»1ua continues. Iae fams will" furnish programme toâ€"day, wit. address by Mr. W. H. S of the TInternational Ch Miss Doreothy, left recently to join M Harrington who is now loeated at Do {roit, Mich, where he has a good posi tiun. TIMMINS GOLF ‘‘MONTHLY MEDAL HANDICAP.‘" The ‘*monthly medal hand the Timmins Golf Club will on Saturday, Jaly 3lst at 2 â€" m. sharp. All players are ta be on the gorunds on time town Mrs. C. Marrington and daug Miss Doreothy, left recently to join Harrington who is now loeated at of tue International © hautaugua. 1oâ€" morrow the Old Song Singers, in the old classical favourites withh appropriâ€" ate costumes, will be the feature in the musical. line, while Rev. Dr. Norâ€" wood‘s lecture on **The Dominion and Its Destinv,"‘ will also inspire and enâ€" tertain all,. ‘None should miss any of the remaiming sessions of the Chauâ€" tainment taugua belore each evening The Rink has been decorated a} priately and equipped for the oce: The Daughters of the Empire well be pleased at the success Chautauqua Week has met with s and the undoubted merit of the e agreater extent. New tric dogs, monkeys and birds audience, the wondertul of the parrots and canar pecially attraetive, thoug dogs also deserve mpre Pets made a were â€" continu their unbound derfal theâ€" grownâ€"ups pléased though mention. Toâ€"davy and Tuesday‘s programme for the afterâ€" noon â€"was a concert by the Jordan Enâ€" tertainers and.a lecture on **‘The Can adian Woman in the WNorld Toâ€"day,"‘ by Miss Constance Boulton, of Toronâ€" to. The Jordan Entertainers in ~songs, sketches, readings and specialties proâ€" vided a fascinating programme. Miss Boulton‘s address was an eloquent and inspiting one that iproved the speaker‘s breadth of thought and wide grasp of affairs. In the evening, the Jordan Entertainers further delight ed the crowd, whitle Pamahasika‘s The Chautaujpua Week proper openâ€" ed Monday afternoon at the Rink with a concert by the Shakespeare Quartâ€" ette of Toronto. This musical party delighted all with their singing and instrumental selections.~ Miss Helen Hunt proved herself to be a violinist 6of unuswal ability; Miss Betty Forâ€" syth a clever pianist and accompanist ; Mrs. Marjory Baldwin a coloratura soprano of exceptional charm; and Mr. Russell Clark a singer of markâ€" ed effectiveness. Their instrumental and vocal selections alike delighted the gathering. In the evening furâ€" ther selections were given by «the Shakespeare Quartette, and in addâ€" ifion there was an exceptionally attrac tive lecture on Malay Jungle Life by Mr. Carveth Wells. ‘Mr. Wells is an engineer who spent six years in ‘Malay He describes the wonders of the junâ€" vle and its denizens, with a vividness and touch of unfailing interest that holds his audience delighted until he eloses. f an unusually large attendanve at the Rink, there being probably one thousâ€" and in the building. Under Band Master E. W. Johnston, the Timmins Citrzens Band added to its growing musical reputation as a eapable and pleasing organization of skilled playâ€" ers. A generous number of band seâ€" lections were effectively and pleasingâ€" ly rendered and there were also numâ€" bers Iby the Shakesperean Quartette, of Toronto, as well as a very attractâ€" ive 15 minute talk by Mr. Carveth Wells. Mr. Rego, the manager of the Chautaugqua in a humourous and taking little address outlined the proâ€" gramme for the Chautaugqua Week here. Dr. Mcelunis, Mayor of Timâ€" mins, presided for the evening. The Chgautauqua Week in Timmins, held under the aunspices of the Timâ€" mins Daughters of the Empire, was auspiciously ushered in by the Band Concert on Sunday evening. At this preliminary event, for the benefit of the Timmins Citizens Band, there was Sunday Evening Band Concert Opens Week of Pleasing High Class Entertainment. BIG GROWDG DFLIGHTED WITH WEEX ally calling out with ed delight in this wonâ€" of trained pets, while were in reality no less i hiding their feelings to it. New tricks by ponies, _and birds thrilled the wonderful performance Timmins [AIners: LLIrL , whrle P: decided hit allvâ€" calling V e norrow The C nattauâ€" e famous W agnerian urnish the musical mnpre tThan rogramime. â€" Miss was an eloquent that iproved the thought and wide _ the evening, the s further delight le â€" Pamahasika‘s ed lhit. «Children brou Ti Aan inspiring Stout, President ‘hautauoua. Toâ€" handicap will be p band concert 76138 heap,‘" of be played o‘celock p, requested Chatutauâ€" Mn o app enterâ€" ht to MaUâ€" Band V With debts around $30,000.00 and a deal under way fromtwhich it is hopâ€" ed to put the property on a producing basis, an appeal has heen made to the shareholders of the Bourkes Mines to contribute an additional two cents per share to place the gold mine at Bourkes Niding gu a~ satisfactory nsis. The first of the series of the three preliminary games was scheduled for Friday at Schumacher. The Second was dated for l' riday, July 30th at South Poreupine. The last of the three matches is at Timmins on Monday, Aug. 9th. Tlrese are district games that are particularly well worth seeing, and all tovers of football should give their heartiest support to these three feaâ€" The Poreupine District Football Club, jneluding Timmins, Melntyre and Porcupmane:Dome players, has put in a challenge for the noted football trophy, the Foster Cup at Cobalt. All the games for this trophy must, under the rules, ‘be played at Cobalt. Iroâ€" quois Falls has also put in an indiviâ€" dual club challenge for the trophy. The dates for the necessary matches teams â€" To will be pic and the t three prehminary matcheé double purposeâ€" of hein: better to select the best wayvy of PORCUPINE‘S CHALLENGE FOR THE POSTORKR CUP have not yet been decid In eonnection with the the Foster Cup the Pore lamves. ~line limmins Chapter ol the Daughters of the Empire with their usual enterprising patriotism have volunteered to supply the refreshâ€" ments which is conclusive guarantee that the ‘‘eats‘‘ will be ‘‘jake,‘‘ that they will be well served and there will be a plentitude of good things for the oceasion. Owing to the necessarily limited accommodation the general public can not be invited to this event, but a very hearty invitation to ALL soldiers and their relatives is extended by the Town of Timmins. Soldiers will â€"remember‘ the dateâ€"Tuesday, Aung. 3rd at 8 p.m. in the Timmins Aug. l\’ml # * 16 Formal Presentation of Recognition Of Soldiers From Town of Timmins. HONOUR CERTIAICATES _ |COME AND TALK HOCKEY T0 BE GIVER TuESDAY) TO AFTERNOON ‘up team, and also to provide the sary ‘‘sinews of war‘‘ in the of the financial strength necessâ€" o carry on the challenge. The s for these preliminary games e picked teams from the district, che team picked from them will sarily be the best avarlable, and d make a noteworthy attempt to re the Foster Cup. Indeed, the all fans here are about sure that sear the Foster Cup is ‘oreupine. x o e Lown remember ard at 8 neâ€"lMJome plavers, has put ge for the noted football Foster Cup at Cobalt. All r this trophy must, under e played at Cobalt. Iroâ€" has also put in an indiviâ€" hallenge for the trophy. or the necessary matches been decided upon. muttin malcnes, Th The C being able the e best players for also to provide the of: war‘" in ~the al strength necessâ€" challenge for ipine District on a series of TIMMINS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 28 1920. mins hope To De abdile To pro the returned men eventually yery acceptable and very eon for the present at least. As quarters the club room§ in t fields Annex will be "jake."" rourtn Aveniie, Just Goldfields. The G. arhole . upstairs of _ have already fitted rooms for a meetin quarters. They the G.W.V.A., Timmins, moved their club rooms from the basement of the New }Cmpire Theatre tothe quarters kindly provide@ by the Hollinger Conâ€" solidated... The new G.W.V.A. club rooms are in the Goldfields Annex on Fourth Avenue, just behind the Hotel Goldfields. The G.W.V.A. have the arhole upstairs of the hbuilding and have already fitted up some of "the rooms for a imeeting place and elub quarters. They aiso are considering the furnisling and using of one or two bedrooms for the benefit of members of the *Branch. "Fhe new> quarters, while not all that the people of Timâ€" NEW G. W. V. A. CLUB ROOMS IN GOLDFIELDS ANNEX meeting on Monday evening,and all citizens should make a point of being present.; All interested in the soldiers and in the Town should attend the mass meeting Monday evening in the Council Chamber.â€" There is a generai feeling that something definite should be done at once in regard to permanâ€" ent quarters for the returned soldiers. ite proposition to pu meeting «on Monday citizens should make 1)1’esent All interest and in‘ the Town s This week the Mayor has issued a call for a public meeting to bhe held in the Council Chambers, on Monday evening next, August 2nd commencing at 8 o%‘clock, to again diseuss and conâ€" sider the matter of a building for the W ar Veterans of Timmins and a memâ€" orial for those who served from here Mayor Issues Call for Mass Meeting of Citizens in Council Chambers Monday Evening. meeting in the Council Chamber toâ€" morrow (Thursday) at 4.30 p.m., to ex change views and lay plans for fthe appreaching season. PUBLIG MEETING CALLED RF VFTERANG‘ BUILUING ‘‘hockey weather‘‘ it is the time to provide for good chockey this.coming winter. Accordingly the Mayor has called a public meeting for Thursday (toâ€"morrow) afternoon at 4.30 p.m., in the Couneil Chamber, to disecuss and consider hockey matters in. general and make the necessary preparations for a successful season for Timmins in the coming winter. All hockey enthusiasts, players fans alike, are urged to attend meeting in the Councal Chambei season, however, it is likely that Aug. I1stâ€"the O. H. A. residence limit,â€" will be the rule of ‘the N.O.H.A. ~Acâ€" cordinglw only those resident here at that date will be available for hocekey, so attention is necessary immediately to see that the lineâ€"up for Timmins is duly qualified and that those qualifyâ€" ing afe not allowed to leave the camp unnoticed before hockey commences. While the present is by no means On account of the fact that the O. H. A. rules require all players for the coming hockey season to be resident of the towns with which they play from a date not later than August 1st many local followers of the game have for some days been impressed with the need for prompt attention to the hockey situation if Timmins is to ‘hbe in the hockey ring this coming winter. The Northern Ontario Hockey Associa tion is affiliated wih the O.H.A. and this season must follow all its rules. Last year, on account of not being orâ€" ganized until late in the season, the N. 0. H. A. had a residence linmit of its own.â€"November 1st.â€" The coming Public Mecetiny to Consider Hockey Situation. Prompt Attention. Needed On Account Of Residence Rule. week the Goldhelds Branch of that the be abl to pul ntually, will be forta ble summer 1e Goldâ€" and the toâ€" Mr. Hee, MeQuarrie, now o Falls, was a visitor to town day, renewing acquaintances (‘0“ ided heads. DrieT Time Di back in goal ly and playe Of and mnost sCasoOn FOOTBALL MATCH WITH IROQUOIS FPALLS A TIE Falls teams M ’I';n(‘ N % () Wednesday Morrison, A. J Donald. B. Mc yard, Z. ‘M land (hone ald (honours) Knight, M. 1 LOWER SCHOOL EXAMS. FOR ENTRANCE TO NORMAL. ng 90.30 .00 p.m. Bigs crowds are expected from all parts of the district, and if the geoâ€" nuine promise for a Big Day continues as aft present the hbis crowds will be at South End all right on Aug. 4th. nentioned were ‘suc me subject and by hbe subject in bracke C.â€" Brunette (arit here wasn t a dull niOn ame nor a mmute when ould afford to take it ea f the rushes on goal Min the hands of a capable committee the first Big Day staged for some years by South Poreupine promises to be one of the most enjoyable ever held in the district. ‘The train service now makes it possible for such a day to be énjoyâ€" ed by all in the district without special inconvenience. sports, ete., has been prepared, the hands of a capable commit first Bis Day staged for some y South Poreupine promises to be the most enjoyable ever held district. â€" The train service now Wednesday of next week, August ith has been duly prociaiimed as Civic Holiday for the Township of Tisdale and the Town of Timmins, and South Poreupine is making special arrangeâ€" ments to properly celebrate the event. A big and attractivate programme of sports, ete., has been prepared, and in Civic. Holiday for Timmins ° and Tisdale Will Be Marked By Happy Sports Day. PORGCUPINE‘S BIG DAY Al SOUTR END, AUG. 4 a l 2A ( llls “ }‘ h\m}_{, W\ L42. Snider "I ollowin nstory ) cutting open e; were knocke e but Blow very j . (honouw history) Lad MeNXau W ren c( . Melntyre \dam, M. V Mar roves, Hodgins, Killins, 1O we hm AY| Frederick 1.‘ IS. M ann M 1t on 11 L. Haggart C..M. Hall, . . Ledâ€" E. MceFarâ€" in one ind Blow MacDonâ€" [roquois in Monâ€" bere. )ps 114 \| Hé Or Keen tton 0t h M c €)1 cnAan In Allâ€"tiie r battery for Hol Simms, and for and Myers. Hi game fairly and as base umpire w and lively cerowd. game from the st At the end of the and then the Holli up good ball, Carriere at inz one of the special st zame was by no means | ‘he previous weekâ€"end vs. Hollinger, the form:« : to 4 in the best tame a erowd enjoyed the rood ‘ball of the Holling specially pleasing. three Ttuns in than in all thi opened 1 nhe weckâ€"en{d f* between â€" Hollinge At a meeting of the Porcupine V.N. T. directors in Toronto on Tuesday morning it was decided to aceept the offer made by theé syndicate representâ€" ed by Mr. Hamilton B. Wills. ‘The plan is to take up 200,000 shares at 15 cents, then 200,000 at 30 cents, and finally a block of 200,000 at 50 cents. The first $30,000 thus added to the treasury would enable the immediate dewaterinz of the mine and the reâ€" openingz of operations. The second $60,000 would provide for extensive underground work a tensions to the millit plan would place th sound producing hbas stood now that the HOLLINGER HAS EASY WIN FROM [act 1 may say long dnelore Uoâ€" balt or Haileyhury asked for a gun trophy a number of citizens had alâ€" ready suggested to me that Timmins should endeavour to secure a eapturâ€" ed gun for Timmins. As the ;Football Association are holding# a celebration and field day here on Labour Day, they have asked my coâ€"operation in en(lca\'mu'mg to procure this trophy hefore that date in order that it may be presented to the Town with due ceremony on the occeasion of this important date. _ Will vou kindlv use vour utmost influence V. N. T. ALL SET FOR AN EARLY REâ€"OPENING NOW. example of the Town of Haileybury has received one of the eaptured German guns as a trophy and memoriâ€" al of the very commendable part playâ€" ed by these two patriotic towns of the North in helping win the Great W ar. We also feel that Timmins, which is one of the best and most upâ€"toâ€"date towns of Northern Ontario, and which together with other parts of the Porâ€" cupine district contributed over 500 men in the great cause of aviljzation and freedom, in addition to the unself ish and patriotic services of its citiâ€" zens should be entitled to a eaptured cun if one is possibly available. ‘I consider a trophy of this kind makes a grand memorial to place in our Town Park and will assist wonder fully in commemqrating and keeping fresh in the hearts of our citizens the bravery and noble sacrifices of the boys who played no minor part in the capture of such enemy trophies. In fact I may ‘say that long before Coâ€" balt or Haileybury asked for a gun troplhy a number of citizens had alâ€" acItIV n IM ; YÂ¥OULI Mr. Angus MeDonald, M. P., Cobalt, Ont. Dear Sir:â€"We have learned recentâ€" ly tlhat the Town of Cobalt, following example of the Town of Haileybury Dr. Melunis, Mayor of Timmins has been endeavouring for some time past to secure one of .the eaptured (German guns being distributed by Ottamwa to different towns in Canada. The Mayor very rightly considers that this town deserves some recognition in this way in view of the part taken by the citizens of the town and immediâ€" ate district in the war and war work. This week the Mayor sent the followâ€" ing urgent ‘letter to Mr. Angus Mc Donald, M. P., for Temiskaming :â€" Timmins, ‘July 26, 1920. Mr. Angus MeDonald, M. P., HOPE FOR GAPTURED GUN NIRE FOR LABOUR DAY Mayor Writes Pressing Letter To Member Re War Trophies. Mr., John Massi¢ 1th. ne was ont the season _ best guns avallanl \waiting your reply Uimpixr rowid. present representative C( securing for Timmins one cuns available. n CE M PiDN D INLI:. ce South End Poreupineâ€" at and l'll(l e â€"of the most interesting » and watched by a owd. â€" Hollinger had the be start and won 10â€"3 f the 8th it was 10 to 2, Hollinger le down a little South End boys got in i one Innings, one more e rest of the game. The lollinger was ~Breen and or Poreupineâ€"Dome Ellis Hirschman umpired the ind eapably, but Byrnes e was not sa satisfactory The Hollinger team put Carriere at riwht field beâ€" is w ons mm 4 omm mm ooo cupneâ€"i%Fome, but fuck was locals. Both teams, howe snappy ball and kept right uns had the best of the p the yame, but the Pore had some easy luck with several oceasions, the scor but soon after each fic ym rush one in and thusg fof a last tie, however, was not S pite the very earnest cffor mins forward dine. ‘The team was unusually well b; every man played bis po creditably. The game yas increase the gcener»M aimter: thusiasm in footbailt. Tt Timmins‘ game from the p the spectators behind the g that the bome teagn (woun fr 111 our repiy, L am, Yours very truly, A. MeINNIS, M. D, Pllre H 1 watche “n“inf.! art and 8thi it m 1J i1 1| L1( MavÂ¥vor of e property §1is.. "It. s J11 CIASS OT zame (Timmins ner winning by this year) still ue eantest, the nd well as fot while the '.n' siting@ in the will put it field beâ€" While the e class of 1{ {GOoryV ‘Ayp t ull cupneâ€"i}ome, but fuck was against the locals. Both tearms, however, played snappy ball and kept right at it. Timâ€" wuins had the best of the play most of the gyame, but the Poreupineâ€"Doms had some easy luck with gl/m]s.' several occeasions, the score was tied, hut soon Qucl cach f1g 'l)mmuh \qu« rush one in and thug fef ahead. The last tie, however, was not broken desâ€" pite the very earnest cfforts of Timâ€" mins forward dine. ‘The ‘Timmins team was unusually well balanced and every man played bis position very creditably. The game was the kind to increase the generM anterest and enâ€" thusiasm in foothbaill. Tt was really Timmins‘ game from the playing, and the spectators behind the goal nmsted that the home team wou frowm the real sceore, the football fans Aaiming that on one oceasion the balH was two fect inside the goal posts. ‘The referee, however, (Steve Linn} did not see it that way, so the seore stands a tieâ€"5 to bâ€"the dargest foottbalM seove made this season in the distmict, The game iéself, however, was mot slow nor slack. Timmins loet mno and Poreupineâ€"Dome did bhitH#eIsose playâ€" ing. TIMMINS AND PORCUPINEâ€" DOME TIE WITH SCORKE 5â€"5. The Mayor brought up the question of applying the Workmen‘s Compenâ€" sation Act to the employees of the town, to protect ine fown and assist the employees in wase of injury. On motion of Councilors dGaprairie and sStudor, the Clerk was authorized to write the Compasation Board of Onâ€" tario to arrange the providiny of the benefits of the Act to Town employees. easy fto check inir gested that the 1 Mr. bLaprairie fo: ujp» of the compla well to get both and thus ascerta cause lor compla Onâ€" motion b! more and DeFeyp for paying the soon as all his ret Laun alily anvestigateq ease eomplaint h the seavenger had weeks.â€" Investicat maiter of comp LFown Engimeer was authorized to pro pare the requires plans and estimates and to secure terders for the work. A. list of the new walks proposed to be constructed will be found in the scheâ€" dule pirblished elsewhere in this issue. Councillor Laprairie brought up the Lwo or three casdt M «~CUdOr Aangd Laprairie present. ‘The session wasy only a brief one, but considerable imâ€" portant business was capably dealt with, including the pasdsing of some six formal byâ€"laws in connection with the Waterworks Extensions and Sewâ€" erage system. ‘The matter of the new sidewalks to ‘be built this year was alâ€" so dealt with and the necessary preâ€" liminary formalities attended to. The The May wiltlir t Town Council Gets Through Largco Amount of Work in Brief Session. * ,\ k2 10 PROGEED WITH WORK OF BUILDING SIDFWALKS i VOT . ‘he Mayor bt ipplving the Single Copies motion C" Conncillors Lonsâ€" and DeFep gprovision was made aying the assgessor‘s salary us is all his returus were completed. uncrillor Laprairie referred to the ie danger fsrom fire or panic in ding like if any of the doors were kept locked. Tho r that there was no ‘r, the polisce having special inâ€" jons to keep particular watech e there ang to prevent any smol e matech ligbting in the building. layor also explained that all the were ready tor use if required at ame last night in the N.0O.F.A. series for the King Cup drey crowd and there was interest itement, every minute. Timâ€" as out to win from the Porâ€" vVing the Act to ti ) protect loyees in of Counmt the Cler 0N egular was ht rlar +} May BA liï¬ioi' iz etec., the 10n being lc uch busines 1 tiame. OT th 1Dc ints regarding the He â€"referred to that he had personâ€" ast week. In one «i been made that not called for six on showed that he ace in question but her obstructing the not attend to his iger had duly reâ€" tion, and could do the other two cases thought, ‘s complaining. Ho c was now keeping eting ot the Town n Monday evening, the chair, and Coun DeFeu, Studor and routne the Con ents s thiin bein OUn an d way