$1." PBC k .Jiv.wg: .'4 * hfl‘i Gendron Best quality enâ€" ameled reed carriages. $35.00 to $50.00 to $6.00. Sulkies, $4.00 to $14.00. BOYS wWAGONS. Plain wheels, $3.50 to $5.00 Tired whoeels, $4.00 The George Taylor Hardware § ~ ~ LITMITED n 4. 25 Extrs YCears of SBatisfacâ€" tion. Ride the wheel that will give you extra years of easy running, 90 per cent. of the parts of every C. C. M. bicycles are made in Canada. Come and see us whether or not you are ready to buy. Guter casing $3.00 eachk. Irner Tubes, $1.50 Frame Pumps, $1.00 Homms, $2.00 to $3.50. Pedals, $1.50 to $38.00 Bells, 50c. to $1.00 Lampns, $2.00 to $5.00. Ball Bearings, Repair outfits, Saddles, tool Bags, a.nd chgm parts. etc. BICYCLE SUPPLIDE ud c2JU New Liskeard {t : REFRIGERATORS $15.00 to $60.00. WINDCOW 35bc. toâ€". Gbc. Slazenger Tennis Balls, $1.00 each. Practice Balls, 50¢c. eaclh. *1 Rackets, $3.25, 6.00, 10.00, 16 .50. Rackets Restrung, $1.50 to Red Clover Seed, 85c. Ib Timothy Seed, 25¢. 1b BCREEN DOORS 50 to $4.50. ENNIS SUPPLIES ‘ ' each. SCREENS. Cochrane C W ) U Ts U Mrs. W. F. Richardson left on Friâ€" â€" The anm day for Pembroke on account of the { miskaming illness of ‘her brother at that place. _ !be held on vear. Miss Winnifred Nunn J the staff of the Imperial Cochrane. Mrs. W. L. Edwards and children left toâ€"day for Toronto to join Mr. Edwards who has gone into the drug business there. Sincere sympathy will be extended by their many friends to Mr. and Mrs. P. Jeffries in the death of their infant girl, aged one day. ‘The child. was born on Monday and died the followâ€" ing dav. The moving picture films of the Poreupine Dog Race are to be shown here in the New Empire Theatre on Friday and Saturday, May 7 and Sth. The pictures are already being shown in the southern towns and cities and according to press and other reports are very interesting. Mrs. E. H. Bridger and children left on Monday morning for Qttawa where they will visit Mrs. Bridger’q sisters, after wheh they will join Mr. Bridger in Toronto where they will reside in future. A number of their friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Boyle, South End, on Wednesday evening last to observe the oceasion of the â€" wedding anniversary of the popular couple. A very pleasant evenâ€" ing was spent, and after a dainty luncheon had been served the little cathering broke up with all sorts of gzood wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Boyle for ‘‘Many happy returns of the day." Sunday was Rev. Fr. irthday, and the Timmins Citizen‘s Band observed the occeasion by turnâ€" ing: out at noon and sercenading this popular clergyman who has taken such a generous and kindly interest in the Citizens‘ Band. A number of seâ€" ‘ections were played by the Timmins Band in front of Rev. Fr. Therriault‘s residence, and then Father T herriault invited his fellow members of the Band inside where they were generous ly treated. d 4n | The Oddfellows > giving a Danc ll, South End, Timmins News in Brief Coming Mosday and Tuesday, May 3 and 4 Coming : Friday and Saturday, May 7 and 8 in re Theatre Mondays and Wednesdays, 2.15 p.m. of South Portd e in the I. 0. mhbho‘s orchestra. OJY FRIDAY and SATUKDAY APRIL 30 and MAY 1 The Dog Kaces Queen of the Sea as joined L imne 0. enina The Northern Ontario Foot! Association has issued a neat l1 booklet giving the Constitution, | laws, ete. and other information ab A number of ratepayers of . are apparently not in fav« annexation of that townsite mins, as suggested by . to the Timmins Co: la@aws, etc, and otft the Association. The Timmins I. 0. 0. F. attended service at St. Matthew‘s church on Sunday morning. There was a large attendance of the brethren, with several from South Poreupine and other neighboring lodges. The sermon by Rev. Mr. Cushing was a timely one an@ â€" muchâ€" appreciated,, The next regular meeting of the Timmins G. W. V. A. will be held toâ€" morrow (Thursday) evening in the Club Rooms in the hasement of the New Empire Theatre. At this meetâ€" ing many matters of special interest to the Veterans will be discussed and a good attendance is specially desired. Dr. Mclnunis, Mayor of Timmins, has A few days like the opening ones this week will soon thaw out the baseâ€" ball enthusiasm. Bill Pierce, who had in Montreal on a visit, last week sent up a ‘big supply of bats, balls, zloves, ete., for his own use, thus show ‘ng that down in Montreal there is lots of baseball enthusiasm at present or else he took his ardor with him. Bro. W. M. Whyte, D. D. G. M., paid his official visit to Timmins I. 0. O. F. last night. ‘There was a large attendance, and after the work of the lodge there was a very pleasant Smoker, cards, supper, ete. An inâ€" teresting feature of the evening was the presentation to Bro. W. H. Pritchard of a Past Grand Master‘s Jewel. â€" District I)O}mtv Bro. Whyte and a number of the brethren from Timmins and South Poreupine will visit Cochrane Lodge 1. 0. 0. F. on Friday of this week. been invited to address the meeting in regard to the Club House proposition. iny event sented last pstairs The annual tournament of the skaming Firemen‘s Association held on July 1st at Cochrane Special Production protestin d annexation. qounter petition w cek to the Tisdale I N YVOTr B1 Rochester Hut TOR SALEKâ€"Widoaw woman wishes to sell good Boarding Business, on aecoiunt of ilHâ€"hea‘lth. Good tepms to reliable person. â€" Apply Bo#®6, Schumacher. 13â€" romesd houso; furnfice heat. © Apply on premises, 17 Eim street. be responstble ed by her. 17â€"19p. Mvy daughtey, Violet, having left my house and reiuqu my care, 1 will Bébt Saturdays, 2.30 p.m. <IMEON ROBART v debts contract