| t â€" The Geo. Taylor Hardware Ltd. %‘l"l 4!|x i t J 1i 71 heâ€" THE CURTIS DRUG CO. Cobalt STANLEY TOOLS LUFKIN RULES STARRETT‘S TOOLS SHELF HARDWARE STIMONDS SAWS HKEATERS new line of Olympia and Columbia Ranges on display. Prices $65.00 to 110.00 Druggists and Optometrists Have them examined by our Refractionist. If you need glasses he will tell you so and your examination will be conducted with the latest and best instruments in the optical line. all and let us demonstrate the new 1900 Cataract Electric Washer First customer will be lucky sion for initial sale in town. t CHALN OF STORBS T HEROU t 2L U W 4 . 4 ol e â€" reTrenP reomi YOUR REQUIREMENTS PROMPTLY AND OUR CUSTOMâ€" . O@DERS ARE GIVEN PROMPT AND COURTEOUS Hunting Season is Now Open Cochrane REGULAR PRICE $210.00 Easy to operate. "Aiways at you WE ARE NOW CARRYING A COMPLETE STLOCK OF SHELEF AND HEAVY HAR DWARE. ASK FOR QUoTATIONS AND SaAVE oa q. MNMONEY â€"a lucky as manu‘acturers have made special concesâ€" AQO New Liskeard JNS, CARTRIDGES, SHELLS, etc. UT THE NORTH ENABLE US ir Service" Liberal Terms Timmins, Ont. 2A anlenien n HARDWARE NAILS PLASTER CEMENT ROOFING Timmins THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE Mr. A. E. Wicks, Hawk Lake Lumber was a visitor to the Mrs. Raoul Mayer, Lang street, Coâ€" balt, was so badly burned Mopday morning that her recovery is not exâ€" pected. It is thought that she mistook a can of gasoline for coal oil while attempting to light a fire. The gasâ€" oline took fire and exploded, setting fire to Mrs. Mayer‘s clothing and inâ€" flicting terrible burns. The official statement of the Labour Day event held in Timmins under the auspices of the Timmins FootbaN Club shows that such a day may be unusually pleasing and .suceessful, without there being much money in it for the organization that gave it so much time and attention and ‘hard work. However, the big aim of the Timmins Football Club was t8 proâ€" vide a thoroughly .enjoyable dayâ€"a little out of the ordinaryâ€"and in this their success was pronounced enough Mr. Thos. Blackman returned last from a visit to Toronto and ther southern points. Passengers on Nunday‘s National tell of some excitement near Cobalt when a horse got on the track and was hit by the train. The National was stopped very quickly and as the, horse had apparently meen thrown down inâ€" to the ditch by the foree of the blow from the engine it was expected that the animal was either killed or so badâ€" ly injured that it would have to be shot. The horse, however, rose up to its feet, blinked its eyes a couple of times, and calmly set about eating erass. "‘If I had not mistaken the enâ€" gineer‘s calls to me to mean ‘*back un‘ the T. N. 0. would never have up hit E5 M 1 *l.1 eir success was pronount leave everyvbody satisfied on ‘ the T. NS O. won me,"‘ says the horse i busines this week . Fred. Hamilton returned from a visit to Toronto. Joe. Brennan yeturned last from a visit to North Ba’\' and points south. Timmins News in Brief S. Drew, of Simms Hooker usiness visitor to Kirkland let Coming, Friday and Saturday, Oct. Ist Z2nd ALICE JOYCE Wicks, president of the we returned last week isit to Toronto and the Friday and Saturday, Sept. 24th 25th WILL ROGERS Harold Jarvis Tenor Maud Busehlen _ Violinist Madge Williamson Pianist Clarice Spence Elocutionist : Auspices of GREAT WAR VETERANS ASSOCIATION Dancing Theatre Basement Every Wednesday and Saturday After the Show Co., Monteith, Camp on Friday COMING HAROLD JARVIS CONCERT PARTY : The Strange Boarder > t â€" Sporting Duchess Mr.: Boyd, graduate drugais Toronto joined the staff of the | Burke drug store last week. Mrs. Grisdale, and two sons, oft Grand Prairie, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. R. Sullivan, Schumacher,. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ryley returned to Timmins last \\eel\ and will be welâ€" comed back to the Camp by their many old friends here. Mr. Ryley has for some months been employed in the Ford Motor works at Windsor, but finds conditions andâ€" surroundings much better in the Poreupine. ness oT Mrs. W a way to h The North Temiskaming Teachers‘ Association, of which Mr. C.S. Carter, principal of Timmins Public School is president this year, will hold its anâ€" nual convention early next month. The exact date has not yet been decided, but it will likely be early in October, and the place of meeting will most probably be Monteith. There are five or six envelopes at The Advance office still containing prizes won by exhibitors at the recent Horticultural Show in @onnection with the Labour Day event conducted in Timmins by the Football ‘Club. Any Horticultural Show prize winners not vet receiving their prizes will find them waiting at The Advance office. Answer the call. ‘The boxing in the Finlander Hall last Friday evening attracted a goodâ€" sized crowd, and the events pleased those present. Jack Boyd, announced as a former sparing partner of Jack Dempsay, proved altogether too skillâ€" ed for any that faced him. He had no trouble in putting his first opponent out of the running, but Babineau put out ol the runnming, Dut Daninedal x % up a tidy exhibition and showed could deliver the goods. The British Chamber of Commerce is to tour Canada, a party of the visitâ€" ors expecting to visit Timmins some time earlysin Oectober. This is the year of delegations for the North Land. They all heip. The biggest drawback to this country is the fact that it is not known outside. Every Land. ‘They all help. The bi drawback to this country is the that it is not known outside. | party of visitors helps on tue work of spreading the gospel o North,. * rs. W. H. Pritchard was Called v to her old home in the East near inoque this week owing to the illâ€" of her mother. ish Chamber of Commerce anada, a party of the visitâ€" ne to visit Timmins some Wednesday 111 U ‘Bringing up Father Comedy LARRY SEMON COMEDY thie good el of the ol Mr. and Mrs. Sid MeCoy returred last week from their wedding tour to Ottawa and other points east and south. The Studebaker automobhile sold on Monday at the Timmins garage to satist‘y a lien for the cost of m\pairs, ete., made to it, was purchased by<Mr. J. A. Howse, of Timmins. Fite minutes after the explosion on Wall Street, New York, bulletins giving details of the disaster followed by a one minute service were posted on the Hamilton B. Wills Co. board in Timmins. This may be classâ€" ed as ‘*‘some‘‘ service. 4400000008880 Saturday LC I j