A. POOLEY. HHflS Pikie’s Trangéer Cor. Bull Grounds, opp. Phone 88Rn1ghtlros \Icliinnon BestTransfer in Northern Ontario Prompt Service. Good Attention Prices Right like“ every ï¬rst and fourth Mon- day in the Oddfellows’ Hall at I‘ ma. Visiting brethren always welcome National C Freight, Express General Transfer Graduate McGill Medical Cull. Reed Block, Timmins. Has resumed practise after 3 years service overseas. Phones: Office 202A. Res. 2023 R. F. ARGLES ACCOUNTANT and AUDITOR ncrgy Timmins, Ont. Experience Ofï¬ce Reed Blk. quipment Telephone 66 Business Systems Installed and Improved. “MINE 1.0.1. No. 2552 J. A. HOWSE 35 Fourth Ave., Timmins Wholesale Tobaccos and Confectionery DR. A. S. PORTER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON rcupine Advance Office, FOR SALE Phone 154 Register for saleâ€" WM. FIELD. '1‘ 1m- ltob mums mm, I.n.n.r.uu. 459 Meets every Tuesday evening in the Oddfeliows Hall, Third Avenue. Visiting brethren requested to attend. Geo. S. Drew W. G. Smith FOR SALEâ€"T111199 thoroughbred collie pups, from prize-winning stock Appiy to ‘ Porcupine 0. SEGUIN 9 Maple Street, Timmins. P.O. Box 75. Phone 211. ALSO SELLING PIANOS Sewing Machines Ls a 11:4an precaution at this season the year, householdergare advised mil all water before using. TIMMINS BOARD OF HEALTH. BOIL THE WATER Agent for Singer FOR SALE. JCVIXIQ Box 13, South 43-44 p. 38â€" ABDHESS flf PBESIHEHT flf Ml.†h. M ANNflAl MEET Advocatzs Trophy for Championshi Of Ontario. Reyiews Work Of N. O. E. A. During The Year. There is so much of general inter- est in the address of President Angus D. Campbell of the N.O..H A at the annual meeting in (‘ obalt 011 Saturday lastt hat it is gw en belmx, prlcticalh beginning of even better things in Northern Ontario hockey. a That your association has 1 ad a suc- cessful year is witnessed by the se- cretary’s report of the details of the season's games and by the sound state of our ï¬nances. Organized in November 1919, the N...Oll.A immediatelv formed an ad- \ antageous alliliation with the 0. H A., the largest and best 001e1ned hocke\ body in the world, and within tour months from the time of our organiz- ation meeting the N. ().H. A seniorl champion team, Sudbury had defeated the Intermediate and Senior cham- pions of the O.H.A. on the home ice of the latter team and was the holder of the Allan Cup, emblematic of the amateur hockey championship of Can- ada. Though unsuccessful by the narrowest of margins in their defence of the Cup the “ \Volves of the Nort-h' made a place in hockey history for Sudbury and for the N.O.H.A. All of the clubs in the Association, I am :sure, are proud of the record establish ied by these champions, and the “Cub Wolves,†the champion junior Sud- hury team, who made a very good showing in Toronto against T.C‘.(,‘., the exee1'1tionally strong Canadian junior champions. n full To the Sudhury club and the indivi- dual players I tender my heartiest congratulations. The pleasure of tend ez'ing these egmgratulations is, 'for me, very much greater since the ‘Wolves’ are a home brew team, born and bred in the North and an object lesson to ambitious hockey towns. The presence of some 30 delegates here to-day from points so widely apart as the 800 and Timmins, a dis- tance of 500 miles, is further evidence of the importance of your Associa- tion. I assure you all that your pre- sence and hearty cooperation will reâ€" sult in further strengthening the N. O.1-:I.A. and will certainly be a source of encouragement and support. to the officers whom you will. elect to-day. Your continued interest justiï¬es the belief that the N.O.H.A. has pro- vided well-governed hockey, and has contributed much to the athletic .en- joyment and satisfaction of Northern hockey players and spectators. You will agree with me that our Associa- tion’s group championships aroused great local interest, that the group- play-ol’fs heightened this interest and for the ï¬rst time in Northern hockey decided the North 'Land hockey championship. That the playâ€"off in Toronto proved of interest is a matter of hockey history. In addition to arousing the interest of spectators in hockey matches there can .be no doubt that more northern players participated in hockey last winter than ever before. The N.O.H. A. 'has much to thank the Ontario Hockey Association for. Our cons- titution, regulations, etc., are modell- ed on theirs, and the assistance receiv- ed from them has been invaluable to your Association. Our afï¬liation with the O.H.A. gave our champions last winter a direct route to the highest hockey 'honors and is a connection which should be highly prized by the N.O.H.A. The ï¬nancial terms of this afï¬liation are now so arranged as to place us on an equal basis with the O. H. A. The securing of some trophy emblematic of the championship of Ontario, for which the champion teams of the two Associations could compete, is, to my mind, practically all that remains to make arrange- ments ideal at least, until such time as we have in Northern Ontario a hockey arena large enough to accomodate the crowds for home and home games. T-iie O.H.A. last year paid the com- pliment to your Association of nam- ing your President on their executive This enabled you to have direct re- presentation in the Councils of the (MIA. (at their expense.) Lmon, winch the A.U.11..\. requires from its senior piayers, and tin? mem- bers‘1ip in the \ .0..HA of our NHL 0113 hockey clubs are passports good in any part of the hockey and athletic world and will, I believe, he most jealously guarded by their possessors. The resignation of \Ir. J. R. Dier of New Liskeard, Vice President of DHA. (at their expense.) To the press, both of old and of the N.O.H.A. territory, {11:30 indebted. '\Vithuut the h PT? 0H V03? second A., max of our W 8 )I‘ t1 Jt' Canada for {1.851;- ateur cards of this Le ROI-LA. requires layers, and thé mem- TEE PORCUPINB annual 'ks the hockey d Ontario meeting close of and the tion, for, as a future President, he would have done credit to it. The good wishes of the Association will I know, follow him to his new home in Charlottetown, P.E.I. The association has co-operated this 5 summer with the Nickel Belt and the‘ lemiskaming Baseball Leagues and toe insistence of both these leagues on‘ amateur standing and amateur ideals has been of great assistance to our Association. The champions of both these leagues were able to arrange ex- hibition games with Toronto senior :eams under ()ntario Amateur I‘ase- ball Associatoin permits. The several amendments to the conâ€" stitution and regulations to be present ed this afternoon 1 leave for your ap- proval. The formation of an Interm- ediate series is a problem that should be carefully considered I trust that any contentious matte rs that may arise will be dealt with in a spirit. of fairness and consideration for the good of the N.O.H.A. as a whole. In your secretary-treasurer, Mr. Charlton, I can assure you that you have had a most excellent officer, and to him and. to the members of the out- going executive I wish to express my heartiest thanks for their co-operation and for constant attention to their ‘important duties, and for their assis- tance in guiding the destinies of your Association during the past year in a iii-armor that I hope will meet with your approval.†BORNâ€"In 'l‘immins on Monday, Oct. 25th, 1920, to v‘MI‘. and Mrs. H. F. Schroedex‘,â€"-a sun. ‘ 'iMr. J. L. Englehart, Chairman of the T. N. 0., 'has made another (lon- ation to the town of Petrolia, the lat- est gift being a nurse’s‘home, the rost being- about $65,000, it is reported. Mr. Englehart is also providing for an additional wing to the hospital at a cost of $15,000. Mr. Engleharts original gift was his beautiful resid- ence and grounds at :Petrolia to he us- ed as a hospital and to bear the name of “Charlotte Eleanor Englehart Hospital,†in memory of his wife. their convert this week and for the general appreciation shown to the Band; particular thanks being due the management of the New Empire The- atre for their generosity, and to the artists who so kindly and ably assist- ed in the programme given. â€"~’14 p. The Timmins Citizens Band wishes to thank the patrons and the public generally for the generous support to ADVAN CB O.H.x\ ,‘55; E25; 63! CARD OP THANKS. in. {ï¬ï¬ï¬ 5Ҡi886 prog ‘amme Just Like the House That Jack Builtâ€"Fox Scotch and Sodaâ€"Fm: Trot Harry Thomas Trio Idle l)reams-â€"an 'l‘rut (Intro. "Lvt the Rost of The Japanese Sandman-Fox Trot Kyla-mum's Novelty Orchestra Trot . Yerkes Blue Bird Orchestra Scandal Walk-flux '1 wt the “fork! Go My") ‘ Harry Thomas Trio‘ Su-Ez-Zaâ€"Fox Trot (Intro. “China Boy.") Coleman's Orchestra Silver \Vatcrâ€"Fox Trot HERi‘ is a choice selection 01 the latest successes in this splendid list of new recmds, which will be \xelcome in every home where there 15 a talking '11 iLlllIlC Each record this month promises to make a big hit, lt1.1 refore 11c urge )011 to make an early selection in order to choose from a complde stock. Dance Numbers Vocal Selections Any Place W [I‘d Be W. nuerful W 111 Youâ€" 1 Mother Machree- (“3’19“ H: A Ltftle 11.: 0. Heaven (Shure They ( 1.11 11 [1 ox lrut (111tro.“The Uiil or M} Dwain}: ) 216195 lulwdl ( ‘ '11l s 11' hinmom rio . " - . , "i f ‘ Kismetâ€"Fox Trot Yerkes blue Bird Orch. The Standard on the Bracs 0 Majmm 1., You Promised Momâ€"One Stgn Avalon â€"Fox Trot 1 Tell Me Little Gypsy Lewis Radennan's Novelty Orchestra}2l6204 Like We Used To Be I.ewi« Hiawatha‘s Melody of Low (Intro. “Tired of Jesus. Saviour, Pilot Me Trinity 1 1.19.") Waltz Radernmn’s Novelty Orchestra} Nearer. My God To Thee Trinity 1 All on 10-inch. double-sidcdâ€"Price still remains at $1.00â€"WE PAY THE TAX to the 64875 64883 04890 0-1" U4 64905 01407 64908 64909 74643 74645 88623 Céloste Aida (Heai’renly Aida) L'Africana (In English) Oh Paradise! (01 Paradigm) (In English) Assoma- ient, he it. The .n wm I Raderman's Novelty Orchestra J" Radcrmmx'b NoveXty Orchestra NQVEMBER RECORDS NOW on Sale Yerkes Blue Bird Orchestra T rovatoreâ€"Stride la Vampa! (C outraltn) Ever of 'l'hee I’m Fondly [Jr-aiming (C ontralto) Chanson Indoue (Viulin) Ulavclitos (Soprano) Fedoraâ€"Arum ti vieta di non amar (Tenor) Yaza-7.aw. piccola ztngura (Baritone) By the Water; of Minnetonka (Supranu) When Ynur Sh‘p Comes In (Tenor) Nocturne (Violin) Prelude in G Major (Piano) gï¬uï¬ ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ ï¬ï¬wmwupmflï¬wflflflï¬mï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬ QGQQ WQWQWQEQQ Granada {T Dmmmond-McCall Co. , The Hardinge Co. - REFRESENTATIVE- Vancouver Wood, Pipe Tank Co. Mine and Mill supplies, also building materials. Phone 43 Timmins, Cobalt 17 Secretary L. P. Heil. WWWWWOWMW 009090969904 6‘ STENOGRAPHBR WANTEDâ€"43119 In the matter of the wtate of Gui- seppe Pilippi, otherwise known as “P. Pilippi, †late of the Town of Tim- mins in the Dist ict of Temiskaming, deceased. date NtYl‘lt‘lC is hereby given pursuant to H. S. 0. 1914 Chapter 121 and am- endments thereto that all persons hav- ing claims against the Estate of the above named Guiseppe Filippi otherâ€" wise known as F. Filippi, who died onl or about the 17th day of February: 1920 are on or before the 8th day of December 1920 requested to send or deliver to us their Christian and sur- names, addresses and descriptions and full particulars in writing under oath of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) 'held by them. ‘After the. said date, we will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceas- ed aznong those entitled thereto hav- ing regard only to the claims of which we then have had notice and we will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person whose claim has not been received. Dated this 22nd day of October 1920. The Toronto General Trusts Corporation, Toronto, Ont. Administrators. B y I) \\ 1n with some know ing. Apply to .n' dzspusal on Auvemher 10th. Ive heavy teams with harness com a. Tenders reveived up to above . Horses may be seen at any time. Northern Development Branch, . Swastika, Ont. on.-~-.4. o. a! â€0'0. 6» '31:"; C:‘_ ’chr,._\g.o 33*.» Us 5*... Nab“ 4‘39 ,A‘grz NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 12-inch. dou ble-sldedâ€"Pflce $1.65 \V. O’Sullivan, Timmins, Ont. Solicitor herein. Master’s Voice †dealers Any “His Master’s Voice †dealer \Vill gladlv play any selection you wish to hear Red Seal Records FOR- SALE. BERLIAI‘R 012A}! - 0-PII 05'!) CO†LI. {113130, .‘IOA'TRE-LL 216200 216203 216199 216197 on November 10th. xu ledge of book-keep- Bux 293, Timmins, The Rosary Paul lJufault Invictus I’aul Dufault, 21620! Thank God {or a Garden I’aul Dufault‘116202 Dreams Paul l)ufault ‘ I'm In Heaven When I‘m In My Mother's Arms Lewis James I‘ 11 Be With You In Apple Blossom Time Lewis James Venetian Dreams Charles Hart-Lev is James; 5 216205 Tell Me Little Gypsy Lewis James Like We Used To Be lemq Jame: {216296 Jesus. Saviour, Pilot Me Trinitx Quartctbmus Nearer. My God To Thee 'Irinitx Quartet; O Canada Paul unfault Cohen Talks About the Ladies (Humorous Monolo ue) Monrue SiWcr Cohen at t e Movies (Humorou. IVIunnlugue) ‘ M'wrnc $ilvcl Peachle (Duet) Charles Hart-Elliott Shaw In Old Manda (Duct) (Thnrlcs Hart-Elliott Shaw There's No Other Rose Like You 1 Mother Machree- Char] A Lane 8‘: 0. Heaven (Shurc Thï¬â€˜)’ ( Ireland) ( {Jul The Standard on the Bracs 0‘ Map Manufacturer: .41.... 43-45 Gabriella Rosar‘zm‘i Sophie Brahlau Hughes Macklin} Hughes Macklin it‘l',‘ â€MWOMWOM Nothing bcttergg be M Nothing batter i; made Giunduw R< .berts Paul unfault (Handon Roberts'\216l93 $235033 Charles Harrison They ( all it' . (‘1:1xlcs liarnson HIGHâ€"H CGQNN ocamm 20167