Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 3 Nov 1920, 1, p. 5

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A young Mining Engineer desires an appointment. " Served five years with a firm of mining and civil en. gineers; also scientifically trained at Royal School of Mines, London, Eng- land. Willing to accept any appoint- ment. which offers opportunity an proved ability. Apply M. Merrall, 27% Emerald street north, Apartment 3; Iamil'tun, Ont. 44-461). MINING ENGINEER DESIRES APPOINTMENT. rt I !: ESEBEEEE§EEEEEEEESEEEEEE§EEW§ J I" czflucflucuucluwucaumumuwuuumuuuu-aunâ€"ua--â€"â€"-â€"â€"--â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" a E 933] E E if. E E E [L E E E i g g i i i i z i i E § § 3 § WNOOMONWWN“”M WOOOOQNON N¢6N¢me6 Ancnimng Cnldfields Branch G.W.V.A. W'Mr. T. F. King admits that the joke was 'on him, but. it was so kindly and good-humouredly carried through that he does not object at all. 'Reeently he was told that the Knights of (‘olum- bus wei‘e having a dinner, and as a good Knight he thought he would attend. Just at the moment it did not strike him as peeuliar thatkthey should be holding their dinner in the Pres- 'TWAS A NICE DAY. BUT THE WRONG KIND OI" KNIGHT. Auspices Goldfields Branch G.W.V.A. ftyter'ran-chnrch. Possibly, if anyone had called his attention to this fact as an odd feature, he would have replied that in the North Land the people are so demoeratic, so friendly and so little given to drawing lines of creed or anything like that, that it was quite natural that the- most convenient place should .be used, irrespective of unimportant details. Anyway, Tom. .30 the story goes, went to the dinner. He knew many there, but missed a few that he felt should have been there. But everybody gave him a very hearty welcome and soon he was seated at the table in the midst of the pleasant company. After a time he began 'to be a little suspicious. The coat did not have its whiskers parted goat did not haxe its Muske1s paneu the same 11.13 as the Knisrhts ot Columbus initiating goat, and there were. other little things that seemed different to the K. of C. Then, he dis- covered that he had been welcomed in- to a meeting, not of the Knights of Columbus, but of the Knin'hts Temp- lar, an adxaneed \Iasonie t'1r1ternitv. Tom exeused himself and wished t1 “itl: drau, but thex “ould not let him. He had to stav to the end of the little lanquet. 'But it “as not much 11t an ordeal. Everybody was pleasant and f1iendlv and the true s.11irit of frater- nitV was in exidenve 1111 all sides. The Tspeeial guest at this special meetinjr 0f the Knights l‘emplar 1s 1e11111te1l as savinw that he thought the {11111111 of Knights Templar “ere tine enouuh fellows to be Knights of Columbus, while the special hosts of this speviul dav were much tempted to make :1 Kniglt ”Hem )131‘ at 'l‘mn. MOTION PICTURE EXPERT SECURING MANY VIEWS. Mr. M. .I. Shields, the Ontario Gn- vernment. moving picture expert, has been busy during: the past week se- uuring views of 'l'iznxnins and district. Last. week views were taken of some of the leading: business places, and on Saturday evening pictures were made of the big mowd at the Veteran’s Dance in King's Hall. Monday even- ing; this week ai'i'ang'ell'ients were made for filming of the crowds coming Dance in King's Hall. Monday even- ing this week zu'rang'ements were made for filming at the ('rnwds «0111ng from the theatre after the show. A number of other views are being taken this week, and the film should give a Splendid review of life in 'l‘immins. The pictures are to be shown down south, in the U. S. A. and in Europe to give a cerreot picture 01' life as it really is in this part of the North Land. liarâ€"1F. fl%%%%$%%%%5%%%$fifififiggfifig%gg$§$§$§§$§E§§$fi$§$%§§%%gfi THE PORCUPINB ADVANCE TORONTO JBALOUS OP - 'I‘IMMINS HOCKEY BOYS. “Something akin to a sensatiou transpired in local athletic circles 11 tew da1's ago 11 hen it 1.1.1» learned that Jesse Sprim1 and Duke, Met urr1, t11o of the most pr-mnisixr11 all- round per- 1111'11111'l1e1e11houts, had gone to ”lim- 1111 us to reside. Both boys are eadepts at baseball. 1l1a1'ing played with the St. Mary, and are also boxers of no 111111111 al1ilit1'. 'l‘hev are not unknown to fame in a 1'1 11_1l11' sense and Spring made a name t'or hiznselt last summer as a deicme pl111 er 011 the champion {St 81111 111s la1rosse team. 3111((“111111 is rated 11 coming star on the cinder pat' 1, and all things considered the pair are probably the most versatile voutlis ever developed in the Queen iCity.1t is as hockeyists that they parti1ularl1' shine 11nd there is 11111111 suspicion that their translation to the inorth country has somethin11 to the north country has something: to do :11'ith the activities of the 111ml) in that minim1 (1111111111111itv.l11 am e1 eat that is the 1ie11' assumed by the athletic {11111111111'ities. and I 11111 c1‘c1libl1' intotm- bed that there is more than 11 possibil- litv that the l1(11's m111 have some dit’fic iulty in securin11 the necessary creden- ;t.ials '11'11111 the union. FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT, all FOR SALEâ€"A Nelson Range and Quuhev I‘Ioater, both practically new. Apply 12,3 'Map‘le street, 'l‘im- mins. â€"â€"â€"14 conveniences. Phone 150, 'l‘immins 1' t'an' i Wards -Â¥ nupine shman monts. L'IH‘t‘. H ”went ‘3 i; iOYS. t like to he 0 vir- mntn, 3 fact amtryi creas- rml‘ 1' men l_\'. Hf their ' amy- is so- |pt in I I ’ i u i 1 l :NNMMW”WOWWWOQW¢OW MOWMOMWOMWWWWMOWQ3 ‘MWWMOWOOWOOO‘NWNOOOOOOO M‘Iflrd'é'MQ‘l’i'i-i'fil-i‘é‘fi'éi‘ #i'éi'vfi‘bé‘l‘Q-i‘é'fi *i-dwlwluinz' *‘bi-fi'fi'fidw'péufié'fid'd‘ -§- -} To All Scotchmen! In order to discuss the proposal of organizing and forming a Social Club or Society, All Native-born Scotchmen are requested to be present at a meeting to be held at 8 o’clock pm. in the Council Chamber, Timmins Gtean PHONE 42 FRIDAY EVENING HISHON HOUSE (opposite Presbyterian Church on 4th Ave) Bright for this purpose. can be had at the Well Ventilated P. 0. BOX 883.

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