' mum â€WW W9â€..me WOW...“ WOOOO“W WWWW â€MW.“ WNONO’MOMOMONOMNW 'WWWW ’ Hamilton B. Wills Co. Limited . I.C. Fir. "Wood-Stave Pipe and Tanks of ail descriptions All kinds second hand Mining Machinery in ï¬rst-class condition. Boilers, Hoists, Pumps, Drills, etc. Head Ofï¬ce Yard and Warehouse John W. Fogg Write our Porcupine and Kirkland Lake Oï¬ce for authentic and up-toothe-minute information on GOLD STOCKS. Corres- pondcnce Invited. Weekly Market Letter, Reports and Mapsâ€"Free Upon Request. PORCUPINE COBALT TORONTO KIRKLAND LAKE BUFFALO SYRACUSE ROCHESTER DETROIT. Lumber, Building Materials Coal and Coke, Fline and Mill Supplies AGENT FOR Colonial Steel Companies Famous RED STAR DRILL STEEL TIMMIN S Phone 10 B Porcupine Offlce - - Timmins, Ontario Membe Direct Private Wire Connecting all Oflicos. BPS Standard Stock Exchange of CHAS. SMITH, BOX 150, SCHUM- ACI‘IER, representing the Martin-0r- me Plano for the Porcupine District. Used pianos for sale or to rent, on easy terms. -p39- Crown and Bridge Work Plates Consultation Free. Room 7 Reed Bldg., Timmins. DR. JNO. B. AIKEN DENTIST Phone 201 SCHUMACHER Phone 95 B 'uronto. r (HUHYI New m Now: b perry. put in vny ha and [Hi 91' tml ï¬nnnvc; power steam supply varricd 52 foot Hnmfcx mw'i] t armmd strike work \\ centere WWW“WQ§N speaking of the results of the explo- ration and development work done in the property, Mr. I. '1‘. Jeffrey, the president, said that these had been “exceedingly gratifying.†The re- salts from diamond drilling, he said, were far beyond expectations. Not only were veins of great width out by the diamond drills, but. assays of the cores disclosed very high values. In three sample holes the average value was about $35.00 in gold to the ton. Following: these developments a eom- plete mining plant was bought in from Nova Seotia and shipped to the pro- perry. The road to the mines has been put in good eondition. A right-of- way has been (-leared t0 the property and poles ereeted for an eleetrie pow- er transmission line. Until further ï¬nanees were available for eleetrie power it was deeided to operate by steam power, there, being a plentiful supply of wood. .‘hat‘t sinking was carried on by hand. At a depth of 52 l‘eet a vein four l’eet wide was en- countered in the shaft. The ore had mueh i'reegold and samples assayed around $400.00 per ton. When this strike was made sinking â€by hand work was disetmtinued and all eli’orts centered on m'ei'rarations for install- ing the steam plant. Continuing, the president says:â€" “It was deeided to resume sinking Buildings to House Plant Now Under Erection and Equipment Now At South End. At the recent annual meeting of the North Davidson Mine a very optimis- tie attitude was in evidence in regard to the property and this seemed to be justiï¬ed by many of the uflieial an- nouncements made. For instance, in ï¬ï¬‚ï¬i’fl WBSIIN him lNSIAllffl THIS WINTER 810.00 will save a child; 51.00 will give it “saving†food for a month. Help in this humane work by sending or bringing your subscription to the nearest local Red Cross Branch or to The Canadian Red Cross Society, (10 Sherbourne Street. Toronto. It tellsâ€"but only partly tellsâ€"~the Story of Misery in Central Europe. Within the .great territory between the black lines millions of destitute children are dOOmed to grow up weak and deformed through want of fats. milk and sugar. unless immediate help comes from without HERBERT HOOVER. invited to speak at a Canadian Red Cross meeting. said: ‘ 1’22; whoa-um ADVARUB an electriv pow- Until further hle for elootriv The Canadian Red Cross “[AUSTRIA. .1 HUEGARY. ,_,.....n moucmuétk mm.- cums 1m} 00 z :55ng n L: ov «37.000 CHO'UC LDRLN mumw- -l67f$00 g // iILL noun: 5): “on 0M 93; born “Our problem over the forthcoming winter appears to be about 3,500,000 to 4,000,000 children. “These children are the obligation of every man, woman and child in the Western Hemisphere, for we have suffered less; but, beyond this, they are a charge on the heart of the whole world.†The British Empire War Relief Fund (To Combat Distress and Disease in Europe) this work. An air compressor was in stalled; also boilers to furnish steam power; pumps, etc. This has all been done and everything is in readiness to hearty on operations; the only handi- ‘eap being- a shortage of labor. The pulp companies are carrying on large operations at present and have raided the mining camps for men, offering much better pay. As a consequenee it has been hard to get men and hard- er still to keep them on the job. How- ever, conditions in this respect are im- proving as a result of an inereased flow of men into Northern Ontario due to the slackening of activity in industrial eentres and 1 think from provmg as a result of an increased flow of men into Northern Ontario due tn the slackening of activity in industrial oentres and I think from now omour trtgubles as reards labor 0 q 0 “’1“ gradualy vanish. “In connection with the milling equipment which the company pur- chased in Nova Scotia for a very low sum, this 'has arrived at South Por- cupine and is now being unloaded. It will be hauled into the property when the snow comes, which should be with- in the next few weeks. Buildings to house in the compressor, boilers, etc., are “being e rected as well as comfort- able winter quarters for the men. This work has progressed well and is now nearing completion.†I . . . . The president emphasized the lngu values occurring comparatively near the surface. No other mine in the Porcupine, he said, had encmmtered such rich ore near the surface. The ore has been located by diamond drill from a depth of 80 to 1000 feet. The following: ofï¬cers were elected for the North Davidson for the ensu- ing yearnâ€"â€" President.~â€"-l{. T. Jeffrey, 'l‘oronto. \-'iceâ€"l"resident J. Johnston, ()tta‘m. Directorsâ€"L. G. Harris, J. J. Jell'- S EV A? 0" ‘5 UP. Ll b IH. .iey.0 55;, â€lay it“: flMTYPNUS R L“? Wzg~4kl4 -‘vmv r23)â€, } â€5: fW’H ’ \ 0 -fl.-- \2- I: . \J \‘r‘ “0‘4; rey, J. Johnston, H. '1‘. Jeffrey and Thus. ('uin. The ï¬nancial statement submitted at the’mwting shamed â€73,256.26 had with the air drills, which is the most rapid and economical method of doing Study this Map nimston appeals on behalf of ;. J. J. JetT- Jeffrey and ROUMANIA . LAKE SHORE INCREASES PRODUCTION FOR SEPT. Shareholders of Dome Extension are sending in their shares for exchange aeeording to the terms of the pur- chase agreement with the Dome Mines. The Dome Extension shares are being exchanged for Dome. at‘ the rate of thirty Dome Extension for one of Dome Mines. Dome Extension shareholders will share in the Oct. 20th dividend of :25 cents a share pay- nhle on Dome stock, it' they have their 261.237, the increase for September thus being a substantial one. The Lake, Shore. Mine thus mntinnes to maintain the reeord of producing the highest average grade run of ore of any mine in Canada. At the same time it keeps up a steady production running- aronnd the same figure,â€" HU.OOO.UU,â€"each month. Mr. (‘ottey's report also shows that 54% feet of sinking was done during the month, this being in connection with deepening- the main shaft from the 400 to the. b‘dO-t’t. level. The monthly repurt of Manager R. (I ("ntTey slums that for September the Lake Shore prnduocd $40,150.92 in gold. There! were 1480 tons treat- ed, the average grade. being $227.12. For August the production was $35, 20th dividend of 2.‘ able on Dome stool shares transferred been expended for plant, eta, up tn Sept. 30th 10:30. The conmany has 780,000 shares in its treasury avail- able for sale. :ZXCHANGB 0P DOME BX. FOR DOME MINES SHARES. ' Police Magistrate Atkinson left last week for a business visit tn 'l‘uronto. He will mine right through frmn the city to Tiunnins to hold court here this week. I?! WHEGREAT °TERRITORY°ENCLOSED ° BSTWEEN 'TflE- UNES °A‘B.'C-D.°THERE'lS'LACK'sz- T‘IPHUS,-CONSUMPTION, ° SMALL-POX.'A?~‘O OTHER - DISEASES - RACING ° IN ° UNCNECKED VIOLENCE . TflE -CHILDREN 'ARE°THE -GREAT£ST-SUFFERERS ° ELEVEN ° MILLIONS °0F 'THEM ~ARE ' WAR ' ORPHANS . THE. - PEOPLE ° ARE - SO - BESET 'WITH° HUMAN ° MLSERY ° TNAT ~TN£Y ' ARE ° HELPLESS . UKRAINE. m -sow - V!LLAGE5 -HALf -Tr1t -‘ PEOPLE - ILL 'AT -Tn: '5AME'TIME FOOD. MEDICAL 'SUPFUES. CLOTHING . DOCTORS . FUEL. NURSES. liOSFITAL ° ACCOMMODATION. It is reported that the Zenith Min: ing Company who hold claims in Skcad Township are xonisdering the establishment of a silver fox farm on their property, to be conducted as a sideline to their gold mining opera- tions. Whether anything will come of this or not remains to be seen. The fact is, however. that some of those in terested in the Zenith are also inter- esed in silver fox enterprises in New Brunswick, so they would know all about. the possibilities of the business and its chances in this country. The Zenith Mining (‘o. on more than one occasion has received publicity for un- usual or striking- standing on ques- tions of investment or business. For instance. there was much discussion and considerahle interest in the pro- position .credited to some of the Zenith directors,â€"â€"that they intended to develop one of the claims owned by them to such an apparent high stani‘L nut that interest would be so aroused in this and the other claims that there would he. no dilliculty in disposing: ol' the other claims at a ligure that would provide sullicient funds to go on and develop the lirst claim and bring: it to a stage of proï¬table production†ll" the idea. of running a silver t'ox t'arnz, however, is proceeded with the Zenith Mining ("empany will be able to boast of two “gold mines" on their proper~ ties, as the silver fox industry is a very proï¬table one. With the silver t'ox industry, the Zenith would no doubt soon find itself makingr very sa» tist‘actory progress in every way. TALK OF SILVER POX FARM FOR THIS NORTH LAND. An epidemic of typhoid fever is re- ported from South Temiskaming at the foot of the Lake near Ilailmh 1rv. Several people haxe been taken to Ilaileybury hospital suï¬â€™ering' from the disease while others are reported as ill with typhoid at their homes.