Phone 88 C" Best Transfer in Northern Ontario PromptService. Good Attention Prices Right Pige‘s Trans Freight, Express Gena*a Transfer FOR SALE National Cash Register for saleâ€" Apply Poreupine Advance Office, Timâ€" mins. A. POOLEY, nergy Timmins, Ont. E xperience. Ofiice Reed Blk. quipment Telephone 66 Business Systems Installed and Improved. ACCOUNTANT and AUDITOR Graduate McQGill Medical Coll Reed Block, Timmins. Has resumed practise aftor years service overseas. Phones: Oflice 202A. Res. 20PB Mecets every day in the welcome 35 Fourth Ave., Timmins * Wholesale Tobaccos and Confectionery PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON \ M~CORMICKS Cor. Ball Grounds, opp. Knight Bros McKinnon . ARGLES Bakers of better biscuits for sixtyâ€"two years. Ask Your Grocer For Our soda biscuits, are bread‘s closest rival and a perfected product of a sunshine factory.. first and fourth Monâ€" Oddfellows‘ Hall at ting brethren always asty at any time WM. FIELD, R.S8. § Syï¬zm‘paim § 9 Maple Street, Timmins. P.O. Box 75. Phone 211. ALSO SELLING PIANOS Studebaker car for sale ; 1918 model ; good as new; in splendid condition. Price right. Apply to P. O. Box 535, Timmins Geo. E. Drew N. G. Meets every Tuesday evening in the Oddfellows Hall, Third Avenue. visiting bretlhren requested to attend. HMMING LODGE, 1.0.0.F. No. 453 )1 sewing Machines As a usual precaution at this season the year, householders are advised boil all water before using. TIMMINS BOARD OF HEALTH . oEGUIN Agent for Singer BOIL THE WATER JSâ€" Two other remarks by Mr. Gibson after his visit to the North Land are worthy of special attention. One of these was :â€"‘‘*Gold districts that have not developed into the class of steady producers are receiving a substantial amount of real development work. It is a Â¥ratifying feature that the Northâ€" ern Ontario field is comparatively free from wildâ€"catting operations.‘"‘ The other reference is even more in teresting and pleasing. ‘The Deputy Minister said:â€"‘*Greater emphasig should be given to the personnel of the mining industry of the North Land. Ontario has now a body of engineers and technical experts fully trained and experienced in the conditions surrounding mining in the Province. The success that many of our mining men have enjoyed in Northern Ontaâ€" rio has given them world repute.‘"‘ The attention and interest of the outside world should ‘be centered at present on the possibilities of the North Land. In the mining distriets here there are offered the most attract ive opportunitiese for capital and labour alike. ‘Prospects in the south are doubtful, but there is at the preâ€" sent time a particular significance in the common saying:â€"‘‘You can‘t}. lose in a gold camp."‘ en d t ied uit y hi d ind ioi 4 in 4 iAmerican Un of California California ha: live million a Poreupine‘s _ however, is 4 With only a p: ity in use, the f ()ntario’s gold output. The Porâ€" eupine‘s gold output this year will be proportionately o‘e.ltw, and as the labour situation gradually accommodâ€" i¢ . goidâ€" mining industry. Lo A newspaper in the south Mr. Gibson has since said:â€"‘*With â€" sufficient labour Ontario could quickly become the most importart gold field in America.‘‘ In referring to Ontario‘s production of gold, it may be well to remember that the North Land practic ally accounts for all the gold producâ€" tion of the Province, and in the North Land the Porcupine isoverwhe!lmingly the important factor in gold producâ€" tion. Taking the official Government reports for last year, the total proâ€" duction of gold in Ontario was 505, 963 fine ounces of a value of $10,451,â€". 688.00. ~Of this amount the Poreupine contributed over 480,000 fine ounces of a value of around ten million dollars. The Hollinger alone produc ed about 65 per cent. of Ontario‘s gold output, and about 43 per cent. of all the gold produced in Canada. The .\I(Int)re contributed about 18 per cent. of Ontario gold and the Dome about another 18 per cent. â€" Thaus these three mines of the Poreupine alone contributed about 80 per cent. Mr. Thomas W. Gibson, Deputy Minister of Mines for Ontario, was one of a party recently making a tour of the mining ecamps of the North Land. They visited the Poreupine, Cobalt, Lake, Gowganda, and other camps, and were particularâ€" ly impressed with the prospects for 3o Suggects the Deputy Minister of Mines After Recent Tour of North Land. DNTARIQ HAS GREATEST OX CONTHENT Toront THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE WV CE and there ) make Also ) news JGaml IMmDer hould : ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬tï¬bï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬%ï¬!ï¬bï¬ï¬m P **Mr. Harry Villand returned last week from a lengthy visit to his home at Eganville, Ont. He is bagk at work at the Hollinger and is being welcomâ€" ed back to Camp by his host of »ld friends here. 4 *) a closer connection ibetween the big and the pulp and paper indusâ€" l;tries of this North Land. It would open up a country unusually rich in {forests and mineral wealth and now ,’held back for lack of transportation | facilities. The Union ‘Mining Comâ€" |pany have planned to spend a quarter of a million dollars on the developâ€" ment of their gold mining property in Whitesides Township, but one of the expensive ‘handicaps they ‘have been Forced to face has been the transportâ€" ation problem. A railway between Timmins and the C.N.R. near Sudbury would solve the transportation proâ€" blem for the Union corporaâ€" tion. It would also mean the developâ€" ment of the mining district @around their property, and so far as may be Jjudged this district is an unusually rich and promising one. The timber and pulpwood resources that would be tapped by the Timminsâ€"Sudbury line are also specially worthy of note. Also there would be a promising agriculturâ€" al country opened for settlement. Among the proposed new railway lines there seems to be none more imâ€" portant than the Timminsâ€"Sudbury one. Just before the war the Canâ€" adian Northern thought it so importâ€" ant that they had all plans made to proceed with its Sureâ€" ly the Governments now in control of all the railways of the North Land may be expected to have as good busi ness judgment and as thoughtful an attitude for the convenience of the people and the development of the country as private railway corporaâ€"‘ tions. That 'Timmins-Sudbm}f line should be built. | hat every new suggestion simply adds another exeuse for the leaving unbuilt of other lines that have been strongly arged for It must be realized that ALL the proposed railway lines ecan not be built at once, and good policy would suggzest the centering of attention on the more important. It mnight be a good thing for the country to have a line from Westree to Kenoâ€" zami, but it would be a much better and more profitable precedure to build a line from Timimins to connect with the C.N.R. near Sudbury. This latter proposed railroad would shorten the distance between the big mining camp of Poreupine and the south and gi\'e’ a closer connection the hio The Hardinge Co. â€" REPRESENTATIYE â€" Vancouver Wood, Pipe Tark Co. 4 <G g Mine and Mill supplies, also building materials. Phone 43 Timmins, Cobalt 17 Secretary L. P. Heil. M%M@ MMO@MQQMMW“Oâ€â€œM #008880808$6066 MOWMOMO: §0W¢$0 s VINCENT WOODBURY | _ is hereby given pursuant to K. 8.â€"0. 1914 Chapter 121 and amâ€" endments thereto that all persons havâ€" ing claims against the Estate of the above named Guiseppe Filippi otherâ€" wise known as F. Filippi, who died on or about the 17th gay of February 1920 are on or before the 8th day of December 1920 requested to send or deliver to us their Christian and surâ€" names, addresses and descriptions and Full particulars in writing under oath of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) ‘held by them. After the said date, we will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceasâ€" ed among those entitled thereto havâ€" ing regard only to the claims of which we then have had notice and we will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person whose eclaim ‘has not been received. Dated this 22nd day of October 1920. The Toronto General Trusts Corporation, Toronto, Ont. Administrators. in the matter of the estate of Guiâ€" seppe Filippi, otherwiss known as "P. Filippi,‘‘ lats of the Town of Timâ€" mins in the District of Temiskaming, deceased. STENCGRAPHER British American Qil Go N( with some knowledge of bookâ€"keepâ€" ing. Apply to Box 203, Timmins, DW 0 ‘Sullivan, BAxkRiSTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES Cook Mitchell NOTICS TO CREDITORS ‘unmins, â€" South Poresupine Toronto mmins, Ont. Solicitor herein Timmins, Cobalt, Ontario HORTHERN ONTARIO DISTRIBUTOR Drummondâ€"McCall Co. REPRESENTATIVE â€" Vancouver Wood, Pipe Tark Co l Mill supplies, also building materials. WANTEDâ€"One 43â€"4 040006000000000000000080600e _Minister of I October 20th., 1920 Tenders will be received by the unâ€" dersigned up to and including Saturâ€" day the 20th day of November next, for the right to cut the timber on number of townships in the Poreupine Mining Division of the District of Temiskaming. Dry Goods, Cigars, Cignrettes Tobaccos, Candies, Ete. Blouses, Skirts, Suits, Goods for Men Women and children Spring stocks bought right and will be sold right. Your chance for big bargains. Come in and see. Big New 3 tock s Telephone 95A SCHUMACHER DAILY Can. Johnsâ€"Manville Co. SALE OF TIMBER. NIAH BOWMAN, .ands and Forests South to