Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 13 Dec 1922, 1, p. 4

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The mill at Kapuskasing is reportâ€" ed as in operation now and turning out sulphite pulp regularly. The dam at the bridge is under construction by Morrow Beatty, and Kapuskasing is again boomPne and growing. 7 Miss Klelah Brown is i tack of diphtheria. Her friends will wish her a gompl¢@e recovery. Our prices on boxed gift handkerâ€" chiefs are especially attractive. The Needlecraft Shop, 6 Marshallâ€"Eeclesâ€" fone Block. Â¥ S Mr. Geo. Brews Timmins last wee Mr.P. Dougall. visitor here a cou on the present .v pressed with the of the town in number of fine the other velopment of Ti larly noted by Brewster left th Cwhbha. Mrs. J. Heppleston and baby reâ€" turned last night from Barrie. Office 26 Handâ€"made Searfs, $3.50. 1 6 Marshallâ€"Ececl¢ : WEDNESDAY, DEC. 13th., 1922. TIMMINS AND DISTRIG! \ N CAnada â€" United States Published every Wednesday by «â€" Geo. Lake, Publisher Subscription Rates rewster, ol 4 102, C week to visit his all, ‘Mr. Brewster of yvears a Telephones C.VISII WAs @TrCAL the remarkable g in the meantime. ie brick building he Needlecraft stoOone is ill with an atâ€" Her innumerable r a speedy and Residence, 112 crepeâ€"deâ€"chine 110C K CW ONTARIO reatly im T‘C 00 year NO vear bel caime t( friend arllCH Mr. urn to w a s TOW The and 10p, The new Goldale Cafe in the ne , *Â¥ * Bardessonb block opened on Saturday last, with a fourâ€"piece orchestra furâ€" nishing music. Each evenincv music is seing humshed at this cafe by the orchestra. The new Goldale Cafe is an upâ€"toâ€"date and attractive place. Mr. W. Ling, formerly of the Queen‘s Hotel is the proprietor. There will be Mr. and Mrs. A' on T\hursda\ last as.’ed about 18 mon to pneumonia. Th on Saturday to th cemetery, and was Mr. Roy Upton, of the staff of the Northern Ontario Light Power Co. here, and for several years a popular member of. the Timmins Volunteer Firemen, returned last week from a visit to the south, accompanied by his bride, a young lady from Monteith, Mr. and Mrs. Upton have taken up residence in Timmins and will receive the best of good wishes from hosts of of the Mr. Jacek Legary, expert barber, oL Larark, is in the Camp the guest of Mr. J. T. Easton. Mr. Legary was in the Poreupine in 1909 and so finds much to interest and impress him in the establishment and unusual growth and development of the town of Timâ€" mins. and asked IOr a C0] popular danee recor ported to have answe lvy as he turned to nate tario Mr. and the Well, M 1°en{( M eA MA o general policy of the party with ticular reference to Northern Onâ€" 1) e LJistrICt riday, Dec. commenein a candidatd lature, and Dut 1 Gon‘ his morning Mn Tilon. Melre M .P .t d ~â€"and this host of Great Entertainers will bring joy and gladness to all for years to come kn{ sincere sympathy to Ansara in the death : of their little girl, nths. Death was due he funeral took place he R. C. church and s largely attended. h: J from Ni near TI Howar M P .P:, V (is. JACK 18 TC red quite serions the record rack who M rqu have leacer YA rOVIn{ irhet outlh rvatlives s called 1OvVveIVv H mMmlâ€" 1¢ WHAT BUSINESS COLLEGE TRAINING HAS DONE FOR YOUR YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN mIins tWarvey, wntenograpuer, urtand lrunk Railway Offices, Montreal, Que.; Mr. A. Corrigan Bookkeeper and iStenoâ€" grapher, Fogg Lumber Co., Schumacâ€" her, Ont.; Mr. P. Piche, Bookkeeper and Stenographer previously with Anâ€" gus Taylor Offices, Temiskaming, and now with Local Office of Ontario Tie., Timber Construction Co. above StuC and yet n Bookkeepet ng wWoOorthâ€"wWAnll Stepping Ston training is to a a Stepping 8t for the rest of Mothers and ness College /( Hanr Ont. Byvel College. There are also Night Classes as wellâ€"as day in all subjects. Make your Xmas gift to your son or daughâ€" ter worth while this year. myerk‘s UWrocery 111 8. McLean, Hollin Timmins, Ont.; Mis linger ‘Mine Offices Miss K. ‘Brown, C Freizhat Offices, Tim hV 1N A u 11 ie or two are holding wo sitions which were secured the College immediately ; ration. The following are Colleéege Course to your son Or rhter for a Xmas Box this year. It be such a beneficial gift and you have accomplished a great share our duty. Start yout Boy or Girl he Classes, January 2nd. at the worthâ€"while 1| whe Ins iBusine next yvear i HEN you give a Victrola you give all music; music appropriate to Christmas; music for every day in the year; music so lifelike that the greatest artists select the Victrola as the one instrument to bring their art into your home. Buy a Victrola this Christmasâ€"but be sure it is a "Victrola" in limmins known as the usiness College, under th n of E. M . Terry, Prin. m New Console Victrola 260 p. ©f®, 1me »tone a ibBbusiness to any boy or garl, P iStone but a fo Osit10n s BERLINER GRAMâ€"Oâ€"PHONE CO., LIMITED ents were even )w they are f s and Stenogta; and how e Hakkala, . Wills C UpOn isIn BOC Timmins, O: y â€"Clerk, I.‘ N. 0. Timmins Ont.;â€"Miss L. rapher, wurand Trunk ind es ~Ddut ; eir lives "athers New Console Victrolas $135. to $485. Other Models $37.50 to $615. pC inuary _ Colle OM c 11 + Mine Offices . Leblane, Hol Timmins, Ont. Colleg nploye THT PORCUPINE ADVANCE ite ofllce em off som Ire( lt there were ol} 111 10 0K 14 ind this o before eg@2 wWis indation Ir them rapmer, nmimins, W MUSlI TOII of ~~Englehart people have subscribed over $230.00 for the purpose of buyâ€" ing presents or needs for the fire sutâ€" ferers‘ children at Christmas. The funrd is being looked after by Rev. Mr. Gus eolumn Monda W estmo of â€"then John 8. and Mrs CHOICE ROOM TO RENT in t ># House to sell or rent. Good wellâ€" furnished house; 2 storeys; with cellar and furnace heat ; large windows some leaded and stained glass;; all (Georgia finish, oiled and varnished; polished varnished hardwood floor; electric wired ; good water inside; livâ€" ing room, dining room, ‘kitchen, fine hall, three bedrooms and bath, closets, toilet; large lot, 45 by 133 feet ; â€"with teorgia polished varnis electric wired ;â€"g ing room, dinin hall, three bedro toilet:; large lot, garage; lighted attic to dry elothes; fine electric light fixtures throughout. Will sell at $3500.00 or rent at $60.00 monthly, furnished with ‘best quarter nNAT cut oak. Fine location Boulevard; adjoining I townsite on the north. Waite, on the premises. Just because there is a hole in them bring them to us for vulcanizing. We repair everything in rubber. DONT THROW AWAY YOUR RUBBERS locality ; modern equipment to Box D. T., Advance off mins, Ont. An :\ pl 0 THIRD AVE., BASEMENT Next to Hamilton Livery. daughter, Juliette, to Dohan, son of the late T. Dohan, of Montreal. will take place on Feb. Third Avenue fhe socl liounce t Mor 140 DV 1303 attic to dryv clothes Di( L real i; Floral Park Hollinger new ‘Apply to K. Good wellâ€" storeys; with large windows ed® glass;; all don azette of *‘Mr.> and Crescent, gagement ~ 4 Dr. _ Apply (ePimâ€" M 1 al GIRL WANTED for General Houseâ€" work. â€"Apply 3530 Fourth Avenue, Timmins. 30 Anyone interested in Christian Seiâ€" ence is cordially invited to attend an informal meeting every Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs, V. H. Emery, 20 Hemlock St., Timmins. HAVE YOUR HOUSE RID OF COCKROACHES, Buss and all other kind# of vermin. Contracts taken for this, and satisfaction guaranteed. _ Hundreds af people have been delighted with my serâ€" vice. ~â€"References. Apply to A. Coter, 49 Hollinger Lane, Mattagaâ€" mi, or send posteard to Box 465, Tiinmins, Ont. 45â€"49p. Buyers of No. 1 Timothy teed, and Alsike and Red Cl Straw in car lots are asked pond with E. Beauchesne, Ont. REGULAR MEETING RE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HERE THE CALEDONIAN SOCIETY OF TIMMINS. Open to nativeâ€"born Sceots and Scotswomen and thdae of Seottish descent. Membership fee $2.00 per year ordinary members and 50c. per for associate members. G. A. Macdonald, C. G. Pir President. Secre Meets ever Friday in the Hall. Graduate of ~Ontario Veterinary Gollegse, .. ING very nea Mrs: Tripp, house just s PHONE 72. â€" TIMMINS, ONT. Night and day calls promptly attended to. â€" Dr. Fred Tilt = Quality Signs is the result of character, or as We usually sayâ€"QUALITY. DON‘T HOPE THAT | SANTA‘S CoMING â€" â€">â€" WITH SOME i : SATISFACTâ€" | WILL the house be warm when St. Nicholas calls or will the Christmas tree room be properly heated for the kiddies when they come down to pay their nightgown respects to what the Chrismastide has brought them? Let us suggest that you make the whole family a Christmas present of perfect plumbing. w Cedar St. VETERINARY SURGEON is what others say we are. is what we are. The enviable reputation of Rear of 10 Cedar Street. Character every second and foutr atly and promptly done. _ Balsam street, (new south of the Hollmver ill furnish your goods Very moderate charges. month in the I.0.0:FE C. G. Piric, Secretary , guaranâ€" over, also to corres V erner,. 48â€"501n Ol TIMMINS LODGE, 1.0.0.f. No. 459 Meets every Tuesday evening in the Oddfellows Hall, Third â€" Avenue. Visiting brethren requested} to attend. W. L. Lainsbury, Geo. 3. Drew, = Dr. L. Gagnon â€" W. H. SEVERT Night and Day calls promptly attendâ€" ed to. Ask your Dealer for Doctor Gagnon‘s Prepared Medicines. General Building Contractor Estimates Furnished iimmins Gold Nugget Rebekah Lodge, No 173 Meets every Z2nd and 4th Thursday in the Oddfellows‘ Hall, Third Aveâ€" nue. Visiting Brothers and Sisters alâ€" ways welcome. Isabella Vollet, Ethel Keene, â€"Q N.G. Ree. Sea Box 703 Phone 32 COBALT, ONTARIO 6 Tickets for a Dollar. 12 Pints for a Dollar. Boiling will render all water safe for drinking purposes. Safety First Flies spread Typhoid Fever, Screen against them. Child‘s Welfare Clinics, Wednesâ€" days, 1.30 to 3 p.m. Ist. Wed. each month, Dr. Minthorn,. Clean Stables, Clean Cows, Clean Handling, Clean Milk. WATCH FOR THE BLACK HORSE AND THE RED RIG. Mattagami 2nd. Wed. each month, Dr. Porter. 3rd. Wed. each month, Dr. MeInais. 4th. Wed each month, Dr. Moore. Gordon Building, â€"â€" Timmins. Nurse at Clinice Room daxly 1.30 to 3 p.m. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Etc. Mr. Gauthier will be at Timmins daily. OFPrICES REED BLOCK, TIMMINS and sOUTH PORCUPINE. Boil the W ater BOARD OF GOLUMN Veterinary Office H. H. MOORE, M.D., M.O.H. Cochrane, Ont. Ontario

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