Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 16 Aug 1922, 1, p. 4

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TIMMINS, In the death of Mr. Rice the Pas loses one of its most enthusiastic iriends and most talented supporters. Journalism in Canada also loses a cleâ€" ver writer, with an original personalâ€" ity. ‘The Pas Herald has been very widely read owing to the gifts Mr. Rice possessed of touching up prosaic affairs with a wit and humor that made his items live. Mr. Rice had the habit of adding original philosoâ€" phy and inimitable humour, unexpectâ€" edly, to the ordinary items of local news, and this was the reason for the care with which his paper was read. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16th., 1922 Mr. E. iRice, for many years editor o1 i ie Pas, Manitoba, Herald, died recently in Vancouver, BXC., at the age of only 40 years. Death was due to a form of cancer. The ordinary reader was ready to read every line, for fear that otherâ€" wise some clever touch of wit or whole some sample of quaint philosophy, slipped in by Mr. Rice s pen, mign be overlqoked. His ded.th is a sad loss to the Pas, to the mining industry of which he was an able and consistâ€" ent champion, and to the good humor of the many readers of The Pas Herald who found unfailing pleasure in the work of his gifted pen. The late Mr. Rice was born in Queâ€" bee and came to this North Land in the early days of the Cobalt Camp. He was the founder of the old weekâ€" y edition of The Nugget. He also founded and conducted the Elk Lake Explorer and the Poreupine Qull. Later, Mr. Rice went to the Pas, Maâ€" nitoba. He was editor of The Pas Merald and his clever pen and his unâ€" failing faith did much to assure good publicity for that Manitoba mining PASSING OF MR. G. E. RICE, EDTTCR, T43 PAS, MAN. Jor that Manit0oba mining rrea. Mr. Rice was also one of the founders of the Hudson Bay Dog Derâ€" by, an event that made the Pas Camp known over the world. Mr. Rice had intended to visit the Poreupine this coming year, bringing with him. some of the fancy dog race teams and drivâ€" ers from Manitoba. Last vear he went Canada â€" United States Published every Woednesday by :« Geo. Lake, Publisher Subscription Rates: Telephones : HE MINISTER OF FINANCE offers to holders of these bonds who desire .to continue their investment in Dominion ‘of Canada securitiee the privilege of exchanging the maturing bonds for new bonds bearing 54 per cent interest, payable haif yearly, of either of the following classes:â€"â€" (a) Five year bonds, dated 1st November, 1922, to mature 1st November, 1927. (b) Ten year bonds, dated 1st November, 1922, to mature 1st November, 1932. While the maturing bonds will carry interest to ist December, 1922, the new bonds will commence to carn interest from 1st November, 1922, GIVING A BONUS OF A FULL MONTH‘S INTEREST TO T HOSE AVAILING THEMSELVES OF THE CONVERSION PRIVILEGE. This offer is made to holders of the maturing bonds and is not open to other investors. The bonds to be issued under this proposal will be substantially of the same character as those which are maturing, except that the exemption from taxation does not apply to the new issue. . Dated at Ottawa, 8th August, 1922. Residence 112 £$2.00 year $3.00 year To Holders of Five Year 5; per cent Canada‘s Victory Bonds wE Issued in 1917 and Maturing 1st December, 1922. to considerable trauble to give inform ation and suggestions to assist the Poreupine Dog Race Committee in the event here. Perhaps, as apt an epitaph as he could have would be, ""He was always helping somebody or boosting some good cause."‘ COCHRANE MAN REPLIES TO CRITICISM FROM FALLS ler, Iroquois Fallls‘ own newspaper, there was a criticism of the sportsâ€" manship of Cochrare people on the occasion of a recent visit of Iroquois Falls baseball team to the Railway Town of the North. There was also a reference in The Advance a week ago to the game and to the Iroquois Falls viewpoint. Mr. D. MeKinnon, of Coâ€" chrane, has sent The Advance the folâ€" lowing reply for publication. It will be noted that the reply is addressed to The Broke Hustler, and is publishâ€" ed here at Mr. MeKinnon‘s request, simply to give the other side of the case in fa@irness to all concerned :â€" case in fairness to all concerned :â€" Cochrane, Ont. Aug. 7, 1922 The Editor ‘*‘The Broke Hustler."‘ Bir: In your issue of the 1st instant I find under the heading, **Falls Well Earned Lead Was No Use In Contest (On Monday,"‘ some critical observaâ€" tions as to the manner in which the Cochrane team conducted themselves, the manner in which the crowd was allowed to roam anywhere on the field the manner in which the Umpire misâ€" handled the games, and that the Umâ€" pire aided the Cochrane team in deâ€" laying the game. I would ask you to kmdl\ extend to me the privilege of answering in the columns of your paper these observaâ€" tions. I have no doubt that in fairâ€" ness to myself and to all parties conâ€" cerned you will publish my remarks. First of all I want to point out that your remarks are misleading, and are not taken from facts. It is not fair to the people of Cochrane to say that they roamed all over the field. The majority of the erowd was in the Grand Stand. A few of the fans were behind the back stop and back of first base, and were kept back by the two policemen. In the fifth inning the youngsters got in front of the Falls bench, and when Becker appealed to me about it, I had Consta‘ble O YMalâ€" ley keep them back. This was not up to me; the Umpireâ€"inâ€"Chiéf alone is in full authority of the game. Your eriticism of Umpireâ€"inâ€"Chief Mr. ‘Moffatt has no foundation whatâ€" ever. Mr. Moffatt ‘has worked with Jos. Smith, and I think ‘Mr. Smith will back me, when I say that ‘Moffatt is fair and square and did not favor any one team. He had trouble an the first, second, third and fourth innings with Becker who held up the game by walk In a recent issue of The Broke Hust r, Iroquois Fallls‘® own newspape! ere was a criticism of the sports ing in from centre field on three or four occasions. In the*fifth inning Cochrane started delaying the game for the first time. It is not fair to the home team to say that they startâ€" ed arguments at every opportunity to delay the game. The Umpire‘s report will back up this fact. With reference to football posts. These posts are away out where the fence should be, and this was the first time this season that a ball went near these posts. BAND BENEFIT DANCE FOR TRIP TO TORONTO FUND. Timmins Citizens‘ Band are giving a Dance in the Theatre Basement (the ‘‘Underworld") on Thursday evening of next week, Aug. 24th. The proceeds of the dance will go toâ€" wards defraying the expenses of the Band to the 'fironto National Exhiâ€" bition where ey have entered the Band Competition for bands from towns of 8000 or less. The funds to pay for uniforms and the Toronto trip have been growing nicely, the Committee â€" representing the â€" Band and the Board of Trade having colâ€" lected around $500.00 in donations from the merchants and business and professional men. ‘The sale of dance tickets will give others a chancee to show their appreciation and support of the Band. _ The public evidently are giving generous support to the Band, the dance tickets selling rapitaâ€" ly. On Monday of this week one of the members of the Band had sold 100 tickets and another 85, with still others disposing of lesser numbers. It is hoped to sell at least 500 tickets for this dance, and as the price ‘has been kept down to the nominal one c£ a dollar the tickets ought to go easiâ€" ly, especially as all proceeds go to the Tripâ€"toâ€"Toronto fund, the orchesâ€" tra, hall, ete., all being donated free for the event. Anyone \\'ho has not yet secured a ticket for the dance should see some of the Band members now and get one or more tickets for the event. \ I have no doubt that if you will enâ€" quire further into the matter you will find the factq are as indicated above. Timmins, Troquois Falls and Cochrane should all pull together for good clean sport. It is very easy to get the puâ€" blic up in ghe air, and I would be very sorry to have any bad feeling between the citizens of the three towns. Yours very truly, Mr. Hee. MacLean of New Liskeard, was a visitor to Timmins this week, being warmly weleomed back by his many friends here, including the fire hall bovs. Holders of the maturing bonds who wish to avail themselves of this conversion privilege should take their bonds AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE, BUT NOT LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 30th, to a Branch of any Chartered Bank in Canada and receive in exchange an official receipt for the bonds surrendered, containing an undertaking to deliver the corresponding bonds of the new issue. + Holders of maturing fully registered bonds, interest payable by cheque from Ottawa, will receive, their December 1 interest cheque as usual. Holders of coupon bonds will detach and retain the last unmatured coupon before surrendering the bond itself for conversion purposes. The surrendered bonds will be forwarded by banks to the Minister of Finance at Ottawa, where they will be exchanged for bonds of the new issue, in fully registered, or coupon registered or coupon bearer form carrying interest payable 1st May. and 1st November of each year of the duration of the loan, the first interest payment accruing and payable ist May, 1923. Bonds of the new issue will be sent to the banks for delivery immediately after the receipt of the surrendered PROPOSALS bonds , The bonds of the maturing issue which are not converted under this proposal will be paid off in cash on the 1st December, 1922. i2 m 29 28 28 L2 D. MeKINNON, Pres. N.0.B.A THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE Minister of Finance. TIMMINS ENTERS PROTEST AGAINST GAME WITH DOME. The Timmins Football Club has sent a formal letter of protest to the N.0. F.A. in connection with the game played at the Dome Mast Thursday. The basis of the protest includes the fact that the referee did not do his duty fully, neglecting to make inspecâ€" tion of goal nets previous to the game and apparently showing unfair disâ€" crimination towards the Timmins play ers. In the latter connection referâ€" ence is made to a goal seored by going through the net, a player put off the Timmins team for a offence while a . Dome player on the other hand had the favour of repeated warn ings. Other grounds for the protest will be présented, the letter points out, when the question comes before the N.O.FP.A. On Saturday last :a party of nine members of the Timm«s Solf Club responded to the kind invitation ot the Haileybury Golf Club and visited the county town. It was somewhat disappoimwing that out of a memberâ€" ship of over 100 in the. Timmins Golf Club only nine were able to take the pleasant visit to Haileyhury, but the loss was certainly sufferea y tnose who failed to go, for all at Harleybury Saturday enjoyed a delightful visit and found the I'Ld)]evlmrv Golfers very pleasant hosts. The golf course overlooks the lake all the way round and has a succession of natural hazards. When fully comâ€" pleted it will be an unusually fine golf course. The Haileyoury Golf Ciuh showed the finest hospitality to the visitors and all had a good time. The matches played resulted as folâ€" lows:â€" Timmins Mackie Mueller .. GOLFERS HAVE PLEASANT VISIT TO HAILEYBURY Iymery W vlie {»@4con Adams Todd Lake and Anderson died on the 18th Hole, tieing up the match, ari having to play the 19th. hole to decide the match and tournament. LOSTâ€"Between Cemetery and Enâ€" elish Chureh, set of Lowering Straps (two brown eanvas straps about 14 feet long and 2 inches wide). Findâ€" er please return same to Advance Office. Reward. 33p Purchase Binney .. MeDonald Anderson Clayton .. Dickenson Gibson .. 4 1 VImMmAnN Haileybury PAIR OF LIVE POXES FOR SALE. WANTEDâ€"Girl or middleâ€"aged woâ€" man for gereral housework. Apply to H. J. Buncke, eare of Abitibi Power Paper Co. Iroquois Falls, Ont. Phone or write. 31â€"33 WANTED TO RENTâ€"Furnished ap Anyone interested in Christian Sceiâ€" ence is cordially invited to attend an informal meeting every Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. V. H. Emery, 20 Hemlock street, Timmins, at 3.30 p.m. 13â€"17p. Very choice Lots 45 x 133 feet; 18 ft. lawn seeded across front 45 ft. wide, ‘being cut by lawn mgwer; ceâ€" ment sidewalk; fine ornamental .enâ€" trance gateways; and lots of trees both sides of road. Price, $300. Terms. Adjoining Hollinger new townsite nerth side. Apply to R. Waite, at property, Timmins. 32â€"34 REGULAR MEETINGS RE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HERE HARRY W. DARLING MINING ENGINEER Examinations, Reports, Developâ€" ment Programs. Reed Block, Timmins, Porcupine District, Ontario. Child‘s Welfare Clinics, Wednes days, 1.30 to 3 p.m. 1st. Wed. each month. Dr. Minthorn. 2nd. Wed. each month, Dr. Porter. 3rd. Wed. each month, Dr. Melnnis. 4th, Wed. each month, Dr. Moore. Nurse at Clinic Room daily 1.30 to 3 p.m. CLEAN UP YOUR BACK YARD If refuse is exposed flies will come, and two flies now may mean two milâ€" lion flies in July or August if precauâ€" tions are not taken. artment or small house in Timmins, Schumacher, or possibly South Porâ€" cupine considered. References furâ€" nisked and best of care given preâ€" mises and equipment. No children. Cannot consider unfurnished. Apâ€" ply to Box F. H., Advance Office, Timmins. 32â€"34p Apply to 59 Fourth Ave. Dealer in New and Second Hand Furniâ€" ture, Stoves, Boots, Gramoâ€" phones, and Tools of every Desâ€" cription. We store furniture, etc., at low rates, Delivery Free. We pay highest prices and sell the cheapest. 52 THIRD AVE. Safety First Boil the W ater BOARO OF HEALTK GOLUMN P.0. BOX 221 TIMMINS, ONT. H. H. MOORE, M.D., K. 0. X. Meets every Tuesday evening in the Oddfellows Hall, Third Avenue, Visiting brethren requested to attend. W. L. Lainsbury, â€" Geo. S. Drew, TIMMINS LODGE, 1.0.0.f. No. 459 The Best of Good Milk _ 12‘"%:¢c. a Quart 8 Tickets for a Dollar. 16 Pints for a Dollar. Mattagami Clean Stables, Clean Cows, Clean Handling, Clean Milk. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Etc. Box 703 Phone 32 COBALT, ONTARIO Mr. Gauthier will be at Timmins daily. PROMPT and PLEASING SERVICE WATCH FOR THE BLACK HORSE AND THE RED RIG. Crown and Bridge Work Plates Consultation Free. OFPFFICES REED BLOCK, TIMMINS and SsSOUTH PORCUPINE. Room 7 Reed Bldg., Timmins. TIMMINS GARAGE Ontario

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