"if Pflï¬ï¬‚lll’llf MWMBE Ofï¬ce ‘26 mars To BE TRI‘BD AT NEXT SITTING or ASSIZES. his counsel, Mr. cred a plea of to be tried at ‘ charge against WEDNESDAY, NOV. 3rd., 1920. Published every Wednesday by Geo. Lake, Publisher Canada -- United States Subscription Rates: Telephones : Residence 112 $2.00 year $3.00 year ONTARIO caused some damage in Fat ’3 res-' tanrant the previous Saturday even-! ing or Sunday morning and also had; broken a couple of window; at the front of the Ideal Poolroom, were agreeable to paying for any injury they had caused, and so were ï¬ned the usual nominal $10.00 and costs. The troubks, it appears, arose from the un- ruly tongue of a third man who kept on talking until he had two such good- inatured'felluws as J. Vallancourt and J Boxd at cross- purposes, and a row started. The third man then left. The row was causing such disorder in the restaurant that the two men went out side. Then the windows of the Ideal Puolroom were broken and both men had their hands seriously cut by the glass. Medical attention was requir- ed in each case, and both men will be laid off \xork tor a tea days. Ofï¬cer Greer made a very prompt appearance on the scene and made the arrests in short order. Nick Kolenyate, the gentleman who had the loaded dice and marked cards in his possession when arrested, was sentenced h3three1nonths hljafl on a 'vagruncy eharge.7fhe evidence of the pohce was U3the eï¬ectthat he dhi not work except at gambling and such like. BABY CLINIC TO BE HELD TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. R. Appel and K. Minno were each assessed $10.00 and costs on drunk As will be noted from the annuonce ment elsewhere in this issue there will he a “Baby Clinic" in the Hotel Gold ï¬elds Annex on Fourth Avenue on Tuesday and \Vednesday of next. week NOV. 9th and 10th. Mothers residing on Balsam, Birch, Maple and Elm streets are requested to bring children under school age to the Clinic in the Goldï¬elds Hotel Annex on Tuesday, Nov. 9th at 1.30 p.111. Those residing elsewhere in 'I‘iuunins should come on Wednesday, Nov. 10th., at 1.30 p.111. Two nurses of the Provincial Board of Health, and two doctors will be in at- tendance. The Clinic is being held under the auspices of the local Board of Health. harges 'ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER I INSTITUTED AT FALLS JOn Friday evening last there was an interesting ceremony at. Iroquois Falls, :1 new Chapter of the Royal Arch Masons being duly instituted at the big Paper Town. A number of Chapter members from Timmins went Chapter members 1mm llmmuus “CHI. over to the Falls for the event, the number including Messrs. H. Webb, Charles Kemsley, John Morrison, Horace Laidlaw and Geo. Carey. High officials of the Royal Arch were also present for the occasion, and the Chap ter at the Falls was duly instituted and started on its way. The Masquerade Ball at South Por- cupine last Friday was a noteworthy success, according'v’jto several from 'l‘i-mmins who attended the event. The costumes and “get-ups" were worthy of mention for their original touches and the cleverness of many of the de- signs. The event was under the aus- pices of the ’South End I.0.0.F., and was up to the usual good standard of social events. EFFICIENCY OF STAFFS IN MINES 0F DISTRICT The idea was, and is, that. the short- age of labour, naturallv decreases the best ehaneesi or the efï¬cient workin5., r of the mines. The miners in the (‘ amp are all 1ight, but there are not enough of them. The arrival ot the (ornish miners will help to adjust the situaâ€" tion, though even with this addition there will still be room â€'l'or 1500 or 2000 more men for mining work in the Camp. HEB PORCUPINB ADVANCE $95! Emmmfl Samuel Goldwyn ms; Rex Beach sssss nt RIN EHARI '8 MARY. ROBERT S