e als 3 x+ 4 f‘flgtOS'â€"-â€"Private, $25.00 pér week. Semx-vaafe, $20.00 per week ‘ _ _ _ Maternity Case, $30. per week t ,jtacious Accommodation. _( . _ Afficient Attention. . ,;:Graduate fl‘urse in Attendance BUILDING FOR SALE,~\in South Anpme, formerly knownâ€"as the _ Brunswick Poolroom, containing / mpproximately 40,000 feet of good v__ff"ber, including 2000 feet of No. I hardwood flooring. Also 4000 feet metal sheetmg inside.â€" . The dxng‘ could be taken down and sold 3t a good profit to the speculâ€" Enquire, Pearce Bros., South CVA B Potcupine. ’l‘imxmns Bransh Now Open at 70 Pine Street TELEPHDNE 215 â€"‘*~ Savings Department Cor. Cedar and Fourth Ave. . ity Cases especially solicited. Established 1871.â€" Head Office, Toronto. TotalAssets $143,000.000. Interest at 3 per cent. per annum allowed on all deâ€" posnts of $1.00 and upwards. SAVE NOWâ€" «â€"â€" and insure happiness in the , _‘ â€" _days to come > .0OO0D â€"WANTED. 1 am in the > toâ€" purchase. rough Spruce â€"fieel Spruce Pulpwood. For information wnte Harry Cochrane hss bop. Apply C.â€"Butler, Lock Box â€"Large lot on Elm â€"~Ont.. lot No. 1123. « 8 # B $ $ # "His Master‘s V oice" Dealers Hear these and the other new May records at any (Irving Berlin‘s Overnight Hit) A catchyâ€"comic song which will make a hit anywhere, especially asrendered by Billy Mursray. On the reverse especially asrendered by billy Murray. Un the reverse side, ‘"He Went in Like a Lion and Came Out Like a Lamb‘" is another comic song by the same artist. j ~"His Master‘s Voice" Record 216099 "His Master’s’ Voice" Dan_c_e"Hit's- ?J‘::‘n"o:‘t{:p:::'mâ€"uodley ;:21 tet } 16132 t t muee ooo | in Ei e tee Ftomm Nowhers .. | 114135 Th the e or us Toct All on 10â€"inch doubleâ€"sided $1.00 PROMISING GOLD PROPERTIES : . POR SALE. f Tmmms, May 5th 1920. 'Phree Gold Properties for. sale, of 40 neres each, making 120 acres in all ; in the south east corner of Whltnev Townshlp, Lotsa 3 and 4, Concession 1; ,sm miles from Porcupine; 5 miles from railroad; road within 115 .miles of property; width, of" veins from 3 feet_to over 50 feet; as good a 'body of ore as I have ever seen; large lead; ore in sxght for 200 teet hold ,certxï¬cates running from $1.80 to $14. per ton for a number of assays made 'by Mr. D. Johns, Assayer, Haileybury. _ For further particulars apply to 18 p.â€" A. CHAMANDYâ€"A. SALHANT. . Owing to the death oK my fatherâ€"in my infancy, I was brought up with my . mother‘s people and . became known by her maiden name of Chaâ€" mandy. I now ‘wish to be known by. my real nams of A. Salhani and there fore make â€"public my reason for adopt ing a different name from that by which I have formerly been known. . A. SALHANT. Txmmms, \Iav 10th 1920. «_ J. ,bUNDAS!, Manager JAMES MeCANN, Timmins, Ont. ~ Mr. J. R. Dwr, who for a number of | Accordmg to a despatrh from Haz-l yeafs has been manager of the Union Bank of New Liskeard, and â€"during that time has taken a pronnnent and particularly ‘helpful part in all the sports of the ‘‘Creamery Town of the leaving for. the Mantnme vProvmces_ where he will have charge of a more important branch of the Union Bank. Mr. Dier has been well known not only in New Liskeard, but throughout the whole North,. tor his active interést in all wholesome sports Hockey, baseball, curling and other sports have received his partlcnï¬u attention and interest â€" and he has spent time, money and all sorts of good energy to advance these ‘both in New Liskeard and the North Land generally. Prior to leaving New Lisâ€" keard, a number of the business men of New#Liskeard présented him with a solid Jleather suitcage, solid leather club bag, a silk umlnel]a and a silver blll()]\\l"' set as maxl\a of the fleneral appreciation and regard. leybury last week Mrs. Din McMahon a wellâ€"known regident of the town, died at her home there on Tunesday last, May 18th, She leaves to mounr her loss, ‘her husband, two children, three sisters, Mrs. Fred Gervais Ottawa, Mrs. Fraser, Mattawa, Ont., and Mrs. L. Morris, Haileybury, and three brothela, one living inâ€" the Porâ€" cupine, one in the United States, and a smaller brother at her home in Haiâ€" leybury. Before her marriage to Mr. MeMahon, she was Miss Margaret Mc Sweeney. SIR JOHN CARSON IS PRESIDENT NORTH CROWN. At the initial meeting of the \mth Crownm Poxcupme \Imes, Sir John Carson was selected as President and Managingâ€"Director, _ The. despatch giving Mr. J. R. L. Starr as the preâ€" sident was in error last_week in this Bourke, Lindsay ‘ MeCluskey‘s ties are coming down the river these and the settlers and others appreciate the. efforts made by. the firm to keep the river epen. There is a man kept on the rivyer all the time by the firm to see that the ties are kept ‘‘ within the law,‘" as it were. . His many friends here, however, wiall be glad to know that while the oil Helds look very attyractive and offer many inducements at the present time that it is his opinion that the mining possibilities of Northern Ontario offer eapital a miutch safer and surer opport wunity in the long run.> Mr. Fuller is still enthusiastic as even regarding the North Land‘s possibilities. He states that he is now negotiating a ‘large deal involving about 15 of. his properties in the Porecupine Gold Camp and expects to have it all closed inside oÂ¥ ‘the next 30 days. He is leaving for Chicago in a. few days where he will be joined by â€"Mrs, Fuller who has been %pendmo' the later part of the winter in Southern California. near the south end of the T. N. O. ] ‘ Eaxlway, be‘itcresolved that the becret ary write the Commission urging that ‘the local rate for hanling eordwood teduged in the iInferests‘ of the inâ€" liabitants of the North Country, and that a copy of this resolution _ be sent to other Boards along the line.!‘ _â€"~ Mr, A. 8. Fuller, the aellâ€"known local mining man, returned_ to Camp last undav after a six months‘ soâ€" journ in different parts of the United States. Fuller spent most of the past winter at the Commodore Hotel, New York Cxtv, avhere he eatwl;rhshed headqwharters for gutnmbuo informâ€" ation regarding the Porcuptne Gold Camp and the mineral resources of Northerm Ontario generally.~ j MR. S. McCHESNEY DOES~ â€" NOT LOSE MUCH TIME. MR. A. S. FULLER RETURNS _ i TO PORCUPINE CAMP. On the evening. of April 27th the mill owned and . operated by Mr. Me Chesney. was destroved by fire, ‘The loss must ‘have been arserious one to Mr. McChesney, but he showed the true spirit of the pioneer, by refusing to be discouraged or dismayed. Inâ€" stead, he went at it checrfulh mbtg.ld to lepalr the damage, and in the four weeks since the fire the mill has been completely rebuilt, new machinery inâ€" stalled, and it is expected that this week will see the MceChesney mill in operation again. As the settlers along the river. remark these days, ‘‘ You can‘t keep a good man down.‘‘ The cheerfulness with which Mr. Mé€Chesâ€" ney faced the dlsastel\flf the destrucâ€" tion of ‘his: mill, and the speed with which he has replaeed it with a new one are of the type that make the true settler of the New North. Mr. Fuller reports that the specuâ€" lative publfé at the present time are pxmupxlly interested in the great oil craze whith is especially pronounced through the Southwesterna part of the United~â€" States. Mr.â€" Fuller â€"spent several wéeks in that section~of th3 country looking into the oil situation in Kansas, Okluhoma Texas and New Mexico. : _At the Jast regular meeting of the Haileybury Board of Trade the,follow ing resolution was passed :â€"**That whereas there is a great searcity of eoal, and whereas the present rgte for hauling adds materially to the cost of corwood and whereas there is a tgrge quantity of. eteellent harduood sw _ a # ‘... ‘?.‘. m Canada { » s t# > 4 Timmins Branch, Beul Office and Focbn--nndford. Canada .. .. mu 'l‘ondo,\m mm * 118 IMPERIAL Our branches at Cobalt, Cochrane,, New Liskeard, North Bay, Porcupme South, Tlmmms, Kirkland Lake, Matheson, and Smooth Rock Falls offer complete banking facilities throughout Northern New Ontario. 218 HFE newest idea in roofing. Just think of the time and cost of labor saved in laying the roof of a big barn, freight shed or other large building with this new Brantford Asphalt Slab Slate whieh is four shingles in one. Fewer nails are, also required. Brantford Asphalt Sl3b Slates areso cleverly designed | â€" that a roof laid with them has~ the appearance ofâ€"_ beidg covered with individual size shingles. One size only: 32 inch x 12 inch, with cut outs five | inches. ‘They are laid five inches to the weather. Red or green color. _ Brantford‘ Asphalit Slab Slates are made of the same materinls as famous Erantford Asphalt Slates which have given such t tion for artistic homes. The same roofing in roll; is mneénnnfladw Rooï¬nz andwczghBSOtosslbs.persquate Particulars sbout these rooï¬ngs furflished on rcquut Shingles 1 Jlab Slate‘ Branches also at Kirkland Lake. South Porcupine, New Liskeard and Matheson. . ‘ H. G. McDonald, Manager. ez