Eï¬Ã©â€™ï¬! 3% Near Post Office Timmins, Ont. Egg Egï¬gmflagï¬ï¬iï¬ggï¬:Eï¬gï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬gï¬lï¬gï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬gï¬ï¬gï¬ï¬yï¬aï¬ï¬gï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬gï¬ï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬ï¬gï¬ WQEEESEEEEEEEflï¬Eï¬Â§ g u t P u nu e h flmmmmmmm air." ,3 - MEâ€. The wonderful tonic and body builder may now be had at our store Quickly revives and strengthens the invalid and those! suffering from coughs and colds. Our stock is now com plete with stationery of all kinds. You will ï¬nd here the latest in writing papers at mod- erate prices. Stationery $1.00 a bottle. OMOWWOWOMQOOéOMMNONWQWWOO†our stock. See THE NYQL 6ND PENSLHR STORE IT would be better for 0 all of us if we would drop into our optomet- ristsofficenowandthen and have him examine our eyes â€"â€" just as we have the dentist exam~ ine our teeth. Perhaps the reluctance of most peopie to do this is due to economy or perhaps they feel the optometrist will advise a change of lenses anyway, whether they are needed or not No reliable optometrist will advise a change unless it is necessary. If an examination shows your present lens and mounting to be satisfactory we will be only too glad to tell you so. Your doctor’s pres- cription ' will receive here the care it justly deserves. Conpetent dispensers do the work. and all other different articles in leather goods now in stock. See our complete line of leather sundries before pur- chasing. Bring your prescription here. Purses Hand Bags Card Cases THE POROUPINE ADVANCE E iï¬! Fiï¬! ESEâ€""WE 5%! Til 3.3-5 in DIEDâ€"On Sum]: infant son of Mr. Carth)‘. Thousands of ducks are on their annual migration to the south this week. Some of the flocks passing through here are reported by settlers in the district as unusually large and especially squawky. and secure some more trophies with the gun. ‘0 ‘ bmvere sympathy will be to ‘Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Md Mioneta, in the death on S their infant son. The child ‘0 ‘ bmoere sympathy will be extended to ‘Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mel‘arthy, 01f Moneta, in the death on Sunday of their infant son. The child was only a few days old and had been ill prac- tically since 'his birth. Mrs. T. Lawlor, now of Sudbury, is renewing acquaintances in town. Mrs. Lawlor and her son, Arthur, have just returned from a trip through Min- nesota and other western States. Mrs.- Lawlor will spend the week here, re- turning then to Sudbury. The Armistice Night Dance, under the auspices of the Timmins (,‘r.\\-'.\". A., will be held in the Masonic Hall on 'l‘huisdav e1 ening, Nev. 11th. King s Ottawa Orchestra “ill furnish the music. Refreshments will be serv" ed. The Veterans are perfecting plans to make this the best dance yet. mmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmï¬rammwmflwmmwmï¬muymmmmmmï¬wmmymmemflmmmï¬mmmmmflï¬mmï¬mmï¬mflmï¬ 1â€t r. S. G‘U as: week on Mr. A. H. Reed, 01' the North American Incinerator Company, was in town this week in connec- tion with the new incinerator plant for Timmins. Mr. Reed says that the plant can he installed as soon as the necessary by-law is passed by the town and thus may he in use in the course of a few weeks. Mr. Reed left here for Kapuskasing, the new town there intending to install an in- cinerator. The North Land is show- ing good judvment in recoonizine at an early date the adxantage of the m- cinerato1 method of disposal of gall)- age, etc., as a guard to the public health. The North American Inciner- ator Company has a number of con- tracts for installing incinerators in the North Land at the present time. 5H l! "1 c; “I†_‘Uq. .3. BE! _ '1 Timmins News in Brief F. .5 _ a. m U §3§¢§§9§¢¢§§¢3¢§§ ggeggzoeeogggoooooooo Cobalt Cochrane Preserving Kettles Sauce Pans Dippers Watch our Window displays for many cash bargains; too numerous to mention. Regular $6.50 SPECIALS IN ALUMINUM WARE ELECTRIC IRONS ay, Oct. ." . and Mrs ~ 3, “ Soverelgn 6C Priest-s apply to Cash Purchases only All our aluminum stock is offered at similiar reductions as quoted above “he Geo. Taylm Hardware st. 1920, J. J. )I( Tu route Saturday $5.50 0nd Cochrane last week collected over $360.00 for the Navy League cam- paign. Rev. J. I). Tarks returned last webk from his vacation in the south. Rev. Mr. Parks tank advantage of his holi- day to take further courses at the Uni versity. in many circles. \Ir. Simms was of the expert hockey play 91's here w i m e 1'. There was an alarm 0i" ï¬re at 6.35 Monday morning to which the firemen made a very speedy resiuonse. The aï¬arm was sent' in mi account. of a 'burn ing chimne; at the Poitras building on Balsam street. The chimney blaze was very promptly extinguished, With out any harm or damage being done. There is to be a Euchre and Dance in the Masonic Hall on Thursday even ing, Nov. 18th, under the auspices of the Tinnnins L. 0. L. No. 2552. Cards at 8.00 p.111. sharp. Dancing at 10.00. The best of music. BUCHRE AND SOCIAL TO BE HELD IN KING’S HALL, NOV. 12. ' he prizes for the Tombula in aid of the R. C. church will be avarded at the Euchre and Social on Nov. 12th. Rev. Fr. Therriault has been search- ing for some days past for the best place to hold this event, and eventual- 1y has been able to secure King’s Hall Accordingly the Euchre and Social will be held in King's Hall on Friday evening, Nov. 12th. This will be one of the best events of the season and none should miss it. As for the Tom- bola prizes, the tickets are still on sale and all should allow themselves a few chances to secure some of the very valuable and beautiful prizes offered. At the Euchre and Social on Friday evening, Nov. 12011 there will be a pleasant evening for all. Light re- freshments will be served, and all at- tending can rest. assured of a happy cvenihg. Reg. Sat. $275 $1 .75 $1.00 65c $ 1.25 75c $1.75 $1.00 $1.00 65h 900 550 sitor to II 2H avk, of Tome, was a Camp Over the week- ELECTRIC WASHERS 1900 Cataract Eden Copper Eden Galvanized Percolators CBSSCTOIBS Double Boilers 0119 last FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT. of the late James Adamscn who died November 5th.. 1q1\8. Remembered by friends in the cainp. 43â€"45 p A pply Furs rvmudcllofl and repaired THE WATCH See our large stock of Regina’s before purchasing yours WITH A Three Year Guarantee STOCK J BWELLBRS OPTICIANS IN LOVING MEMORY 911mm. TIMMINS Oflicial T. N.O. Watch Inspector. Regular Saturday $210.00 $190.00 $225.00 $200.00 $200.00 $180.00 Opposite Post Ofï¬ce. New Liskeard Timmins W. N. 8: P. H. PURRIBR. Bmadway, corner Elm. (W or Reg. Set. $4.25 $3.00 $4.50 $3.25 $4.50 $3.50 $3.25 $2.50 $3.50 $2.75 $4.00 $3.00 Keeping Perfect \\'.\AI)S\\'()RTII, . 50 Balsam Street. 1191' Fourth Avenue. Keeps Time