£+ Dming Room, Living Room, Bedroom and Den s es â€" Furniture. - ‘ Come and see the Big Disâ€" % ~plays of New Stocks of â€" .imng Room Suites. _ * Chesterfield Suites s Rattar. Chairs. Porch Furniture Baby Carnages and Goâ€"Carts Kltchen Cabinets _ _ ~Bedding Ollcloths, Linoleums Ful line of Rugs, Carpet Squares, Mats SUGGBST REAL NORTH ‘‘. LAND TRADE BOARD UNION. WEDNESDAY, MAY "A Visit to this Store willâ€"repay you Well Subseription Ratés : All Bestâ€"quality goods, offered anywhere alzs us show you. : Here are a few of our Staple ~Lines: every Woanesday by en wa s\ t N ds, and at prlces that will stand comparison with any _ else. On quality goods we can save you money. Let: is a typicalâ€"Old ‘Ontario town in pracâ€" tically every way, and is about as far from the North â€"Land type as Allandâ€" ale or St. Thomas. It is not. likely that the North Land would gain any ‘strength from an alliance controlled w'-va-â€"c-v-â€" S s in | any â€" méasure by North Bay. _ It looks as if Cobalt, Haileybury, New Liskeard, Iroquois Falls, Timming, South Poreupine, Cochrane and other of â€"the Typical towns of the North Land wounldâ€"do better in a combinâ€" ation of their own. _ t e mt _ ‘The recent flurry from Cobalt and Hailey bury ALollows ‘the receipt "from the secretary at Sudbury of the draft constitution â€"of the \“orth Ontario Union, with an added request for financial assistance in the carrying along of the work. Cobalt is asked for $250.00 and Halle\bury for $100 At first sight it looks as if the towns ‘of the I\orth Land couldâ€"invest their money to better ‘advantage by. com-l bining among themselves, mthout “Old Ontario‘‘ towns.> There are {plent\ of Provincial organizations for. the general purposes that applv to the: Province as a whole. What is needed is something specially for the North Land.. The North Land needs some organization specially for its inter> ests and advancement and to preéserve it from neclect and indifference, â€" _ At the initial meeting of the North Crown Poreupine Mines, Limited, (the amalgamation of the Porcupine Crown and the Thompsonâ€"Krist proâ€" perties,) held last week at Toronto, sds t n n d +2 tA s * the following gentlemen were elected to serve an the directorate for ‘the ensuing year:â€"â€" __ | ~IJ. R. L. Stam, K. C., Sir John Carson, Wim. I. Gear, J. B. Bartram, Percy Galt, K. C., James G. Ross, C. M. G.; James Cooper, A. G. Gardner and Ziba Gallagher. (Messrs. Starr, Bartram â€" and Galt â€" represent the Thompsonâ€"Krist interests in the new merger, while the others are original members of the Board of Directors in the Poreupine Crown «a a" * Undeg New Act Will Have Power to Dealâ€" With Patented Claims, ‘In accordance with the provisions: of. an Act introduced in the Legisâ€" lature by Mr. ‘Chas. MeCrea, M. P. P., of Sliétglxry, the Mining CommIssionâ€" er, Mr. T. E. Godson, will hereâ€" after Rave the poweg of a judge of the higher courts ~Under this Act Comâ€" missioner Godson will have the power to deal with ‘patented as well as unâ€" patented claims. . In other words, he will be the head.of a Court specially designed to deal with mining claim disputes. Up to the present Comâ€" missioner Godson‘s authority: only applied to unpatented claims. If a ‘claim were patented disputants were not able to take advantage of the ‘speedy justiceâ€"and tlie early hearing that they. were assured of from the Commissioner in all questions coming under his jurisdiction. In many cases rospectors and mining men found this a distinct and decided Nisadvantâ€" age, and for a considerable time past there been moreâ€"or less agitation to have the Commissioner‘s authority extended to apply to patented as well as. unpatented claims. The new Act fills this need, and the change willâ€"no .doubt be gladly welconied by all inâ€" â€"terested. DAVIDSON CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL MEETING JULY 15. The annual meeting of the Davidâ€" som Consolidated Mines, which opened on May 3rd was postponed to July 15th on the advice of the directors. It is hoped and (believed ‘that financial negotiations now in progress will likeâ€" ly be completed in a few weeks . and ‘the annual meeting will accordingly have a better working basis with these arrangements .closed.. â€"Old Country financiers are said to hbe interested in the development of the Davidson â€"and from this source it is thought that ample finances will be secured to proâ€" ceed with the promising work on the Davidson. * t y s Bornâ€"At South Porenpine to ‘Mr. and Mrs. W.. H.. Philips, (Rormerly Miss Jean '\'Ic:Lal,}qhhn, of ’lnnmms), â€"â€"a daughter. A deep mystery and a profound love confuse the lives of four people in Pauline Frederick‘s Latwt picture, ‘‘The Paliser Case,‘‘ coming to the New Empire Friday and Saturday of this week. ‘Phe story of this thrilling melodrama may briefly be outlined as follows :â€"Angelo Caro ( Janmes Neil,) an old violinist of Portugal, ‘has a beautiful â€" daughter, Cassy, (Pauline| Frederick), . who has inherited â€" his musical ability. She has a. remarkâ€"| able singing voice. Her teacher, Mms. Tambourina_(Carrie Lee Ward) | is wholly unscrupilous,â€"and when she learns that her spirited and beautiful pupil is desired by the rich Monty Paliser she creates several situations inâ€"order to help the plans of the deâ€" singning young man. ‘Cassy, however has fallen in love with another young man, whom she believes though is enâ€" gaged to another young lady. When| l‘Cassy and her father can no longer ‘pay their bills, the girl accepts Monty Paliser‘s offer of marriage.‘ At the wedding she notices that the ‘‘ministâ€" er‘‘ has a thumb missing on one hand, and later she notes that Palisser‘s gardener has theâ€"same mark. This suggests to her that theâ€"marriage was a mock one. She carries her story to the other young man, who then and later threatens toâ€" kill Paliser. Then Paliser is really killed, and suspicion. naturally falls on the young man.. To save him, Cassy says she did the little érime all by her lonesome. But her father goes her one hetter by confessâ€" |ing he did it himself, and he has the (factsâ€"to hack his case.‘ He then very | conveniently dies from heart failure, and. all the others in ~the drama who avere good are happy forever thereâ€" after. es y ‘Last Wednesday evening Thomas Hines, aâ€"farmer living near New Liskâ€" eard, committed, suicide by hanging lnmself in his barn. Hines â€"was about 35 years of age. He had been acting rather strangely for some weeks past and it is surmlsed that he hanged himâ€" self while suffering from temporary mental derkngement. s same and pay expenses. Will the partv Who left a double spring dray in my yard in the month of November: 1919 please _remove 20:21 p. > ,. tint s JOHN T..EASTON, : Jqst ‘call up Phone 26 and have i: these facts proved to your enâ€" <â€"â€"%tire satisfaction. . , " in T 1mm1ns It will prove more convenient < and satisfactory for you all round â€" ‘A full <line of samples may be seen at The Advance Office. The price will not be any more, and it often will be something â€" less, than charged by outside flrms for a less convenient service, Timmins, Ont. TO | RENTâ€"FarniShed _ 4 rooms. Chll at 59 or at 60 Broadway.â€"B. Lennan.â€"20. Hardwood ‘Aooring, about 600 or 700â€" feet; also secondâ€"hand doors, different sizes; Appl\ B. Lennan, Cedar street. â€" 20. small keyâ€"ring with six or eight keys attached, ‘Finder please leave at The A(ï¬â€˜ance Office. . ~~ PRINT ING the way you want it at the txme you want it â€" Porcupine Advance *FOR SALE. WANQ" "for goneral houseâ€" : work. No ohxldren. Apply to Mrs. D. W. O‘Suillivan, 36 Maple street, WANTED TO RENT OR BUYâ€"a good piano. Agdtress Box T., Adâ€" vance Office. â€"â€" _ > 18â€"19 p, FOR §ALEâ€"TW«) ‘pieces of: plate glass ; size 6ft Ginches by 2 feet, 10 inches. W. D. Pearce, South Porâ€" MAID WANTEDâ€"Maid: wanted for ORGAN FOR . SALEâ€"iPiano case, good as new, fine tone, Karn make. Big â€" bargain for cash orâ€" terms arranged to suit purchaser. Apply A. Craig, Public School, Timmins. k : . â€"'â€"21 P. general housework Apply Mrs Wantedâ€"Thoroughly _ experienced stenographer typist. Wages, $100.00 per month. Write particulars, Apply to Abitibi Power Paper Co., Troquoig Falls, Ont. . â€"20. Why not begin study of the violin how? The Tongâ€"evenings are favourâ€" able for practice and progress, Studio over Curtis Storeâ€"H. F. Schroelder. / 19â€"t. £. Phone 192. Overland Touring Car, : firstâ€"class shape,. newly and pverhauled. Price, $550.00 either cash or terms may ‘be arranged. c D. B. CURTIS, câ€"o Curtis Drug Co., Timmins. ARM FOR SALEâ€"About 23% miles from Town of Timmins; fine eut of tamarack on property; 13 gecres ready for crop this spring. Apply to S. P; Lindsay, Mattagami P. O. Tenders will be received by the unâ€" dersigned for theâ€" constrnction of partitions «in the \bclfflflï¬ohm Fire Hall. Plans and specifications ma) be seen at my office, soeuth Porcupine. Lowest or any tender not ‘necessarily acceptâ€" ed. F.C. EVANS, 19â€"20 SClerk Tow nship of Tisdale cupine. J. Marshall, 12 Hemlock: street, Timmins. ; _ _ â€" _ LESSONS.ON THE VIOLIN., TENDERS WANTED. "'"18"21.