; A. ASSAD 4444 LUeVUe Uoit 10 Drxv Go Just Received a full line of all kinds o China. Also fall line of Limoges, all pa of Silverware and Cut Glass, Come to suitable for Wedding Presents. HE new McLaughlin Light Six has grown in favor among ladies who drive because of its ease of graceful lines and its comfortable riding qgahï¬es. 4 The new McLaughlin Light Six is powered with the famous 4A4â€"horse power McLaughlin Light Six overhead valve motor. Own:â€" se B tA Aaf}_" fP*:.".‘= Eyes Tested. Broken Lenses Replaced 4 x2 l\,vav-- «u. " ® 4 % _ e * ser gallon and from Thous â€"DAILY Telephone 954 SCHUMAC HER H â€"Cooke, JOHN DALTON 11 ASE JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN L. AALPEKIN n{ili BUWTS, and C an it V. G. Smith, w a l a 6 a on tiIres Brothers JC O1 £ all kinds of Royal Crown Derby moges all patterns. Complete ‘stock ass. Come to this store for gifts 8‘ to 12 Te ©00000000000008606084000000466 o 4 AHHWWIH Bz ~a mm se oc 2N \l l d "IJ‘ Macki [S IT THE BAGGAGE OR THE PROSPECTOR THAT IS LOST? very superio price of $25 Matheson, ma V present its thousand hb peectorl L 11 P1 e@sSoOn O1l ird )€ t, < p.m. by Res MeCarter, C ler MceMilla: MeMi § 1 5.00 pe 11 31 pI will m ctiv‘e U1C PC T l)l n1 H s 1 e 1J | Tom FIEST U. F. 0. PICNIC S HELD AT ENGLEHART M COBALT G. W. V. A, HAVE FINE DAY OF SPORTS JULY iIst openIing stagos, DUL StCdl ened by Ebor‘s pun several #mes was driver Ehbor easily evaded Ht Hugshe the M adr Hu rame ind 11 Loo FIREWORKS DISPLAY FROM HIGH VOLTAG »al| WE 11 )\ 11 speaket 11 1l easiiy evad twork hbein July Ist Go ibs of ern O1 br det‘c H vided )€ n hi 111 CY 1( OlIn U Kir out eck limmins and the J re Cobalt event : y good words fol ied by the Cobalt iInot st Cobalt won 2 baseball itine Haileybury 14 to 2 rore Mins team, Kirkland Thex also won two foot @OjoTrs W In n innot and la Lrog )1 )1 Dit but @11 little nNnI 1 rom narke( ne InC 11 11,000 volt lu Land pienic Al AMmll â€"Myp eTt Ns \VV ime battl 1 6 eadil 1 1( T the _ Dboxing® Hamilton, On ampion, â€"and 11 O WII 1to 11L wAaVvsSs rhbilits OL nent iA TIOUS n 111 ific effc unter / A\ NV OmC V P OW 11 D 1¢ WeOre c Hai insul: e. Eho nd dis rounds 1 @m out on 1) TUSI latter i Land XTY tand inCce s»ill nok peS 1| eak and NC 11 ( ind 31L 1€ GAUTHIER BROWN Barristers, Solictors, Notaries Timmins and South Poreupine PHYSICIAN ~AND _ SURCEON Graduate McGill Medical Coll. Reed Block, FTimmins. Has resumed practise after 3 years service ovérseas. Phones: Office 202A. Res. 202B Phone 152. P.0. Box 458 Will visit Timmins first of every monthâ€"at Dalâ€" ton‘s Livery. Any cther times by arrangement Ask your dealer for Dr. Gag* rnon‘s Vetcrinary Medicines. DR L GACNON VETERINARY OFFICE HAILEYBURY. Timn »G B * 62 rown in charge ins Office, Now tre 1 Furniture, Old Clothing, Etc. BOUGHT AND SOLD $ A. J. SHEPHARD 6 Plastering Contractor ACCOUNTANT and AUDITOR nergy Timmins, Ont. Experience Office Roeed Blk. quipment Telephone 66 Business Systems Installed and Improved. We pay Ornamental, Plain ana Roug‘h- cast Plaster Work. Teorms moderate. _ Best of Work. A trial solicited. CLD RIVER ROAD â€" BOX 17!, TIMMINS SECOND HAND STORE MONETA TOWNSITE d goods of all kinds. CGHAUFFER 11 kinds . ARGLES Unite JUn K shke kc in on . 9 7h: ndâ€"