5: x wetst â€" United States _ $3.00 a year C Deapat"ches from Colombus, Ohio, anâ€" ; nounced last week the death of Mr; E. Rettuh, treasurer of the Millerâ€"Inâ€" depeudence Mine at Boston Creek, He was well known in the North Land )here he had been a frequent visitor. ~He was a firm believer in the great ~fnuture before this North Land and he "Gacked Jhis faith with finances. He hud ‘been in poor health for some time and recently was planning an exâ€" *‘ tended visit to the North Land, partly _ awith the idea of benefitting his health "and partly to visit properties he was in.. The late Mr. Rettich ‘mwas one of the most successful toâ€" ._bacco growers in the State of Ohio, â€"WEDNESDAY, MAY 26th., 1920. and in late years had added mining affalrs as a close second to hls tobacce growing interests. â€"_ TREASURER OF BOSTON ‘~~~ CREEK MINE PASSES AWAY. POPULAR YOUNG COUPLE_ WEDDED HKERE LAST WEEK. + The marriage took place on Thursâ€" day last, May 20th at the R. C., Church, Timmins, of a couple very popular and highly esteemed in town. The bride was Miss Marie Antomnette Maltais, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pascal Maltais, Tamarack street, Tim mins, and the groom was Mr. Frank Hoscoe of town. The services at the church were impressive and interestâ€" ing, with special music for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe left on the evening train for a wedding tour to Montreal and other points cast. "A Iarge number of the friends of the young@g couple gatheled at the statton to shower them. with rice, conâ€" «feotti and all good wishes. Onztheir return Mr. and Mrs. Roscoge will take >~«up residence in Timmins. ; . _: .~ oNTARIO TELEPHONES : _ _ Among those recently leaving for visits‘. to the Old Land were:â€" Mrs. W. Nicholson andâ€"son, Mrs. J. _ There was a large attendance at the French entertainment given Sast night in the Finlander Hall by the young people of the R.C. Church,; and all present enjoyed the event very much. The various musical, literary and dramatic selections on the programme are generally admitted to be of the highest order and the actmo was very éreditable. j Churchâ€"Bazaar in the Masonic Hall, Saturday, May â€"29th begmmng at 3 p. m. Remember the date and come. As will be noted by the _advertiseâ€" ment elsewbere in this issue the Timâ€" mins Court of Revision will commence its sittings for the hearing of appeals against assessment on June l1th at 10 a. m. Saturday is the last day for the entermcr of appeals against this year‘s asses:,ment C e Last Saturday evening there was a meeting advertised for the Finlander Hall to be addressed by ‘Mr. Joe Knight, organizer for the 0. B. U. Mr. Knight was. unable toâ€"reach ‘here, but in his stead â€"his wife, Mrs. Knight, came and took the meeting, delivering a very mterestm" address on the O. B. U. ‘Tlhere was a large attendance at the meeting. A series of meetings are being held in the district by the O. B. U.‘organizer this week, there being one at South iPoreupine on Saturday and one at the Wye; Iroâ€" quois Falls on â€"Tuesday next, June 1st. Dr. Chas. J. Woodbury, of Oakland, California, is expected here next week to spend a two weeks‘ vacation with his son, Mr. Vincent Woodbury. Dr. Woodbury is= a‘ noted educationalist and lecturer and has been on a lecâ€" ture tour that included the leading ccities of eulftire in the U. S. A. This. week he is delivering an address at Boston, and after this engagement will leave for the North Dhand. Dr. Woodbury‘s lecture on Emerson is looked upon as a classw in the U. S..‘ A. Drs W codbury was one of Iumelson s pupils and to his appreâ€" ciation of the literary. work of the ereat Amerrean philosopher he adds a elose p‘ersoiml knowledge of the man Emerson hiumnmseltf. ts o Moore, and Mtr. Geo, Murphy and ‘ Mr. Wim. MeHugh‘s wife ind son and arrived here this week from Scotland to join him here, where the famrly will jake up residence. ' (Messrs. A. Young and E. M. Allâ€" worthâ€"made a nice catch of fish last Saturday , over :0 beautaes bemg seâ€" Following the advice of his doctors Mr. J. Perrault will take a holiday of a couple of months for theâ€"benefit of his health. (Mr. Frood, of the Cochâ€" yane branch of the firm ‘has taken ‘charge of the Taylor Hardware Co. busmess here ‘during the absehce of \Ir Perrault. His many fmends in t:he (‘amp will very. smcerel\" wxsh 1eturn to the best of healtn and 'stlength 9 ; i _Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Salmon returned Baturday evening© from â€" Greenland, Michigan, where they were called by the sad death of their daughter, Mrs. 1. cng t 1t : sacrt cured on the one trip to a favoarxte fishing ground. The body of another of the victims of ~the sad drowning accident last winter at the Abitibi dam, Iroqnoxs Falls, was recovered from the river on Thursday last. New Liskeard‘s big day of sports anrnd pleasure on May 24th was an enâ€" joyable one, but somewhat marred by the fact that the aeroplane that was to come from Toronto failed to" apâ€" pear though the Committee were led to believe it would arrive all right. Up to the present ~no etplan_gtlon has been received as to why the airship did not come along as promised. . Considerable ,attention â€"has been attracted: dummP the past few days to the window of Stock s Jew elry Store. The windew display is of, paltlcular interest and most attractive, ~It inâ€" :cludes a copy of the framed certificate of honor to be given by the: rFown of Timmins to seldiers residents lhere at the time of enlistment; also a handâ€" some picture of the Is.mcr as Qell"as one of H. R. H. the Prince of Wales. The flag carried by the early yvolunâ€" teers from here on their travels overâ€" seas is also on display, ~and the window throughout is . artlstxcally |arranged and most mterestmg" D. Coffey. Mrs. Coffey was a freâ€" quent visitor to Timmins and â€" had many friends ‘here who will deeply reâ€" gret her death. To the bereaved parents the sympathy of all mll be extended. ; TO LOSTâ€"A small keyâ€"ring with six or eight keys attached. . Finder please leave at The Advance Office. Hardwood flooring, about 600 or 700 feet; also secondâ€"hand doors, different . sizes; Apply B. Lennan, Cedar street._ _ _ â€" C _ FOR SAILEâ€"Two pieces of plate glass ; size 6ft Ginches by 2 feet, 10 gnches W, D. Pearee, Southâ€" Par- ‘cupine. ORGAN* FOR ALEâ€"Piano case, ~ good as new, fine tone, Karn make. Big â€" bargain. for â€" cash orâ€" terms arranged to suit purchaser. Apply ‘A. Craig, Public Scehool, Timmins. ~NOTICE. _ . es Court of Revisionâ€"June 11th. ‘Take notice that the Court of Revision on the AssessmenT Roll of the Town of Timmins for the year 1920 will be held at the Timmins Council Chambers on Friday the 11th day of June beginning at the hour of 10 o‘clock a. m. ho .For Saleâ€"1 Mason Risch Piano, value $850.00, for $450.00 ; 1 solid oak ice box, $20.00; 1 white enamel dréssâ€" er, $2O 00;â€"1 New Williams drop top sewing machme, $60.00. â€" Appb RUom 3, Reed ‘Block. _~ To RENT-â€"-â€"Furmshed * 58 Broadway, 4 rooms. â€" Call at 59 or . at 60 Broadway.â€"B. Legnan â€"20. PRINTING the way you want it at the time you â€" want it H. E. MONTGOMERY, Clerk, Town of Timmins. Check looks â€" in Timmins _ The price will not be any more, | and it often will be: something less, than charged by outside flrms for a less convenient service, It will ~prove: more convenient and satisfactory for you all round A full line of * may be seen at The Advance Office. Just call up Phone 26 and have . these facts proved to your enâ€" â€" tire satisfaction. Will the party who Jleft a double spring dray in my yard in the month of November 1919 please . remove same and pay expggeg_; 20â€"21 p. â€" Overland Touring Car, ~ firstâ€"class shape, newly painted and overhauled. Price, $5650.00 elther cash or terms may be arranged. D. B. CURTIS, câ€"o Curtis Drug Co., Timmins. FOR SALE JOHN T. BASTON, ~Timmins, Ont. FAR\I FOR SA‘LEâ€"-â€"Ahont 236, miles ‘_ from Town of Timmins; fihe cut of â€"tamarack on property; 13 acres _ready for crop this spring. Apply to S. P. Lindsay, Mattagami P. O, Tenders will be received by the unâ€" dersigned for the construction of partitions in the. Schumacher Fire Plans and specifications may be seen atâ€"my office, South Porcupine. Lowest or any temder not necessarily acceptâ€" 19â€"20 TENDERS WANTED. Eon ds F.C. EVANS, Clerk Township of Tisdale To SE