Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 4 Aug 1920, 1, p. 1

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Now, "*It made a man proud of the young men of Timmins."". During the war emphasis was very rightly given to the thought that the real eivilizâ€" ation and culture of a nation is truly dipiected by its attitude towards womâ€" en and children. The nations on the higher plane of civilization are those that practice chivalry, bray. «1r even but just l in question, the tConcert. was being held in the Rink and the Deleâ€" gates of the Empire had been unable to secure enough chairs for the big erowd gathering for the event. The result was that a number of ladies arâ€" riving after the opening hour were necessarily standing up at the sides of the rink. There were several rows of chairs occupied by young men who had come early to the event and were accordingly entitled to the seats they secured. But one of the young men, A PLEASING INCIDENT OoF CHAUTAUQUA WEEK 11 ¢ t rocope ladies noticiny a with a baby to #ive her nyg particularly pleasing it noted on the first evening of tyugqua Week here. â€"On the e in question, the Band Concer being held in the Rink and the gates of the Empire had been to secure enough chairs for t erowd gzathering for the event Yere oi Wi} onl company to brancn eat in . tion, and it is learned that pany will also construct a at Niavara Falls. completed, tfle first unit of the mill with a capaâ€" city for producing about 150 tons of eulphite pulp daily will be right in the centre of the soldier colony, the build ing used in connection with the latter being purchased through an arbit: ration commission. These buildings will all ‘be torn dnwn, though the material may be used in mnstruotmn work in connection with the" plant. Part of the men employed on conâ€" struction work will also ibe housed in the buildings on the western shore of the Kapuskasing. Among the work to ‘be commenced practically at once is the construction of a 2% mile spur line from the Transcontinental Railway to the Falls at the latter point it being intended to develop 5000 or 6000 horse power. The interests behind this great new pulp and paper industry at Kapuskasâ€" in plan to finance the project withâ€" The interests behind this great new pulp and paper industry at Kapuskas ing plan to finance the project with out making any stock offering. Muceces: achieved as a result of the construc tion and operation of similar plants in the United States has enabled the company fo branch out in this direcâ€" in the nc ment tors Final details are now ‘being arranâ€" ged between the Ontario Government and the United States interests who are behind the projected hbig pulp and paper mill to the erected at Kapusâ€" kasing, the recent site of the returnâ€" ed soldiers‘ colony. Preliminary work has already comâ€" menced, and the indications are that an important industry will be bwlt up at this point, with a consequent benefit to the North Land. The beneâ€" #t, for instance, of the Abitibi Powâ€" ep Paper Company‘s immense plant and industry at Jroquois Falls is of much greater general importance to the Notth Land than is generally reeâ€" qenized. The first step of the Kapuskasing enterprise has been to acquire the necessary timber rights, together with suitable water power. The site for in dmnen f finislhe Preliminary Work Already | Way. Sulphite Plant To Be Built First. KAPUSKASING PULP MILL TD BF STARTED ? WIFKG aratory to YX hile went to t d up. A1l vÂ¥erq (*+OH POV TC ) s vill tbe pr xt week o Messt‘s. F pape TL ve made comment on pleasing little inciden » first evening of Chai here. On the evenin the Band Conceert wa nd e sides nninenchn the piant en he installation or L wo U )T the young mc inding near â€" hi W notl tout aAir\ Othe ldren nd once tie com o1 JOSs( s rectE rCtui Under Public Urged to attend at Council R Chamber Toâ€"morrow (Thursday) Evening. wWis im )T‘C =() Constable Greer le Ottawa, being called account of Mrs. Greer east for mediwcal tre: elted 11 A challengerâ€"#or the Foster Cup. This meant that the game at Iroquois Falls must be played at latest on Tuesday of this week. This made very brief time for arrangements and sgetting a team together, and: this phase of the matter was set before the Cobalt Cup authorities by President Field. The Cobalt authorities, while pointing out tha tthe gaimes had ‘been drawn so as to get the preliminary matclhes out of 1!1('.\\":‘1}' as soon as possible so as to IROQUOIS FALLS WOULD NOT POSTPONE GAME. On Friday last the Poreupine Footâ€" ball Club received official word from Cobalt that the loecal club‘s first game in the Foster Cup series must ‘he p]ay ed before August 4th with Troquois Falls at the latter place, the winner of the game too play cwith another The Mayor has a definite and pracâ€" tical plan for a building for the return ed soldiers and to accommodate the athletics of the town also. Moreover he has a plan outlined for the finaneâ€" ing of it without especial difficulty. All that is needed now to make it a success is the hearty support and coâ€" operation of the public. The first step by the general public, if they wish to have a suitable building for the soldiers, is to attend the meeting called for toâ€"morrow (Thursday) even ing at 8 p.m. in the Council Chambers. There was a very small attendance at the meeting Monday evening called to discuss the matter of a building in town for the soldiers. The Mayor in opening the meeting said he felt that the attendance was not sufficient to warrant any direct action that evenâ€" ing. The small attendance was no doubt due in part to lack of sufficient publicity and another meeting would be ealled, this latter meeting to be well announced to the public in every way. It was decided to have the seeâ€" ond meeting called for toâ€"morrow (FThursday evening of this week) in the Council Chambers at 8 p.m. MEETING RE Soudiers [Toâ€"oav is ThE BiG oA BUILOINE TOâ€"Morgow At Sdute POrCuPINE nam pijon nc cons arrangement. ied that they advertising all consequently it to change the at t ropertyv ourth house south of Ad. store, toâ€"morrow (Thursday) . _ The property is to he sold D dera MO NET A TOâ€"MORROW onversation it would ‘be ay the Por T flunr 0 hy 100 equlpped lon )1 all agreeable. on the match | y as suggeste nent. The F they hage arr:s is all attende rmodate tion Vere trealtni< 111( Â¥ble and () ownsitt on( sale iuctioneet @n. Cil Falls upiné Au parently all _ mipl courteous sSatisftAacâ€" Troquois as ereeable M 16 Py by the S,â€" mem ‘ements to and mpossâ€" Field ing (‘:)IU tho wil "‘lll 11 TIMMINS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAN, AUGUST4 1920. not 10 ships, and so to "some date eca in due tixn another of the quiet tragedies North Land ?¢ Or is the expla of the drifting.â€"bark somethin tragice ? Fortunately there ar tragedies in the history of the eupine though prospectors and must necessarily take many ch In the present case there is nc cover anyone anywlhere in Does this overturned another of the quiet trag North Land ?%¢ Or is the of the drifting.â€"bark sor tragice ?0 Fortunately the ti DOES THE QOVERTURNED CANOE MEAN A TRAGEDY ? A gentleman returning last from the Night Hawk Lake d reported the finding of an overt éanoe south and. west of gold 1: The indreations seemed to â€"su that the canoe had not been lon set, vet patient search could no OM com e delio Town Gives Momentoes to 250 Returnâ€" ed Soldiers. Certificates to sCPVEe In the evening there will be a Grand Ball in the Oddfellows‘ Hall, with Colombo‘s famous orchestra furnishâ€" ing the musie. Dancing will begin at 0. 30). Big crowds are expected from all over the district and a Big Day is look ed for toâ€"day at South End. sicing. unusual Then the programme FPootball, Baseball, field kinds, automobile races, aquatie sports, etce. GERTIFIGATEG PRESEFNTED LAST NIGHT will ‘be publi The Advance Another special is the Baby Show. There will ‘be beautiful ba‘bies from all over the (hstrw t, all as healthy and good as they are fairâ€" looking. The programme prepared By the South Poreupine Committee promises to be one of the best ever held in the North Land. ‘The Firemen‘s Tournâ€" ament is one of the special features. Fire Brigades are expected to compete from Cochrane, Iroquois Falls, Timâ€" mins and other North Land towns, and some interesting contests may be looked for. Toâ€"day Wednesday, Aug. 4th is South Poreupine‘s Big Field Day. The day has been proclaimed as a ecivic holiday for both the Town of Timmins and the Township of Tisdale, and it is expected that the whole Poreupine Camp will spend this day at Routh End. The Timmins Citizens Band gathers here at 10.30 and plays selecâ€" tions until the time the train leaves for the east. The Band will board the train and the crowds will follow the Band. All will get off at South End for the big day there. xeept the bsekcee of Big Day of Sports and Pleasure. Aug. i4th Civic Holiday for Two Municipalities. s issued earlier This n account of the Civic ay, extended reference t iz event can not he made ount of the proceedings hose receivingz the beaut rom the of the proceedings and a list o ose receiving the beautiful Honou ertificates presented ‘by the _ town m 0O «lt (Tuesday ith the Mavort mnreâ€" M at to it t ul presentation of 10pe 11 1€ 1( any owne an accide ent case overturndt JC ere. wVas mMUuUsl( nmon e game was posiponed ter that wilFbe anuoun Daughte imins B the Soldie upine took ) in the Tim "*DprrJ k anvy of" these hard includin this wee evenin ‘ HManp AS n d ®] ivic Holiday ) s==In ry. oL tne :C tors and othe cCauncoe limmins 1i A. Melnnis programimeé 19 musical r¢e and AHarm ImmMmIns nmnext also includes sports of all heycle races, rt i V edies of the No pre the Honowm rs enlisting © nplace last expian: last weel ike distric overtarnei xold island ie ~ sonify oreupmneâ€" nins â€" has , and the the soluâ€" mnday toâ€" is pleasâ€" \ full acâ€" a list of YICInITV : wf : cn mg up 0t dis turne have Aa B (O1 DJ O T regular Ia when aly leavir ted by si1Oo wn ladies mg I1ife Whole, / and a _ NIQNâ€"CiaAss concert by the Wagnerian Quartette. ‘‘You cannot equal that,‘‘ was the general opinion, but the fourth day‘s programime did reach the. same attrac tive standard. Indééd, it is only a matter of opinion as to whether the last day was not the best of all. There is no question, however, as to its beâ€" ing excellent indeéd. The Old Song Singers, with their talented rendition M the beloved old favourites won all hearts, and Revy. Dr.. Norwood, of Philadelphia, pleased and inspired the ng Address on °* 1 : Destiny.‘‘ The IL.Q.:D.E. a: congratulated and ereat success of t] usta Coopeé soloist, deli me of the h programme included dress by Mr. WV. H. tie programmes Chataugqua on the last two days we Wednesday ian Quartette lo, viola and next vyear. L1ast l nursday complete suced Entertainments Delight Large Crowas Daughters of Emsire and Citizens Band Have Surplus. nent ce CHAUTAUQUA WEEK VERY SUGGFSGHYL HFRY WAY For Labour Day, Monday, Septemâ€" ber 6th, the Timmins Football Club is planning to put on here a big day of sports and specialties. The proâ€" gramme has not as yet been definitely planned, but there is every assurance that it will be something good and something out of the ordinary. Amâ€" ong the items already considered as features likely to be adopted is someâ€" thing along the line of a horticultural show on ‘a small seale. ‘The idea is to have prizes for the best flowers and vegetables and grains on display. Another feature will likely be the formal presentation to the Town of one of the captured (Germanâ€" gun trophies. Special effort is being made to have this trophy here in time for the Big Labour Day event here. Of course there will be the usual sports and athletic features, but the general effort is to make September 6th a litâ€" tle differert to the average sports day while giving all a thoroughly good time. â€" There is also a possibility that some prominent speaker may bhe enâ€" gaged to visit here for the day, the Dominion ‘Minister of Labour and the Provincial Minister of Labour being among those suggested. In any event, however, Labour Day in Timmins will be a good day. The Football Club put on a First of July event here that won general commendation for its pleasures and success all round, and the same attentionâ€"and energy given to that event will win for the Labour Day special the equal measure of sueâ€" Football Club Planning Pleasing Event With Many Special FPeatures. ellence of elves. _ "FPh 0 HAVE ANOTRER BIG HERE LABOUR DAYV ere the saowin nd indicates th n byx the 1.0.D 1e k en! uinelv ‘â€"the people i the Chauta re rddre savIino e Os2e W ence V \ rUTAaucou Te N( On Friday there was a well party at the station imtanugqua people were finâ€" sere. They were presenâ€" rrV role pmano, with coloraturi ited all with ne ent (:C:L}.]1 1J yere even D much indeed. ‘ternoon the rence _ was If furnshed by first two da in every _ way. lighted all, and i neat profit for Emnire who cle . nave agalin itaugqua Wee 1 iminins 40 ner cet 1» WwE T. . _.~%orwood, l and inspired t is thoughtâ€"inspi Dominion and 1 tuUra suprano a with a program rit. The evenin: an inspiring ad Stout, on ‘*Nee nd a_â€" highâ€"clas nmended on st Chautaugua were delighte. @CVer ; DeC remarikabhle or and talent on well as the e: iuinments then n contact an ent nd 19 23 un|yv cent. of the ide another ‘or the first violin, Miss Au down tter NWV ao niald 11 m the ere 11 den nl were we but at seeme was re tine TiOoHinger ball througho Hollinger wa reen _pitchin W j HOLLINGER BASEBALL TEAM KEEPS Aâ€"WINNING j1,astâ€" wWeeKkK tyre in baseball wit favor of the visitor: end the Hollimngerr t teamt with a 19 to 30. day and lost i nings or so. GOOD PROSPECTS FPOR GOOD HOCKEY HERE excellent players | will likel Ww N At the Civie Holiday Doings toâ€"day at South Poreupine there should be some very snappy baseball in evidence and the teams are likely to be fairly well imatched. The teams expected for the day are Kuirkland Lake, Cochâ€" ‘ane, Timmins and Dome. â€" The last named team has been much strengthened and it is said to be the ambition and hope of Geo. Gray‘s young life to pull out a win just to show them all. ‘The Cochrane team must be some swift aggregation to come as close to defeating the erack Iroquois Falls team on their »wn grounds as Cochrane did some w eeks ago. Kirkland Lake a ’teun, in which many oldâ€"timers who are said to have lost none of their skill and eunning figure prominently. The Kirk land Lake team is said to be a winâ€" ner. And last but not least there is the Timmins team. ‘The latter team has been much during the past few days and is said toâ€" da\' to have a linéâ€"up that looks about unâ€" beatable. "There are some oldâ€"timers who know the game from the groundâ€" up and that everybody knows can play ball and there are some new and proâ€" mising players that may make the crowds sit up and take notice. The baseball toâ€"day should be worth traâ€" velling a long way to see. STANDING OF N.O.F.A. TEAMS IN SECOND LEAGUE SERIES Troquois Falls, played tied 1; lost none; to pla south Poreupine, playve tied, 1; to ‘play, 4. Timmins, played 3; w (by default to Iroquois Vn There Should Be Some Lively Ball In Evidence This Civic Holiday. oOn¢ FOUR FINE BALL TEAMS Al 50UTH END TOâ€"DA) OO Ww 6 1l Moelntyre, played M 16 to s =or so.. "On Hollinger team throughout. â€" 4 1(1iC] nger was nreen and n pitching a fine game and get the best of support all round oy, Brennan, MeLean and Kin: effective work for the Hollinge at that every man‘on the tean is an old expert ho knows the game from t V tm t Do at pro od hockey lent. Ther ent. c1here are a nuty rs living in town wl ikely ‘be available. al disposition amon: it the meeting Thur:s Crood, Of the Tavlo IG@ _ :C1 with 1 t mnot retrieve ind Lefty w r heldin«# a JCOT 3 Te mceeting C114 }JWI 1 2ac¢e(0 31 own Winn ' 4 l ‘afte 1C¢ }) ¢ SCGOPE visitors, and 111 it own team h r? Neets man on tThe the 3CO0T7C with ars Old F ntaugtia ivilor t ho 8(11 in ~the or a fine n 19201 V( los ind This med the Town t sounded like am had an offâ€" in the first inâ€" other hand a â€"sureâ€"enoug!t ill over on the indicapped > eeneral 1 woOn Arr W the a; n od 114 )0 M M score 11( SCV Pn 1U1p WOR for 11 hioned people Fisit Acain Meln week lost teain ATTT Am ( d sOn play 16 above the certainly cach mem her part The dog, aliso parltio seenery : eHective. of Marge 6 Um iseptember ist the «nilitary. muâ€" sical comedy, ‘"My Gifl,"‘ is coming to the New Theatre. PThis ‘bright musical comedy with its spectaeular sceenes, ifs caichy music, its preity girls, and its attractive scenery and musi¢, made«s decided hit in the couth. It played to long runs in Cheago and other esties and was a wyeneral favourite in every . theatre show»r. Press reports describe it as one ef the best musicat comedics on the read toâ€"day, and lovers of muslg, preity girls, attractive scenery and good «comedy will bhe pleased at tha the Tiz er NOTH CR In another statemont issued later in the day the Company explain their attiftude ~regarding organized â€"labour and make it clear that they are not onposing organizeg Iwbor.â€" This stateâ€" ment says :â€" luere have beena many rumours in town _ this week regarding _ labour troubles at Troquois Falls. According to some of these stories that grow in size with every retailing there was a general strike at the Big Paper Town. This is quite contrary to the facts as learned yesterday from official sourees both in the Union and the Cnmpayy ranks. The worst seems to be that there is some «difficulty in regard to the Construction ©Garpenters, but the trouble has not affected the mill unions or the general labour situation nor igy it likely to do so. In a public annotmâ€" cement made yestorday morning under the heading, *A False Rumor‘‘ tho Abitihi Co., over their signature say:â€"â€" ‘(The Pulp and NRulphite Workers are not going out on strike. A rumow has been going round, started, it is sard, by the Constraction Carpenters, that the Sulphite men would go out. There is no truth in this whatever. The agreement between the Company and the Union has been lived up to by both parties and will continue to bo Ro. *‘‘The Abitibi Power Paper Co. is not opposing organized 1labhor. Quito the econtrary. The Company eannot very well recognize third union till the existing agreements have expired when it will be ready to #o into the situatton then existing as regards orâ€" ganized labor. ‘Fhe Company is not opposing organized lahor. It is workâ€" mss hand in hand witk it In regard Company Makes â€"Public Announce~ ment re Situation at the Falls This Week. TV CCMFANY STATEG FOSITION RF LABCUR ]‘50G1® 1* Single Copies 5 Cents s hoped to the «c veâ€"adgjus azain in carpenters vâ€"five cent fi“ cornrte Aan * IXLTI ill othe be t 1ER MUSICAL COMEDY COMING T NEW EMPIRKE v ery Urage rleV 18 Ccal v of apecarl mentidn, the cast Laking his > becial art »and a'b_i]it‘y. e‘ and the Bear wo*o v interosmtuung, while the â€" woare urnsyn‘ly zrether, *‘A¥‘he Courays ome,‘"‘ was well worthy that ea@ttored here 30 iarpeni 11 ind A»vers of musl¢, rackhive scenery â€" and ll be pileased at the w to â€" OQn location of Timming, sono fimds some difliâ€" iN 1 ho r@woef! | _Canviet URIOn at d labhor 4 1(1 Noew {5 plonmher he rat ho J alurdJay dre cral opinion pictare was The ~cfipn month later ()} the i n t un €*A )K3 46 16 TA 4* ho (Â¥ (}"Doone," pmre Thea wagres to st: tLary . muâ€" (tit!,‘‘313 Theatre, as nave nty ng@â€" Wws se days that in brickt ie of molldn» to {fot in the }0 W =â€" oPs 1041 ) ¢

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