* J ’“Qxeuce has nlready been mag’le in‘| sys éolumns to the expected v:sxts The Mav ts va f sided at th ] Sunday. ev Theatre to here in con wide appe: tinuance o . _,"fo arr:,ye in tha North Land in June, and of the group of dlstmgmsh-; #d British journalists coming to this gountry on tour in Beptember.It has. ?l‘he regular meeting of the Goldâ€" lelds Branch of the G. W. V A., Timâ€" a‘“;flll be held in the basemént of, the New Empire Theatre, starting at £.30 pam. sharp toâ€"morrow (Thursday) c uAfl Veterans are requested o be p 93 a.},good aendance i8 x *X % + s + 4 '-“ .‘.,_._“ Th ‘Ontario FootDball . : Assd€lation ‘at Soktmmacher on Frday. The chief m to come before the mesting % p ‘,_:-;'flï¬e appointment of referees for i the season and the adopting of a Funior L eague mehedule for the seaâ€"i Il: is expectedthat_ thera will be: dunior teams. â€" Troquoi$ ï¬ï¬‚mï¬ix}hex ‘and “South Pors h o PP t Mc iny ts o es 7?;5‘, “'-"."4}# ,~ }ï¬‚ï¬ be a ugegmflr of t fl:e \m’th â€"-â€"-â€"-qâ€"â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"“_ N. 0. F. A. AT _ _ ~~*s0OHDMACHER ON PRIDAY €, fmt no .doubt the numberâ€"of. m for the Junior League will be at ‘the meeting. Juniors ect toâ€" have an \nterestmg and y yeaso r and to put up a Drand: of tball that will ‘be of the best. The imins féun is being ‘organised. hy It is chxeï¬y drawn_ nmll pe a 9° 2C R MEETING G. W. V. A. TOâ€"MORROW \EVENING. ‘c 2’1- Interesting Review of Noble ,Work nt Public Meetingin Theatre The Mawor, Dr. J. A. Meclnnis, préâ€" sided at the pubhe meceting called for Sunday. evening in the ‘New Empxre to" the gathering the work of the Salvation . Army from its inception some Afty years ago.. From aâ€"small beginning in London, Eng., the Army had spread throughout the whole world until toâ€"day it was at work in 66 different countries, and undéer 42 different languages, the Major ilusâ€" rating the good done by the Maternity Homes, the Children ‘s: Homes, Rescue Work the Police Court and Prison Work,â€"the Free Labour Bureau, the General Hospitals,~ the Industrial Worshops, the Lost ‘and Missing‘‘ efforts, the young people‘s work, and the general social and rescue work: â€"All this good work cost money to I_nai;n'twa.in,, and so. a generous response was" desired to the present appeal. After a general review of. the work df the Salvation Army in peace and war, the Major spoke of special work in foreign fieldsâ€"and the very pressing ‘need now in particwlar to carry on these efforts, especisiiy in the counâ€" tries touched by the war. 3: A good motion pieture film was also shown, the. New Empire Orchéstra } hymg durmg ‘the picture. The attendance was Targe, the "house be: ing comfortably filled. <The eolleetmn plate at the door took in a â€"total of ©$82.797 the actual specml eosts of "the for piotureâ€vattendance, etc., ;bemg $24:50,: «the Theatre management kindly donatmg‘ the useâ€"of the theatre Aor . the occasion. "The met procéeds "ï¬oï¬ â€˜the Salvation Armj from the ï¬leet ing were: thua $58.-29 . : Very pleasing instrumental Seleeâ€" tions on the piano were given by Mr. J. W. Hishon.. Mr. Jas. Geils in his usual gifted way gave a solo that was much appreciated, Mr. Hishon playâ€" o"‘.â€"hf';â€""'- "l % ing the accompaniment,. ... ; ts e 5 ® first league football dampamfor '-the sbason afe scheduled for next Mon day, May 24thâ€"when South: Porï¬â€˜i‘(‘f.me , at Troquois: Falls, and Timhains | flavs at the Molntyre. The: Tnnmms f Clubâ€"has ‘been han(heapped greatly by | _“t‘he lack of smtaBle groundsâ€"on which | ‘to.. pl;,j;_a-c.@, ut mterï¬st Smd enthit(â€" | siasm â€" have ‘about . offsét thts alisadâ€" 6. â€" In‘ the . first . place | Groï¬nds* ï¬ammwee“took the trquble to. ad,luSt matters so that part. the gmun'ds were soon., available for ,foot-l " ball practice, > In fle next pï¬ace, the players . have been turning out with the greatest ‘" pep‘* and enthusxasm and there chave been mainy rousmg practrc. ~On Thursd ay evening last thereâ€"was ‘a regular practice game: between two teams chosen@from the players in Timmins, including several t of the oldâ€"timers who showed they are still in the game all right. Teamzâ€"A and B struggled for supremaey ‘and. Presxdent W, _ A.:Field, who acted as, re‘feree, also had some ~struggle to see ‘that the game was played according to. the rules, at times as many.as fourâ€" | teen. payers being= on each sx?te. ~It \â€s-f rousing ol practitea game, howâ€" Lever, and §ho the amount ofâ€" footâ€" "in the: "town. The final seore. was a tie,â€"four to. four.»;Dbs § pite the eold Wmd during the evening imany ;pectators vxslted the grmmds "dyring the g"~ e, ‘"though it was too Teold for 1 emwd stay very Jong® rt the |one th é. “’Qhe yers, howev en. ke x 4 ; s(p' hj:;:v and w al':? fll%t t(y%shlï¬ n# idea that it was a.cool Tevening. Tids practice game indicates 4 bhat the football ia the town thxrm tie: going to ‘be of â€"the right type of gops -zf; and that the town h,gs»a»' Jlarge ,flumber of skilled plaversm*"'fhel of the season at Behuâ€" ie o s onl 0 C ons Thu f»Q playsrs and: enthnsiasm. $ nc CA y â€"‘Gome of the Honor be presented to the soldiers from Timâ€" tnins : who served overseas heve been rehetved by Mayor Mclqms. and . the others will be along ‘as soon asâ€"the necessary engraving of names, ete., can be: completed. ‘The. certificates, which aroframed suitably, are certain ‘ty pleasing and attractive works of art. Some pfâ€"them will be on display in Stock‘s Jewelry Store window over the week:â€"end and the. Twmtï¬rigurth together with the flag earried overseas by the soldiers going from here an the early days. mon 'ff'f};;' Golden Beaver Lodge, A. F. A. M., will hold their annual church parade on Bunday evenmg next, May GOLDEN BEAVER LODGE CUHURCH PARADE SUNDAY 93rd. to St. Matthew‘s Anglican church, Timmins. The members of the Lodgeâ€"and visiting brethren are asked to at the Masonic Hall 6.45 p. Rev. R. S. Cushing, Rector of St. Matthew’s, will} be the preacher for the occasion. All memâ€" bers of the Lodge and _ visiting breth‘ren are copdially invited to join in this attendance at divine service. RE-BUILDING BTARTED .ON THE GORDON BLOCK. â€"â€"Work commenced this week in the repamno' of ‘the lower storey: ‘of the Gordon . Block, Third Axenue. This was the building, formerly occupied by Mr. E. H. Bridger‘s stationery and fancy goods store, damaged by the fire starting in an adjacent bmldmg last December. ‘Mr. J. R. Gordon is the oxpner of the building, and while in town ‘*this week he. made ‘the final arrangements . for work to be started at once for repairing and re-bmldmg The ground floor part will be repairâ€" ad, the main part of it not bemflP badly da ged while: the upper storey, awhere the Oddfellows’ Hall was, will be reâ€"built, to be used again for the I. 0. 0. Fs. The new bmldmg will be ,plaster~ï¬mshed r. D. St. ‘Onge is theâ€"contractor I handling the work. _ 'prn'tl red if: they »â€"vqsh to try. ‘a trial fhight in this most modetn method of ~tÂ¥ansportatiofl: ‘Mr. G,.S. Drew is the chairman of the,Committee of. the Veterans . plannmg for_the July 1st celebratioh hete and he has the active “co-operatxon not only ofâ€"the Soldiers, but of tall« the other â€" societies and classes ‘of the town. â€" The Veterans ‘are having. their l*eo'ular meeting in their club »ooms gn _ the Thea’cre‘ basement toâ€"morrow (Thursday) even ing, at \?hxch no doubt further pm-; vmm BUSY MAKING \_ . = PLANS FOR BIG .nn,f ist. The local G: W. V. A.are busy on plans to make. ‘their. Big Day hereâ€" on‘ July 1st one to be long remembered in the North,." â€" Among their other speciat plans is the securinig af anâ€"airship for ‘the occasion,â€" wlth~the sPectators here- gT eas. Wlll be made in the Worlg of assurfiig a fine event for Timmins for ‘Among the visitors last week to the |â€" Porcupme Camp were Major Burrows | and Adjutant Coy, of Toronto,.of the Salvation Army staff. Major Burrows is in charge ofâ€"the Social :and. Rescue Work of the Salvation Army ur his | terrxtorv. AdJutam Coy is in charge| of the eampaignâ€":in this territory for the present campaign for funds to ‘earry on the good work of the â€"Army.| They were here in connection with the. campalo'n in Timmins, and on Thursâ€" evehing met the local committee. MaJor Burrows gave the committee a very interesting and informative acâ€"| count: of what the Salvation Army| really has been doing, emphasizing the | Social Service features and the / wonâ€" derful Reseue . work. Although this work was among what might be conâ€"| Sidered the most hopeless® element and | under the greatest difficulties andâ€"disâ€" 'oouragemeuts, thousands every year | were reseuned from eml lives in Canâ€" ada, and fuily ninety. per cent. stayed in the paths: o£ good citizenship..: As A patrwhc work alone the eï¬o:ts«were ‘well worth while and fully justified the â€"fullest support.= Ma;pr Burrows also referred to the work and by the Army at the reqnesi of tbei Dnteb Governmcntl.- jlooking after ‘theâ€"lepe ;â€"a. work . ofâ€" selfâ€" $.â€"A. orriGAaRS _ . .PORCUPINEâ€" CAMPS. '“.â€â€˜ W “s“{ it 4 A'rmmm' ‘amms iwow†: Getrme ntto Presxdent A Bofland of "the T; A A *.. ta. nhm..m'l waal at tha : ‘The â€" Timmins _ Branch â€" of â€" the Dauo'hters ‘of the Empn'e are giving a danee in the Masonic Hall on Monâ€" day. evening, May 24th. The fact that the event is under the ausplces of the I. 0. D. E. is ample assurance that it Poreupine Lodge, A. F. A. M., gave a very en;;pyable Home‘‘ in the I. 0. 0. _F. Hall â€"at South Porâ€" cupme laat mght about ï¬fty couples bemg ‘present. The evening proved a very: pleasant one for . all present, cards, dancing and other social. enjoyâ€" ments being on the programme A number from Timmins enjoyed â€" the event, One of the special features of the evening was the unusual but very attnacfive method used in serving the very. pleasing duncheon. ‘Contrary to the ordinary custom at dances, the refreshments were served from, conâ€" P "VALAAA â€" â€"A. LAAA C e t Au,« Land: A 8alvatibn Army laSSle eould stand there and say ‘God Bless Yon!‘ to everybody that went.by. no one else couldâ€"-â€"-at least not in the right tone of vorce. ‘ ‘One fat and â€"pros perous-lookmg man came along with a siderable . din. and clamor, strong large and wellâ€"fed. family. . He antâ€" words st:;onger bseeatlis . in* the; ed to. Lpow if there were: lots of seats: "’â€"â€"and good, seatsâ€"if the picture was main part of the town. ‘©The noisiâ€" est. mght since Arnnst;ee ‘" said ‘one |m .good one; and if theâ€"rest. of the proâ€" ‘citizen who had to. live near it. As a | gramme® were of the best Kind. He result of one disturba ce, one: man unâ€" | was assured that he would get a $1,.00 :der the influence of. liqtoxr â€" hpparently seat for. eaï¬l of his family and the ‘called for the attendance of the poli¢e programme would be worth a good who in turn called medical attendancefhalf dollar extra,, while the cause was ‘as the man had his head. badly~spht worthy all he could. give. ‘‘ All no'lfl’ openâ€"a stick. wielded: by. an Omenta.l ‘he saxd "’“I ‘guess “e’ll go in then.‘ gentleman doingâ€"this damage it is said ‘And lie puTten cents on the plate for This parncular. mcxdent results â€" in | the. crowd as ‘they Went by.. ‘Wen pohce court cases gomg' on to-day â€".| dressed _ and. w ell:tqâ€"do . appearing onï¬ on n _-j;;t-fellows dropped A . mc{el on the â€"plate WB M3 wer. C m m , * .g":‘ l ee ALL ON THE PEACEFUL â€"___ ~ SABBATH aAxp so roun'.rn It was a flne day on Sunday but it got noisy as the. houes wore along, unâ€" til around midnightâ€"there. was .conâ€" as the man bad his. heag badly*spht‘ openâ€"a stick wielded by. an Oriental gentleman doingâ€"this. damage it is said This par;zculm. mcxdent results | in .pohce court cases going on to-day ts $ k i l oo o9 The musmal comedxes ‘given in the: New Empire here on Fnday ‘and Saturday of last weex attracted big houses.at each performance ‘andâ€" were. well received by the large Audrences. The French Models,‘"â€"as: the comâ€" pany of actors and styled themselves," gave a change ofâ€" pro- gramme at .each event“Macaroni the French comedlan, made a decxded hit, his humorisms partleulafly appeal ing to hls compatriots ‘in theâ€" aundâ€" iences. Foogarty and . Leggett, the dancmo' and singing artists were also good, the *<Jewish Comedran‘ stunts bemg one of /the features of the perâ€" lformancea Tlrere were seven lady dancers in the chorusâ€"one of ‘the seven being a man, accoxdmg to: Trish . pi; aseology, The music was bright and catcly, the gowns ‘‘gorgeâ€" ous†in several scenes, the gtage settâ€". . fing, ang the show throughout a gbod one to visit this North Land. The amgmg was perh-aps the least pleasmg featgre, the vorces. resgmblmo Alma ‘Muck in â€"no special particular. Taken ‘altogether, however, ‘‘The French Models,"" was a pretty- fair show for ?.this..North Land, and the big. aundâ€" iences got the worth of their money in ’--]augbfer The shxmm. ;_’\@tld qhn:er’ ‘‘THE FRENCE MODELS! PuAy To Big HoUSES HERE. t It’ls in hbtle ways that people often. show their. trme character, or. rather HUMAN NATURE AS SHOWN ~"AT THE COLLECTION PLATE. Vlv "'w., ons r‘ mm â€"p-â€"qâ€"--vâ€" t they Went by, some -shdmfr a quanter already e the plate fcrrwmd' avith. their fingers and Jlookingâ€"up as much as td-say, You noticed I put in a quarter.‘" One man came along with a half dollar plainly in his hand, made the necessary motion over the plate, rbut Aet the 50 cent piece slide back into his hand as ‘he hurried uncetuâ€" ously‘ inside. +Corrugated oonstamip- erampusâ€"-(on words <to that effect) * says Pete, ‘«Can you ‘beat it?" The answer is:â€"youn can not!. ‘ Butf better and less pxlung forms of hunman nature were just as evident. A widow, who has liad to struggle bard to keep her little family: together, dropped in more thanâ€"her mite; she not only exeseded the average conâ€" tribution for berself, but she rememâ€" ‘bered to add a’httl for eaeh of sher chxldx en, ’\{any ‘aA mzm echeerfully pes in lns quarter, his balf dollr or what change he could afford, There were a few more generouys ‘donations.. Jt was not so ninch the amount given. that was notreeable; it was the spirit of giving. ~Some gave. like men and somegaye. And the latterâ€"conuld beâ€"picked out inside by their critical and selfish aftitude. _ for a XCommunity Building to hold â€" ‘special quartersâ€"for the Veterans and _ ‘a strwtly Soldiers‘ Building. Ma:yvor Mclnnis presided and all present agreed on the fact that the Soldiers _ slxould be supplied with smwblo] i quarters at ‘the : eatrliest â€" poss;ble moment." ‘Even among . tbe few preâ€" sent, however, there was some quesâ€" . . tion still as to whether this could bo ‘done better by a Community Building with special quarters for the Soldiers, _ ‘or by a distinct Soldiers‘> Building. â€" After hearmg the report of Mr. Reed regarding the annex toâ€"the Goldfields gerieral agreement that this plan was not practxcal, at préesent. ‘The Hollinâ€" _ ger had generously agreed to give this building for a year or so, but the eost of alterations and repairs would .. ‘be several thousand dollars and then â€" theâ€"quarters would ‘hardly be what _ was.desired~It would_not be ‘economy to spend three â€" or four â€" thousand dollars on this plan. After a thorough ; discussion of. the question from all | ano'les, the meeting agreed to testâ€" opinion on two ~proposxtmns,â€"â€"one the :. building of a Strictly G.‘W. V. A, < building to cost $15,000 or $20,000, and the other the Community. Bmld- ; ing idea, with special accommodatlon therein for the Veterans, and the _ . building to ‘be erected as a memorml s to the soldiers from the Porcupine. A. committee comprising. Mayor Melnnis _ . Rev. J. D. Parks and President W.AT,. > Curtis of the G. W. V. A. Was ‘named. [to look after this at once: â€"Actual _ figures for the two proposals will be . secured and submitted to. the mines, _ . ete., to learn how much support may _ be secured for each of_the proposiâ€" . tions. If sufficient support can ‘be _ secured for the bommumty Qlub\bmld ing it will be proceeded with. ‘|only. the strictly Veterans building is | tpractical;the latteravillâ€"then: be taken _ |up and a by«law submitted to the rate payers, 88 in regmred by~law before es the Town can â€" raise. the necessa.ry % |money for any such purpose. The [need for a Community Building was _ :| emphasized by Rev. Mr. Parks, and he ‘ _ and .others present. ‘thought that the _ :| mines mlght gwe"gengmusly to such a _ _ cause fom the benefit of their emâ€" |_. loyees. ~Tf sufï¬clent of this support ‘ _ ‘lis in gight thegplan can be proceededâ€" . mt,h otbermse eï¬orbg, w;ll be cenâ€" f # | case, it was aoreed that the fullesï¬ "I publicity would given before the _ people were asked to vote on any byâ€" . * ]av« s0 that all would understand the i lmmedlate deelsxon ?oe made as .J‘«o- 2 whatâ€"is to be done, so that the necess* {ary work may be commenced at onee.. l_ Amono' those present and takmd par c ; | Was. along the same ‘lines ab the».;f'"; . | previous meeting, . and so extended re: _ â€"tference to what was said is not made _ â€" There was a small> attendance but a large amount.of discussion at the mecting called f4ast mght to hear the reports of the two committees appoint ed last week regarding the proposals Public Meeting ‘ Night Ls}e _ Q@uestion In Hands Of a > .. ~â€" Committeo, d again. SYNOD .OF piIOCESE IN _ ASSEMBLY HERE 'I'Q~'DAY y o $ wÂ¥ ut kh