Hollinger Consolidated Gold Mincs, Limited. #O0T *J*) y £1,250.00â€"Bargainâ€"on the Hill, 2â€" storey house, 5 rooms, cellar, E. lecetricâ€" Light and Water, Verandah, also good shed. Owner leaving Town. R. F. Arzles, Reed Block, Timmins. $1,4000.00â€"Fourth Ave,, Central, 2 storey house, 6 rooms, furnace, Elecâ€" tricâ€"Light and Water, Verandah, also good woodâ€"shed, twelve foot lane in rear. R. F. Argles, Reed Block, Timâ€" mins. a N4 to $1,800.00â€"Elm St., 2 storey house, ( rooms, finished in hardwood. R. F. A rgles, Reed Biock, Timmins. D: (p 2( ) esc {(HIMS l dividend of 1% upon th tal stock of the Company ared payable on the 6th c r. 1920, on which date Je malille (1) 00.00â€"Cottage ~on the Hillâ€"4 , cellar, water, also W orkshop 1ed, choice corner lot 60‘ x 100. Argles, Reed Block, Timmmb. (‘.\'1) P( DIVIDEND NO. 76. Just Received a full line of all kinds of Royal Crown Derby China. Also full line of Limoges, all patterns. Complete stock of Silverware and Cut Glass. Come to this store for: gifts HOUSES FOR SALE suitable for Wedding Presents. Eyes he close of busi September, 1920 the 15tk. day of Tested. Broken Lenses Replaced. leweler and Fully Qualified Optician Phone 141. Next the Post Office, Pine Streer to _ Buy Your Counter Check Books in Timmins ‘JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN 1) It will prove more convenient and satisfactory for you all round The price will not be any more, and it often will be something less, than charged by outside firms for a less convenient service, . AALPEKIN A full line of samples may be seen at The Advance Office. Just call up Phore 26 and have these facts proved to your °enâ€"= tire satisfaction. \ DUNXNLAP, Treasure! dâ€"up heen KOTICEZ RE McGREGOR‘S LIVERY M 141 e pa Gregor And mot be FOTP 9 date NN I)ated at South Por lay of =pteml)er, A. 38â€"30 M ARGARE eol, name:y, 1ro , 1920, to the ), will be paid MeGregor, and ; ‘or by me durin OT A L Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. New Empire Theatre Block TIMMINS, ONT. ) w1 1 V VA J1C y M. Met all debt business further take notice that I will responsible for any debts conâ€" by the said Perey M. MeGreâ€" ent M eC I 11 at I have this day terest in the above formetrlvy known as im t all de oreupine this 13th D. 1920. ET MeGRFEGOR id Perey M. M« *t ivery after thus my owners e 16th. day 1. Septem hne said Pe ehts contractâ€" e same preriod PC said erceVy CY McINTVREâ€"PORGUPIRE‘S FINL REPORT FOR VER Reserves, Profits and Surplus All Show Gains. Reference To New Vein. pleasing terested thriving gains in ‘*During the year three dividends of 5 per cent. each, aggregating $546,042. 45, were paid to shareholders."‘ ‘*The cost of producing any comâ€" modity is mainly measured by the wage paid the worker, the costs of materials used in its production andâ€" in the case of miningâ€"depletion of ore, which latter generally represents a mine‘s chief asset. It therefore follows that an ‘increase in wages must inevitably be a burden on the the following oceur :â€"â€" follows that an ‘increase in wages must inevitably be a burden on the thing produced, which, in the case where the burden is passed along to the consumer, does necessarily reflect adversely in the earnings, but where the value is fixed, as it is with us, must, if continued indefinitely, reâ€" flect unfavorably in the ratio of net profits to gross production. We are fortunate in having an average grade of ore developed which ‘has enabled us to operate and make progress in the face of this basis principle. Future expansion, however, will depexid largeâ€" ly upon improved economic .condiâ€" tions.‘" ‘*‘The result of the limited amount of development work we have been able to accomplish, owing to the seareâ€" ity of labour, has been very satisfactâ€" ory. Aifter producing $2,080,178.44, the ‘ore reserves ‘have béen increased THE PURCUPINE ADVaANOE SAYS BELCHER ISLAND ORE IS OF LOW G Beicuer lslands iron 1916 has recently â€" faigh or hope for the beilcher ilsiands iron ore prospects as some of the pros pectors and miners from this district who have been up theré at various times. It is not, however, the first time that the ordinary prospector and the scientific ;expert chave differed, with the outcome very often eventualâ€" ly in favour of the srainary prospectâ€" cannot be worked at present. Even with electric power developed from the falls on the numerous rivers on the east coast of Hudson Bay would not make the prospects seem promisâ€" ing to Mr. Moore. The importance of iron ore deposits to the North Land, hoWever, is so great as to make the question of more than passing interest to all north of the rzeic‘at of land. ntls The extensive programme of deâ€" velopment planned at the beginning of the year on the Melnutyre has been onâ€" ly partially carried out. This been because the expected improved operating conditions have not materâ€" ialized to the extent hoped for. The best possible, however, was done with the Jlabour available. Development work has been catrried on at the, 1125, 1250, and 1375 foot ievels. The main shaft was put down to the 1560 foot level from 1400 feet. Levels were cut at the 1250, 1375 «and 1500â€"foot ‘eovels,. From the annual report of the Me Intyreâ€"Poreupine for the year ending June, 1920, the folowing facts and fizures may be gleaned :â€" Ore reserves, 502,682 tons, at an average value of $11,13 per ton, total value of $5,595,500.00; as against a total value the previous year of $4,777 324.00, the increase for this year being $828, 176.00, In production, 188,835 tons of an average value of 1152 were milled, the total production thus totalling $2,080,178.00. The previous year the production was 179,874 tons at an average value of $9.76, br a total of $1,671,646.00. ©The costs of operating were naturalâ€" ty a little in advance of the previous year, but not in proportion to the genâ€" eral advance in general costs, nor in ratio to the increase in the net profits. en more . Moore se Oore roOre, w or de , who examined the: ron ore de]umls in | y been giving his de;nwit' lm\nw reâ€" or less in the puhhw has not as much| he Belcher Islands . as some of the pmsi rs from this district ip there at \.umux! however, the first nary prospector and pert chave differed, very often eventualâ€"| e srainary prospectâ€" rties in this North later proved good | $ % @ d ondemned by the exâ€" l e or another. There eney, however, to (115’ ta:\mw work of the| alonn scrientihe lings rieir findings almost advantage to the reâ€"| n many ways. They rmation as to formâ€" 3 of great use to the .hen‘ labours can be 1 as of much assisâ€" ing prospector Near tor is an optimistâ€"* imisticâ€"while many and other scientific 10 examine ore deposi eeon â€"@#iving were $900,495.00 t down as $180, not written a ViI »f proâ€" e‘s reâ€" re deâ€" J thickâ€" i 5 feet, § ition is r with o e whole § t. qron. opinion i Belcher| @ i ¢ 0600940 090090000000400000048¢ NM'MOOQWWOQM: ©4$0000000000000000000000000000606 MM““MOM P.O. Box 62 f Phone No. 32 i VIQLINS, MANDOLINS, GUITARS SUPPLIES MUSIG SATCHELS ;OWWWW«»WW $ _TIMMINS SsCHUMACHER +« ; Phone 10 B Phone 95 B 2 $0000000080000000060008§8000608846 00006 HISHONS‘ ORCHESTRA Large stock of these instruments for sale ranging in price from $10.00 to $125.00 Come and look overour selection of Old and New Violins. One new Stanley Piano for sale cheap for cash. Can take a very limited number of studâ€" ents for violin and string instruments. John W. Foggs ; Excavations for Sewers etc. Contracts or all kinds _ tak en EMPIRE BUILDING _ Building Materials Coal and Coke, Mine and Mill Supplies AGENT FOR Colonial Steel Companies Famous RED STAR DRILL STEEL B.C. Fir. Woodâ€"Stave Pipe and Tanks of all descriptions All kinds second hand Mining Machinery in firstâ€"class condition., Boilers, Hoists, Pumps, Drills, etc. Head Office 14 CEDAR STREET CWPSTAIRS CONTRACTOR w N 3 3 00 C 2 C c t E: esnt o RUITARS SUPPLIES ATGHELS " Gâ€"tâ€"_._â€"_â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" instruments for sale $10.00 to $125.00 rour selection of Old ino for sale cheap for ited number of studâ€" ring instruments. Gâ€"4z.â€"â€"_â€"_â€"_â€"_â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€" @â€"@â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" 1ROEDER, EET (CWPSTAIRS) FORMER TEACHER AT DULUTH CONSERVATORY 444 06++ Yard and Warehouse