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Box 24, Phone 5 NEW LISKEARKD CHAS. SMITBH, BOX 150, SCHUMâ€" ACHER, representing the Martinâ€"Orâ€" me Piano for the Porcupine District. Used pianos for sa@le or to rent, on easy terms. NO. B. AIKEN DENTIST Phone 201 Crown and Bridge Work Plates Consultation Free. Room 7 Reed Bldg., Timmins. Agent for Hayes Bros. Tombs tones nave eniigintet | vertising® some hbeliever in newspaper . hn |Poor Charlie! oo RADIUM 11 TO BE pitchblende in pitehblende or radium, one 0 all waneral snh | | | i ’ Interest see | Taxes, must bhe made as follows to the local ‘Collector of Inland Revenue from whom any desired information may be obtained. Returns of Luxury Tax must ‘be made on the first and At long last there is an official notâ€" ice duly issued reo'arding the soâ€"called “Lu\ur\ Tax‘‘ and the Manufacturâ€" ers‘ and Wholesalers‘ Exeise Tax. This is the first official notice to the people of the Poreupine District apart from the irformation given out here by the very patient and gentlemanly representative of the Inland Revenue Department who visited the district a couple of times during the past month and posted merehants and others on their responsibilities under the law. This gentleman chad a very «lifficult task, but by care and great patience and the ready spirit of helpiulneQ which he showed to all was able to come through it with eredit to himâ€" self and advantage to the people genâ€" erally. â€" c The official‘ notice published eseâ€" where in this issue gives emphasis to information imparted by the officia! referred to above. It notice that Returns, accompanied by remitâ€" tance of Luxury Tax and Exeise Taxes, must he made as follows to the Interest seems to imereast pitchblende in Butt Townshi pitchblende ore there is the radium, one of the most val all mineral substances. â€" Las Mining ‘Corporation of Cana headquarters at Cobalt, becan ested in the pitechblendé finds and acquired®d some elaims the they have commenced work property, and camps are being in preparation for the cearryn an cextensive. exploration â€"eca There has been a little and other work already done all mineral substances. ‘Last year ine Mining ‘Corporation of Canada, with headquarters at Cobalt, became interâ€" ested in the pitchblendé finds in Butt and acquired some claims there. Now they have commenced work on their property, and camps are being erected in preparation for the earrying on of an extensive. exploration ~campaign. There has been a little exploration and other work already done in Butt, and the mining men at this work are reported as declaring that the oceurâ€" rencee of radium there is perhaps the highest‘grade so far discovered in the world. _ They suggest that commereial suecess will depend largely upon the question as to ‘how much quantity of the radium ‘bearing ore is available. What has already been discovered is rich enough, if there is only enough of it. It is stated that in common with other depositsgof a somewhat similar nature, the radiumâ€"bearing material oceurs in small patches throughout the main dyke, and if these patches are of sufticient frequency Butt Town ship is rich indeed. Only exploration work, will determine the facts, and in the meaptime interest is running high and hope is a strong incentive to great er effort. Andrew B. Cullen, oT Haileybury, is reported seriously as having been engaged by a syndicate of New York men for the purpose of locating the supposed hiddeh freasures of the late lamented Capt. Kidd. The New York men are reported by the despatches as sending Mr. Cullen to the Cocos Isâ€" Office,‘ New Liskeard. ‘The motice as signed by Chas. F. Stone, Collecto:r of Inland Revenue, Peéerth, Ont. If the Government had left the: arrangeâ€" menfs fegarditne this soâ€"ealled ""Luxâ€" at the start have enlight HAILEYBURY MAN AFTER CAPT. KIDD‘S MILLIONS. RADIUM IN BUTT SAID TO BE OF HIGH QUALITY. â€" d other work d the mining ported as de« nee of radiuw zrhest‘grade s rld. They s1 iCiAi. S GHFICE AT LAST g} I8sUBD RE LUXURY TAX. U harli 111 1n M itend( e monthns dvertising imself fo iands of Mr. Stone would undoubtedly the people by ad many an(d+â€"â€" Aveve The notice r O ‘ase in the ship. In the he element, valuable of He is a o run a notâ€" ! alled eturâ€" ; y the| part here ; anly enue | ict a onth s on la w. iceult ence ness e to himâ€" genâ€" k L tA elseâ€" is to otice ‘mitâ€" xeise ) the #449900088008000000 08 000000000000 0000000000 00004 000000000 00000606 ©@48%09090088¢000088 0800 ® 34006 C ©00000000000008000000000000000000000000000000000 @600000000000000060000000000000646 ©00009600$0000000900006000000060 ©9000000000000000600600080000000000000000606000006846 aia lands with dhis pt TYOTICE is hereby given to all concerned, that Returns, accompanied by remittance of Luxury and Excise Taxes must be made as follows to the local Collector of Inland Revenue from whom any information desired may be obâ€" tained. Returns of Luxury Tax must be made on the first and fifteenrth day of each month. Sales Tax must be made not later than the last day of the month following the month covered by the Return. PERTH Payment of taxes by dealers in Timmins and those from surrounding district to ke made to Mr. T.E. Armstrong, Inland Revenâ€" us Officer, New Liskeard. Payment of Taxes by dealers in South Porâ€" cupine and those from adjacent District to Collector of Customs, South Porcupine. Returns of Jewellers‘ Tax, Returns for Taxes in Arrears must be made forthwith, otherwise the peralty provided by law will be enforced. By order of the DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMS AND INLAND REVENUI DEPARTMENT oFr aNp INLAND REVENUE To Manufacturers, W holesalers uis instrument,, which id to have made wellâ€" orth Land among minâ€" pposed to possess the 3[ 10as metals finding COLLECTOR OF INXLAND REVENTUI select, furnished Bachelor Apartment House On and after August Ist, 1920 HAS. F. STONE All enquiries, terms, etc., addressed to Box 883, T1mm1ns will receive prompt attention. under the management of John W. Hishon and Retailers Manufacturers‘ Tax, and are called but few stand up. If the New York men have a little money to spend and wish big returns, it would pay them hbetter to engage an expert with more common instruments to come up to the Poreupine where there are millions of treasure in gold, simply for the searching,â€"and it is not pirate‘s gold, nor fool‘s gold, but real gold. * Cedar St. and Fourth Ave. the premises now known as Blouses, Skirts, Suits, Goods for Men Women and children Spring stocks bought right and willebhe sold right. â€" Your chance for big bargains. Come in and see. A. ASSaAD j Dry Goods, Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobaccos, Candies, Ete. w ill be converted into a and will be known as T elephone S5A SCHUMAC HER DAILY *Â¥ x n Lz Alfred Jones, Bank ing, Brantford, Ont SAWLOGS FOR SALE; also Cedar Building Posts, any quantity. Apply E. C. Brewer, Mattajrann River. Wood for Saleâ€" MeCosh Claims im PARASOL LOST on July 1st, gold mounted _ pearl â€" handle. _ Finder please leave at The Advance Office, Timmins. â€" Reward. â€"27â€"29 p. Why not begin study of the violin now ? ‘The long evenings are favourâ€" able for practice and progress. Studio over Curtis Drug Storeâ€"H. F. Schroeder. Meets every Tuesday evening in the Oddfellows _ Hall, Third Avenue. Visiting brethren requested to attend. Geo. 8. Drew W. G. Smith 0. SEG UIIN TMMINS 10DGF, No. 459 9 Maple Street, Timmins. P.O0. Box 75. Phone 211. ALSOC SELLING PIANOS A. POOLEY, PULPWOOD LUMBER WANTEDâ€"Spruce, Jack Pine and@d Poplar. Por further inâ€" formation write to Harry Towne, Cosghrane. 55 p. market to and fireâ€"peel further int sSewing Machines Graduate McGill Medical Coll. Reed lBlock, Timmins. Has resumed practise after 3 years service overseas. Phones: Office 202A. Res® 202B Meets every first and fourth Wednesday evenings in the baseâ€" ment of St. Matthew‘s Anglican Church. â€" Visitingâ€" brethren alâ€" ways welcome. Ks Business Systems Installed and Improved. wne, C PHYSICIAN AND SURCEON xperience Office Reed Blk. nergy Timmins, Ont. quipment Telephone 66 Agent for Singer ociiraine WANTED,. 1 am in the purchase rough Spruce Spruce Pulpwood. For rmation â€" Harry the cut on Jones Deloro. Apply S. of Hamilton Build EesY i 0