantee our work. Company, the Melntyre Porcupine, Paymaster Mines, Canadian Go1 d Mines Corporation and others. In seâ€" curing the subscriptions from outside Mr. Vincent Woodbury proved a very Aseful ally. From Vancouver, British chon, H. A. iProctor, Uhas,. Pierce Sons Ltd., Poreupine Advance, T. F. King, Rex. ‘Parlours, W. Dalzell, A. Brazeau, Timmins Grocery Meat Store, A. Gagne, Goldale Cafe, Rev. C. Theriault, F. Byck, D. Sutherland, J. E. Garrett, Dayton Ostrosser, Billie Browne, D. B. Curtis, Prince of W ales Hotel, Hotel Goldfields, L. E. Dorway, L. Halperin, J. Dalton, Warren pherson, G. adian Expl tor Sales C Berini, Dr. points. he Canadian Atllas Urucibile Steel Co., Welland, Ont., sent a cheque for $50.00. Homer L. Gibson Co., of Toronto, sent $25.00. There were noteworthy contributions from the Kerr Lake Mines, the Consolidated West Dome Lake, the Dome Mines Company, the Melntyre Poreupine, L. Halperin, J. Dalton, Warren Finlay Ltd., P. Dougall, Rinn Bros. $5.00â€"Frank J. Kehoe, Geo. Laâ€" porte, J.M. Beland, 8. A. Caldbick, R. R. Wilson, W. Langdon, W. S. Maecâ€" pherson, G. 0. Davis, E. Stafford, Canâ€" adian Explosives Ltd., Northland Moâ€" tor Sales Co., Queen‘s Hotel, Bowie Berini, Dr. J. B. Aiken, Â¥. G. Carson, J. P. Taillon, Paris Cafe, Canadian Club Cafe, Shankman Bros., N. Blaâ€" hey, B. D. Kelly, W. C. Mitchell, Alex Stirling. $2.00â€"A. F. Carriere, Kwong Lang, J. K. Moore, H. Willings, Wan W ing. Special note may ‘hbe made of the generous contributions from outside npoints. The Canadian Atlas Crucible ray, Northern Empire Theatres Ltd., Simms, Hooker and Drew, J. P. Barâ€" tleman, Gambleâ€"Robinson of North Bay Ltd., Kingston Hotel, J. H. Roâ€" chon, H. A. Proctor, Chas. Pierce The sunfish plays in the water, The starfish rests in the sand, The flying fish uses the atmosphere And the poor fish walk on land. concelling of No. 54, and the fact that the Toronto train was running an hour and a half late, or practically on the regular time of the cancelled train stops would be made for passengers at the smaller station. But nothing so good occurred. Instead, No. 47 sailed by the little stations under its own steam and as proudly as if it were on time. ‘The waiting passengers had to keep on waiting for five hours untii the late night train came along ana stopped to take them on. The fact that in most eases they had no place to wait but in the little station, and that in nearly every case the stations were without fire or other. comforts, did not add anything to the good temâ€" per of the passengers who had thus been stranded for five hours. ‘‘Why couldn‘t No. 47 stop for once for the convenience of the people?"‘ was a question frequently and angrily askâ€" ed. ‘‘‘Why couldn‘t a little intelâ€" ligence be used in such a matter?" was another question no artist could paint. (u reguilar service stopping at thes er points. The Toronto train i duled to stop only at Connaug ween Porquis and South End, was thought that surely in view concellinge of No. 34, and the fa One day last week passengers at the smaller stations along the Poreupine branch of the T. N. O. had a trying and uncomfortable time that couu ‘rasily have been avoided ‘by intelâ€" ligent thought and action on the part of the head guys looking after the train service. The train known as No. 54 which conneets with the Westâ€" bound National was cancelled at Porâ€" quis Junetion on account of wrecks WHERE A LITTLE HEADWORK WOULD HAVE HELPED MUCH Columbia, he seeured a $25.00 ceontriâ€" bution from the R. iP. Shannon Lumâ€" ber Co., and his services were equally helpful in other cases. There was a noteworthy list of prizes donated, as well as goods and labour contributed ‘by individuals and firms to assist in the success of the event. ete., wilile the IAillet mign Co. also con tributed _ generously in supplying streamers, painted signs, etc. The handsome eup donated by Mr. A. H. Coplan, President of the Hull Iron Steel Foundries, Ltd., was much admired ,and appreciated, and added interest to the competition for the freight race. The prizes on display in Halperin‘s window attracted unusual attention before and during the day‘s events. Cup IOr Preigit hace, ‘Dy A. . Lopâ€" lan, President Hull Iron Steel Founâ€" dries Ltd.; Arm Chair, by Rousseau Vaillancourt; Cigars, by C. Martino. Hillâ€"Clarkâ€"Francis made a generous donation in supplying lumber, stard, etc., while the Billet Sign Co. also con tributed _ generously in â€" supplying P( (OT r statl Alexo, ineglyvy we (OT ets with the ° s cancelled at account of w 1¢C along the line, lding, â€"Meintosh Keyson, Hoyle, defrauded of the ns at these small itene THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE 18 SCACâ€" rht betâ€" but 4t v of the and and the [ UNION MEMBERS TAKE NOTICE That in future all meetings of Minâ€" ers‘ Union will be held in old Union Hall, Second Avenue, and that the Oflice of the Secretary will be locatâ€" ed there as well. Office hours will be from 10.30 a.m. until 12.30 p.m., and every evening from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. Day by Day in every way, we are getting bigger and bigger. Regular Meeting every Sunday at 2.30 P.M. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Reed Block, Frank J. Kehoe FOR SALEâ€"Gâ€"roomed house ; plasterâ€" ed throughout; hardwood floors; electric light and conveniences; good barn on property ; full eorner lot. Apply to Mrs. R. J. Vollett, 51 Elm street, corner Third Avenue. Telephone 108. 3â€"0p Here you will find anything you wish in Ice Cream, Soft Drinks, Candies, Fruits, Wines, Tobaccos, Cigars, Cigar ettes Stationery, Novelties, Jewelry, Come to P. Antoine‘s 39 FOURTH AVENUE OPPOSITE FIRE HALL Pleasure Ice Cream Parlour Fire Wood in any rengtns to su, from 14 inches to wood in log. Dry and green Jackpine. Prices very reaâ€" son@ble. Order your wood now beâ€" fore theâ€"rush. ~33 H. CHARLEBOIS, Phone 347. â€" 30 Cedar St., Timmins. Now open for business. Firstâ€"elass rooms, and steam heated All upâ€"toâ€"date convenierces. Reading and Sitting Rooms. Sample Room for Travellers. Best dining room in town. Meals at all hours. IROQUOIS FALLS PARIS HOTEL FOR