TIMMINS FOOTBALL CLUB ORGANIZES FOR S§FAS0N In view of the announcement of the annual meeting of the Northern Ontario Football Association for this week, it was necessary to hold the anâ€" nual meeting of the Timmins Football Sold in Timmins by Frank M. Burke Curtis Drug Co. Ltd. Gray‘s Drug Store E. J. Meyers Sold in South Porcupine by B. H. Pilsworth, Sold in Iroquois Falls by 8. K. Drug Co. Ltd. W. F. B. Cadman Unanimousiy Reâ€"Elected as President. Reâ€" view of Last Season Shows Good Year. 170 RESULTS GUARANTEED At all druggis WALL PAPER will accomplish wonders in the beautifying of the home interior. It enâ€" ables you to alter the whole character of your rooms. For papers of exceptional merit, insist on those bearing the name In this range of quality hangings will be found â€" large selection of papers for the Livâ€" ing Room or Dining Roomâ€"charming patâ€" terns for the Bedroomâ€"cleanâ€"looking effects for the Kitchen and Bath room. _ new Boxer Papers are 214 inches wider than the old type of Wall Paper ; af Brings sure relief from BRONCHITIS MX T U R Club a little earlier this year than usual. Accordingly, the annual meetâ€" ing of the Timmins Club was called for Friday evening last in the Council Chamber, Timmins, the attendance, though not so large as might have been in more favourable weather, still being enthusiastic and representative The Treasurer, Mr. W. Coupar, read a summary of the finances for the past year, this report being very satisfactory, showing a balance of beâ€" tween two and three hundred dollars on hand. _ In the address of the President for last year, Mr. W. F. B. Cadman, reâ€" Master Mabkers o Wall Papers inches ° You will fird the maker‘s name on the er ; afâ€" selvage of every roll. FOR SALE BY fording opportunity for more beautiful deâ€" signs ; giving better appearance because of the fewer seams ; and costing less owing to the greater covering surface. : ference was made to the success of last year in football, a good season‘s sport being enjoyed and one handsome cup being won during the year. The election of officers for the ensuâ€" ing year then took place, all offices being fielled by accelamation, as follâ€" Presidentâ€"W. F. B. Cadman. Honorary Presidentsâ€"Mayor Meâ€" Innis, Mr. A. F. Brigham, Mr. C. G. Williams and Mr. R. J. Ennis. Viceâ€"Presidentsâ€"G,. A. Macdonald and Stanley Johns. Secretaryâ€"Treasurerâ€"W. Field. Executiveâ€"J. Thomas, J. W. Faithâ€" ful, Horace Johns, E. R. Street, Alex. Cadman, F. Pate and H. Hatton. The President and the Secretaryâ€" Treasurer were delegated as the reâ€" presentatives of the Timmins Fceotball Club to the Northern Ontario Football Association. In this connection, a reâ€" solution was passed expressing appreâ€" ciation for the stand taken by Messrs. Cadman and Field last year in protest ing. against attempts made to overâ€" ride the constitution and regulations of the N.O.F.A., and as the representâ€" atives this year they were urged to continue this firm stand, even to the extent of withdrawing from the N.O. F.A. rather than allow the constituâ€" tion and rules of the Association to be overâ€"ridden or spurned. There wassome discussion in regard to the various teams that might the in the Town League this coming season. The general opinion was along the line of *‘the more the merrier.‘‘ One or two teams from the Hollinger, one from the Town, one from the Caledoâ€" nian Society, and one from the Corâ€" nishmen‘s Rociety were mentioned as proba‘bilities. Mr. iStreet said that he understood the Cornishmen had dropâ€" ped the idea of entering a separate team, as many of the players uere some months ago had left the district, and those still here were ready to play on the Town or Mine team. Messrs. G. A. Macdonald, W. F. B. Cadman and H. Hatton were appointâ€" ed as the representatives of the Timâ€" mins Football ~Club for the Voting Committee of the Timmins Amateur Athletie Association, Mr. W. F. B. Cadman to be the Football Cluo‘s 1 câ€" presentative on the T.A.A.A. After references to the good work of the President and other officers during 1922, the splendid services of the players, and the coâ€"operation and interest shown ‘by the members of the Club and the public generally, the THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE IN WHICH ‘THERE IS NEITHER RHYME, REASON NOR SENSE, meeting adjourned to the call of the President, the general feeling and inâ€" tention ‘being to make this season even better than previous ones. Some fellow quite free, from old Ville Marie, by the post last week, in a humorous streak, sent The Advance by luck or by chanee, a clinping quite bright, from ‘*Saturday Night, >A ballad, by gar, kidding “The Stm, albout *‘*+Northland Jake,†and the CGreat Slave Lake,"‘ about. wolves that bite, and eat men on sight, and The Star‘s habit, cool, of playing damphool. 2 s The ballad is long, though a good enough song, but it‘s crowded out here, like chloroformed beer, where the ‘"kick""‘ comes too late, for joy in this state. Suffice it to say, that it holds good toâ€"day, that it needs no ! wolt"" story, or fake yarn so hoary, the show w hen newspapers, want to cut up the capers and act Jeffâ€"andâ€"Mutty, to prove they are nutty. All they need for the time, is to seribble fool rhyme, which kids none but the silly, like the Star‘s Billy. TEMISKAMING MAY HAVE TWO DOMINION MEMBERS. It is understood that plans are unâ€" der consideration at Ottawa to divide the Dominion Riding of Temiskaming into two electoral districts, each of them to return a member. In 1911 the census gave Temiskaming a popuâ€" lation of 37,380, and it is estimated that it is easily double that population at the present time. The 1921 census gave the riding a population of 51,â€" 569. It is likely that Temiskaming will have two members after redisâ€" tribution. ‘There is a possibility that part of some other adjacent electoral district may be added to one or other of the two new divisions in adjusting the matter. At any rate it is certaimâ€" ly beyond question that as big a Disâ€" trict as Temiskaming, with so large an area and so large and growing a popâ€" ulation, should be more adequately reâ€" presented in the Dominion House of Commons. At present the one memâ€" ber for Temiskaming in the Dominion House is Mr. Angus MeDonald, (Long Angus), Labour member. SHOWING REAL SYVMPATHY WITH INJURED HOCKEYIST Not only did the concert referred to net a neat sum, but The Speaker also points out that it was a very pleasing and enjoyable event. ‘The arâ€" tists on the programme, who gave their services free, put up a nice enâ€" tertainment and those in attendance were well pleased. Other concerts of the same kind, for the same purâ€" pose, are planned for the near future. In writing from The Pas, Manitoba, to renew his subscription to The Adâ€" vance, Mr. Gordon C. Murray, one of the pionéers of the North Land, says: ‘""‘I greatly appreciate your paper. Kindest regards to all the boys. Best wishes for a happy and prosperous uew vear, 1923."" All who know TOr A u1@Ww yeatr, 192 Gordon will he: good wishes. i v WE HAVE A FEW "Durant Motors of Canada, Ltd.,"" selling in units of three (3) for the sum of fortyâ€"five dollars ($45.00). Three shares of it are interchangeable in t o one share of Durant Incorporated, Paâ€" rent Company, on August 1, 1924, to 1926.. The market on March 3, 1923 in Duranunt Incorporated, Paâ€" rent Company, is about $70.00. There is a considerable saving in buving these units of $45.00. Full information gladly given. The Timmins Investment Realty Co., Voters‘ List, 1922, Municipality of the Township of Calvert, District of Cochrane. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the perâ€" sons mentioned in section 9 of The Ontario Voters‘ Lists Act, the copies required: by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the List, made pursuant to said Act, of all perâ€" sons appearing the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipaâ€" lity to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at elections for memibers of the Legislative ‘Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and that the said List was first posted up at my office at Ansonville, on the 9th day of March, 1923, and remains there for inspecâ€" tion. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected acâ€" cording to law. ) Dated this 9th day of March, 1923. 6. MONTFEORT, Timmins Cornish Association organized on been holding Sunday viz. No It is tives of the county of Cornwali, (Eng). or their descendants, minimum age 16 years. The objects of this society, are to reâ€" new old acquaintances, form new ones with those who hold a common interâ€" est, and are bound by mutual ties; to perpetuate the traditions, diterature folkâ€"lore, etce., of Cornwall, to foster the study of these locally, and of the country at large, and to promote the spirit of fraternity amongst our felâ€" low countrymen in Canada, as it exists among them at home; to be of ssistance in time of sickness, or other adversities, and to recreate, cultivate, and entertain. Having in view the fact that many of its members and prospective memâ€" bers have recently moved to other parts, it has been dgemed advisalble to seek the aid and coâ€"operation of ALL Cornish folk, remaining in the Porcuâ€" pine camp, to make one united effort for the sole purpose of building up this society to a point wherei t may easily be able to achieve its Objects. It is hoped therefore, that this anâ€" nouncement will serve as a personal invitation to YOU to ‘be present at a general meetmg which will ibe ‘held at the Society‘s hall, No. 40 Second Ave. (old ‘O0.B.U. Hall), on SATURDAY, MARCH 24th, at 8 p.m. sharp. . A special invitation is given to Laâ€" dies, and everybody will be made exâ€" ceedingly welcome. Come and help build up a society which you need, and of which you may be justly proud. Keep this date clear. And shall Trelawny die, my boys, And shall Trelawny die? There‘s twenty thousand Cornishmen TO ALL CORNISH FOLK IN THE PORCUPINE. i her KÂ¥ i11 The above mentioned society was ranized on Nov. 26th, 1922, and has n holding meetings regularly, each nday at 3 p.m., at the society‘s ‘hall, . No. 40, 2nd. Avenue, ‘Timmins. [t is open for membership of naâ€" es of the county of Cornwall, n\). or their descendants, minimum VOTERS‘ LIST TOWNSHIP OF CALVERT ) W Clerk of Township of Calvert 3 Gordon Bldg HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALB. Apply above Post Office. 123 GOOD DRY STOVE WOOD FOR SALB. Apply Arthur Lawlor, 49 Elm street. 12â€"13p Notice is hereby given that a diâ€" vidend of five per cent (5%) on the issued Capital stock of the Company will be paid on the 1st. day of May, 1923, to Shareholders of record at the issued Capital stock of the Company will be paid on the 1st. day of May, 1923, to Shareholders of record at the close of business on April 1st, 1923. By Order of the Board. H. G. LAUX, Treasurer. Dated at Toronto, March 16th, 19283. McINTYRE PORCUPINE MINES LIMITED Meets every Tuesday evening in the Oddfellows â€" Hall, Third _ Averue. Visiting brethren requested) to atterd. N. Leamen, E6. L, Urquhart, TUMMING L0DGE, 1.0.0.f. No. 459 W. H. SEVERT General Building Contractor Estimates Furnished THE CALEDONIAN SOCIETY OF TIMMINS. Meets every seeond and fourth Friday in the month in the 1.0.0.F. Hall. Open to nativeâ€"born Seots and Seotswomen and those of Seottish descent. Membership fee $2.00 per year for ordinary members and per year for associate members. 4. A. Macdonald, C. G. Piric, President. Seeretary, Miss Kathieen MacNabh PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Correspondence, Copying, Etc., promptly done at reasonable rates. HARRY W. DARLING MINING ENGINEER Examinations, Reports, Developâ€" ment Programs. Reed Block, Timmins, Porcupine District, Ontario. Quality Signs is the result of character, or as we usually sayâ€"QUALITY. Neh Faulkenham Highest market prices paid for all raw furs. Kingston Hotel â€" Timmins, Ont. Phone 72. â€" Dr. Fred Tilt =â€" Graduate of Ontario Yeterinary College. PHONE 72. â€" TIMMINS, ONT. COBALT, ONTARIO Night and day calls promptly attended to. Dr., Moore Block, Upstairs BOX 33, MATHESON, ONT. is wWhat we are. The enviable reputation of is what others say we are. DIVIDEND NO. 1 52 Third Avenue. Character Dealer in Raw FPurs Personal Liability)